Pinkham Way: Report on the continuation of the invertebrate survey from end of February to the end of September 2015. By Edward Milner 1. Results The trapping described in the Preliminary Report was continued from the end of February 2015 until the end of September 2015. A further 11 (possibly 12) species of spider were added, making a current list of 86 spp. A total of 14 new species of beetle were recorded, and all the beetle records (79 spp.) from the earlier (Ove Arup) survey were added to the database. In total this resulted in a list of 243 spp. of beetle recorded from the site. Lists of the two groups are included below in the Appendices. In the Preliminary Report it was suggested that it might take five years trapping (plus sweepnetting, which has not been permitted) to reach 100 spp. of spider but this limited extension has shown that such a list might be produced much sooner than that. Beetles Of the newly recorded species (in heavy type in the species list)most were common and widespread in the London area. The only one of note was Kissophagus hederae(Scolytidae)Nationally Notable B, a scarce bark beetle which is known to visit ivy flowers for nectar. It is scarce in the London area. Among the beetles recorded during the Ove Arup survey 12 were species not recorded by the author at other sites in the London area, and at least 10 further species appear to be scarce in the whole London area; the conclusion that should have been drawn was that in the London context this is an unusually rich site for beetles. Spiders The newly recorded spiders (in heavy type in the list) are all fairly common species mostly known from at least 20 sites in London and Middlesex. Pseudoscorpion During the Ove Arup survey a pseudoscorpion Chthonius tetrachelatus was recorded. This is a scarce species only known from two other sites in north London. Conclusion and recommendations The newly recorded species do not throw additional light on the conservation value of the site except to confirm the earlier conclusion that the site is of considerable conservation value both in the local context within Haringey, and in the wider London context. 1 It is strongly recommended that the site be protected, and that the invasive alien plants in particular Russian Comfrey and Goat’s Rue be removed from the site as far as possible. Current stewardship by the North London Waste Authority does not appear to be addressing this issue. At a future date further pitfall-trapping and, ideally, regular summer sweepnetting should be done across the site, including the south-facing railway bank. It must be assumed that there are numerous species of beetle and spider (and possibly pseudoscorpion) present on the site that are yet to be recorded. JEDM 5/10/2015 2 2. Appendices Appendix 1. List of all beetles recorded First column is National Conservation status (if any), followed by name of beetle, date of first record and the author’s reference No. Main plant-feeding families are Elateridae (click beetles), Apionidae (tiny weevils), Chrysomelidae (flower beetles) and Curculionidae (weevils) Reference No. 000301 refers to beetles first recorded in the Ove Arup survey Species new to the list (from pitfall catches since February 2015) in heavy type Carabidae Ground Beetles Acupalpus meridianus 01/06/12 000301 Amara aenea 27/05/14 019056 Amara communis 29/07/14 019168 Amara convexior 24/04/14 019029 Amara lunicollis 24/04/14 019031 Amara montivaga 02/09/15 020145 Amara ovata 24/04/14 019029 Amara similata 24/04/14 019029 Bembidion guttula 26/11/14 019788 Bembidion lunulatum 01/06/12 000301 Bembidion obtusum 27/05/14 019053 Bembidion properans 29/07/14 019169 Calathus fuscipes 01/06/12 000301 Curtonotus (Amara) aulicus 26/09/14 019240 Demetrias atricapillus 28/05/15 020015 Dromius quadrimaculatus 01/06/12 000301 Harpalus affinis 01/06/12 000301 Harpalus latus 24/04/14 019029 Harpalus rubripes 24/04/14 019029 Harpalus rufipes 01/06/12 000301 Leistus spinibarbis 23/10/14 019767 Nebria brevicollis 23/10/14 019768 Notiophilus biguttatus 28/05/15 020016 Notiophilus substriatus 26/03/14 018997 Nb Ophonus ardosiacus 29/07/14 019172 Ophonus puncticeps 26/08/14 019191 Ophonus rufibarbis 01/06/12 000301 Ophonus rupicola 26/09/14 019240 Paradromius linearis 24/04/14 019031 Phyllotreta nigripes 27/05/14 019054 Poecilus cupreus 26/09/14 019240 Pterostichus madidus 01/06/12 000301 Syntomus foveatus 01/06/12 000301 Hydrophilidae Cercyon haemorrhoidalis 29/07/14 019170 Helophorus obscurus 31/03/15 019913 Megasternum concinnum 27/05/14 019056 Staphylinidae Rove Beetles Aleochara bipustulata (complex) 26/09/14 019240 Aloconota gregaria 26/11/14 019788 Amischa analis 01/06/12 000301 Amischa decipiens 01/06/12 000301 Anotylus sculpturatus 26/03/14 018997 3 Atheta aquatica 29/07/14 019170 Atheta crassicornis 06/01/15 019810 Autalia impressa 26/11/14 019788 Bolitobius analis 24/04/14 019031 Cypha longicornis 27/05/14 019056 Dinaraea aequata 01/06/12 000301 Drusilla canaliculata 29/07/14 019169 Gabrius breviventer 01/06/12 000301 Leptusa fumida 01/06/12 000301 Megarthrus prosseri 26/06/14 019108 Metopsia clypeata (=retusa) 26/11/14 019788 Micropeplus staphylinoides 27/05/14 019054 Mocyta (Atheta) fungi 27/05/14 019054 Othius punctulatus 31/03/15 019915 Oxypoda brachyptera 26/09/14 019240 Philonthus carbonarius (varius) 26/03/14 018997 Philonthus cognatus 29/07/14 019169 Philonthus varians 26/09/14 019240 Platydracus stercorarius 26/08/14 019195 Quedius curtipennis 29/07/14 019168 Quedius levicollis (tristis) 01/06/12 000301 Quedius picipes 26/11/14 019788 Quedius schatzmayri 26/09/14 019240 Quedius semiobscurus 27/05/14 019056 Rugilus erichsoni 01/06/12 000301 Sepedophilus nigripennis 29/07/14 019170 Staphylinus dimidiaticornis 28/05/15 020015 Stenus aceris 23/10/14 019769 Stenus brunnipes 26/11/14 019788 Stenus clavicornis 27/05/14 019053 Stenus fulvicornis 26/06/14 019106 Stenus nanus 01/06/12 000301 Stenus ossium 26/11/14 019788 Stenus picipes 31/03/15 019913 Stenus pusillus 01/06/12 000301 Stenus subaeneus 26/03/14 018997 Sunius propinquus 29/07/14 019170 Tachinus signatus 29/01/15 019827 Tachyporus chrysomelinus 26/06/14 019105 Tachyporus dispar 01/06/12 000301 Tachyporus hypnorum 26/03/14 018997 Tachyporus nitidulus 24/04/14 019031 Tachyporus solutus 01/06/12 000301 Tasgius globulifer 26/03/14 018997 Tasgius morsitans 23/10/14 019770 Tasgius winkleri 26/09/14 019240 Xantholinus elegans 29/07/14 019169 Xantholinus linearis 26/03/14 018997 Xantholinus longiventris 26/06/14 019106 Silphidae Silpha laevigata 01/06/12 000301 Silpha tristis 28/07/15 020106 Phalacridae RDBK Olibrus flavicornis 24/04/14 019031 Coccinellidae Ladybirds 4 Calvia 14-guttata 01/06/12 000301 Coccinella 7-punctata 01/06/12 000301 Halyzia 16-guttata 01/06/12 000301 Harmonia axyridis 01/06/12 000301 Nephus redtenbacheri 01/06/12 000301 Propylea 14-punctata 01/06/12 000301 Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata 26/06/14 019105 Rhyzobius chrysomeloides 01/06/12 000301 Rhyzobius litura 24/04/14 019029 Scymnus (Pullus) haemorrhoidalis 27/05/14 019056 Subcoccinella 24-punctata 24/04/14 019031 Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata 27/05/14 019053 Nitidulidae Epuraea aestiva 01/06/12 000301 Epuraea melanocephala 01/06/12 000301 Meligethes aeneus 29/07/14 019158 Meligethes morosus 01/06/12 019956 Meligethes nigriscens 01/06/12 000301 Meligethes pedicularius 29/07/14 019172 Meligethes rotundicollis 01/06/12 000301 Meligethes ruficornis 01/06/12 000301 Meligethes symphyti 01/06/12 000301 Latridiidae Cartodere bifasciata 29/07/14 019175 Corticaria impressa 01/06/12 000301 Corticarina minuta (fuscula) 02/09/15 020145 Cortinicara gibbosa 29/07/14 019158 Enicmus transversus 29/07/14 019175 Byturidae Byturus tomentosus 01/06/12 000301 Cryptophagidae Atomaria atricapilla 27/05/14 019054 Atomaria fuscata 01/06/12 000301 Atomaria lewisi 26/06/14 019107 Cryptophagus distinguendus 24/04/14 019031 Cryptophagus laticollis 26/06/14 019105 Cryptophagus pilosus 26/03/14 018997 Cryptophagus setulosus 27/05/14 019054 Ephistemus globulus 01/06/12 000301 Dermestidae Anthrenus verbasci 01/06/12 000301 Byrrhidae Pill Beetles Byrrhus pilula 26/03/14 018997 Cytilus sericeus 01/06/12 000301 5 Scarabaeidae Scarab Beetles Aphodius sphacelatus 31/03/15 019913 Onthophagus coenobita 26/09/14 019240 Elateridae Click Beetles Agriotes lineatus 27/05/14 019053 Agriotes sputator 24/04/14 019029 Nb Athous campyloides 26/06/14 019106 Athous haemorrhoidalis 01/06/12 000301 Cantharidae Rhagonycha fulva 01/06/12 000301 Cerambycidae Longhorn Beetles Clytus arietis 01/06/12 000301 Grammoptera ruficornis 01/06/12 000301 Pogonocherus hispidus 01/06/12 000301 Chrysomelidae Flower Beetles Altica palustris 24/04/14 019029 Cassida rubiginosa 24/04/14 019029 Crepidodera aurata 01/06/12 000301 Crepidodera aurea 01/06/12 000301 Lochmaea crataegi 01/06/12 000301 Longitarsus atricillus 23/10/14 019769 Nb Longitarsus ballotae 01/06/12 000301 Nb Longitarsus dorsalis 26/03/14 018997 Longitarsus exoletus 01/06/12 019956 Longitarsus flavicornis 26/03/14 018997 Longitarsus gracilis 26/11/14 019788 Na Longitarsus luridus 26/03/14 018997 Longitarsus melanocephalus 24/04/14 019029 Longitarsus membranaceus 24/04/14 019031 Na Longitarsus nigrofasciatus 02/09/15 020145 Longitarsus pratensis 26/03/14 018997 Longitarsus suturellus 27/05/14 019052 Neocrepidodera transversa 26/09/14 019240 Nb Podagrica fuscicornis 01/06/12 000301 Psylliodes affinis 01/06/12 000301 Psylliodes chrysocephala 25/02/15 019874 Psylliodes napi 24/04/14 019029 Sphaeroderma testaceum 26/09/14 019240 Tenebrionidae Lagria hirta 26/09/14 019240 Oedemeridae Ischnomera cyanea 01/06/12 000301 Nacerdes melanura 01/06/12 000301 Oedemera lurida 01/06/12 000301 Oedemera nobilis 26/06/14 019107 6 Scraptiidae Anaspis maculata 01/06/12 000301 Ptiliidae Acrotrichis sp.
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