HAWAIIAN AGE GROUP Indoor SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP Jo Ann Kanno Sponsored Wesley Ogata Hulali Solomon by the Hilo Aquatic Club Hilo High School Swimming Pool Hilo, Hawaii May 28, 29, 30, 31-1964 Hilo Aquatic Relay Team Sanctioned by the Hawaiian Assin, AAU Honolulu, Hawaii DEDICATION "Sparky" Kawamoto "Buster" Hons Dr. "Chuck" Ota As we proceed down life's highway. constantly beset with the worries and responsibilities of our daily lives, we are all too frequently inclined to overlook the unselfish and untiring efforts of others. To three such devoted men, the late F. C. - Buster Hons:' the late Dr. Charles "Chuck" Ota, and "Sparky" Kawamoto, we are dedicating this swimming meet and program. Both Buster and Chuck, past presidents of the Hilo Aquatic Club, and Sparky, veteran coach, were the major driving force in bringing the two previous Age-Group championships to Hilo. It was through their guidance that meets such as this were successful. Not only from the standpoint of any new records being established, but also in the challenge, comradeship and sportsmanship displayed by all concerned, have we been able to contribute toward helping to mold fine, young swimmers into outstanding citizens of the world. We are everlastingly grateful to Buster Hons, Dr. Chuck Ota and Sparky Kawamoto for the inspiration they have given us to continue the work they began. 3 Coach: THE HILO AQUATIC CLUB Eddie Kawachika COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN General Chairman MASANORI KUSHI Business Manager & Program Editor MASAYA MIYAO Finance RONALD TACHIBANA Correspondence ELOISE PUNG Assistants LILY INADA, MRS. E. OSORIO Aloha MRS. TITA SOLOMON Awards TAMES EVANS Clean-up WALTER KADOTA Concession MRS. MITSIE HATADA Construction TSUKASA INOUE Trials and Entry SHIZUE KANNO Trials and Entry, Assistants LEI KOBAYASHI, MRS. W. VORFELD Government ELROY OSORIO, M. KUSHI Housing ISABELLE CANN Meals TOSHIMITSU KONDO Officials EDDIE KAWACHIKA Officials, Assistants SPARKY KAWAMOTO, MICKEY KANNO, MAC WAKIMOTO Opening and Closing Ceremonies M. KUSHI, S. KAWAMOTO Publicity and Medals CHARLES HARA Telephone MAC WAKIMOTO Transportation SHIGERU USHIJIMA Physicians DR. R. HATA, DR. ED HELMS Runner EARL SUYAMA 4 THE HILO AQUATIC CLUB 10 & UNDER L to R: R. Tahara, G. Murayama, Front: N. Tahara, J. Wakimoto, 10 & UNDER J. Thompson, R. Kado+a Back: R. Motobu, L. Hirokawa, S. Hara. Lester Kodama (13-14) Ass't Coaches: Mack Wakimoto, Fred Haywood Mickey Kanno 11-12 Front: W. Vorfeld, D. Ushijima. 11-12: L to R: S. Evans, K. Tachibana, K. Back: M. Okumoto, D. Okano Matsuda, H. Solomon my' (13-14) Front: M. Tachibana, S. Kanno. 10 & UNDER L to R: J. Wakimoto, E. Hatada. 5 Back: L. Kodama, J. Evans, S. Long. R. Motobu, S. Hara, N. Kushi. Greetings from MAY'S FOUNTAIN "Quality Merchandise" Delicious Box Lunches • Reasonable Delivered Anywhere in Hilo MEN'S FURNISHINGS—CLOTHING GOYA'S TAXI SHOES FOR: MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN CALL 51-417 212 Kam. Ave. Phone 51-683 Hilo, Hawaii COMPLETE LINE OF QUALITY FURNITURE • CARPETS • DRAPERIES WELCOME TO HILO • SIMMONS & SERTA MATTRESSES Richard Tanaka Nursery "Hilo's Largest Anthurium and Orchid Grower" FLOWERS SHIPPED Okano Furniture & Upholstery ALL OVER THE WORLD 99W Kahaopea St. Phone 568-212 Call 40-186 539 Kilauea Ave. 6 HILO SWIM CLUB Coach: "Ma" Sakai PALAMA SWIM CLUB Coach Harry hvlamizuka SUNBRITE BOTTLING WORKS Seven Seas American, Japanese and Hawaiian FOODS Nothing does it like GENERAL DISPENSERS Seven-Up! 865 Piilani St. Phones; 52-340 - 54-865 Hilo, Hawaii Complete Selection of _-11ohd rrnd Best Wishes High Quality Dishware from Also HILO FARMERS' EXCHANGE, LTD. Appliances and Household Items at Substantial Discount for Members "Everything for Farmers" Household Distributors, Ltd. 37 Punahoa St. Phone 52-310 314 Keawe St. Hilo, Hawaii KEAUKAHA SWIM CLUB Coach: Mrs. Isabel Cann Stationers' Corporation K. TAN I G UC H 1 Of Hawaii, Ltd. SUPER-MARKET The greatest place to r±hop on Hawaii Wholesale Retail CI 11 ,1'S Stationery—Office Equipment. Sporting Goods Phones 51-334 3131 Two Locations to serve 194-196 Kamehameha Ave. Hilo, Hawaii 321 Keawe Kailua—Kona Phone 53-751 Phone 256-775 9 FINALS EVENTS Friday, May 29, 1964-7:00 P.M. 200 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY, GIRLS 13-14 23 Nat'l Rec. 2:17.6 G. Ambrose, SPA, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 2:33.9 Peggy Hagood, NAAC, 1962 200 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY, BOYS 13-14 24 Nat'l Rec. 2:08.9 Bill Utley, Ind., 1961 Hawn Rec. 2:18.6 Blair Braun, HSC, 1961 200 FREE RELAY, GIRLS 10 & UNDER 25 Nat'l Rec. 2:00.7 Country Club of Coral Gables, 1963 (Fordyce, Oetjen, Hill, Shraber) Haw'n Rec. 2:15.3 Hickam, 1960 (D. Downs, J. Deal, J. Darrah, S. Wahl) " " 2:15,3 PHSC, 1963 (Wish, Grazda, Smith, Ahem) 200 FREE RELAY, BOYS 10 & UNDER Nat'l Rec. 1.59.6 Sammy Lee, SS, SPA, 1962 26 (Reichert, Lambert, McLain, Hall) Hawn Rec. 2:07.6 PHSC, 1963 (Clausen, Cummings, Smith, Zeugner) 400 MEDLEY RELAY, GIRLS 11-12 27 Nat'l Rec. 5:14.4 W. Hartford SC, Conn. 1963 (Stendek, Porteous, Gardner, Tyler) Haw'n Rec. 400 MEDLEY RELAY, BOYS 11-12 Nat'l Rec. 5:15.2 West Hartford SC, Conn. 1963 28 Callahan, Herbert, Bartlett, Barley) Haw'n Rec. 400 FREE RELAY, GIRLS 15-17 Nat'l Rec. 3:54.1 Santa Clara, PA, 1963 29 (DeVarona, Stickles, Haines, Rome) Haw'n Rec. 4:52.8 Punahou, 1963 (Anderson, Ahrens, Black, Ryan) 400 FREE RELAY, BOYS 15-17 Nat'l Rec. 3:32.8 Aqua Bears, A,PA, 1963 (Savage, 30 Kammeyer, Forrell, Schillinsky) Haw'n Rec. 3:37.8 HSC, 1962 (P. Hahn, H. Davenport, B. Braun, A. VanEtten 400 MED. RELAY, GIRLS 13-14 31 Nat'l Rec. 4:23.2 Santa Clara SC, "A", PA, 1963 (Kolb, Haroun, Mahaffey, Watson) Kaw'n Rec. 400 MED. RELAY, BOYS 13-14 32 Nat'l Rec. 3:44.7 Alameda, PA, 1963 (Fisher, Gamble, West, Lumsden) FINALS Saturday, May 30, 1964-7:00 P.M. 200 FLY, GIRLS 13-14 I Nat'l Rec. 2:36.2 M. Pearce, So. Atl., 1962 Haw'n Rec. 2:47.6 Mary Jane Wood, AHSC, 1963 200 FLY, BOYS 13-14 2 Nat'l Rec. 2:07.3 Charles Sakamoto, HSC, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 2:07.3 Charles Sakamoto, HSC, 1963 100 FREESTYLE, GIRLS 10 & UNDER 3 Nat'l Rec. 1:01.1 Jan Spaulding, CCA, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 1:09.4 Libby Hagood, NAAC, 1962 100 FREESTYLE, BOYS 10 & UNDER 4 Nat'l Rec. 1:00.9 James Nestico, NJ, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 1:05.9 Mark Combs, HSC, 1963 100 FREESTYLE, GIRLS 11-12 5 Nat'l Rec. 57.6 P. Watson, PA, 1963 Haw'i: Rec. 1:01.6 Cindy Prentice, Aulea, 1963 100 FREESTYLE, BOYS 11-12 6 Nat'l Rec. 56.0 B. Phillips, PA, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 58.1 Keith Ahue, HSC, 1964 200 FLY, GIRLS 15-17 7 Nat'l Rec. 2:15.1 Sharon Finneran, SP, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 2:36.0 Ululani Baker, HSC, 1963 200 FLY, BOYS 15-17 8 Nat'l Rec. 2:03.6 Mac Brown, SPA, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 2:12.4 Blair Braun, HSC, 1963 200 BACKSTROKE, GIRLS 13-14 9 Nat'l Rec. 2:17.9 C. Ferguson, SPA, 1963 Hawn Rec. 2:32.3 Jane Braun, HSC, 1963 14 FINALS EVENTS Saturday, May 30, 1964-7:00 P.M. 200 BACKSTROKE, BOYS 13-.14 1 0 Nat'l Rec. 2:13.8 D. Webster, MICH., 1963 Haw'n Rec. 2:19.1 Bruce Fisher, HSC, 1963 50 BREASTSTROKE, GIRLS 11-12 I I Nat'l Rec. 33.8 S. Crawford, Conn., 1960 Hawn Rec. 36.5 Sue McCarthy, PHSC, 1962 50 BREASTSTROKE, BOYS 11-12 I 2 Nat'l Rec. 31.9 fames Knorr, Mo. Valley, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 34.0 Mark Chun, Town. 1963 209 BACKSTROKE, GIRLS 15-17 13 Nat'l Rec. 2:20.5 Gail Human, SP, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 2:26.6 Betty Ann Barnett, Punahou, 1963 200 BACKSTROKE, BOYS 15-17 14 Nat'l Rec. 2:04.7 Rick Skarbo, Michigan, 1963 1-law'n Rec. 2:06.6 Nelson Shibasaki, 1-ISC, 1963 50 FLY, GIRLS 10 & UNDER I 5 Nat'l Rec. 31.2 Jan Spaulding, CCA, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 33.0 Kitty Wahl, Unatt., 1962 50 FLY, BOYS 10 & UNDER 16 Nat'l Rec. 29.3 Gary Hall, SPA, 1962 Haw'n Rec. 32.2 Mark Cambs, HSC, 1963 200 FREE, GIRLS 13-14 I 7 Nat'l Rec. 2:03.3 Sharon Stouder, SPA, 1963 Hawn Rec. 2:16.0 Lani Kimokeo, Palama, 1962 200 FREE, BOYS 13,14 18 Nat'l Rec. 1:53.4 Don Schollander, Ore., 1961 Hawn Rec. 2:03.1 Gary Hirayama, Pal., 1961 50 FLY, GIRLS, 11-12 I 9 Nat'l Rec. 28.7 S. Stouder, SPA, 1961 Haw'n Rec. 30.9 Cindy Prentice, Aulea, 1963 50 FLY, BOYS 11-12 20 Nat'l Rec. 27.4 J. Southward, PA, 1963 Hawn Rec. 30.1 Gary Smith, HSC, 1963 200 FREE, GIRLS 15-17 21 Nat'l Rec. 2:03.7 Kathy Ellis, Ind., 1963 Haw'n Rec 2:12.6 Cleo Higgins, AHSC, 1963 200 FREE, BOYS 15-17 22 Nat'l Rec. 1:51.5 Scott Cardin, Central, 1963 Haw'n Rec. 1:56.3 Wallace Beck, HAC, 1962 200 200 MEDLEY RELAY, GIRLS 10 & UNDER Nat'l Rec. 2:21.8 Cincinnati Barlins, Ohio, 1963 23 (Ann Jones, S. Desmond, H. Lips, V. Halpin) Haw'n Rec. 2:37.9 PHSC, 1963 (Wish, Grazda, Smith, Ahern) 200 MEDLEY RELAY, BOYS 10 & UNDER Nat'l Rec.
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