1"Urs esc..ape! .... ~ 5 e pi 2-5 .. .. S -'7 VI e+Yl3m Peace P t'ofosaL ... .~-? kH:~5 OnL~. ' " \0 Vol Co lJo 5 \ ~~\Je * ill _.- -------------------..... August 22, 1971 Dear People: Unhappy news sometimes has extreme way of eluding the pain of sorrows. Upon george hearing about the death of George J ack­ our brother son, our first reaction was one of mixed GRAB HOLD feelings. We wanted -to grab hold of the you died in action • • • bars and shake them until all of the life like john henery poured from our body. We even felt like warrior of the people screaming to the top of our voice. But hot flesh against cold steel somehow-and this we cannot explain-a nose flared tranquil feeling of bliss took possession of eyes flashing us. For a split second we felt a sense of terrible black guerrilla screaming . liberty. "George is not dead", we whispered to ourselves. "George, our piercing the hot blue ozone beautiful Brother, you are alive! Your with the word truth is marching on. We embrace you, FREEDOM Comrade, with all our revolutionary fer­ vor." There was no more sorrow, only the loud your voice ardent desire to fulfill the lofty dreams of cold your hate a free world cherished so dearly by our true your love for the people fallen Comrade who died so gallantly in relentless the field of battle. uncompromizing There is a tremendous sense of peace, knowing on the peers. We see it in the faces of those who loved George. No, it is not the truth kind you read about in thick books. We like fire search in vain for words to describe the ~ust be crushed ruthlessly feeling. But it is there and it shows in the and you are silent now eyes of the REAL one. Even our voices grey piglead sounded different-almost holy. In all brought george jackson down ages there are tragedies and each one is ice in the heart of courage marked with its own uniqueness. Strange how the death of one man can mean so but the echo of your rage much. iuebounding in the hearts We thank you, George, for your love, of the people for your teachings, for your examples, slaves are screaming FREEDOM and we will try with all our hearts and the bullets you fashioned soul to carry out your lofty dreams of a are now in the hands of the people free world. You have infused us with a new sens.e of dignity and pride. Seldom has a man been dedica.ted to his beliefs george jackson lives PIGS SHAKE ·TH EM ! more than yourself. he lives in sisters and brothers Less than two months after 39 Tupamaro women escaped from the Uruguayan Your brilliance warms our hearts and again ready to defy.you government's Montevideo prison for women, the Tupamaros have once again punched we are proud of having · the pleasure of a hole in the myth of maximum security by freeing III prisoners, 106 of them knowing you. You behaved so · well, Co­ freedom is his cry . Tupamaros. The liberation was carried out with the precise coordination of time and mrade . .Like so many Qe~Qre' you, you too and you cannot kill it action typical of the Tupamaro's guerrilla warfare. have · evolved to. .the higl).est level of the The Uruguayan government's account of the break went this way: a Tupamaro human species. 0 Black Partisian of Cour­ -muckleyhead squad tunnelled through to the prison from a house located across the street. The age, Brother of Humanity, Servant·of the (incarcerated in a occupants of the house were kept upstairs, . unharmed. To direct the digging, Oppressed, we love you-:"we thank you, Washington S~.te prison) stethescopes were utilized to pick up pre-arranged signals from the prisoners behind we embrace you,we honor you. History the walls. Monday morning, the squad surfaced in the cells and took the ex-prisoners , will reward you with the sweet benefruits back through the tunnel to the house, where they were outfitted with new clothes, of your labor. We will .noUet you down, weapons, papers, and money. Then to a second house being used as a communications nor will we even forget the brilliance of base, into trucks and cars and away. your d'eed and no power on earth, how­ The jailbreak brought freedom to Raul Sendie, founder of the Tups, imprisoned ever mighty, can stop us from carrying· since August 7, 1970, and to every· other Tupamaro prisoner then imprisoned in out your cherished of universal socialism, Uruguay. and Brotherly love. We are yours to com­ The Tupamaros break dealt a heavy blow to the government of Jorge Pacheco mand. Areco. One official went so far as to say that the escape could. "shake the Death befalls all men/women. But it is foundations" of the government. "With this escape," the official said, "all the police far better to die standing like a man than work for years has turned into dust." For now, with all the Tupamaros free, and still to live feeling like a dog. The act of holding six hostages, Areco finds his hands full of trouble. The Tupamaros, holding freeing oneself, whatever the circumstan­ British ambassador Geoffrey Jackson since January 8 and 5 Uruguayan businessmen, ces, is the highest human performance. have shown themselves decidedly more adept at keeping hostages than the government Long live the teachings and spirit of is at keeping Tupamaros. George Jackson. He was.a man who knew So President Areco is building a new prison. Not to be tunnelled from, he hopes, it what life was all about. is being constructed on La Isla De Flores, an island IS miles from the old Montevideo prison. But the Tupamaros are obviously not . to be kept incarcerated long in any · Yourself in arms, prison. The Black Partisians Concentrated at CIM ________... _ ...__ ~ ..... ~~~._..._. ..... ~ ~ ~ _ ~ __ ~ ~~~.-..'f = - --------- . test with a $1,000 prize and i~stead' r MIX donal' Ih' mon,y 10 a ,,"o/u,,"n,,,. ------------------ 1, Th TRIBE h . ifTH I E PE 0 P L E ~:I:j·~t~hil~s;~d~oEiEf~:~y;J!jy:~!~::.;;: e as commumty meet- ies, perhaps you could spend the money ings at Spm Fridays to discuss the expand your news of the 1. d yourselves to coming issue an criticize the current t rwcovorlldU.tio. nary . struggle through out thC' · t ·E D I A issue. Come. on down if you want to The Revolutionary Army salutes t talk to us or have an idea for the next t KSAN news. t issue. We're at Grove and Virginia, M. 1701Y:z Grove. t . ET R 0 ' .s M The Revolutionary Army's Action and -. resultant communique should hit hard on t t longer be tolerated. Billboard companies .Sunday evening the offices of Foster are ordered to withdraw completely from the KSAN people ..For besides the KSAN t t and Kleiser billboard agency at 1601 the People's Community of Alameda. news coverage of revolutionary fronts- t Maritime Street in Oaklnad were ripped Foster and Kleiser, whose office is now a -which .is limited in scope to begin with- t apart by the people's organized outrage. crater in the midst of the Oakland Army -KSAN Radio air content mainly feeds t t. A five foot hole was created in a concrete Terminal, has just received the first warn- upon and creates markets for e.xploitation , re-inforced floor, a switchboard and reo ing. of the youth cuiture. The constant "hip" t ception desk blown apart, and windows It is part of the nature of imperialism commercials with all their sexism and , . shattered. that it attempts to hide behind its oppres~ plays upon new idioms are unbearable. t h £ II d h sive machinery (like a traffic pig behind a I d h , Teo owing Mon ay morning, w en billboard). The fact that both Foster and . Rock music is not revo ution an t e . t KSAN Radio peo~le arrived at work they Kleiser and KSAN Radio are owned by People are not to be co-~pted ,th~t ~asily. t found a commumque addressed to them KSAN and all radio stations clalmmg to t Metromedia is an appropriate example of ,slipped in with the mail. Why KSAN? this deception. be people's services and not ruli~g class t Becuase KSAN and Foster ~nd Kleiser are We hope that the people of KSAN are mouth peices need to e:,pimd thel~ n.ews both owned by Metromedla, Inc., a na- currently cancelling their billboard con- and bring an end to their commerCialism.j 1tionwide agency. The communique read: r-------------------- Communique of the Revolutionary Army . Berkeley Tribe, published by the Red Mountain Tribe, Inc. Mailing address: P.O. Box 9043, Berkeley, california 94709. Off!~e.h ' l~?~~ t Billboards in Babylon ire an offensiv(' Grove St. 549-3391. Copyright bY RMT. Deadlines: News through Tuesday, Tuesday at 6 pm:tWedn-:a~ ':e~~~:Z;d~~~1f~nla . .:fe':~ ./ . a George and Classified, Tuesday at 6 pm. Display ads, Tuesday at 3 ~m. Second class pos ~~ ~·A ,aS5 I lhS' $12 foreign $15 , manifestation of PIG THINK. Their fascist , . Un<let'9!"0und Press Syndicate (UPS), Liberation News Service (LNS). · hnual Subscription.: $ -' -' . S x mon, , & dis/or/ io/1 of our people's '. can no • ...I.n.sl.lt.U.t'.o.n.s.____ -= ....,~---.-.~~ . ~~~ .. r-(1..113~/2.. Prisoners in the state of Washington ~lle InStitution.
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