EUROPE. BY , JOHN WII,T.IAJ.f DRAPER, M.D., LL.D., ., 1'1IOI'ESSOIt III TIUI: 1I1IIVBlI8nT 01' nw YOBlt; A1ITJIOa 01' A ·TBJ!.ATISB Oil J!UJUlI' PIlYBlOLOGY,' BTO.. JIl'C. IN, TWO VOLUMES.-VoL. II. REYISED EDITION. ~riON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET. -OOVENT GARDEN. 1815. , \ I \ C" -1- .....­ r: .~..... ' --- LONDOM = PRINTED BY WILLLUf CLOWES AND iONS, STAMFORD 6TRltltT AND CHAaJNQ CJl()'" OONTENTS. '0' CHAPTER I. TU 10GB 01' FAITH IN TH1!: WEST. THE 'I'HREE ATTACKS: NOBTHElIK OR )lORAL; WESTEpI OR IN'l'ELIJI:CTt1-U-: EASTlmN OB MILITARY. TBB 1I0BTRBBN OR HOUL ATTACIt ON 'l'RlII ITAUAB SYSTEX, ABD ITS ft)(PORUT ruu-m.s& G6O!JI'Ophical Boutwlari68 oj ltalian Christianity.-AUooka upoo it. The Northern Of" moral Attack.-Ths Emperor oj Gennany iwt, M II reJormatim in the Papacy.-Gerbm, the repr68eniatitJe oj thf!18 Idem. i. ~ Pope.-They are both poiwned, by the ItaZians. Com~ oJtAI intell8cttUJl Rejectitm oj the Italian Syst6m.-It originates in the .Ambian dootri'1l8 oJ the BUpremacfJ oj BetJIOA O!let' Authoriiy.-The questiOll oj Tra1l8libstantiatiOll.-BNe and dmJelop­ mB1II oj ScliolaBtitMm.-Mutinll among the Monk&. Gregory YIL BpOfItaneotUily accepts and m/O'rcel a BeJorm in tAB Churc1t. --bvercornea tAl Emp6TOf' 01 Germanll.-h 011 ~ poin' oj establ411.ing a Eur0p64" Theooracy.-The P0pe8 IBize the m11itarrt and mtmetary BeIOU1'Ce8 01 Europe U'rough the Ormades. • • • • • Page 1 CHAPTER IL THE AGIl 01' 1!'AI'l'H Jl{ THliI WE8T-(Continlled). TRB WllSTKBN Oil U;TBLLIIC'l'VAr. ATTAClI: ON !rBB l'rIJ.lAK 5YSTEIC. TIle il~telleotual ConditiOA 01 Chrilttmdom c:cmtraated tDitT. that 01 Arabian Spain. Diffuricm oj Arabian intellectual InflUlltlC68 through Frarlctl and Sitn."ly. -.&.ample oj Sarae.m BcWrtoe in Allu.uea, anel 0/ PhilollophlJ ift Alga=tuli.-InAOCBnt Ill. prepares eo.combat u.-InjluenceB.-Buult. to lYCllCem P.urOj?e 01 the Sack 0/ (f,07l8tantinople by the Catholics. iv CONTENTS. The 'pread of Mohammedan light Liwature i. /oUotCfd. h, Ilere'1l'­ The Of'UBhing of HereBY in the South oj France h, armed Force, the InlluWtion, mendicant Order., auricular Con/flllion, an(' au",i.try. The rising Sentiment i. embodied in Frederick II. In Slrl',.-Ili. Conflict tcith and Overthrow b1l the Popt.-8pread 0/ Mutiny amon!1 the mendicant Order.. • • • • . 1'I&gtl 27 ClIAPTER Dr. THE AGE at I'AlTB Ilf TWI WUT-( ColitinUl'd). OVERTHROW OJ' '1'HlI JTAJ.I.UI 1Y8T1lII "H.CBY TaR •. 00111\1\180 IIInLIU'lU.&L ".U lIon'&L ProgreB8 of Irreligion CI7IIC1Ig the mendicant Ort/I'1I.-PulJlhdion oj heretical Boo'ka.-The Everlasting Oo.pel and tI.. OornITumt on UIlJ Apocalypse. Conflict between Philip the Fair and Boni/aoe VI11.-0utrRge upon and death of the Pope. 'The French King ret7lO1l61 the Pap~ IrOOl Rome fa AV;g1101I.-Post. mortem Trial 01 the Pope lor AtheUm and Im'MOl'alitv.-CalUa and Comelluenc68 of the Atheiem 0/ the Pope. The TemplarB Jall into Infidelity. - Their Trial, nmviIJtion, ana Punishment. Immoralities oj Ole Papal Court at Avignon.-l16 retllrn '(1 ll(1mt.­ CaUle. oj the great 8chi.m.-Diwrganization oj the Italian foIy.irm.­ Decomposition oj the Papacy.-Three Pope •. 71/,6 Council of eon,tance attempt. to convert tilt papal Auloom,., into a constitutional Munarchy.-It murder, John HUll. arnl JerO/Tl4 of Prague.-Pontijicate 0/ Nicolas V.-Ena of tlie tilt, llerlual illjluence of the Italian Sy8tem . 77 CHAPTER IV. THE AGE OF FAITB 1lf !l'B1!I WhT-{ConcllUkd). EFJ'I!CT OJ' THII U8T1IIIU1' OB JlILITABr .TT.CL-QIIlIE..... L BEVIE'" or TIIlI "ell or FAITH. T1/,6 Fall of Constantinople.-It. f7W1II'nta"1l Elect 011 the Italian ,')y.tem. CONTENTS. GENBBAL REVIEW OJ' 'l'HB INTELLECT11AL CONDITION D\ TIlE AGZ 01' FAITB.-Supematuraliam and it. Logic spread aU _ EfQope.-l "destroyed by the J61D8 and Arabiaf'l&-Its total Extinction. l'h. JetDish Physiciam.-Their .Acquirements and InftU[!flC6.-Theit ColUftora with the Imposture-medicintJ oj EUf'0p8.-Their Effect 01'& tM higher ClasS68.-Opposiliora to them. Two Impuls68, the Intellectual and Moral, operating agaimt the Medialml ,tat. oj Thing ••-DoomjaU oj the Italiara System through the intellectual Impuuejrom th. West and the moral from the }forth.­ Aotion oj the jOf'f1l6f' through Astroraomy.-Origita oj the moral Impulse. -Tluir cunjoint 'rresi3tibltJ Efect.-DisC01JtJr1J oj the ,tat. oj Affair. ira Italy.-Th#J Writing. oj MaclKaveZZi.- What the Ohurch Aad actually done. Entire MotItJIIIent oj the Italian System determined from a oorarideration oj the jour &volts against it • : • . • • . • . Page lOS CHAPTER V. APPBOACH OJ' TBB AGB OJ' BBASON IN BUllOI'lL IZ III I'IlBCEDED BY ILUlITDIB DlSOOVIIBY. COflBicliwation oj the definite Epochs oj Social LiJe. Experimsntal Philosophy emerging in the Age oj Faith. The Age oj Reason ushered in by Maritime Discovery lind the rise 01 European Criticism. M.6.mTnm DISCOVERy.-XlIll three great Voyage/!. CoL1JllBU8 disCO'lJ8'r' .America.-DE G..uu. doubles the Cap' ani' reaches India.-MAGELLAN circumnavigates the Earth.-The Material IIna intellectual.Results oj each oj th68tJ Voyagea. DIGBEIlSION ON TIlE SoCIAL CoNDITION OJ' AMERICA..-In isolated "uman Societiea the pt'OOtJ88 of Thought and of Civilizat10ra is alt.Dall' thtJ ltlme.-Man paB868 through a detel'minat. BUCCe8Bion oj Ideas and .embodies them in determinattJ ImtiMions.-Th. stat. of Mexico and PtJrV proveI the inflUtJnetJ oj Lallfin the detlelopmtJnt of MaR. 151 CO~TENTS. CIIAPTER Vl APPROACH 01' TBlI AG. 01' BIWIOlf ll1 lrt11&OP .. IT 18 I'1UIOKDBD BY 'fDB area 0' CBrrlOlll1l. ll/l8toration oj Greek Literature and P'hiIOIOpll, ilt 1I4ly.-1JM¥1o}Imt1" oj Modem Languag/l8 and Rile 01 OrltlcWm.-IlIImin'lIt Vllngrr to Latin Ideas. IIII1ention oj Printing.-It f'fJ'IXJlutionizel the Communicatima of Know­ ledge, especially acta on Publi4 lVor8Mp, and nnder. 1114 J'ulpit secondary. TIlE REFOBMATlON.-Theory oj Supererogation and Ule 01 l11clulyeTtcu. -The Right oj Indil1idual Judgment a"erted.-PolUical Hi,torv 0/ the Origin, Culmination, and Check oj tl.e Rl'/ormatlolt.-Itt Effect. in ItaIV' CaU81J8 oj t11e Af'f'est oj the lleJormation.-J'IternIJl ('.(Iu.t'. in Protei­ tanti8m.-Ezternal in the PolicgoJ llome.-77.e (J()flllt~,·Rcformation. -Inquisition.-J/l8UitB.-Secea8icm oj the great CritiOl.-Culmination oj the BeJormation in America.-EmergffiOO of Indillidval Liberty oJ Thought • • • • • • Page 190 CHAPTER VIL.. ", DIGBEBSION ON THE CONDITION OJ' ENGliJrD AT rn! nD 01' TUI AO_ Ol!' I'AlTIL Condition oj England at the Suppreltrion oj the Monaaterl"" Ccmdititm oj EnYland at 1M ebe oj th, NfI6nlunlJ. Ctnlu,.,.-Looomo. 'ion, Literature, Ltibrarie&-8ocial. and prlMte Lif. 01 I7uI Laity and Clergy.-Bndaliiy in the AdminUtraticm oj TAlw.-J'rtljliIJar1l oj Literatur,.-The Theatre, itB three PAaeu.-Mlmc£" .lfvral, antJ RealPlaYB. Estimate oj tM Ad'llClfICI made in the Age oj FIIIIA - Compariaora !DiLA that «lreoo1J made in the Age oj Reason • 22!) CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER vm. 'l'IiB JroBOl'B.Ur AG. OP BBASON. IlUECTlOll 0., A11'I'II0RI'IT AIID 'J'UDmoll'. AlI'D ADOPl'lOW ~ s:I1III'rmC 'rBllm.­ DIliCOVKBY or 11lB nUB 1'OSI'TI0N O. rBB BARTH Dr 'l"JU: mIIVEB8B. EcdesiasticaZ Attempt to enJorce the GEOCENTRIC DOC'l'BDI1!I that the EarU~ ia the Centre oj the Univene, anll the f1W8t important Body i1l it.. The liEuOCENTlUC DOC'l'BINE Owl the SUR is 1M Centre oj the &lar System, 11M the Eart& G amall Planet, comes gradually iflto Prominenc& Strug!J18 between the EccZeriaaticCl1 IIntlAstf'OflO'micaZ Parliu.-Actiflitg. 0/ thtJ Inquisition.-JJuming oj BBUlio.-ImpriBonment oj GALILEO. INVEN'l'ION 01' THE TELESOOI'E.-Oompl6tB ~ o/the Ecclesiastical Idea.-Rise 0/ PhyBicaZ A8tronomy.-NEWTOlt.-Rapi<l anti remtkss DeVelopment oj all BraracAes 0/ NaturaJ Philoaophy. Fi1Kll Establishment 01 the Doctrif18 that the Unif:ef'8tJ is under the Do­ minion 0/ mathematical, and, there/ore, ft6Ce88a'1l LaflJ&. Progrut oj MaR from A~ Ideal t.o tM DiIcoI1ery 01 his tru6 PosUUm anti Iflllignijica_ i" the Umflel"8&. • • Page 252 • CHAPTER IX. TBB BUBOl'lWf AGB 011' BlWIOlI-{CcmUnued). BIllTOllY 01' 'J'BB JU.llTH._U BUClCISSlVB Cll.UrGJ8 D UB COllBSB 01' !'DOl. Or~ and OccidefttaZ 1Joetrinea reapedifl!l the Earth iR Time.­ Gradual Weakening 01 the 1D.ttef> by astronomical Facta. anti the RiM 0/ ScitJntijiIJ Geology. Impenmaal Manner iR ",hic1& tM Problem tDaI etleRtualZlI 8Ol11ed, elk}y tJlrough Foe'" cOBnedell 1IJi.tA HeaL. PI'OOJ' 01 UmilIeu DuratiMaJrom inorgClf&ie Fac&.-IgMOUIlltwUgtI8OUI Roe1c.. pf'O'lJ. of the 14_from organic FacI.I.-Svooemt1tJ Creationl anti &­ tinctiou of lifling Forma, aBli thar eontemporaft80U8 Disfributiot&. EvwerICCII 01 (l alot.cZ" declining Temperature, anll. therefore, of G Ion, Time.-Ths Process oj ENflI3 by CatIutrophe IItlll by LtJ",.-AfW1Dg, viii CONTENTS. 0/ Individual and 1lac6 Development.-Both a,.. deUnnlned 6rI tmehangeab~ Leu". Conclusion that ehs Plan 0/ t1tS Unifier" indicate. CI MullipUcit, 0/ Worlde in infinite SpacfS, and a S~Bio'IJ 0/ Worldl i'IJ injlnite 7'1'1116 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page 294 CHAPTER X. TBE BUlIOPEAB AGIil 011' UAIIOlf-{ Continued). Pcmtion 0/ Man according to ths Heliocentric and Geocentric Thsorlu. OJ' AlmrAL LIFE.-TltS tranJitory Nature 0/ living FomJI.-1lelatione oj PlantB and .A.nimaZ,.-.A.ni'11Uil.B are .Aggregate. 0/ Matter expending Force originally derif16d from the Sun. THE ORGANIO SEBIES.-Ma'll a Member 0/ it.-Hil PolitiMa dekrmined by .Anatomical and Phllriological IntJUtigation oj Ail NerfJOUl Evdem.­ It. triple Form: .Automatic, In8tinctive, Intellectual. 'I.'Ae .ame progresBifl8 DBfJelopment if IBtm in individual Man, I'll Ole entire animal Series, and in the LiJe oj the Globe.-They (Ire (Ill uncl6f t!/,8 Control oj an eternal, univerMil, irreliltible La.",.
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