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'.9 E g E f; I gFFEEfiE= € ^d b ts.o E >. }.E rsf€ S &sso(lt td ui A0- a)-9 g 3..€ s EO I gli 7 tE$ EE\, .h e(l $.*E c.r'trFa g dbO F€ r. .O L. *'g * tr:.O >'{ rA) .=o-Fo!) €o a s 9-b =b0 tr '!ts! I 3q € b-q 3i !E €oEer0) ' € F-c 3<i*;t.EE fr's J-- H 3 .i(U)o6*ii '.ETE Ei! rBh TEES; H AFf i I *! *: iJi b b0tr> E rY' s E-A' .d? s.€t F ;F1axfe H.PF. 6 if F Fi aE$t r Oo:ih EEsFr. tt 5 a- :.' rP s ; E.; or -ta eHe gg; :!nE'sHe ggtEll:lgprlIlll caE- ooo!'i,i' ECf{O AXSD b{ARCTSS{JS Hera, the queen of the gods, was stately, beautiful and quick-tempered. Zeushad loved her deeply when he married her, and did so still in his own fashion. Those who showed lack of admiration or respect for her soon felt his anger. But very often he preferred the company of sweeter- natured beauties. The wood nymphs were among his favourites' When Hera suspected some new rival reigned she would appez;r among the wood nymphs and question them closely to ferret out the truth.It was difficult to face Heraspenetratinggazeand not tostanuner andsay something stupid when Zeus was hiding in the trees nearby. Hera was approaching the woods one day when the nymph Echo came running out to meet her. She was rhe greatest gossip of them all. The Queen of Olympus stood listening for at least half an hour to various stories of what so-and-so had said or done. She believed that she was learning forest secrets from the nymph.

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