MAY 5.8 2018 - 39th EDITION POWER OF GOLD POWER OF GOLD Che mistero è l’oro! Da seimila anni si estrae dalle viscere della terra, da tremila anni si fonde e si modella in monete, monili, oggetti sacri, senza perdere un grammo del suo fascino. Duttile, omogeneo, caldo e lucente, giallo e luminoso come il sole (astro sacro per eccellenza), misura della purezza, incorruttibile e fino ad un tempo, tutto sommato recente, misura del valore delle cose. Moneta e investimento: basti pensare che, nel 1861 alla vigilia dell’Unità d’Italia la carta moneta, le banconote, costituivano solo l’8% della ricchezza/denaro del Paese. Raro e prezioso, l’oro, scompare dall’uso quotidiano fino ad arrivare alla moneta elettronica, alle APP sugli smartphone, ai virtuali, discutibili e invisibili Bit Coin. L’oro, comunque, anche a fronte di materie più rare e preziose come i diamanti, continua ad essere misura del valore delle cose materiali di questo pianeta, perchè spiegano insigni economisti, il nobile metallo, ha preso a significare un sentimento indispensabile, archetipico e ancestrale: la FIDUCIA. Sappiamo che in qualsiasi tempo e in qualsiasi angolo di mondo l’oro può essere scambiato con qualsiasi cosa e il suo valore crescerà assai più di qualsiasi investimento: ad esempio le 2.500 tonnellate delle riserve auree della Banca d’Italia che oggi valgono 87 miliardi di euro quarant’anni fa ne valevano 11. L’oro vale sempre oro. Beppe Angiolini Proudly Italian, Truly International. POWER OF GOLD What a mystery gold is! It has been extracted from the bowels of the earth for six thousand years, smelted for three thousand and shaped into coins, jewellery, holy objects without ever losing a single gram of its fascination. Ductile, homogeneous, warm and shiny, yellow and bright as the sun (the sacred star par excellence), unit of purity, incorruptible and fine in - all things considered - quite recent times, a measurement of things. Currency and investment: one need only think that, in 1861, on the eve of the Unification of Italy, paper money, banknotes, constituted a mere 8% of the country’s wealth/money. Rare and precious, gold disappeared from daily use until the arrival of electronic money, of Apps on smartphones, of the virtual, disputable and invisible Bit Coins. Why is gold, even in the face of rarer and more valuable materials like diamonds, still used as a measure of value for material things on this planet? It is because, as eminent economists will explain, gold has come to signify an indispensable, archetypal and ancestral sentiment: TRUST. We know that now, in every corner of the world, gold can be exchanged for anything and its value will grow far more than any other investment: for example, the 2,500 tons of gold reserves in the Banca d’Italia, which are now worth 87 billion Euros, were worth 11 billion forty years ago. Gold is always worth its weight in gold. POWER OF LOVE The equivalence gold/money/wealth only partly explains the fascination of this most precious metal. More novels have been written and adventure stories told about gold than philosophical works or economic essays. Hesiod, Plato, Ovid... to start with the Greeks and Romans going on to thousands of others up to present day. Through mediation with culture, the brightness of gold encounters the eternal light of LOVE. In the most ancient language, Sanskrit, (the word splits into two with the alpha privative) A-MORE indicates something that DOES NOT DIE, something eternal, like gold, incorruptible, always renewed. In fact, Wilbur Smith, one of the world’s most read authors, writes that “love is the most precious money, use it in the market where you are sure you cannot be deceived”. And, to come to the more popular habits, seeing that gold in the form of jewellery is also linked to the inconstancy of style, we could quote the popular television series “Sex and the City”: “love is the only brand that never goes out of fashion”. Power of gold / power of love, two phrases that could be enriched with tales and endless citations. From the thousand words that define love and represent it, we have chosen the same word that explains the fascination and eternity of GOLD: TRUST. Is there a more valuable sentiment in human life? “We truly become humans when we outstretch our arms and risk and TRUST others” (Leo Buscaglia “Living, Loving and Learning”). The great sage, Lao Tze, places trust alongside kindness: “The kindness of words creates trust. The kindness of thought creates deepness. The kindness of giving creates love”. The power of love summarized in a very simple code of conduct, of life, of hope and of peace that leads to planning the future, not only between two human beings (ME and YOU), but also with everyone we enter into relations with. Gold: a universal currency of exchange. CHIMERA Pavillon • Booth 120A-219B Beppe Angiolini Loc. San Zeno, 2/A Arezzo Italy Tel. +39 0575 95953 [email protected] Proudly Italian, Truly International. CHIMERA Pavillon • Booth 120A-219B Loc. San Zeno, 2/A Arezzo Italy Tel. +39 0575 95953 [email protected] Servizi innovativi per le imprese CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI AREZZO Via Spallanzani, 25 - 52100 Arezzo tel. +39 0575 3030 - fax 0575 300953 [email protected] Follow us PP Pagina1.indd 1 13/04/2018 15:17:40 OUR OFFERING In safe hands around the world. Brink’s Global Services specializes in managing your risk through safe, secure transportation and the handling of your valuables. With 150 years of experience, we are well-placed to add value at every point in the secure logistics supply chain. Our core services include: Secure Logistics Management at every point in the logistics process including: Packing, Pick-up, Secure, Storage, Inventory Management, Pick & Pack, Customs Clearance, Consolidation, Airline Handling, Secure Transportation, Cash Processing,Replenishment, Delivery. Secure Transportation Transportation by armored trucks and trailers, secure air and sea freight, air charters (fixed wing & helicopters), and armed messengers. Our Liability We take full liability* for your valuables, this is The Brink’s Difference. Consultancy Brink’s offers proactive risk assessment for your transport and logistic requirements. This is based on our wide experience and network of local contacts, who constantly update us on industry developments and the latest customs regulations. Inventory Services Using our global integrated software for tracking, managing and implementing quality control checks on your inventory within our vaults anywhere in the world. Trade Show Services Our many and varied services for the diamond and jewelry industry include arranging customs clearance, handling, overnight storage, Walk-In Service Centers and secure transportation. *Subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Brink’s Global Services contract. BRINK’S GLOBAL SERVICES s.r.l. 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Rosso Nobile, da 15 anni, arreda le case di tutto il mondo con il profumo unico dei più pregiati vini toscani. www.frantoiocacioli.com FONDAZIONE AREZZO INTOUR 1968 / 2018 DAL 1968 PRIMA DOMENICA DEL MESE E SABATO PRECEDENTE www.fi eraantiquaria.org ANTIQUARIATO MODERNARIATO VINTAGE ARTIGIANATO DI QUALITÀ www.frantoiocacioli.com VISIT US @ our Welcome Lounge Booth S10112 – JCK LAS VEGAS SHOW THE JEWELLERY AGENDA 2018 DON’T MISS THE NEXT INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY SHOW AREZZO LASx VEGAS MUMBAI MAYx 05x 08x 2018 JUNEx 01x 04x 2018 JULYx 2018 VICENZA AREZZO DUBAI SEPTEMBERx22x26x2018 FALLx 2018 NOVEMBERx14x17x2018 VICENZA VICENZA HONGx KONG JANUARYx18x23x2019 JANUARYx18x23x2019 MARCHx 2019 MAY 5.8 2018 | 39th EDITION INFO La sezione Info utili organizza in modo chiaro e intuitivo tutte le informazioni generali, i numeri di servizio, le indicazioni geografiche e gli approfondimenti turistici a disposizione dei visitatori. EXHIBITORS La sezione Espositori permette di cercare e visualizzare in pochi secondi tutti i protagonisti di OROAREZZO. Nella sezione My Area è possibile organizzare e inserire a calendario i propri appuntamenti: dagli espositori da visitare, fino ai check-in. BUSINESS CARDS Con la nuova funzione “Biglietti da Visita” potrete scansionare e archiviare tutti i biglietti da visita dei clienti e fornitori che incontrerete a OROAREZZO. AROUND AREZZO Tutto quello che bisogna sapere per rendere il soggiorno ad Arezzo un’esperienza unica: dai migliori ristoranti, ai negozi più esclusivi, agli eventi più interessanti e da non perdere in città durante OROAREZZO. 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