Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time

Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time

THE BABYLONIAN EXPEDITION THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SERIES A: CUNEIFORM TEXTS EDITED BY H. V. HILPRECHT VOLUME VI, PART1 BY HERMANN RANKE - ECKLEY BRINTON COXE. JUNIOR, FUND " PHILADELPHIA Pu6lished by the Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania 1906 HE EDITOR determines the material to constitute a volume and T reports to the Committee of Publication on the general merits of the manuscript and autograph plates submitted for publication: but the Editor is not responsible for the views expressed by the writer. BABYLONIAN LEGAL AND BUSINESS DOCUMENTS FROM THE TIME OF TIIE FIRST DYNASTY 01.'BABYLON CHIEFLY FROM SIPPAR HERMANN RANKE. PH.D. I I Hll,FSARBEITBR A. D. AEOYPTISCHEN ABTEILUNG U. I<aNIGL. hlllS~BN, BER~IN, GERMANY FORMEBLYIIIBRISON RESEABCHFRLLOW IN ASSYRIOLOOV. .UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 71 Plates of Autographed Texts and 13 Plates of Halftone Illustrations PHILADELPHIA Published by the Deparfmenf or Archaeology, 'University of Pennsylvania 1906 MACCAI.LA & Go. Inc.. Printers C. H. J&XES, Lithographer WEEKS PHOTO-ENOBAYINGCo., Ualftones I=o Hlbert Zobias Clap haaiatunt $lrnfemnr nf Bemitir $lhilnlngy an3 Arr$uenlngy at the Pniuereiql nf $lmnsyluunia Chis Volume is Dedicated in :%inr~rpfri~nbship unh gdiiube, PREFACE. The copies of the 119 texts here publishcd have been made in Philadelphia during the ycars 1902-1905. The photograph reproductions of some of the tablets, for which I am greatly obliged to the skill of Mr. W. H. Witte, of the Free Museum of Science and Art, will enable the reader to test the accuracy of the copies. The printing had to be done after I had returnecl t,o Germany and thus consumed a considerable amount of tirne. The editor, Prof. II. V. Hilprecht,, very kindly aseisted me in correcting the proof-sheets of the autograph plates. The arra,ngement of the book will need no commentary. 111 giving a list of the cuneiform signs I have followed the example given by Prof. Clay in Vols. X a,nd XIV of this series of publications. I have not tried to enumerate all variants occurring in this volume, but confined myself to selecting the more common ones. On the other hand, I have not hesitated to include from Dr. Pinches' copies in Cuneiform Texts fiom Babylonian Tablets some signs which happen not to occur in my texts. This appeared to be desirable, since a sign list of the early Babylonian cursive, arranged according to the composition of the signs, has not yet been published. I11 the Introduction, I have given a transliteration and translation of 19 texts, representing the different kinds of documents here published. The translations are meant to give the lay reader an impression of the contents of these early Babylonian texts and do not claim to be absolutely correct in details. Only the interesting tablet No. 96 (No. 13 of the collection) has been treated more elaborately. I was prepared to give also copies of the dates of the unpublished Hammurabi dynasty tablets preserved in the Philadelphia Museum, hut my time did not suffice to finish them. A classification of these. unpublished tablets according to their contents, and a list of the personal names occurring in them, seems a desirable task for the future. I do not doubt that a careful examination of the entire collection would furnish even a goodly number of additional texts, which deserve to be published in extenso. Neither did I find the time to go into a special study of the numerous and inter- esting seal cylinder impressions. A few of them will be- found on the halftone plates and may be of some value for the specialist. A careful publication of all such cylinder vii ... Ylll EARLY BABYLONIAN BUSINmS DOCUMENTS impressions occurring on dated tablets of the Hammurabi dynasty--as a basis for a future systematic investigation and chronological arrangement of the eiirly 13;tbylonian seal cylinders-is highly desirable and will find most valuable material in the Phila- delphia collections. My warmest thanks are due to my friend, Prof. Albcrt T. Clay, of the University of Pennsylvania, who never ceased to give me advice and encouragement in the difficult task of copying, for which his unsurpassed editions of Persian ancl Cassite tcxts have served me as a model. My friend, Dr. Arthur Ungnad, of the Berlin Museum, has read a complete proof of the Introduction and of the name lists, and I owe him a number of valuable suggestions. Finally, my thanks are due to the Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. CI. C. Harrison; to the Vice-Provost, Dr. E. F. Smith, and to the former Curator of the Egyptian Section of the Free Museum of Science and Art, Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, for the active interest that they have taken in this work; and to Mr. Eckley Brinton Coxc, Jr., who by his generosity has very kindly facilitated its publication. BER~.IN-GRO~BLICHTEL~PE~DE,August 10, 1906. HERMANNRANIIE. PAGE BIBLIOGHAPHY . 1-2 INTRODUCTION: The Tablets . 3-7 Contents of the Tablets . 7-19 Translations of Selected Texts . 19-33 COXCORDANCEOF PROPER NAMES : 1. Names of Persoi~s . 1. Names of Men . 3. Names of Women . 3. Names of Scribes . 4. Nanies of Other Officials . 11. Kames of Places . 111. Names of Gates in Sippar . IV. Narnes of Rivers and Canals . V. Names of Deities Contained in Proper Names . TABLEOF CONTENTSAND DESCRIPTIONOF OBJECTS: I. Autograph Reproductions . 65-77 11. Photograph Reproductions . 78-70 CUNEIFORMTEXTS . Plates 1-72 HALFTONEREPRODUCTIONS . Plates I-XI11 I3I131,IOGRAYHY "I1 THE T,ITERATULiE REFERRING TO THE PERIOD OF THE FIRST DYNASTY OF BABYLON. I: N. Strasslr~mLer, Die ullbabyloniseher~VoYriige nus Warka (in Verhandlungen des 5. inlernalionalen Oricntnlislen- kongresscs, pp. 315-364 and p1. 1-144), Berlin, 1882. Th. G. Pinches, "Jnscribed Babylonian Tablets in the Possession of Sir Henry Peel<," Nos. 1, 13, 14, Landon, 1888. B. ~Meissner,Beilrdye sum oltbobglor~ise/~enPrivatrecht (=Vol. XI of Assyriologisehe Bibliolhelc, edited by P. Uelitzscli and P. Haupt), Ilerlin, 1892. Th. G. Pinches, Volmnes 11, IV, VI, and VIII of "Cuneiform Texts from Habylonisn Tablets in tire British Museum" (editcd by E. A. W. nudge), London, 1896, 1898, 1899. L, JV. King, "Lettcrs and Inscriptions of IIammurabi" (three volumes), Lundun, 1808-1900. V. Seheil, Une Saison de fouillcs b Sippar, Paris, 1902. V.Schcil, Code dcs lois de EcIamrnurabi (=Vol. IV of Tertes Blamites-Sdrnitiyues of tlie Mdmoircs dd le Ddldgalion en Perse, editcd by J. dc Morgan), Paris, 1902. E. F. Harper, "The Code of Hammurabi, Icing of Babylon," Chicago, 1901; ef. "Amer. Jonm, oE Scrnit. Lang, and Lit.," Vol. XX, No. 1). Th. P'riedrieh, "Altbobylonische Urksnden aus Sippara" (in Beitrage zur Assyriolugie, Vol. V, 4), Leipzig, 19O6. P. Jcnsen, Inschriften aus der Regierungszeit Haminurabi's (in Schrader'~Keilin~chriitli~he Bibliothek, Vol. 111, pp. 107-133), Hcrlin, 1892. B. Mcissner, Allbabylo7lische Brieje (in Beitrage zur Assyrir~logie,edited by F. Delitasch and P. IIaupt, Vol. 11, pi,. 557-5$4), I,cipzig, 1894. F. LC. Peiser, Althabyloniscl~e Urlcunden (in Schrader's Keilinschrillliehe Bibliolhak, Vol. IV, pp. 8-49, containing transliterations and translations of legal aud carnmereial documents, some of which have not yet been publislied in original copies), Berlin, 1896. l'h. G. Pinches, "Some Early Babylonian Contracts or J,cgal Ilocuments" (in "Journal oi tile Iioyal Asiatic Society," London, 1897 ,p. 589-613). B. Meissnw, Altbabylonische Gesetze (in Beik. z. Assyriol., Vol. 111, pp. 49%523), Lcipsig, 1898. Th. G. Pinches, "Same Early Babylonian Contracts, etc." (in "Jaurnal of the Royal Asiatic Society," London, 1899, pp. 103-120). M. PV. Montgomery, Brief; aus der Zeil des babylonisehen IGnigs Hammurabi (Berlin Dissertation), Lcipzig, 1901. F. Delitzsch and J. A. Knudtzon,Brieie Hanin~urabi'san Sin-idinnanz (in Bcilrage zur AssyrioZogie, Vol. IV, pp. 88- loo), Leipzig, 1902. E. Lindl, Die Datenlisie der ersten Dpastie con Babylon (ib., pp. 338-402; ef. F. Delitrseh, Randbemerkungen ru Lindl's Ahhandlung, ib., pp. 403-409). : 2 EAELY BABYLONIAN BUSINESS DOCUBlENTS G. Nagel, Die Briefe Ilammurabi's an Sin-idinnam (ib., pp. 434-483; cf. F. Delitzseh, Zuaalzbe~r~erkungenzu Nagel's Ahhandlung, zb., pp. 483-500). J. IIunger, Becherwahrsagung bei den Babylolziern (-Lcipziger Sernitistisehc Sludien, I, I), Lcipsig, 1903. S. Daiehes, Altbabylonisehe Reehtsurkunden (ib., I, 2), 1,eipeig; 1903. 11. Wincklor, Die Gesetze Hammurabi's, ICdnigs uon Babylon (=Der alle Orient, 4, Jdlrg~ng,Heit 4), Leip~ig,1903. C. H. W.Johns, "The Oldest Codo of Laws in the World," Edinburgh, 1903. D. H. Miiller, Ilic Gesetze Hammurabi's und ilm Verhiltnis zur moseisehen Gesetrycbung, etc., Wicn, 1903. J. Kohler and F. E. Peiser, Hammurabi's Gesetz, Volume I, Leipzig, 1904. H. Winckler, Die Gesetzc Hammurabi's in Umscllrift und Uebersetzung, Leipaig, 1904. B. Meissner, Aus dem altbebylonisehm Recht (=Dm altc Orient, 7. Jalirgsng, Heft I), TAphig, 1905. B. Meissner, l'heorie undPrazis imaltbabylonischcn Reciit( =Milleilungen dm Vorderasiatischen Gcscllsekajt, pp. 25-71), Berlin. 1905. 111. TKEATISEBOF SPECIALSUBJECTS. B. Meissm, De servitute babylonico-assyrinea (Berlin Dissertation), Loipzig, 1882. V. Revillout, Unr famille de commerpcnts (in E. Revillout, Les obligations en droit egyption cornpar6 ouz autres droit.? de l'antipuitd), Paris, 1886. Th. G. Pinches, "Sonhood or Adoption among the Early Babylouians" (Hehraiea, VII, pp. 18G-189), Chicago, 1891. F. Delitzsch, Bcrnerkungcn zu einigen allbabylonisehm ICdnigs- und Personennnmen (Bcitriige zu~AssyvioIogie, Vol. 11, pp. 822-6261, Leipsig, 1894. G. Reisner, Altbabyloniseho Maasse u. Gcuriehle (Sitzungsberirhte dcr Kdnigl. Preuss. Akad. d, IVissensel~., 1896, pp. 417-4281, F. Hommel, Die altisraelitische TJeberlieferuny in insehrijllieher Beleuehtung, Chapters 3-5, hlunclicn, 1897. l'h. G. Pinches, Obsrruations sur la religion des Babyloniens BOO0 ans avant Jesus Christ (in Revue de l'histoire dei religions, tome 43, pp. 1-25), Paris, 1901.

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