Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 8-1-1897 Volume 15, Number 08 (August 1897) Winton J. Baltzell Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Baltzell, Winton J.. "Volume 15, Number 08 (August 1897)." , (1897). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/418 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. METROPOLITAN A NEW BOOK BY W. s. B. MATHEWS. COLLEGE OF MUSIC OF THE , PAGE. Musical Items. 2f(. University of the State of New York, The Piano and Our Gills. ^uboiint W.'Mottri.... 202 Thoughts, Suggestions, and Advice"".™".!’.".'.’”*" *S 204 19 and 21 East Fourteenth St., Pianoforte Study. Aloe. McArthur.’2os [T\usie: Gleanings, tv. F. Galtt.206 Gleanings Threshed Out. onn NEW YORK CITY. New Publications.!!'.!!!!!!!!!" 206 Whither Are We Drifting? W. W. Paos!"!!.'.'.".’’"' 207 Its Ideals and JVIethods The Wit of Composers.’ 207 Musical Stage Fright. Robert Braine .............7. 208 DUDLEY BUCK—Interpretation and Orchestration. Editorial Notes. '' 2og HARRY ROWE SHELLEY—Theory and Composition Bach Anecdotes.. 209 Liszt and Tausig. .....77.7.'...' 209 F COLLECTION of Essays for Young * HERBERT WILBER GREENE-Voice Training. Letters to Pupils. J. S. Van Cleve.. 210 The Story Teller. \ 210 Teachers, Amateurs, and Students, ALBERT ROSS PARSONS-Pianoforte. Counting Time. E. Cook.77! 210 relating to Music considered as My Fellow Students. E. M Trevenen Damon...... 211 ^"llethi ®HITTElf:DEN"—Pianoforte, Synthetic Aids in Teaching Time Values. Alice Johneon. 212 an Art and Literature, and to Problems A Guide to Pianists. Translated by Miss Leonhard. 212 The Musical Listener. 213 of Piano Teaching. + -f + + + B. HUNTINGTON WOODMAN-Organ. Automatism in Technic. W. J. BaXltell.* 213 A Promising Indication. 213 ¥¥¥¥ JOHN 0. GRIGGS—Church Music and History. Musical Inconsistencies. E. M. Young.. 214 LOUIS SOHMIDT-Violin. A Day’s Practice. Frederick Mariner. 214 Pithy Thoughts. Carl Whihner. 214 Bv the author of “How to Understand Music,” “A Popu¬ A Plea for Primary Instructions in Harmony. lar History of Music,” “Studies in Phrasing,” k»« th. T»ltt»Wet^a.*Mr»tio»nof,»m^?epartfn,nt*' e*ch d«Partm«nt Waldemar Malmene.. 215 ■*king i* POMibU for the ^880ciat6 Pfofossors »nd instructors, My Visit to the M. T. N. A. John Orth. 216 “Standard Grades,” “ Primer of "Fid prot^ wHhou« an3ue :ipe^,‘r0mP ‘h9 mOSt thoroI,«h *“d Thoughts About tbe Most Salient Features of Musical Form,” etc., etc. Music Life. By G. Ft. Richter.... 216 <JP IWTEBPBETATIOW Mr •ork. who h»v« ihown thm 5! f°r "iTanMd *1" dents in any line of A Plea for Teachers. Emlie F. Bauer. 217 THE “ sufficiently proficient to demand it. Hints and Helps. O. W. London. 217 Vocal Department. Conducted by H. W. Greene, 218, 219 Prise, Bound in Cloth, $1.50. T«EoOKT *™ COHPO. “mm. the completion of wh°f ?r' 8h*Uey. off«™ » four years’ Study the Essentials. J. De Zielienski. 219 l**t diploma. P f whlch forma th« ba>is of graduation with col- Publisher’s Notes...220, 221 npportedT?Dmney1Bn^Jl7?EBiT'. head«d by H. W. Greene, (This work, which contains about 75,000 words, fremon Miller Frank Int«rPretation, by John 0. Griggs, E. MUSIC. •*>« beet adrantages for Tocal0sh?J’ and 0*her*. offers without question is the first important literary work which THF pi . “ oc*’ 8todr to be found in America. PKICB Ilf SHEET FOBV. Mr. Mathews has published since the second ^on.Tifb?rt°^T*®^KA«T.*S*T , under the active Dance of the Gypsies. Lack.$0.40 Professor in advanced wnrV*^08’ Caia Aarup as Associate Hongroise. Liszt.......... .35 volume of “ How to Understand Music ” and his Pic and in Ioternretatinnrk, offers the broadest training both in Tech- The Troubadours. Rhode.35 “History of Music.” thetio Dspartment of Norm»iV>a^t -°f thii worL comprised in the Syn¬ Forget Me Not. (Gavotte.) Nettmann.40 jet lx»«ib” m nr„.^Hri ng’"n<ler Mis. Kate S Chittenden, Slumber Song. Kratz.15 The matter is arranged in Two Parts : Part Ore thetic Method of Piano^r.nn*,^**01'*™ ttle Sreat advantages of the Syn- tnhliihed through Miss rwt.11“J*' “ originated by Mr. Parsons and es- Mazurka. Bassford.25 contains Essays upon The Nature of Music, Its tationa. * Mfss ^“tenden’s editorship of the Synthetic publi- Cradle Song. Trumbull.25 The Eternal S‘ars. Browne...30 Educational Value, Composers, such as Beethoven, Woodman,ORGAJf. R, HuntiDgton Schumann, Liszt, and Brahms ; on Songs and Song- *nd Mr. Shelley Jiso. 1 *tn,ction ln *bis department given by Mr. Buck Singing, and a variety of topics interesting to the eminent vtomnu^i? gander Louis Schmidt, students generally. Ibanoforte Department seen?UIiCtiun Ylth Mis8 A,ruP'* work in the ,f tbe study of chamber m”,!'1 to the College the important advantage Part Second relates to Piano Teaching, and con¬ THE DEP^“aniensemble practice. sists of short Essays upon leading problems of this “-**7 »»iu»uio ior sing kind of art to which Mr. Mathews lias given so «*-A lpecl.,‘rr,‘ TT™ 0t th‘ be8t «»»ptaBof Worship Mneic'.’ much attention. 3g™» 'tailed nnmSr'8ofhTfn!?|E v,DE5rCE DEPARTMENT, berd end every facility^ pr£°t“e and’s^dy. accommodf“*d The work as a whole is undoubtedly one of the Sub|?nption $1.50 pep Year. most important literary productions he has ever '» P'anoforte ASS°C'ATE EXAMINERS: had published. •“ Voice, ’ WILLIAM MASON. • • ARTHUR D. WOODRUFF. Published by PUBLISHED BY ReHHar Course, $200 per year. Send for Catalegue. THEO. PRESSER, THO. PKESSBK, joh^! ^ALMER, Treasurer. 1708 Chestnut Street, N C08NELIUS GRIQQS, Secretary, 1708 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. A 1 \ V i *■ Philadelphia. THE etude ^THE publisher of the etude can supply 25,000 SOLD. DO NOT WEAR YOUR MUSIC OUT BY ANYTHING IN MUSIC.^r LANDON’S CARRYING IT IN A MUSIC ROLL, ^“Sternberg” REED ORGAN METHOD. BY CHARLES W. LANDON. if School of Music PRICE $1.50. FOREIGN FINGERING. n 3- Philadelphia: 1720 Chestnut St. The pieces are selected from the best composers and are copiously annotated, and each piece has a lesson in Constantin von Sternberg, which every point is fully explained and every possible Principal. help given the pnpil. Miss Mary Rollins Murphy, The method is superior in many practical points to Business Manager. those in general use. It is carefully graded, no difficulties appearing until This SATCHEL Is the very latest and they are prepared for by the preceding pieces. Every most convenient manner of carrying Session ’97-’98 opens September 25 th. new thing is fully, clearly, and concisely explained and music, and does not necessitate the roll¬ Complete musical education in ALL branches. illustrated. Not only how to do a thing is shown, but ing of It. It is superseding all others on Send for illustrated catalogue. the whys and wherefores are given. Every piece is es- the market. Mention thin paper. oecially arranged for the Reed Organ ; they are not MUsfeAfcWdRLbD Piano music, nor are they Pipe Organ pieces. Further¬ Made of Smooth-Grain Leather, un- more, the pieces are arranged to bring out the best ef¬ VOL. XV. fects that the Reed Organ is capable of so finely giving. lined, price $1.50, PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST, 1897. The Crane Normal Institute of Music In short, the book treats the Reed Organ as a Reed NO. 8 A Special Course lor Supervisors of Music In Schools. Organ, the music all being arranged on that basis. VOICE CULTURE A SPECIALTY. Many new and charming effects are shown. Every piece ANOTHER NEW STYLE. MR. Louis C. Elson is already booked for 15 leetures is fully annotated, fingered intelligently, effectively ©HE GjPUDE. Adkmc aus her Ohk scored an immense success re¬ For carrying sheet next season in Fall River, Toledo, St. Louis, and oilier Pupils Prepared for a Degree In the American College of Musicians. phrased, and the expression indicated. The theory of A Monthly Publication Top the Teachers and cently at a London Philharmonic concert. For Circulars apply to phrasing and expression is thus taught. The “ Reed music without any cities in the West and South. Students of Music. MINS JUI.IA E. CRANE, Potsdam, N.T. Organ Touch ” is taught, a hitherto neglected feature in folding or roiling, Damrosch and his orchestra are located at Willow A ta iti.KT has been placed on the house in the Alster- the study of this favorite instrument. Touch, as here thus keeping it al¬ Grove, near Philadelphia, for the summer. The two ghu-is, Hamburg, where Hans von Biilow lived from 1887 taught, makes the player far superior to the ordinary Subscription Rates, SI.50 per year (payable in advance). to 1894. 8 000 SOLD.- performer on this instrument. ways smooth and I wo Subscriptions or two years in advance, . SI 35 each daily concerts are well attended. Three Subscriptions or three years in advance, I 30 each' =30== The left hand is especially developed. Every feature fresh, or for bound Single Copy. 15 ‘ Dr. N. J. Elsknheimer, of the College of Music in Mascagni’S opera “ Iris ” is now completed, und was of technic is unfolded by beautiful pieces, thus doing volumes.
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