' THE VOLUME • No. ,. ISSUE TWO • NOVEMBER 1981 SUNY -Cobleskill Sadat: A Man of Peace • by Carol Romano enclosure at the top of the stand. Sadat's death was confirmed. From TIME, Oc::t. 19, 1981 The review began at 11 :30 8.m. At In Tel Aviv, the Egyptian about 12:40 p.m. Abughazaia pointed Ambassador to Israel, Sa'ad Mortada On October 6, 1981, the World lost a out six mirage jet fighters sweeping low was informed of the attack while great leader. The death of Egyptian overhead. Directly in front of the hosting a reception to celebrate the 1973 leader Anwar Sadat ~unned not only reviewing stand a truck towing 13Omm­ attack of the Suez Canal. Egypt but the rest of the World also. Antitank gun stopped. The dignitaries, In Jerusalt;Dl, Menachem Begin was on the morning of October 6th Sadat watching the planes, were unaware of on the way home to prepare for Yom attended a national parade in cairo. what was happining in front of them. Kippur. Begin heard the news on his The parade was held in commemoration Suddenly, there was the sound of radio. When he arrived home he made of Ole day in 1973 when Egyptian forces gunfire. Three men were firing on the batteries of phone calls to keep him stormed across the Suez Canal. The crowd from the back of the truck; a abreast of the developments in Cairo. parade also signaled the start o~ a fourth leaped from the truck and threw When the confirmation of Sadats death religious holiday celebrating two grenades into the crowd, for­ arrived "Begi n slumped disconsolately abraham's sacrifice (Yom Kippur) . tunately they did not explode. The four in his Library armchair, reflecting on Sadat was hailed as the "Hero of the men then grabbed automatic weapons the special moments he had shared CrOSSing". His decision to strike across and began firing as they ran toward the with Sadat." the Canal had given him the reputation stand. As they rushed ahead they of a leader daring enough to go into war shouted "Glory for Egypt, attack." Most Egyptians realized something in order to seek peace! For seconds the crowd froze, Sadat was wrong when the transmission from At 10 a.m. Sadat along with Vice was struck by bullets. Ghazala pulled the parade broke off and sIoenes of Egypt President Hosni Mubarak and General the President down and trled to shield Abu Ghazala, took. their places in tlJe flashed on the screen. him with chairs. ~ A medical bulletin later revealed that viewing stand. The only protection The assassins were able to get right between him and the parade being a the death occured at 2:40 p.m. two up against the wall before anyone tned hours after the attack began. Death five foot wall. For three days before, to stop them. Ghazala ordered the security personnel screened all. of the military police to take over and then was due tp " violent nervous shock and rifles, trucks and tanks to make sure radio for a helicopter to pick up Sadat. internal bleeding in the chest cavity, that they would carry no live am­ Sadat was then flown to Maacu Military where the left lung and major blood munition. On this morning, however, Hospital, South of Cairo. vessels below it were torn." security was combing all the guests News of the attack soon was heard in A doctor, after emeq[ing from the with metal detectors. Jehan Sadat, the other parts of the World. At 7:20 a.m. operating, his face streaked with tears Presidents wife, had brought her President Reagan received a caU broke the news to Jehan Sadat saying grandchildren to their first public saying Sadat had been shot but not " only God is immortal." event; they were seated in 8 glass killed. It was not until 11 :15 a.m. that Tntp.r-Dorm Council' We Want to Know • • • presents Without getting politically involved, Do you believe the U.S. should - we thought that the students on our provide military and economic campus might be interested in ex· assistance to pro-West governments A pressing an opinion to the following which are threatned with takeover by survey questions. Communist-backed revolutionaries? If we gel enou~h response, w.e'li Christmas Dinner-Dance publish the results m our next issue, so Yes No Undecided that you can get an idea of how the students here at Cobleskill feel on each Do you believe that if the Army of these issues. cannot fulfill our manpower quotas Do you believe the Reagan through an all volunteer force, the U.S. Friday Evening Administration's economic plan to should reinstitue the draft? • balance the federal budget and reduce taxes is the best way to increase Yes .No Undecided December t>roductivity, create new jobs and raise 4th the standard living of every American? • Completed surveys can be deposited Yes No Undecided in the Vroman Hall drop slot or ... slid Annually done with our dining services/F.S.A. under the mailroom (R.A. Office) door Do you suppor~ the Reagan at Vroman Hall. Also, we'll try to have Administration's request for a major a collection box at each of the Dining Featuring increase in the U.S. defense budget in Halls. order to COWlter the massive Soviet arms buildup? If you're interested .. -. let's hear "Bad Habit" from you! Yes No Undecided In this Issue: ~ A.fP. OOCDQJ~~Cll WOJ~~A'J'~CD~ THE National Preppy Awareness OJCW)Ct)~~~] test p. 4 •• First. Choice •• Her Say! p. 3 p. 7 .8£ tAREFtl. IfITK OOM PfIOPERTY VOUR DIl](E ifI LL LEAD , Poets Corner -DISPlAV li£SPOfISIBlE BEKAV!DR ~~~ ... TD •.• "fUST COOKE" -KEEP TIff OOMS IlEAT , Cl.£AII AT RIXI1 S£LECTlOfl ! Sports p. 12 Horoscopes p. 10 ·I«lT TO BE RfSPOIISIBlE FOR OORPt PROPERTY YOUR CIIII([ ifIll l EAD - -NOT TO BE RESPOSNIBlE FOR YOUR BEHAVIOR ~~ ~ .•. TO ... "LAST CHOICE" Question of the Month p . 12 ·I«lT TO BE RESPOHSIBlE FOR ClEAHll!(SS AT RIXI1 S£lECTIOlt OR.•. NO REAl CHOICE AT All ! and much more! •• It's • Your. Choice.!!! •• • WHIRLWIND, November 1981. p. 2 Editorial Winter's on 115 way, there's frost In the morning, even some flurries. Halloween has come and gone! The semester Is half over ... at the end of next month we will be going home for a month of partying and hanging out! But right now is where we are. Many of you have found out that life at Coby really isn't so terrible. The seniors have paved the way for the freshmen. and the freshmen have gotten used to the life here. • Ntany of us have gotten I NVOl V ED in activities. clubs and sports. We have gone downtown, had parties (social gatherings for the dorm directors), laughed, cried, had good days and bad. but most of all. we' ve made friends . Making friends is the best part of college. Sure the learning is Important, but what good is learning when there is no one to share it with? Isn' t Basic Foods more fun when there is someone you can talk to around? And purchasing cuts of meat might not thrill you, but with a friend it's at least bearable! No one would make it through Personnel unless they had someone to write notes to. Or girl friends to laugh with in Continental Foods. But more important than having someone In your classes is having someone around when you need them! Having a shoulder to cry on when you and your boyfriend have a fight, someone to pick you up downtown, a friend to borrow money from when a Brothers III pi zza would taste so good. A person to lend you clothes when all of yours are in the wash. Just someone to hang out with! . It's the people that make Coby what it is. The friends you've made during your two years here you' ll ~Iways remember! - Question of the Month QUESTION OF THE MONTH? QUESTION OF THE MONTH? (GUYS) \ (GIRLS) . DO YOU GO DOWNTOWN WITH THE INTENTION WHEN YOU GO DOWNTOWN 00 YOU HAVE OF PICKING SOMEBODY UP? • YOUR MIND MADE UPTHATYOU'LL • GO HOME WITH SOMEBODY 1. Yes, one with nice buns--J .L. 2. I a/ways go D.T., subconsciously wishing to pick up 1. If he looks good--B.S. somebody, but sometimes I really, consciously, want to pick up 2. Depends on how much alcohol is In my system·-C. V. somebody-· W.O. 3. Depends on my mood-- R.F. , but sometimes do.--A.S. ~No : I 4. If I' m horny·-S .R.F. times when the mood is right.-J.L. 5. No, but there is always the possibillty·- D.A. 5. I never mean to but all the girls fall at my feet begging for me. I. VAe.. J.. ......_ .... :# h _ ' " l.._, '''w , .. .... , , .... ,, ' 1uu, , " "''''... 1vv, , -C.M. love you, don't hurt me." -·Space 6. Of course. Why should I deny the female population of my 7. Sometimes, always wanting it but not getting what I want·· E. body··K.D. 8. No, but if the opportunity arises-·K.R. 7. I try but it doesn' t seem to be working--G.S. 9. Oh sure, I' m always ready to develop new relationships--G. P. 8. No, I' m not into that scene, I just can handle one at a time-­ J.D. If you have a question that you wou ld like answered in the paper 9.
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