MediaConnection MASS COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTER Volume 8 Issue 1 June 2012 Schmude Completes First Year Inside this Issue: as Chair of Justin Eimers: Depot’s Social Media “Guru” ..............3 Mass Communications Department By Tori DeGiosio WRKC Radio Station Upgrades ................................4 Another busy year at King’s College comes to a close for Dr. Michelle Yelverton Creates Schmude, perhaps even more eventful than usual as she finishes her first full year Winning Design .......................4 as chair of the Mass Communications Department. Advertising Week ...................5 Schmude has many goals for the Mass Communications Department. She’s Students Visit NBA ................6-7 excited that one of her goals has already been fulfilled this year for the fall 2012 Students Present semester. Dr. Scott Weiland was hired as Research at RIT .......................8 a full-time faculty member, and he will be in charge of the media studies and pro- Mass Communications duction track for mass communications. “That was a goal that had to be ful- Conference ............................8 filled pretty quickly,” Schmude said. “I’m very excited to say that we will have a Michelle Schmude, Chairperson, sees positive 2012 Honor Society full staff of faculty members for the fall changes ahead. Inductees ................................9 of 2012, who will be able to provide an for the students considering her sub- exceptional education to our students.” stantial academic background. Schmude Faculty Research ....................9 Schmude said a more long-term goal attended the University of Pittsburgh for the Mass Communications Department where she earned her bachelor’s degree New Faculty .....................10-11 is to work on embedding more experi- in business administration and history. ences in the classroom. She said that this While she was there, she interned at QED would help motivate students to take part Communications and was offered a job in the vast array of opportunities provided after graduation. From there she moved on by the department. She believes that then to TCI Media Services. More than a year Inquiries or comments? students will have “meaningful and tan- later, she started working at Point Park Contact us at: gible evidence of their work.” This would University, where she obtained her mas- [email protected] also help students when they apply for ter’s degree in business administration. internships or jobs. Schmude began her work at King’s “This will hopefully ensure that the College during May 2002, as Director of Visit the Mass Communications unmotivated students become motivated Admissions for the admissions depart- Department at: and those students who aren’t comfort- ment. She soon decided to go to school http://www.kings.edu/academics/ able putting themselves out there will for her doctorate so she would be able to undergraduate_majors/ become comfortable engaging with oth- teach. masscommunications/ ers in the field,” Schmude said. “I was in some capacity in the Schmude would know what is best See Chairperson page 2 The MediaConnection Schmude Named Mass Comm. Chairperson Cont’d. from P. 1 admissions office for many years and felt activities. She is the advisor of several honors was being named one of the Top that it was time for me to take a differ- groups including Media Club and the Psi 25 Women in Business by the Northeast ent path of educating students,” Schmude Epsilon chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the Pennsylvania Business Journal in 2012. said. “I felt that for me and my journey I Mass Communications Honor Society. She was told someone working at King’s needed to educate students in the class- She is also the coordinator of the Mass College nominated her. “I take great pride room and also as being their advisor and Communications Department’s on-cam- knowing that one of my colleagues feels mentor.” pus presentations. I deserved such an honor,” Schmude said While working on her doctorate humbly. in education at Wilkes University, she Many people on and off campus began to teach part time at King’s College believe that Schmude’s work deserves rec- in August 2008. In less than three years, “I was in some capacity ognition. Karen Mercincavage, assistant she was promoted to head of the Mass in the admissions office professor in the Mass Communications Communications Department. Department at King’s College, has Schmude admitted that the position for many years and felt worked with Schmude for four years. as department chair is a lot of work, espe- Mercincavage said that Schmude is cially for mass communications. “I think that it was time for me instrumental in supporting the students with the technological component, along to take a different path and bringing the faculty together. “If I had with all the facilities that we have to oper- to describe Dr. Schmude in three words ate, and the equipment we’re responsible of educating students.” I’d say she’s dedicated, she’s motivated, for, it’s a lot of work,” Schmude said. and she’s passionate,” Mercincavage “We are called upon to utilize our stu- said. “Putting all those attributes together dents, which provides them with hands Schmude’s busy schedule doesn’t has propelled the department forward in on experiences, to help support various end when she leaves the King’s College what we have to offer students.” programs and departments on campus. campus. Her children, Jeffrey, 12, and Schmude said that her mentors have That in terms of a coordination factor, is Lauren, 7, have a full slate of activi- been Dr. William Stahler, Ms. Teresa a lot of responsibility.” ties, just like their mom. To handle it all, Peck, and Fr. Thomas O’Hara. She says Schmude also has a lot of advice for Schmude said she must be “extremely these people are three of the most honest students and young professionals. She detail orientated and not let things slip people that she has ever encountered. says that integrity, working hard and through the cracks,” which, she admit- Schmude never expected to have this being honest will set you apart in the ted, does at some times. “I’m my harsh- busy life as a mom, teacher and adminis- business world. est critic in that I like things to be done a trator. However, she handles it incredibly In addition to leading the depart- certain way,” Schmude said. well and says that “everyone has chal- ment, Schmude is also the Director of Her hard work during her time lenges and how you handle those chal- College Marketing and Advertising at King’s College has not gone unno- lenges determines your life’s path.” and is involved in many on-campus ticed. One of Schmude’s most recent MediaConnection Contributors Congratulations! Student Writers Faculty Coordinators Kelly Caloway Dr. Raymond Gamache Brian Dankulich Ms. Karen Mercincavage Michael Deegan & Tori DeGiosio Justin Eimers Gerald (Jerry) Lewis Special thanks to: Brianne Schmidt Mass Communications Faculty Dr. Raymond Gamache Mr. Michael Berry and his Fall 2011 COMM 2012 Recipients Dr. James P. Dolhon 131, Writing for Mass Dr. Raymond Gamache Communications class, of the Ms. Karen Mercincavage for their contribution to Dr. Michelle Schmude the MediaConnection. Fr. Murgas Award Dr. Scott Weiland 2 3 The MediaConnection Senior Spotlight: Justin Eimers – Army Depot’s Social Media “Guru’ By Justin Eimers Facebook page using the new Timeline simultaneously. During my Social Media format. It includes fully-integrating class at King’s last semester, Dr. Weiland YouTube and Flickr to the Army’s web- showed us how to use HootSuite and how site in order to showcase the sights and effective it is in helping to see each and sounds or depot operations. But this is every activity on your sites. This knowl- only the beginning. edge proved vital in helping me keep an Managing an official government eye on everything that’s been going on. social media page is a difficult task, espe- Social media has the ability to really cially when goals and objectives are sent transform a company. Take Coca-Cola, down from higher-level Army headquar- for example. They used Facebook to ters. At the beginning of this year, I was completely revamp their company’s given the task of increasing our Facebook brand image. Currently, Coke has more page’s traffic by 300 percent while reach- than 50 million likes on their Facebook ing 1,000 total “likes.” Add the creation page, which includes a look into the 150- of a Twitter account, Flickr presence, year history of the company. This sort of and YouTube channel and you have one approach appeals to a younger audience tall task. Another hurdle was monitor- and adds to the loyal audience Coke has ing information other people post on enjoyed for many years. the pages. We include disclaimers on all Through social media, I try to do the social media sites, but unfortunately you same thing. Tobyhanna appeals to a more cannot always control what other people mature audience. Using Facebook, I can will say or do. By consistently checking hopefully draw in a younger audience and Justin Eimers the pages, I avoided a crisis and a pos- increase awareness throughout the area. sible threat to national Social media is transforming the security. ways in which people and companies This makes social “In fact, a majority of my time send and receive information. In fact, media a pretty sharp dou- many companies turn to social media to ble-edged sword. It has is spent brainstorming ways the make sure current and future employees the ability to greatly help can conduct themselves in a professional your business or organi- depot can utilize social media manner. Similarly, companies use social zation network and reach media themselves to send out messages a large number of people, outlets to brand itself and cater to other companies, customers or clients but it also has the abil- to as many people as possible.” about the way they do business.
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