1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4323 By Mr. BROOKS: A bill <H. R. 11990) authorizing the By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee: A bill <H. R. 12001) · construction of a system of reservoirs in the Ohio River gr_anting a pension to Dicie Overbey; to the Committee on Basin above Pittsburgh for flood-control and other purposes; Pensions. to the Committee on Flood Control. By Mr. DEROUEN: A bill (H. R. 11991) to authorlze the PETITIONS, ETC. placing of lands acquired or which may be acq~d hereafter Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were near Dumfries, Va., under the National Park Service for rec­ laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: reational purposes; to the Committee on the Public Lands .. 10580. By Mr. ANDREW of Massachusetts: Resolutions Also, a bill (H. R. 11992) to accept the cession by the State memorializing the Congress relative to requiring that prefer­ of Virginia of exclusive jurisdiction over the lands embraced ence be given to citizens of the United States in employment within the Shenandoah National Park. and for other pur­ on unemployment relief projects financed by Federal funds; poses; to the Committee on the Public Lands. to the Committee on Labor. By Mr. BOLAND: A bill CH. R. 11993) authorizing proj­ 10581: By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Petition of the Mount ects on the Susquehanna River for flood control and other Vernon section of the National Council of Jewish Women, purposes; to the Committee on Flood Control. urging the passage of the Kerr-Coolidge bill with reference By Mr. GASSAWAY: A bill CH. R. 11994) to provide for to immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and Natu­ the establishment of a term of the District Court of the ralization. United States for the Western District of Oklahoma at 10582. By Mr. KENNEY: Assembly concurrent resolution Shawnee, Okla.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the one hundred and sixtieth Legislature of the State of By Mr. SNYDER of Pennsylvania: A bill CH. R. 11995) New Jersey, requesting the National Government to accept for the improvement of the Youghiogheny River watershed, immediate responsibility for relief and employment of tran.. Pennsylvania; to provide flood control; and to encourage sients; to the Committee on Ways and Means. agricultural, industrial, and economic development; to the 10583. Also, petition of the International Workers Order, Committee on Flood Control. Branch 651, at their meeting on March 3, endorsing the By Mr. McFARLANE: Resolution <H. Res. 463) creating a workers' social-insurance bill as the only genuine social­ select committee to investigate executive agencies of the Gov­ insurance bill now before Congress; to the Conimittee on ernment with a view to coordination; to the Committee on Labor. Rules. 10584. By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: Memorial of By Mr. AYERS. Joint resolution <H. J. Res. 539) to fulfill the General Court of Massachusetts, advocating preference certain obligations of the United States Government to the be given citizens of the United States in employment on re­ Indians, homestead entrymen, and allotment purchasers on lief projects financed by Federal funds; to the Committee on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in the State of Montana; Labor. to the Committee on Indian Affairs. 10585. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: Petition of the By Mr. CROSSER of Ohio: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. General Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, memorializ­ 540) providing for the participation of the United States in ing the Congress of the United states relative to requiring the Great Lakes Exposition to be held in the State of Ohio that preference be given to citizens of the United States in during the year 1936, and authorizing the President to invite employment on unemployment relief projects financed by the Dominion of Canada to participate therein, and for other Federal funds; to the Committee on Labor. purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs .. 10586. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of H. K. Evans and others of Seymour, Iowa, urging passage of the Pettengill By Mr. LEWIS of Maryland: Joint resolution <H. J. Res. 541) to create a committee to study conditions resulting from bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the recent floods and to recommend measures for recon­ 10587. By Mr. Wffi'ITINGTON: Petition of the Legisla­ struction and flood prevention; to the Committee on Rules. ture of Mississippi, memorializing Congress to cut a canal connecting the waters of Bear River and McKey's Creek, By Mr. RANDOLPH: Joint resolution <H. J. Res. 542) cre­ thereby diverting a portion of the water of the Tennessee ating superhighways commission; to the Committee on a River into the Gulf of Mexico; to the Committee on Rivers Roads. and Harbors. By Mr. BUCHANAN: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 543) 10588. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the mayor arid city making an additional appropriation for the fiscal year 1936 council of Baltimore, Md.; to the Committee on Education. for emergency relief of residents of the District of Columbia; 10589. Also, petition of the Colorado Bar Association; to to the Committee on Appropriations. the Committee on the Library. 10590. Also, petition of the Commission Council of the MEMORIALS City of New Orleans; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memorials were presented and referred as follows: By the SPEAKER: . Memorial of the Legislature of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State of Massachusetts, memorializing Congress regarding unemployment relief projects; to the Committee on Appro­ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1936 priations. The House met at 12 o'clock meridian. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS offered the following prayer: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions 0 loving Father, we would exalt the Lord our God, for it were introduced and severally referred as follows: is He who hath made us; stretch forth Thy hand from above By Mr. COOPER of Ohio: A bill CH. R. 11996) for the and lead us in Thy way everlasting. Make manifest to us relief of Richard T. Edwards; to the Committee on Claims. what is entire truth, honor, and fidelity. Forgive us our sins By Mr. DARDEN: A bill <H. R. 11997) for the relief of and let us not brood over our faults, but do Thou come and Robert James Allen; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. establish Thy kingdom within us. Enter the palace of our By Mr. LEMKE: A bill (H. R. 11998) for the relief of , hearts; clothe us with the armor of light, and then we shall W. H. Lenneville; to the Committee on Claims. easily triumph over the irritable spirit, the glow of self-love By Mr. SCO'IT: A bill <H. R. 11999) granting an honorable and intemperate speech. Eternal Spirit, we earnestly seek discharge to Robert C. Wilcott; to the Committee on Military understanding, affection. and strength which only Thy pres:.. Affairs. ence can excite and sustain. Each day help us to catch the By Mr. SCRUGHAM: A bill (H. R. 12000) to authorize the vision of a better country coming through righteousness, presentation to Thomas D. Karps of a Distinguished Service cooperation, justice, and manly endeavor. In the name of Cross; to the Committee on Military Affairs. our Lord and Master. Amen. '4324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 25 The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and said committee, and shall be served by any person designated by them or either o! them. The chairman of the committee or any approved. member thereof may administer oaths to witnesses. Every person MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE who having been summoned as a witness by authority of said A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling committee or any subcommittee thereof willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any questions perti­ clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend­ nent to the provisions contained in said bill H. R. 9486, shall ments, in which the concurrence of the House is -requested, be held to the penalties provided by section 102, chapter 7, o! a bill of the House of the following title: the Revised Statutes of the United States, second edition, 1878. H. R.11418. An act making appropriations for the De­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present con­ partment of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit Administra­ sideration of the resolution? tion for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other Mr. SNELL. Reserving the right to object, as far as I am purposes. concerned, I have no objection to the gentleman from Mis­ The message also announced that the Senate had passed a sissippi getting this evidence, but it seems to me that the .bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the effect of this resolution is to give the committee special .House is requested: authority for an investigation which will eventually call . S. 4212. An act to amend section 2 of the National Housing upon Congress for an expenditure of money. If the wit­ ·Act, relating to the insurance of loans and advances for im­ nesses come to Washington, they will at least have to be paid provements upon real property, and for other purposes. their expenses. COMMEMORATION OF THE TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVER- Mr. RANKIN. It is not the intention of the chairman of SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE CITY OF ALBANY, N.Y. the committee to i.ilcu.r any expense at all. If we do have to Mr. CORNING. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent incur· exp_enses and bring witnesses here, I expect to come for the· immediate consideration of the bill <H.
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