LeadA publication of the Lead AreaMe Chamber of Commerce JULY 2021home | Volume 13 | Issue 7 Lead, South Dakota LEAD 4th of JULY HEAPED in TRADITION, HISTORY, MEMORIES of GOOD TIMES! -Wendy Pitlick to enthusiastically move forward with From tightrope walking across the Fourth of July festivities. Residents in Open Cut to unplanned firework ex- Lead expressed concern that the fes- CREED BOOKKEEPING OPENS plosions that sent firefighters running tivities would detract from those in for cover, the Fourth of July in Lead Lead, but Deadwood would not be LEAD BRANCH OFFICE has been a spectacular event through dissuaded from spending the nearly the ages. The following are just a few $2,000 that businesses had donated excerpts from old newspaper ac- for the celebration, opting instead to counts, as well as some memories invite neighboring communities to that longtime Lead residents have take part in the celebration. shared about a favorite holiday cele- It appears that was one of the last bration in Lead. times Deadwood would hold a larger It is difficult to find much of a party than Lead for our nation’s birth- record of a Lead Fourth of July cele- day. Shortly after the city was incor- bration before the 1900s, although in porated in 1890, Lead began hosting June of 1882 the Weekly Pioneer Re- the celebration for which it would be- view reported a bit of a scuffle be- come known throughout the century. tween the cities of Lead and Deadwood, over Deadwood’s decision GOLD CAMP CONT. ON FLIP LACC, SLHVC Work Together As Separate Entities for Lead’s Benefit -Wendy Pitlick izations. Leigha Patterson, the assis- On Tuesday, June 22nd, represen- tant executive director, works 30 tatives from the two organizations hours per week to support Ward’s po- -Sierra Ward held a Public Clarification Meeting to sition for both organizations, dividing Jennipher Creed and her crew have opened a Lead branch of their book- discuss the roles of each organization, her time between both. Outreach and keeping office to support the continued growth of businesses in Lead. With their staffing structure, and financial Events Director, Christine Allen, works seventeen years of experience, Jennipher has been part of the explosive busi- information. for the Chamber and continues to ness growth in our area over the last few years, “It seems like I just keep hiring Marsha Nichols, president of the help develop the newly formed Visit more people to keep up with demand!” Located in the Gold Rush Plaza build- board that governs the two organiza- Lead office, the arm designed specifi- ing (previously the Wells Fargo on Main Street) they are now accepting new tions, began by explaining the history cally to boost tourism. Visit Lead is clients. “In these current times, partnering with our clients and keeping an of the relationship between the Vis- also taking over the trolley tours, with open line of communication with accuracy at the forefront is key. Our client’s itor’s Center and the Chamber, which a tour staff who is now specifically achievements and success is important to our team as it in turn helps our started about approximatey twenty trained to promote Lead. business grow,” says Jennipher. Daniel Ward of Danny’s Plumbing Service years ago when Homestake began to Expenses and income for both en- adds, “I’m always happy with her ability to answer my questions and provide shutter operations. Recognizing the tities have benefited from the staffing clarity. I would highly recommend her services and am super happy to see her need to have this facility in Lead, the organization and separation. An open an office in Lead.” Chamber secured a $100,000 loan to overview analysis of 2019 and 2020 purchase the building, trolley tours, financials show that the gift shop and gift shop. At that time, Nichols continues to be the most significant JUNE Chamber Members said, the Chamber opted to continue income driver for the Visitor’s Center, to run the Visitor’s Center as a sep- but in 2020 Ward reported that a fo- NEW MEMBERS - Early Bird Cafe & Watering Hole, Gold arate organization, with separate fi- cused effort to diversify income was Rush E-Bikes, Twin City Construction, The Peachy Nomad, nancial records, but with a single fruitful with office space rentals and Megan Wiliams, 605 Magazine, Wandering Mynds oversight board and single executive donations. Soon, she said, KDSJ will RENEWING MEMBERS - Ada Henninger, Illustra Advisory, director that would divide time be- be broadcasting from the Visitor’s tween the two organizations. Though Center as its home base. Johns & Kosel - Attorneys at Law, Northern Hills Federal there have been some changes over In 2019, the Chamber introduced Credit Union, Sled Haus, Taco Johns of Deadwood, the years, this business model is cur- a sponsorship program that yielded The Rustic Nook Bakery, Town Hall Inn & Jailhouse Taps rently followed as a means of efficient an additional $30,000 in revenue. NEW ANNUAL SPONSORS - Dakota Territory Resource management. Overall, Ward made the point that Corp., Agnico Eagle Nichols explained that Executive working together as two separate or- Director Sierra Ward is a quarter time ganizations, the LACC and the SLHVC GOLD CAMP JUBILEE SPONSORS - Powerhouse Pass, employee for each of the two organi- have been able to achieve a great Terry Peak Ski Area, Mary Ommen, First Interstate Bank, zations. She receives two separate deal on a very limited budget for the Whitetail Creek Resort, Deadwood Eye Care, Taco Johns of paychecks and is paid hourly based entire town and all of the businesses. Deadwood & Sturgis, Dexter & Dardis Forsberg, Northern on her time spent on both organiza- “The Visitor Center is a gateway to Hills Credit Union, MartyAnn Apa, Vilas Pharmacy, Dakota tions. Her focus is to manage both Lead, and we have worked hard to entities including assuming respon- keep it functioning not only as a tes- Financial Services sibility for maintaining a cash flow for tament to our history and exciting fu- Thanks for being part of all we’re doing! You make both organizations through fundrais- ture, but also for all that there is to do Miles Beyond Ordinary ing and sponsorships. She also does and see in Lead!” Lead, most of the graphic design and over- Both organizations welcome input sees the marketing for the two organ- email to [email protected] our boys, the temptation to go to ex- tremes will undoubtedly be great this year as the stimulus to celebrate was never greater,” the Lead Daily Call re- ports in June of 1919. “Therefore, the need of restraint is correspondingly great, and as the lesson of restraint was well learned during the war, let everyone continue to apply it in times of peace … It is the hope and desire of the fire marshal that when these great celebrations are over we can look back and point with pride to the fact that not one single life has been sacrificed or one building destroyed by fire.” Many decades later, lifetime Lead about that.” residents reported that just such a The weather has not always co- danger was posed when the annual operated with the festivities, and ev- Lead fireworks show ended with un- eryone who has lived in Lead for a GOLD CAMP CONT. FROM FRONT The parade has always been a expected explosions. length of time knows how quickly it In fact, a newspaper report from the major part of the Fourth of July cele- “I remember when the Fourth of can change from sunshine, to snow, June 30, 1900 Lead Daily Call re- bration, and in May of 1904 the Lead July fireworks lasted 10 minutes,” to rain. “There was one year when the ported that the city would take extra Daily Call reports that the introduc- said Pete Fuller about the incident fog was so heavy and we were all out care to ensure the greatest amount tion of floats would be a major at- that occurred in the 1980s. “Every- in winter coats,” said Tim Johns. of fanfare, as Lead would be the only traction. “This feature has been thing went off at once! All the guys up “They finally had to call it off because city in the Black Hills to host a cele- missing for several years in connec- there lighting it had a barricade and you couldn’t see 10 feet in front of bration. tion with the Fourth of July celebra- they jumped over the barricade and you. We’ve had all extremes where it “The decorations of the main tion, and is always well received hunkered down while all of that stuff was so blasted hot, or it was so cold streets will be on an elaborate scale, where practiced,” the report states. was going up and up. Dave Tesch got you couldn’t believe it.” more funds having been apportioned “A good parade is a pretty good fore- burned.” But no matter what the weather for this purpose than was ever done runner of a successful celebration.” Karen Everett remembers that or the activities were, the Fourth of upon like occasions,” the report Of course, once neighboring com- spectacle too, “I think they shot one July in Lead has always proven to be states. It goes on to report that band munities, and even neighboring up and it came right back down into a spectacular event, filled with fun, stands located on the corner be- states became aware of Lead’s fes- their pile,” she said. “Mallory was little. friends and memories. What are your tween Berger’s dry goods and the tivities, many visitors flocked to Lead She would say, ‘I like the spaghetti Fourth of July memories? Please Springer Hotel would be erected, to participate in the fanfare.
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