SUGGESTION LIST THEATRICAL COSTUME COMPANY We Have Over 10,000 Costumes So It Is Impossible to List Everything

SUGGESTION LIST THEATRICAL COSTUME COMPANY We Have Over 10,000 Costumes So It Is Impossible to List Everything

PARTY RENTAL SUGGESTION LIST THEATRICAL COSTUME COMPANY We have over 10,000 costumes so it is impossible to list everything. This list includes our most popular suggestions. 20s M/F 50.00 Bo Peep 50.00 Cuban dancers 50.00 30s M/F 50.00 Bobby 50.00 Cupid 50.00 40s M/F 50.00 Boxer 50.00 Cyndi Lauper 50.00 50s M/F 50.00 Boy Scout 45.00 Cyrano 50.00 60s M/F 50.00 Brady Bunch characters 50‐60.00 Dame Edna 50.00 70s M/F 50.00 Braveheart 50‐65.00 Darth Vader 65.00 80s M/F 50.00 Bride 50.00 Devil M/F 50.00 ABBA 50.00 Bride of Dracula 50‐60.00 Doctor 50.00 Abe Lincoln 50.00 Bride of Frankenstein 50‐60.00 Dolly Parton 50‐60.00 Academic cap/gown 30.00 British Guard 50.00 Dorthy of Oz 50‐60.00 Adam 35.00 Bus driver 50.00 Downton Abbey characters 50.00 Addams Family character 50‐60.00 Butler 50.00 Dr. Evil 50.00 African 50.00 Buzz Lightyear 50.00 Dracula 55‐65.00 Al Capone 50.00 C3PO 60.00 Dudley Do‐right 50‐60.00 Aladdin 50.00 Caesar 50.00 Dumb and Dumber 50‐60.00 Alice/Wonderland 50.00 Capt Hook 55.00 Eighteenth Century M/F 50‐65.00 Alien 50.00 Cardinal 50.00 Elf 50.00 Anchorman 50.00 Carmen Miranda 50.00 Elizabethan M/F 50.00 Angel 50.00 Cat in the Hat 50.00 Elves 50.00 Anne Boleyn 50.00 Catwoman 50.00 Elvira 50.00 Annie 50.00 Cavalier M/F 50.00 Elvis 50‐75.00 Arab Shiek 50.00 Cave M/F 40.00 Eve 35.00 Armor 50‐150.00 Chaps/vest/hat 40.00 Executioner 50.00 Astronaut 55.00 Charlie Brown 45.00 Fairy Princess 50.00 Austin Powers 50‐60.00 Charlie Chaplin 50.00 Fembot 50.00 Babe Ruth 50.00 Cheerleader 45.00 Flapper 50.00 Ballgowns 50.00 Chef 50.00 Flash 50.00 Band Uniforms 45.00 Chewbacca 60.00 Flintstones 50.00 Baseball Uniforms 50.00 Chinese Coolie 40.00 Foreign Legion 50.00 Bathing suits 25‐35.00 Cigarette girl 50.00 Frankenstein 65.00 Batman 60.00 Cinderella 50.00 French Maid 50.00 Batman (Deluxe) 125.00 Civil War Uniform 50.00 Friar Tuck 50.00 Beast 65.00 Cleopatra 55‐65.00 Frozen characters 50‐60.00 Beauty (Belle) 50.00 Clowns 40‐50.00 Gambler 50.00 Bee 50.00 CLUE characters 50.00 Game of Thrones 50‐60.00 Beefeater 50.00 Colonel Sanders 50.00 Gangster 50.00 Beetlejuice 50.00 Colonial M/F 50‐65.00 Geisha 50‐60.00 Bellboy 50.00 Conductor 50.00 German M/F 50‐60.00 Biblical 40.00 Convicts 50.00 Ghostbusters 50.00 Biker, leather 55‐65.00 Cowardly Lion 55.00 Gilligan 50.00 Billy Idol 50.00 Cowboy/girls 50.00 Glynda 60‐70.00 Bishop 50.00 Cruella DeVille 55‐65.00 Go‐Go Girl 50.00 Great Gatsby 50.00 Maid Marion 50.00 Prince Charming 50.00 Grim Reaper 50.00 Mailman 50.00 Princess Leia 50.00 Grinch 50.00 Major Nelson 50.00 Prom Queen 50.00 Groucho 50.00 Marc Anthony 50.00 Queen 50.00 Guenevere 50.00 Mariachi 50.00 Queen Amidala 50.00 Gun Moll 50.00 Marilyn 50.00 Queen Elizabeth 50.00 Gypsy M/F 50.00 Mary Poppins 50.00 Rag Doll M/F 50.00 Hamilton characters 50‐60.00 Matador 50.00 Red Riding Hood 50.00 Hans Solo 50.00 Merlin 50.00 Referee 30.00 Harem girls 50.00 Mermaid 50.00 Renaissance M/F 50.00 Harpo 50.00 Mexican 50.00 Rhett Butler 50.00 Harry Potter characters 50‐60.00 Michael Jackson 50.00 Ringmaster 50.00 Hawaiian M/F 50.00 Miss Kitty 50.00 Robin 50.00 Hippie M/F 50.00 Monk 50.00 Robin Hood 50.00 Hobo 50.00 Morticia 50.00 Rock Star 50‐60.00 Hooker 50.00 Mountie 50.00 Roman M/F 50.00 Jack Sparrow 50‐60.00 Mummy 50.00 Roman Soldier (both) 65.00 Jackie Kennedy 50.00 Napoleon 50.00 Roman Soldier (leather) 50.00 Janis Joplin 50.00 Napoleon Dynamite 50.00 Roman Soldier (metal) 60.00 Jasmine 50.00 Native American brave 50.00 Romeo 50.00 Jeannie (I Dream of) 50.00 Native American chief 50.00 Russian M/F 50.00 Jedi Knight 50.00 Native American female 50.00 Safari M/F 50.00 Jessie (Toy Story) 50.00 Nazi 50.00 Sailor 50.00 Jester 50.00 Neptune 50.00 Sailorette 50.00 Jockey 50.00 Nun 50.00 Saloon Girl 50.00 Joker 50.00 Nun puppet 50.00 Santa Claus 50‐100.00 Josephine 50.00 Nurse 50.00 Scarecrow 50.00 Juliet 50.00 Oliver Hardy 50.00 Scarlet O'Hara 50.00 Karnac 50.00 Oompa Loompa 50.00 Scrubs 30.00 Keystone cop 50.00 Oriental M/F 50.00 Security guard 50.00 Kilts 50.00 Patton 50.00 Sherlock Holmes 50.00 Kimono 50.00 Paul Bunyan 50.00 Shirley Temple 50.00 King 50.00 Peter Pan 50.00 Showgirl 50.00 King Arthur 50.00 Phantom of the Opera 60.00 Shrek characters 50‐60.00 King/Queen Hearts 50.00 Pharoah 50.00 Slash 50‐60.00 Knight 50.00 Pilgrim M/F 50.00 Sleeping Beauty 50.00 Lab coat 50.00 Pimp 50.00 Snow White 50.00 Leprechaun 50.00 Pink Lady jacket 20.00 Snow White Queen 50.00 Lion tamer 50.00 Pioneer M/F 50.00 Sonny and Cher 50‐60.00 Little Prince 50.00 Pirate M/F 50.00 Southern Belle 50.00 Luke Skywalker 50.00 Policeman 50‐60.00 Spanish M/F 50.00 Mad Hatter 50‐60.00 Poodle skirt 20.00 Spiderman 50.00 Madonna 50‐60.00 Pope 50.00 Stan Laurel 50.00 Mae West 50.00 Priest 50.00 Star Trek 50.00 Magician 50.00 Prince (musician) 50‐60.00 Statue of Liberty 50.00 Steam Punk 50.00 THE OVERSIZED DEPARTMENT: ANIMALS, FRUITS & VEGETABLES, CHARACTERS Strongman 50.00 Sultan 50.00 Alien 55.00 Miss Piggy 55.00 Supergirl 50.00 Apple 55.00 Monkey 55.00 Superman 50.00 Banana 55.00 Moose 55.00 Supremes 50‐60.00 Bear 55.00 Mouse 55.00 Swing 50.00 Beaver 55.00 Orange 55.00 Swiss guard 50.00 Bigfoot 55.00 Owl 55.00 Tailsuits 50.00 Blue Ox 55.00 Panda 55.00 Tin Man 50.00 Camel one person 55.00 Parade dragon 55.00 Tina Turner 50.00 Camel two person 65.00 Pea 55.00 Titanic/1912 50.00 Carrot 55.00 Penguin 55.00 Top Gun 30‐50.00 Cat 55.00 Pickle 55.00 Toy Soldier 50.00 Cat in the Hat 55.00 Pig 55.00 Tuxedos 50.00 Caterpillar 55.00 Pink Panther 55.00 Tweedle Dee/Dum 50.00 Celery 55.00 Pumpkin 55.00 Umpire 50.00 Chicken 55.00 Rabbit 55.00 Uncle Sam 50.00 Chili Pepper 55.00 Raccoon 55.00 Uniforms‐military 50‐60.00 Corn 55.00 Reindeer 55.00 Vampira 50.00 Cow one person 55.00 Scooby Do 55.00 Veruca Salt 50.00 Cow two person 65.00 Sea Creatures 55.00 Victorian M/F 50.00 Croissant 55.00 Seahorse 55.00 Viking M/F 50.00 Dog 55.00 Shark 55.00 W C Fields 50.00 Dragon 55.00 Sheep 55.00 Western M/F 50‐60.00 Eagle 55.00 Skunk 55.00 Willy Wonka 50‐60.00 Elephant one person 55.00 Snowman 55.00 Witch 50.00 Elephant two person 65.00 Spider 55.00 Wizard 50‐60.00 Fish 55.00 Stork 55.00 Wizard of Oz guard 50.00 Flamingo 55.00 Strawberry 55.00 Wonder Woman 50‐60.00 Frog 55.00 Thing 1 and 2 55.00 Woody (Toy Story) 50.00 Gingerbread M/F 55.00 Tiger 55.00 Xena 50‐60.00 Giraffe 55.00 Timberwolf 55.00 Yoda 50.00 Gopher 55.00 Turtle 55.00 Zombies 50.00 Gorilla 55.00 Unicorn 55.00 Zoot Suit 75.00 Grapes 55.00 Watermelon 55.00 Zorro 50.00 Green bean 55.00 Wolf 55.00 Horse one person 55.00 Zebra 55.00 Horse two person 65.00 Humpty Dumpty 55.00 Kangaroo 55.00 Kermit 55.00 Lettuce 55.00 Lion 55.00 Lizard 55.00 Mastodon 55.00 SUGGESTIONS FOR COUPLES OR GROUPS Addams Family Flintstones Pirates of the Caribbean Aladdin/Jasmine Frankenstein/Bride Policeman/Hooker Alice In Wonderland Frog/Princess Priest/Nun Andrews Sisters Frozen Raggedy Ann/Andy Anne Boleyn/Executioner Fruit of the Loom Guys Renaissance M/F Baseball Player/Hot Dog Game of Thrones Rhett/Scarlet Batman/Catwoman Gangster/Flapper Robin Hood characters Beauty/Beast George/Martha Washington Snow White/Dwarf Bo Peep/Sheep Gilligan's Island Sonny and Cher Brady Bunch Gone With the Wind Star Trek crew Butler/French Maid Gorilla M/F Star Wars characters Caesar/Cleopatra Hamilton Sultan/Harem Cat/Mouse Harry Potter Superheroes Caveman/cavewoman Henry the 8th/Wives Tarts/Vicars Cinderella/Prince King/Queen of Hearts Three Amigos Circus performers Lancelot/Guenevere Three Bears/Goldilocks CLUE characters Laurel/Hardy Three Blind Mice Colonel Sanders/Chicken Lion/lion tamer Three Musketeers Convict chain gang Love Boat Crew Three Pigs Cowbow/cowgirl Major Nelson/Jeannie Uncle Sam/Statue of Liberty Cowboy/saloon girl Marc Anthony/Cleopatra Village People Cruella/Dalmation Marilyn/Joe DiMaggio W C Fields/Mae West Devil/Angel Napoleon/Josephine Western Doctor/nurse Octoberfest M/F Willy Wonka characters Downton Abbey Peanuts characters Wizard of Oz characters Dracula/Bride of Dracula Peter Pan characters Wolf/Red Riding Hood Dudley Do‐right/Little Nelle Phantom/Christine Zorro/Spanish Lady Fish/Mermaid.

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