Paul Cartledge. After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco- Persian Wars. Emblems of Antiquity Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Maps, illustrations. xxx + 203 pp. $24.95, cloth, ISBN 978-0-19-974732-0. Reviewed by Nikolaus Overtoom Published on H-War (February, 2014) Commissioned by Margaret Sankey (Air University) Paul Cartledge’s After Thermopylae: The Oath umphs at Marathon and Salamis overshadowed of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian the mostly Spartan victory at Plataea. Cartledge’s Wars brings out of relative obscurity one of the book, a contribution to the new Emblems of An‐ most decisive battles of the Graeco-Persian Wars. tiquity series from Oxford University Press, is a Almost everyone has heard of the valiant stand of short work of seven chapters and 167 pages, Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans at Ther‐ much of which is background information on peo‐ mopylae. Similarly, the Athenian defeat of the Per‐ ple, places, and events. He offers two rather gen‐ sians at Marathon and their decimation of the eral maps and a sketch map of the battle; he also Persian feet at Salamis are two of the most cele‐ provides a sprinkling of supplemental pictures. brated events in antiquity. Meanwhile, the Battle His preface is brief but emphasizes his dissatisfac‐ of Plataea, which once and for all removed the tion with the relative obscurity of Plataea.In the threat of Persian dominance over the Greek main‐ introductory chapter, which examines a marble land, is a distant fourth in the hearts and minds of dedication found near Athens, Cartledge rejects ancients and moderns alike. How did this come to the authenticity of “the Oath of Plataea” inscrip‐ be? Cartledge’s work aims to answer this question tion as an oath that was actually sworn before the through a discussion of the rivalry that developed battle. Instead he views it as a piece of Athenian between Sparta and Athens after the wars and the propaganda, the purpose of which was to help subsequent propaganda battle between the two create an Athenian identity and convince others powers. In the war of words that progressed of that identity (hence the large marble stele). Car‐ throughout the ffth and fourth centuries BCE, the tledge describes Athens as a society that devel‐ Athenians were able to outmaneuver the Spartans oped an “epigraphic habit” (p. 5). Part of its demo‐ in the recreation of state memory and the inven‐ cratic culture was to make important texts avail‐ tion of “history.” Ultimately, the Athenian tri‐ able to the public through inscriptions. This par‐ H-Net Reviews ticular stele comes from the middle to late fourth Chapter 3 tackles the religious interpretation century BCE and was dedicated near a religious of the inscription. Cartledge uses examples to il‐ shrine. He describes the oath as a religious offer‐ lustrate that religious oaths were quite common ing to the gods (Ares in particular). He argues that in Greek society and that the gods were thought to those who dedicated this inscription either be‐ watch over oaths and to punish oath breakers. He lieved in its authenticity or wanted others to be‐ argues that by creating the Oath of Plataea, the lieve in its authenticity. Although Plataea was Athenians laid upon themselves a potential reli‐ about as decisive as a battle can be, after the wars gious curse that could incur religious pollution (a it was left to the Athenians and Spartans to fght debilitating stigma in Greek culture). He con‐ over the right to control and create historical cludes that this risk is not surprising because the memory. Cartledge acknowledges that the Atheni‐ Athenians “had a special affinity, and affection, ans were more suited to win a propaganda war for oaths, particularly oaths that fostered amity and clearly did. He argues that “the Oath of and collective endeavor, and particularly in the Plataea thus both vividly illuminates Greek anxi‐ stasis-ridden atmosphere of the fourth century eties over historical memory and reflects the BCE” (p. 58). Athenian and Spartan rivalry that erupted in little His next chapter provides a summary of the under ffty years after the Battle of Plataea” (p. Graeco-Persian Wars and background on the 10). Cartledge uses the oath in the rest of his work Achaemenid Empire. Cartledge reminds his read‐ as a springboard to investigate “what actually er that more Greeks aided the Persians than re‐ happened,” the goals and motivations of Athenian sisted them. He concludes the chapter with a brief propaganda, the invention of self-image, and the account of the Greek resistance to the invasions, oath’s significance as a religious artifact. emphasizing the various divisions between “the His second chapter provides an analysis of Greeks.” He dispels the “overfamiliar, oversim‐ the oath and compares it with two other literary plistic assertions that ‘the Greeks’ defeated ‘the versions. He concludes that although a new or re‐ Persians’ in the ‘Persian Wars’” (p. 87). newed oath of common purpose is plausible be‐ In chapter 5, Cartledge addresses the Battle of fore Plataea in 479 BCE, it is highly unlikely that Plataea more directly with a discussion of the the oath accurately reflects the terms sworn. Yet campaign. He also includes brief discussions of the importance of the oath as evidence is its por‐ the other major battles during the second inva‐ trayal of the process of Athenians from the 380s sion. He offers three key reasons why the Battle of BCE onward creating a “retrospectively tri‐ Plataea is overshadowed: it was a Spartan (in‐ umphalist narrative” (p. 30). Further, he argues stead of an Athenian) victory; Plataea itself was a that the other inscription found on the stele, “the small, insignificant state; and Herodotus’s account Oath of the Ephebes,” was combined with the is brief and lacunose. Oath of Plataea in the hope that these Ephebes Cartledge next discusses the competition that (young Athenian men) “would be inspired to re‐ began between Sparta and Athens to dominate produce the putative glory of their ancestors at the memory of the wars immediately after they Plataea” (p. 39). The stele was a propaganda at‐ were over. The Spartans pushed to glorify Plataea, tempt to link the present and future of Athens while the Athenians lionized Salamis. Athens had with the glorious past. Cartledge hypothesizes that the advantage of using their victory at Marathon the Athenians dedicated the stele after their as a launching pad. Cartledge illustrates that the crushing defeat at Chaeronea in 338 BCE as a way Greek art of memory was highly competitive. The to help soothe such a painful memory. Athenians used public inscriptions, oration, 2 H-Net Reviews prayers, dedications, images, commemorative re‐ ed attention to the redheaded stepchild of the bat‐ ligious festivals, civic and sporting events, plays, tles of the Graeco-Persian Wars. philosophical writings, and histories all in an ef‐ The book appears to have been written with a fort to laud, expand, and advertise their military lay audience in mind, with introductions provid‐ achievements. They set the bar immensely high ed on Athenian government processes, Greek reli‐ for Sparta. The Spartans created poetry and dedi‐ gion, and Herodotus, just to name a few. Car‐ cated commemorative gifts at major Panhellenic tledge’s work provides quite a bit of background shrines. Cartledge concludes the chapter by dis‐ information and explanations of terminology. His cussing the Spartan and Athenian competition prose is ever approachable (apart from the jar‐ through literary sources. Simonides’s poetry rein‐ ring use of contractions), but his notations are se‐ forced the Spartan military ethos. Herodotus, who verely lacking. For example, when he describes Cartledge describes as “basically truth-telling,” is the Spartan delay before the Battle of Plataea, he pretty evenhanded in his account of the rivalry (p. mentions “robust modern criticism” but offers no 145). In the writing of Thucydides the rivalry citation (p. 104). Then in his discussion of scholar‐ grew into the Peloponnesian War, which greatly ly debate over what equipment the Greek soldiers intensified the struggle over the memory of used during the Graeco-Persian Wars, he again of‐ Plataea. Cartledge argues that the Athenians fers no citation (p. 110). There are numerous oth‐ wished to minimize the mainly Spartan victory at er sections throughout the book that would have Plataea by advocating their share in the victory. been aided by notations. Why not at least add an He then states that one further Athenian innova‐ endnotes section for academic use? Cartledge at tion in the propaganda war was the funeral least offers a helpful further reading section and a speech genre, which they used to help advertise a sizable bibliography. heroic past and invent historical memory. Car‐ There are a few more specific issues that need tledge theorizes that the oath emerged out of this attention. Cartledge’s translation of the oath needs genre. He argues that the inscription was meant to be accompanied by the original Greek. I under‐ “to cause Athenian breast to swell with nostalgic stand that a lay audience would just be bogged pride” (p. 157). Finally, in his brief concluding down by the Greek. However, to not include the chapter, Cartledge discusses the legacy of Plataea Greek hampers the book’s usefulness to graduate in the modern world. He argues that there are a students and scholars. Cartledge or the publisher number of contemporary resonances, especially at least could have included the Greek inscription the concept of “the West” versus “the East.” in the back of the book. Further, why use the After Thermopylae is a timely book with news problematic King James Bible as a source of trans‐ that the Hollywood sequel to the smash hit movie lation on page 42? Surely The New Oxford Anno‐ 300 will charge into movie theaters in the spring tated Bible would have been a better and more of 2014.
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