. •" ...... WPA PROPERTIES WARRANTING FURTHER STUDY FOR NATIONAL REGISTER KIOWA COUNTY (Region 7) Property Name Location Town Photo Ref. 1. Cooperton Gymnasium / Lucas Street Cooperton 7KI01a,b 2. Gotebo Aud. and Gym ..,.... lOth Street Gotebo 7KI03a,b 3. Dunbar Schoolr 728 E. 5th Hobart 7KI04a,b 4. City Park/County ~ Fairgrounds Entrance Iris Ave. Hobart 7KI05a 5. City Park ~ Pool & Bathhouse Iris Ave. Hobart 7KI07a,b 6. Tennis Courts - Iris Ave. Hobart 7KI06a,b 7 . Dog Pound -- Iris Ave. Hobart 7KI013a,b 8. County Jail./ 301 S. Jefferson Hobart 7KI08a,b 9. High School Gym ~ 200 N. Main Hobart 7KI09a,b 10. County Office Bldg . .......- 314 S. Main Hobart 7KI010a,b .-- 11. County Garage 315 S. Main Hobart 7KI011a,b 12. Eugene Field School " 800 S. Main Hobart 7KI012a,b 13. Lone Wolf School -"" 1021 W. 7th Lone Wolf 7KI014a,b 14. City Hall _. 1001 W. Main Lone Wolf 7KI015a,b 15. Football Stadium - T6N, Rl9W, NElS Lone Wolf 7KI016a,b 16. Junior High School ~ 124 S. 1st Mt. View 7KI018a,b 17. Football Stadium / 124 S. 1st Mt. View 7KI019a,b 18. Mt. View Elem. Sch./ 401 E. Main Mt. View 7KI020a,b 19. School Gymnasium ~ Main Street Roosevelt 7KI02la,b 55 20. School and Gym / 515 9th Street Snyder 7KI022a,b 21. School Truck Shed/Shop / 515 9th Street Snyder 7KI023a, b 22. Luger School / TSN, R20W, SW24 L. Wolf vic 7KI026a,b 23. Kiowa Flat School / T7N, R15W, NW9 M. View vic 7KI029a,b 56 TORre ~RESERVATION SURVEY INVENTORY FORM ~- i gur-e "D' ROPERTY NAME: Cooper-ton Gymnasium PROPERTY ADDRESS Street Address: Lucas Street City: Cooperton County: Kiowa State: ~K Zip Code: n.023 R£09 i on: 7 ~. PROPERTY LOCATION Lot: no lots Township~ Block or- Section: Block 21, Cooperton Dr1g1nal r:;:angc•: r.:· 4. PROPERTY TYPE (Cc.\tegor·y) ...J. PLACEME~T ON BLOC< ot MAP Building: x Ob j er_ t: Structure~ Site~ 11 ~ '5k,l\1\et ~-\. 6. Identi~icdtion uncertain: 7. Unable to locate: 8. Warrant further study National Register: yes SITE SETTING AND FEATURES Open Lane:!: Commer-cial ar-ea: ~fZ:"::.i.dentj al: :·: Scattered Buildings: i·'li::ed l.l5;e~ Jr1c!usl':r i .::d: 0 Other-: -- -- ----1 b'--'c..o.t S.--t. 1.0. HiS"I'ORIC USE {irc:haeol og:i. cal: Fino Arts: F\~?cr .. c-c:d: 1 e:n: ~·: ;·~iql' .. 1 t.:ul tlH~e: Government: Eclu(:ati Dn: >: Commercial~ Industr1al: Resident.1a!: Community/Public: 1ilitary~ Explorat1on/Settlement: Dtt1e1~: RE·ligious: ~ONDlfiON OF RESOURCE E>: c<0~J.l ent: Good~ Fc.\il:-: ~-~ Poot~·: ORIGINAL SITE Ye::j: ~{ No: Date moved <H1d ft··om ~··Jhen:.~: 13. ARCHITECT/BUILDER: Y f.:",::~t~ Bu i 1 t : 1 c_r:;;g l (;CCESS I :OLE '{es: ~< No: 1 ~j. PRESENT USE Agr-i~ulture: x I·rclus.try: Residential: (type): barn Commercial: Mi 1 i t.:.1r·y: Community/Public: Erlucaticn~ lv[dSt.:!Ufh: Social/~raternal: Government: F!eligious: Other: BJILD[NG CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION 16. N~1BER OF STORIES~ r--u.l.I: :-; P.:."'"·t i :::d ~ Bel ovJ Gt·-c)L.tnd: 17. FOUNDATION TYPE Storre: !·~ BrieL: Concr-ete:·: Otl iei-: lB. ROOFING MATERIAL Histor1c: Present: composition Roof type Hipped~ Shed: Flat: x Gabled: Other: arched . r;·. lAJALL CCJNSTPUCl rON Wood Frame: Siding, Historic~ Present: x Masonry, bearing: x Type Brick: Stone: x Type: native Ot:her, desct-· i be: 0. WINDOWS Historic, Wooden: Metal: Present: wooo sasn Window type Hung: x Single: Doubl~~ x frtple: Transoms Yes: x No: Casement: x Sliding: Fixed: Pi VC•t.. c:\1: Hoppet" : Othet... : SpE·cial t!Jirrdows and Con·figur-::.,tions F(ouncl: Arch~ B2y~ Othr:r-: Ul.::,zlng: Decorative aspects: DOORS dtertal and type. ~istoric~ t-=re~:;<~·nt 1. WDod: x M~ta: i ,., .. Dcn •..:d J LARGE EXTERIOR FEATURE- Tower: pi~oj£'c:tirlg~ joined: other: Ent.d. esr. Pedi !TI(?ntad: .. ·: F'm-tf.:~ CocllL~re~ Other: round arch ot· c. t~ o~~: Entry: Full Width: Wrap-around: Other: Stairs: Bdlcanies: Dormers: Gables: Verandas: Chimneys: x placement/material: endwalf/sto11e, br1cv Other: 23. DECORATIVE DETAILS AND/OR MOULDINGS ON EXTERIOR. Describe: parapets, concrete capping on parapets. 4. UNATTACHED, SMALL OUTBUil.DlNGS Vehicle Storage; type: Work: Storag0 sheds, matches prlmdry building Yes: No: Other: 2~:i. DFSCR I P T I DN OF AL. fE.Rf:' T I Of\IS DR f.)DD l T IONS f(J 1-1 I STDF~ l C PROFE.:n rY. Include dates, work done and ef~ect. Continue on addit1onal sheets of needed: Windows covered witn tin, wodd, or fiberglass sunscreens; transom replaced witt tin; ~"olest wall krH1cked <:H.It for enl.:.r·y; t"<Jof misslnq. INTERIOR FIXTURES AND FINISHES. Built in and rema1ning. Lighting fixtures: typn: Ceiling f1nishes: Floors: l•J<.: 11 r.;: Decorat1ve features Sta1rcasen: l'l.:mtl es: Par"t'tr 1 e Cc:ibinets: Olhf.:>~"': ~1. SIGNIFICANCE. Association with person, event or period. Important example of style or type of architecture withtn aroa: "'8. DOCLWIEI'HP:T I UN Sources of informatio f1eld survey '1otograph3. ~UST BE CLEAR B&W PRINTS. Polaro1d dnd Color Print~ are NOT accupt~ble. Numborn /KIOla,ib Datv tak~n: 0~/15/8/ Photogrc.~phcr: Barry fhorn,. "''9. Nf~J'IIE OF r:·REF';~f(E.R: B.::tF I" ' y T hc:ll" ne Dl~ fE: 07/06/87 SLtrvoy Pro jet. t Nc:•: Yes: x Projet.t NamG: WPA Survey, III ). WPA appropriation: $35,500 OTE.. ·ro continue any item, l1st by itF:!r" nLlmber a11cl til:.le. Attac:h ddllir.mal, full si-le:·ets if ,,eed<?.d. DDITIONAL COMMENTS: Attachment 1 1R I C PRESE.F-.:'vAT I 01.1 SUF>. VE: Y I 1\l )ENTOhY FOf-;1"! 1 FFCJF'ER f'Y NPtlviE': Gotf?bo Audt t<~11 i um .:mcj Gymnasi t.l!"o PROPERTY ADDRESS Btn.~E?t f.idd1· t:SS: .1. Oth Stn~c:·t. City: Got.ebo County~ Ki m'Vc.; St.::,te: m=.. Zip Code: 73041 Region: 7 .. •1,, PROPERTY LOCAfiUN Lot: no lots Township: Bloc~ or Section: 18(School Reserve), Gotebo Dr1gindl Range: 4. PF:OF'EF\1 Y TYFE ( Cc-tb?gory) PLACEI'!El\1 r ON BLOC~< m·· 1··itP Du.ildino: '< Object: ~N\!'Mli'~~ .._\ P-11 E . Stt-L ctur ~'~: Sit£::: 6. Iden~lficat1on uncert~in: 7. Un~blL to ~ocate: 8. w~rr~nL furtheF study Natlonal Register: yes S!f'E ~ETTI~G AND FEATURES Open Land: CoiiHnE!rci <:d at·-ea: R<-:::-si dc·m L·. J. c 1 : ..• S(:atteJ-ed Bui ldi.tlg::>: !Vii )-((~·c:l USE:!: I nclust1~ i i=.l.l: Oth(?l-: lu. HIS10RfC USE (4t'·che:\f..:•o1og:J C<::tl: F"i nc:· p,,~t:s: HE c.r-e<.:tt 1 on: :: f~o;JI'":i CL J. b.tt•·e~ Govf;:r·11ment: EdL.tC.:.:\t.ion: ;: Commr~r c: 1 c:d : Indu':',tt-i al: Res rli:·Jd:1al: Commun1ty/Publlc: Mil~ i.:ary: Exploration/Settlement: utht·!r: hel1gious: 1. ~ONDITiUN OF RESOURCE E;.:c:E::>llf2nt: ::-: Good: 1~. ORIGINAL SITE Ucite moved and ft om where: .;;. 1)11CHITECI/8UILDU\: Y8ar Built: 1937 38 111. {.)CCE.SS I BLF Yes: :·: Nu: 15. f''RESENT USE Agr-icul ... un:.,: Industry~ Resic:lent1al: <type); Comm~~r··c1 al: l... l i 1 i t. ar yr. Community/Public: Educ ,tion~ ;; Mu ~~c:·urn: Social/F~atern.l: Govei-nmen t: Rel1giD1.tS~ Othel'': U I U.> NG CONSTF:UCT I ON DEE:;cn IF' f' I 01\J 16. NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 r=ull: .:-: Bel uw Gr·our,d: 17. FOUNDATION TYPE ~!tune~ :.; Br·ic 1~: Other: 18. r:moFIJIG t1rYI"ERIA!.. Histclr··ic: PresQntr. composition Roof type Hipped: Shed: Flat: x Gabled: Other: arched .9. WALL CONSTRUCTION Wood Frame: Sid1ng, H1storic: F'1· e~:;,E·!o d .. : :-: l'·iar:;onry? bE~at~ing: :·: Type Br·ick: Stone: x Type: native Other~ de~~cr i be: WH,JDCJ\.IJS Hi~~tc:H~ir:·, L·Jooden: Jvtetc't]: F. s.t:::'nt: ,-: Window type Hung: Single: Double: fr1ple: l r· an ~oms \( es;: t'IO: Ca<::;Pment ~ :-: S 1 J ch rHJ : FlXE•cl: Fi.vot Hopper: Othet·: ~p~cial w~ndows and Configurations Round: Arch: Bay: Glazing: Decow·ative a~>pE·cts: .. 1. DDU;;g Mcter·l<.. l .I ci typ F'tyl.e: gl,,s.s Single~ Dou :l 1 e:. : :·: Otht-;?1~ specify: I "'' " •II "' ~~. LARGE EXTERIOR FEATURE · rc)t"'"J(·:·::~r-: proj0cting~ jo1ned: othf~r: Entr··i<'2S'-~ Pedimented: Porte Cochere~ Clthf:?l'": f~'Ctl"'' C h (:::!S: Er·1t1···y ~ Full Width~ Wrap-around: cJ.ic. r·; F.~'t' ~ :3tc7!.i Y.. ~s: Balconies: Dormers: Gables; Vel'" <i:tf'! d<:; ''": Chimneys: placement/material: OthE•F' ~ 23. DECORATIVE DETAILS AND/OR MOULDINGS ON EXTERIOR. Descr1be: beaded mortar 24. UNATTACHED, SMALL OUTBUILDINGS Vehicle Storage; type: lLJcw· k: Storage sheds, matches primary building y·E~S~ l\ic:>: Other··: 25. DESCRIPTION OF ALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC PROPERTY. Include dates, work done and effect. Continue on additional sheets of needed: Concrete block addition to north side; new glass doors; windows replaced with wood inserts on east, south, and north; windows openings filled with concrete on north; new metal doors on west; small concrete addition to northwest corner. 26. INTERIOR FIXTURES AND FINISHES. Built in and remaining. Lighting fixtures~ typE•: Ceiling finishes: Fl oc:w·s:;~ Walls: Decorative features Staircases: lvi<Etntl es-,: p "'\f": t I'" if.:·~::.~ [:<;:tb j_ f"'i!:2t ~::. ~ (Jthf2J··-: 27. SIGNIFICANCE. Association with person, event or period. Impot'·tant sxample of style or type of architecture within area: 28.
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