Blind Faith at Hyde Park CENTRE PAGES ALSO IN THIS WEEK'S MM ... -~~ WHAT -~ KENNY . :TL;:: ,ii, ~~: ,~_. WHEELER f;, BEATLES' ';fl✓ MANFRED ? ~ IN .,.. BALLAD PAGE 9 ~1,;\. :~E S~ENE PAGE 7 THE first public appearance of the "new" Rolling Stones Mick Taylor replaces -with former John Mayall guitarist Mick Brian Jones after split T a y I o r replacing SURMAN Brian Jones-is plan­ Brian Jones was re­ Jan Poll wlnMr ned to take place at placed with Mick Tay­ the famous Rome lor at the weekend. The Colosseum on June 25 split was reported to and 26. be " amicable " and due Surman to difference of opinion o v e r musical policy. FILM Jones said: " The music plans Mick Jagger and Keith Mick Jagger told MM Richard h a v e been at presstime: " I have writing has progressed just made arrangements at a tangent as far as to quit for the new Stones to my own taste is con­ appear at the Colos· cerned." seum in Rome." He said he " doubted " if there Britain would be any charge to FROST SHDClt__ .,.......,- ., 111o __ - see the group in action ..... ,. and the concerts would ,_....,._- Jones was a founder ..... be filmed for world­ member of the aroup. plautoqul&_Sara...,., __... wide distribution. He is negO'tiatlng w i th an The Stone• pr-. NIIIJ-"•--~ officer Leslie Perrin told a-. ............. -. Italian film man to at .. •111---.• direct the film. MM at preatlme that .._,.,Jell......... __•'a __ _ on Monday (18) the _.,. ,.,._ new S11ones would tape ... ... SINGLE Their next single is building which dates a spat tor David Frost's .................lllll..,•....,•...., expected next month, from Roman tlmea. It American 1V show. The ......... .. __ A London concert Is too. It is recorded and was the IIC8ne ot spot would be taped In ""!:..... _ ........ planned for the first Mick wa5 mixing the Roman Games where London and theft WU week in July, said Mick, number this week. men fought other men no information whether .................,._,.. ... but the venue and date The Rome Colosseum ..... and wen! pi11ted aplnllt It would be shown on .................._ was not yet finalised. ls the historic circular wild animal,. British 1V. d'-h~uWI I ---• =Mf' alill..... FIFTH COLUMN PLUS TWO n1•,, -.;in~k ,~ to ht· .in ot ht:'1 L ~m11x.,s 1t a111 h) K1•nn) Yuun~. wlw DIZZl l omm\ R.Ot" S1.11e-, "rolt' " Comr n ,1t l BALLA D OF jOHN AN D YOKO . Heu , le, Arple A nd S h,tkt• Me." OH HA PPY DAYS Ed-. .. ,n Ha'y\.k111s S1n~er~ Budd.:1h lh1 l1 l lt 1:,, "(; uudn1,-: l11 ' GET BAC K Be>tles Apple M 1dni,i, h 1." l't'h•,1,; t•d o n Jun" MAN OF THE WORLD Fled.....,ood M,1c lmmed,-.1 tr 27 Tht· R , 11h- 1s .1 Nils 1m TIME IS TI GHT Rool.. er T a nd tho MG, S1.1x ((lOlp t),l!l(lll, '' f ll~tlht•r •• MY WAY Fr J nk S1n.1t r,1. Rcpn ~e h:rnn) Yount,t has Jl1~l S,mon a nd Ga , hmkel. CBS complt l t-<l C lod111,: h',- Il l'\\ BOXER a ltium. In ht n •lt•a , ,·d in CLODAGH RAGAMUFFIN MAN t\. J nfr d M.m n, ~,·plt' mbt•r lk ha c; tonlnhu Yo ung compos,t ion LOVE ME TONIGHT Tom Jone~. D<'<CJ li'd 1•1~ lil , o nJ,tS to lht• I p ,, h1 t h 1 1,11 1nrlud1•5 "Gf't I BEHIND A PAINTED SMILE l!<- h~\ Brother!- Tcm,IJ Moto1." n it• rrm,i A mt· n Curnrr and 1hr­ HICHER AND HICHER jackoe Wrl, on. MCA R.11k " 11nd " I Will," 4 1; " ·1•11 a ... Youn,? ·c; tarlwr h11 rt'rl (" 11 "1Dt' tl'S lht Jul) Herm1b., r,q}~~~~ MY SENTIMENTAL FRIEND Herrn.rn 's Coh.,mhia "t:ndt·r 1 ht· Rn,1rdwnlk," 2 -. hnw -.. 1, rnnt,: tht lnned1hlf• TRACKS OF MY TEARS formerly r1•1·ordt·d h\ ! Ill' Sirin~ A11nd and thr folk !lhuw s,..M..,k.e, Rohin~or, and th M1racle'l. , T ~1mlo Motown Onfl(•r., (Jul)· ,1) will hr hnstcd hv 15 CAL VEST ON Glen Campbel\ Ember r><1min1r Ht'han 16 • 1 I D RATHER CO BLIND Ch,cl,,n Shack. Blue Homon VIC DAMONE FOR BBC2 17 1'1 DICK -A DUM DUM Des O'Connor Colwnb,a RICHIE RE-SIGNS lS 13 AQUARIUS .t LET THE SUN SHINE IN F, tth D,mens,on. L, be,h· Ar..HRI< .\'S VU. DAMON!' 19 t29 LIVING IN THE PAST . Jethro Tull. lslund Rte:. mt,.> Lt•ndun nn S1Hurd1v RIC"HI• HAVENS hi!-. rt­ t 14) to rt'C o rd a RR{ l T \ ,i,:nt-d a lont tt"rm contract 20 ::,, BIG SHIP Clrtf Rrchard, Columbia J.J)t'1;t ac-ular a t londl,n's Tiiilk with MGM Recntdi't and h is 21 ' GIMME GIMME GOOD LOVIN ' Craz\ Elephant. Ma1or M,no, Of Tht'! Tuwn !ht fnllm~1 11~ d1S(< y. ill bt" rtll•lli'tCd In the CRYSTAL LAUNCHED 22 COME BACK AND SHAKE ME . • Clodagh Rodger>, RCA Sll!llt'\ un h is nwn S tnrm For Th,... shl"l "- YI HI hi' Ullt•d Vil t'"I lahtl, linancl'd h\ MGM 23 GOODBYE . Ma" Hopk,n . Apple ."Damone At I hC' 1 alk ( )f l hr­ Rkh1t' and parlnrr Ma rk 24 PROUD MARY Creedence C le,;n\,ater Rt~vivc1I , L1bertv Town and ..., 1\l ~ pwduct'd Roth will also ht· 1n 1ro.duc 1na 25 SNAKE IN THE GRASS h)· Jnh nn', Sll'Wlrt nrw talrnt to tht' Jahel On Junr, 2 1, Damoni- JlUC'ltfl H•vrn,· currt'nl Ar fl 1c;: h !linl,!I<' ,,. "Lad, l\.fadnnna" DJv De . Do::.y Beak\. Mick and T,ch . 1111 the Simon Oct- Sho\11 bt>fort! 26 ROAD RUNNER Jn, W , ke, a nd the All Stars. Tamla Motown ll)·lng hack hl thr State 27 BOOGALOO PARTY Fla m,ngos. Ph,lrps NEW FAMILY DISC 28 IM LIVING IN SHAME NEW ROWLES SINGLE Dian. Ross and the Supremes, Tomla Motown Peter Sarstedt United Art1~ts THf FAt,,.111). w11h nrw ba, 29 FROZEN ORANGE JUICE JOHN RUWLf'S hos a nt'W playt- r Johnnv Wrider rl.'pJac ­ BLUEBEAT 30 WET DREAM Max Romeo Unity lmi;le, tnle.d •· It Tak,., A Fool lna Ru-k Grech now with l 1ke Mf',' rdrll!lol'd nn Junt' 27 Blind Feith :an tu ri!'curd 11 It i_, a Gtrman .)llllK wllh fnR nt-\11 11ni;:ll'I m "l .,.,.,-,-k nnd ar~ 1 HOT 10 POP 30 PUBLISHERS l1~h l'!,"rli;- 10 rrc Md • nrw alhum Jn Ht ,1,ppcar~ 111 the Cn,·rnd1!1oh AuJ:u I duh, Sht'ffitld tnday (Thurs W•1d"'r h•, fotnl'd Fo1m11., Mo•,_ UNfT - da\•). to morrnw ( Fndny) and fro m l'rl (" Burdon' 4..mm11I~ , p1WHO YOU urd uy {14 ) and .i:uci,. 1, "l Ht' pl nys bn,.s. ~111 tar a nd v1• GONNA RUN tht" Aratlslll\'JI SClnJot f°t'!loltvll l Ji n Oatt'll St't fur the .ernup TO ( l ~-:? I) mc:Judc Wor1h1n.e (tun1t,:ht Iha T111th" "l.,., C1.Mll 1q Thund.Jy), B1rmln.eham (13). Ro mfo rd (16), M arqu~• ( 17) , ,,, DON'T PLAY POP PROMS STARS a nd L<mdnn's Rnyal Alh~rt THAT SONG u.s. top ten Hall (Jul-,· 2), the hr"'t u t !ht• oe.... c:I, Mo(gon Cll:AI· -11 pop proms wh1th also fu tur~, OEEJA YS J Hf OfXTt-:R and • ,,, THROW ME 6 1~1 GlAZIN" IN TH[ GRASS the lnrrcdihlt' Strini? Band Glt &ACI Fr , 1 0 Rl. A. Kid Jt'n.son {c,n Radii) tuxt'm CORN l0"f THIM( 11 ,nr h " 1 I~ OH HAPl'T OAYS boUrJ!) and 1h e t,,1l 111ndC'rqood W!1111on l llll'l -399 (dw n Ho ... k ,n • S1<1Q, Poy1 lhon have bt·en llddt'd to lht> hill of HARTLEY CHANGES s 1•1 SINCE YOU'VE ! tl TOO ausv THINKING ABOUT MY IIABY tht' Pnp Proms •t London's /\~ , '• ,, (....,v Tumlo Fa,,1,11" Rn)·al Albtrt Hall from Junc- BEEN GONE I\'!, W l:'' tl: J.lll kid: wh I 9 Vl THlSE CTU G , ,, WI' ~· RCA Enc Soller CA.MH -20 on a LO\'I t•" Mol., 10 { I ON( re- l II N ,g h l D 29 to Juh 5 HENRY LOWTHER (tpt, vln} ilhnu\ Be8up'> Som, l•I \iCIU Tht.> :\11sundt>rslood Join thl.' and James Jewell (Intl arr • po1 CHILDREN yuunR•Un1 w1,n't rtml mh !.Crond hilU\t' Mnn·rl on Jul',· Jomini: 1hr Hartin Band from GET READY whi,t h.ipJ.H•nrd duranj!. !Ito\ • \l.hkh frature-<; Chuck Berry tht' end of thi:s month Gui The V•1101,,e, Cll:AI 1 hakvun days--but I cl - top twenty albums Chirk<"n Shnck and lht' Alan lllrlSI Spll l:<i [('avm~ that's why I h,Vl' "Of Jamn 1 111 HAILES BOP'' Bo\l. n Ot,ttr comprrt's ~evrn lhe JHCIUP SELAISE/ 11n MtRC'llRY S\'IWL 2102tJ­ HASHVILU. SKYLIN[ I' D IJ I LED 1.[PPlLIN Im A.llo,.,tot llf tht lt•n C(lnGNIS Jt-nS('r\ The full llnt••ul} 1s now Krer whic.h w11~ ret('ntly pH ~r1I • 01'1 TH( THJltSHOLO OF A DREAM I• I J;l t GOODBYE ( , -:, rn r ,:Jo r com~rt'\ lhc Jul,· I shlH\ Harllt'\ (drs), Hl'nr\ lnwlht-r BLUES DANCE retnrd nl the me>nlh IP lht'II 15 PJI GlN'TLI ON MY MINO Laurel A,1~ NIJ 11A.l·Ol7 ~--.
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