MARCH 2006 Whatcom County Master Gardeners Weeder’s Digest MESSAGE FROM THE PROGRAM COORDINATOR Master Gardeners provide public education We are ready to start the latest schedule, which will be in gardening and home horticulture based on annual Master Gardener train- kept up to date. That is the way research-based information from Washington ing. The first class is set to to be sure of the date of the begin Thursday, March 2nd classes you wish to attend. State University Extension. with 40 students signed up. We Who said you must be will be holding the class in the careful of what you wish for? Central Lutheran Church and In the last newsletter I said “Cultivating Plants, People and Communities since 1973” will have plenty of room for vet- something about wanting some erans to refresh their memories colder weather to slow things by coming to audit classes. down! Well, what we got was a The last newsletter contained a little bit over-kill, hopefully your CALENDAR schedule for your use, however tender plants will survive this March 11 that one has already been arctic express! March 2 Foundation Board Meeting Fruit Tree Grafting Clinic changed so please consult the Come to the Grafting Class Extension Office Tenant Lake Interpretive web site (http://whatcom.wsu. on Saturday, March 11th. 10 a.m. to Noon Center edu/mastergardener) for the ~AL MCHENRY 9 a.m. to Noon March 2 First day of 2006 Class April 5 Central Lutheran Church Hovander workdays begin 9 a.m to 4 p.m. 9 a.m. to noon March 6 Ongoing Phytophthora ramorum Master Gardener Break- Educate To Detect Pro- fasts gram, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Babe’s in Ferndale Snohomish County Wednesdays 7:30 -9 a.m. See February newsletter for more information. March 9 Monthly Foundation Mtg. Extension Office 7 to 9 p.m. Cooperating agencies: Washington State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension Office. FOUNDATION NOTES I was chatting with one of the decisions. RUIT REE RAFTING LINIC veterans at the last meeting. She The Greenhouse Operating Com- F T G C exclaimed, “I’m just sure that most mittee (you can call it the old green- – SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2006 Master Gardeners are not aware of house committee if you must) has a Just a reminder to attend the Fruit all the activity that is going on.” She’s greenhouse full to the gills with great Tree Grafting Clinic. The Clinic is open undoubtedly correct, so here’s a sam- plants for the May sale. Potting sup- to both Master Gardeners and the pling. plies are available for our use as we public. We hope you will attend and A year ago, a group gathered to divide the plants in our gardens. bring your friends and neighbors to this explore needs for continuing educa- The Scholarship Committee has rewarding event. Master Gardeners tion. Plant identification emerged as a distributed information outlining our will earn three hours advanced educa- critical need. In response, Karen program and the means to apply. That tion for attendance. Gilliam has been leading a self-orga- information is available at counseling The clinic is held at the Tenant nized group focusing on plant identifi- offices throughout the county. Lake Interpretive Center from 9 am to cation and nomenclature. They have Al has been meeting with members 12 noon. Our expert and entertaining toured gardens and poured over texts. of the 2006 class making sure they ‘Master Grafters’ will review plant phys- They have learned much about plants know what they are getting into. And, iology, rootstock and fruit varieties. A and have also learned how truly large the Welcome Committee is planning a demonstration will follow of commonly the subject is. They will be continu- great get together for February 28. used grafting techniques. Finally, we ing their education. At the same time, The Office Clinic continues to solve will assist you in grafting your own tree they believe they can share some part home garden problems thanks to the to take home! Dwarf and mini-dwarf of what they have learned with other extraordinary efforts of the faithful few. apple, pear and a few plum rootstock Master Gardeners. To that end they Feeling guilty? Call the office to sign and many different scion wood variet- will be putting on several seminars. up. ies will be available for a nominal fee. More information about the seminars Finally, 2006 classes start on There is much interest in Asian will be forthcoming as their ideas gel. March 2 and a copy of the schedule pears and heirloom apples, so please In order to help others benefit, is available at our site. The instruc- bring scions from any trees you may Karen has said that she would be will- tors are great and Al keeps the group have. Scion wood should be cut from ing to help other self-organized groups going. What’s needed is veterans to a section of last year’s vegetative get started. She is willing to share respond to ad hoc questions, help with growth, up to 12” or so long and about what worked and even what did not the plant/weed/insect id, and generally a pencil-width diameter. Seal the ends work in her team. If you have a spe- build relationships. Please drop in as with paraffin or tree-seal, or place in a cific interest and want to be part of ad- your schedule allows. zip lock bag, and refrigerate. The trick ditional study teams come to the next A huge thank you to all of you who is to keep the wood from drying out foundation meeting and sign up. This contribute in so many ways! and keep it dormant until it is grafted. is a really good opportunity to help Labeling as to variety is critical. design a continuing education program — GRETCHEN WHITE, MGF PRESIDENT Contact the Foundation office at around your interests. Don’t be shy. 360.676.6736 or Luana Schneider for Luana Schneider and her team more information. are gearing up for the Grafting Clinic to be held Saturday, March 11. They will teach attendees about fruit trees MARCH MASTER GARDENER FOUNDATION MEETING and propagation methods. Then the – Fiber Colors from the Garden fun begins: attendees purchase for You have a treasure store of colors in your garden. Dr. Toby Smith, who a nominal fee root stock and scions recently taught at Fairhaven College, WWU, and lives in North Vancouver, has and then proceed to locate one of the a great love of textiles and gardening and will share her knowledge of common talented presenters to help them make plants used to dye fibers. Her talk will consist of a basic presentation of the plants, sure their grafts are successful. along with many samples showing the range that can be acquired from simple The New Greenhouse Committee garden plants such the Marigold, Coreopsis and Dahlia as well as some uncom- is touring greenhouses and green- mon plants for our region such as Indigo and Madder. The order of the meeting house manufacturers. They will con- will be reversed so Toby will be speaking at 7:00 pm and the business part of the tinue to gather and sift information to meeting will follow refreshments. This will allow visitors to leave after attending equip them to make knowledge-based her presentation. Weeder’s Digest TIS THE SEASON YOUR MONTHLY GARDENING GUIDE BY FAYE AGNER The warm weather in February has quarters, with the first two quarters oc- is the time for completion of the entire been unusual. We have had rain, sunny curring when the moon is waxing and late spring pruning, such as fruit trees, days and an arctic blast of frigid air. The the last two when it’s waning. Some raspberries and ornamentals. There plants have been fooled by the moder- folks narrow down the principle we ex- is still time for shaping other shrubs. ate weather and are showing some plained even further: The third quarter is Do not prune spring blooming plants signs of spring. The frigid air came at a the time to plant bulbs and below ground now, but wait until after the flowering is bad time. crops and the fourth quarter is a time to finished. Don’t forget to apply the last of This is the best time to add farmyard rest or to do non-planting work, such as your winter dormant spray manure or compost to the garden as weeding. Seeds of tomatoes and peppers the nutrients will be present for the new Whether or not you choose to believe should be started now to be set out in growth. If added in the autumn a lot of that the moon influences the way your May. Seeds of annuals, which take the “goodness” is leached away over garden grows, organizing your chores 70-90 days to bloom, should be started the winter, particularly the nitrogen. If into a schedule is a good idea. And who indoors or in a greenhouse early in barn yard manure is used, it is best if it can disagree with a plan that even builds March. The quicker maturing ones, such is well rotted so it does not burn the new in a time for rest? as marigolds, zinnias, asters and other growth. To start your begonias, plant the that need only 60 days for blooming can Bulbs are up and showing buds, tubers in a shallow wooden box or flat, be seeded indoors by the end of March crocuses are in bloom, a sure sign that “cup side up”.
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