IT-02-54-T p.370i7 j)3)",j--1>'~,s-Jsf-­ 2~ ..)I.o(.l~ 7.,'( THE ,INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL· FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA CASE NO.]T·02·54·T THE PROSECUTOR OF.THE TRIBUNAL AGAINST SLOBODANMILOSEVIC SECOND AMENDED INDICTMENT . 'i,.-I";·",; " Tht?,prqs~~tl,tor,pf.'!J1~.: lnt~mational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, pursuant to lIer authority under Article 18 of the Statute of the,.:Wte.w,!-~ipJ1,".gq¥¥nal,Tribunal for the Fonner. Yugoslavia ("the Statute ofthe Tribunal") charges: . f· SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC" with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, GRAVE BREACHES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS, anq"VIQLAJ'~QNSi'\OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR as setforth b~Io~:' .,.....' ." . .'-,~ THE ACCUSED: ",,~,,',,;\:.'.~,::qf~';>i;,<·::·,:~,"(-<\''-::''';)~,f.";{~(,::;,':, '",,:._:',:,,_,~ .;, ,_.~\_,,:-::~,;;;, ~;'<,' 1. .....' SJ,o'bO~MItOSEVI<;",sqn. of~vetoz;fU" ,Milosey~c,.':Vasbom on 2,Q,'f\»g4sti.J94l.iIl" :£>gz~evaq,jQipresfmkda~"Serbia~ ,,'In j964~,h~ ""'",,,,,~. ;;,:":"",,,,::t:.n-"'_'>-:~'.-,_.;,:i!·.\'.·' __ ':"~)';~":""'.'.""'" .,. '.' .. j-....'.' ...••' '" "".,' _'. ' ..• -' .•',.' ." .. , ...... ,., ,,',\ ", "'."'" gI;~~atedfrdm th~~<:l;W F"sulty, of the University of. B,el~ade. and began a career in management and batiking. Until 1978,~eI1eld·the'p()stsOf deputy director and later;g,eqeral< $f~~tOJ;",fit:rehnogits; arrlitjor oil company in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ("SPRY"). 1'llereaft~~fHr p,~~e pr,~§idtWtof'1J.~l?8r,a(ls~kaplcq (B,~l!.~Clf1,ka,~"Q,pe,Of., thelarg~st\bap,lfsm th~. SF?}X, aIJ9~~~e ~~l? ~t~l,:,l?~3,·" . ',_ ,'-':: >: ,:: J:~<, < ,I.:,:" ~::'-:: ',)j~i".') '\,••i "~{'" ';;,/,~,~> :"~: "",~ <,.iJ (;,"<,'."'l,',., \ .. ,/,; 2~ Slobodan MILOSEVIC joined' the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in 1959. In 1984, he beCame Chairman of the City Colllpljttee.of.the.League\of'Commtlnists ·ofBelgiade.In 1986, he was electedthait.Inan of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the IT-02-54-T p.37016 League ofCommunists of Serbia and was re-electedin 1988. On 1{$ July 1990, the League or Communists of Serbia and the Socialist Alliance of Working People of Serbia united, forming a new party named the Socialist Party of Serbia ("SPS"). On 17 July 1990, Slobodan MILOSEVIC was elected President of the SPS and has remained in that post urttil the present date, except, during, the'period :24 May 1991 to 24 October 1992.' , 3. Slobodan MILOSEVIC was elected President of th~ Presidency of the then SocialistRepublic of Setbia on 8 May 1989 andre-elected on 5 December 1989. After the adoption of a new Constitution, on 28 September 1990, the Socialist Republic of Serbia became the Republic of Serbia, andSlobodan MILOSEVIC was elected to the newly established office of President of the Republic of Serbia in mUlti-party elections, held in ,D~ceInber ,1990.• ,He Was r~-:eleqted to this office in .eleytions held'Oll 20:b,eG~Inber1992.~; C," '. ',' , ". ,,( ,. ;, '. :' ' .. 4. After.serving two terms as President of the, 'Republic of-Serbia, Slobodan.'MlLoSEYI<J '.was: .elected. President of,.the .Federal'Republic of-Yugoslavia ;(~'FR~")on. 15: J.wy JlJ9!l;: begil!U'ling;his!officialdnlies Qri 23::,July 1997. Following his defeat in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's presidential election of September 2000, Slobodan MILoSEWCxeliriquished<hjs.position.Qa6 OCtober2000.:: . ". 5~ Slobodan MILQSEYI€' isind,ividuallycrinrinally!fosponsible.\(or th'¢'!¢~s Nf~4: lo·;iJ:tArticl~s::2.tik]and\5(,!i>ftth~,·StatlJte,.Q(,the Tri,P,uJilU an(Jyd~cribed tn LtJ:Us'i~di~tlUen14,".iwhj¢b.;he;:ipliUUl~;: iJl:stlgated;,olidered;: cQ1Iltlilitt,edj 1otin whose planning, preparation, 'or ex.ecution he otherwise aided',and abetted;· ,By; :using the word ,,~o:rttmitte(lin this.indi~tl:nent·the &QSec,llt()l'/:A~~.:n9t):iJlten~t\t9·}·,~Ugge&t,'~at,;4b~, .. 4c<;usedphysicaHy con;writted "anY pfthe: (>rinu~s qharged personally. ,,<;:o)lUllitting in this. indictment refers· to participation '. in :, a jointcrilllinalcp.terprise as·, co· perpe~a~or. ;,', f":, ,:".; '~','l"i'V~ 6. Slobo(Jan MILQ~:f1:YI.(5 participateq., ill ajqint .~Aminalenterpris.e as setout in paragra,-alls 'h-1' ;to. f§(;;;,~Iw; J)\IfI?()§,~,'9LtA~~ ,jpintcfpmmy.. ~ '~ ~' ~-"~~ ~ "::~' '"~ _.;,;":<,':~·;;,<,",;.L:: :,.~'; j,~ :I_~\ , " " _.,:",:':-', >: .. ;::.-. ;,.' ,... ...':: ",' ,',;"." .. ... ':•. :;. •..\ • ,_ ' IT-02-54-T p.37015 enterprise was the forcible removal of the majority of the Croat and other non-Serb population from the approximately one-third of the territory of the Republic of Croatia that he planned to become part of a new Serb­ dominated state'through the commission of crimes in violation of Articles 2, 3, and 5 ofthe Statute of the Tribunal. These areas included those regions that were referred to by Serb authorities and are hereinafter referred to as the "Serbian Autonomous District ISprskaautonomna oblastI· ("SAO") Krajina", the "SAO Western Slavonia", and the "SAO Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem" (collectively referred to by Serb authorities after 19 December 1991 as the "Republic of Serbian Krajina IRepublika Srpska krajinaJ', ("RSK")), and "Dubrovnik Republic IDubrovacka republikaf'. 7. This joint criminal enterprise came into existence before 1 August 1991;,an<icontiQ.l,led lllltilatJ~t, Jun~ 1992." ::mwviduals part~cipating~Jn t};ri,s, jotnt criuilil(l.1, el1terpP&e ,inqludedSloJ)()daJl:MIi,.OSEYlC,.Bonsav JQVIC, Br:aJ:lko KQ$Tlq, ,Yeij~o J<APIJEVl<5.l;ll~gQje ~DZ~C, ,Milan I3,ABI¢,Mil~ MAR::rIC"G0fa.Q ,~l)ZIC, dOyic~ SIANlSIC~ ,Fr~o SIMATQVIC, also "lmown Jls';'.Fre(@'\Torrtis~~v SJMPVI<;:,){ojislay SESl3LJ, ,Momie BULATOVIC"Al~ksancilaI' ,NASILJEYIC, R~doy@ S']?QJlOIC,,' al~known ,'~i,''iBadZ~~,' ZeljkQ 'R'J\ZXAT().¥IC.al~o kn~WIl ~,',~Nkan",and otQ.er,!qlown ,@dlln]moWP- :p~iGipants.. '. ' 8. " ,The crimes' enuUl,er~ted in Counts I, to 32 J>(thisinQictnlentwere within the object of the'joint criminal: enterprise:" Altema.tively,the cril:ne,s ern.lmer~tedjn ~ounts 1 to 13 and 17 to 32 were the natural and foreseeable consequences of the execution of the object of the joint criminal,enterprise and¢le ~ccused was aWare that su~h crimes Were the no~sible outcome 6fthe,~x~hti0i1~f tl1ejo~Iit'~ri~ai.'enterPri.se. ' . ' i,'>:"'!:"';,"':; 1;",J':': )",";:'. :",.'~c,:·,~n:r'·":. ;:""~ ,.::,:~. ,_~.~.- r':,;_', 1 .r_",'~);:~~~'_c~, \1 9~', i." ,';:lliiptdef 'fdf.,~he:j6liH2rinli~al:el1tetpi4~~"td's'~~8e~ahrit~'9bj&~iVe;' S)t)bqdar{:MlrJdsEyrC' wbrk~.dJiti-coAcert '.witli'" '8i' :thrbugh se~erlrl' iriQ1YiduaI'~' i'fri'th~ 'J<?iiltcriniirlal, :~i1f~$ri$e:.'·E~chp~iClParit ,br:'q?~' perpetrator,\Vitpi~~¢' jolntCrilllinii)., \eIlt~ipris~ \:p'lay~' Jiis ownrol~" OJ: roles'that ", ~HgilificaIitif 'co4tributed:'to", 'the ";()veiai,r"'pbjet!:ive i 'bf' the' ~ijt~W~~s9;" tp,t:. fql~f,?((h~#j#1i~,i~~~fbr .f~':P~tp~tf~tots· 'irittJd~;:"blN arenoflitnitedlo,llie'f6U()wing:' "', ." ",",' 'd,lr \., . iAA~' ,.BSris~~;:J,9VIe~'~6Iaitig 'dif{~t~nt'p~;~itiorl~':' Js~ajri~~b~r~'Yic~: Pi~sldent; arid Pn~sidentofthe SFRY'Presidertcy froni'15 &ay' 198~\Ullt1t ~B¥il'1992,!'~sPt~sid~ntor'the~PS'Jl"oIil}1~YJ991 upti~ October 1992~ ~4, h()ld~ng9t4~r, ke~ positipIlsof t4e srS pntil'Novenib~r1995, and llr~O KOSl'IC,theVict:~Pre,sideni, ,and ,~el1' Acting Ilfesidentof the SFRY':.Presidency" in,<the 'relevant 'peri9d"itogetherwith others; IT-02-54-T p.37014 commanded, directed, or otherwise exercised effective control over the Yugoslav People's Army ("JNA") and the Territorial Defence ("TO") units and the volunteer units acting in co-ordination and under supervision of the JNA. n. General Veljko KADIJEVIC, as Federal Secretary for National Defence"from 15 May 1988 until' 6 January'1992, ·commanded, directed, or otherwise exercised effective control over the JNA 'and the TO units and the volunteer units acting in co-ordination and under supervision of theJNA. 12. Getleral Blagoje ADZIC, in his capacity as JNA Chief-of-Staff from October 1989 until 8 May 1992 and Acting Federal Secretary for National Defence from January 1992 until 8 May 1992, together with others c0rrn,nanded,directed/ :oroth~rwise eX~I'cisttd effective controlover the, JNi\and th~ 'TO units~d the voluIit~er'Unitsaeting il}, 'co-orail1atioIi ~d J~/\ undersuper\iisi9n.Qf,tJ;1e I "", tt'deherat Al~ksandar VASILJEVIC, in his capacity as a JNA ~t1neralanetchi~f()ftheJ~A~ecwityA~pi,srratiog,pnW 8,May 1~,92, in" pamCt¥art;hynpJi~ary'R?pn!,er- ipt~lli~~n;ce"~#yiCe '~enga~lJaiJ,eSt(lj'}Q slzfZkll(':KqS"),,P¥ticip~t~4"~p ac~W!ti,es d~s~g,ned to" s~~:'~p.~te, f~ar ~d violence,. \Vlllch sigriificantly'helpeciattaill the overall.?bjecti~es' of the joint crimilun ehterpHse: 'Ageilts'of the' KOS' direct(~d and'supported the' locat Croatian Serb political leaders and the local Serb police and rpilitary, forces, hWluding ¢~,TO staff andvolunteers fr9m Serbia. <, t ;. ,J,'- ",," ':' U " ~ ~ '"i, •-, 14. ,Jo~ica STKNI.STc,. ~n hiscap,atitY as,d~pcity chief orcWef:6fthe St~t? •. Security .'. (L!rzavri,k.~e'l~~4nq"~t)\.,('.'D~;') .,'.(?r.·.th~., .. l;{ep~bHc.:'·()f.'·.Serbi~. frOm MarchJ 991\lriUl'9ctoqer 1998,~c0infuanded, direCted, or otherwise exe~si~t1a effec~ive :con~o16ver,membeciofiile DB,' who :'pariicipat~' ill the'perpetratibn billie ,cnroesspecified in this indictment., In addition~he prswidt?darIl1s,:fWlqs"trailling,.9r,other.substantifl assistance or support to 'Serb voIuii~ee~ ti~~~', an4police tl~ts'~hopeI'Qe!tatedcrirv.e~ .specified in ':this' 'indiCt:I'I}.¢nt.. '.'," ';' d ".' . , • I ' ; i" "'-",, ; ::' <'~ j : < " " ~',,,i ':' .... "", ,:.':.:, ,c.,"", ';'. ','\ »;:. _ : '," , , ', ~,'; ,.;; ',::' '" '.,:,' i:" , "'; ,:', .' .", ,:, i:, " ,'; ,. 15. FnmkO SJ.l\M.TOVIy,also';lQiowtf .}is ".'Frenkf', 'as llead"bfthe sp¢cial'ope~~tioIls'c()plpoitetlf()f.the',pa' :6f,'"the; rttipUbhc ,~6f~'er~ia; cpr$anded, .direct~d,'.,.,.,or'..• othetwise. exercised .. effective ,con!T9f, over ag~nts, :~f, theDB w~qp'erP~tra~ed.criIri~ssp6~~fi;e4inthi~" ir~ptment.,( fu' addition, he pI'OvidecJtrairong,' runds,(lrins,'orother, substartti-aI 'assistance , Qf,SuPRqrtt()meWl?ers,9f '~MartiC's~olice", MdSerb VQl1p1teerunjts who perpetI'~ted crim.~~specj,;fieij jn,this' In(iicrme,h,L '" · .
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