A SUPPLEMENTAEY CATALOGUE OF HINDI BOOKS IN THE LIBEAEY OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM ACQUIRED DURING THE YEARS 1893-1911'. BY J. F. BLUMHAEDT, M.A. PROFESSOR OF HINDUSTANI, AND LECTURER ON HINDI AND BENGALI AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON ; AND TEACHER OF BENGALI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. PRINTED BY OBDER OF THE TRUSTEES Eonfcou : SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND BY l.oMi.M ANS & CO., 39, PATERNOSTER Row; BERNARD QUARITCH, H,GRAFTON STREKT, NKW IV.NH STKEKT; ASHER & CO., 14, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN; AND HENRY FROWDE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, AMEN CORNER. 1913 [All rights reserved.] LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, M'KK STREET, STA1IFOUD STREET, S.E., A.\D GREAT WINDMILL STHEET, W. \ PBEFACE. THE present Catalogue of Hindi Printed Books acquired for the Library of the British as u Museum during the years 1893-1912 has been prepared by Mr. J. F. Blumhardt supplement to the volume compiled by him and published by order of the Trustees in 1893. The methods of arrangement are in general the same in both works, and the present volume only differs from its predecessor in the greater comprehensiveness and more detailed classification of its indexes. L. D. BARNETT, Keeper of the Department of Oriental BRITISH MUSEUM, Printed Books and MSS. January 31, 1913. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THK Catalogues of Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu Books in the Library of the British Museum were published in one volume in 1893. The present Supplementary of Hindi Books Catalogue acquired since then has been prepared on the same principles adopted in the preparation of that and other catalogues of North-Indian vernacular books, and with the same system of transliteration of the names of works and authors. has There been a considerable increase in the number of Hindi books acquired since the publication of the catalogue of 1893, more particularly of religious and other poems, and of works on Hindu and Jain religion and philosophy. The names of all the books described in this catalogue will be found in the General Index of Titles at the end of the volume. In it are also included alternative titles and the names of commentaries, which, with some few exceptions, are not shown in the Subject-Index. The English or other European title of a book is entered in each Index only when it has no Hindi title. The Subject-Index has been drawn up in a more systematic and comprehensive method than that in the former Catalogue. The scheme of classification is given in full at the beginning of the Subject-Index. J. F. BLUMHARDT. LONDON. January 31, 1913. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF HINDI BOOKS, ABAJI VISHNU KATHAVATE. Report on the ACADEMIES, etc. (continued). search for Sanskrit [and Vernacular] manuscripts ALLAHABAD (continued). in the Bombay Presidency during the years University of Allahabad (continued). 1891-92, 1892-93, 1893-94, and 1894-95. pp. i. The Allahabad Matriculation Examina- 21,1.121. Bombay, 1901. 8. 14096. cc. 12. University tion Papers . from 1908 to 1909. pp. 82. 'ABD al-RAHIM called KHAN- C Nawab, Allahabad, 1911. 12 14160. a. 56. KHANAH. \_Life.~\ See DEVIPRASADA, Munsln, of Jodhpur. I [Khankhana-nama.] CALCUTTA. [1910.] 8. 14156. g. 51.(2.) Asiatic Society of Bengal. 'ABD al-RASHID, Munshi. The Probationer's Bibliotheca Indica, etc. New Series. 1848, etc. help to language, containing a complete handy 8. 14002. a, b. of those words as are to vocabulary only likely Hindi works published in this series since 1893 are to be meet the eye of the average students for Lower found under the following headings : Vol. 135. Malik and Higher Standards, Hindustani [Hindi] and Mutiammad, Jayasi. Persian . By Abdul Rashid. pp. 78. Lncknow, 1895. 12. 14117. aa. 35. LONDON. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. ACADEMIES, etc. ALLAHABAD. Asiatic Society Monographs. London, 1902, etc. 8 and 4. 14005. b. University of Allahabad. In progress. Sanskrit-siksha-vivriti. tf^lT-f3T3fT-f%TfTr: A to the Sanskrit . Entrance Course complete key PARIS. of the Allahabad University. By Kanhaiya Lai Ecole Specials des Langnes Orientales Vivantes. Sastri. [Comprising word for word grammatical analyses and anvayas in Sanskrit, with Hindi I [Hindi Hindul muntakhabat.] and English translations of the texts, and gram- Chrestomathie Hindie et Hindouie. [Prepared matical notes in Hindi.] Third edition. 3 pts. under the direction of Garciu de Tassy, with a pp. 405, xxii. Allahabad, 1899. 12. vocabulary by E. Lancereau.] pp. iv. 134, 144. 14085. b. 39.(2.) Purls, 1849. 8. 14157. d. 3. B 4 3 ACHALURAMA- -AJ MERE of ACHALTTRAMA, Disciple of Sulcharama. Ramayanasara Agnivesa, chronologically epito- Poems the the Extracted and edited H3FT?r I [Vamprakasa. embodying mising Ramayana. Harirama with a Hindi version teachings of Vedanta philosophy by by Vrajaratna Bhattacharya.] 39. 1900.] 12. Maharaja, Jiyarama Maharaja, Sukharama Maha- pp. in?rnTr-jt Wlj [Kalyan, xv. 208. 14065. b. 21. raja, and the editor, Achalurama.] pp. 41. Bombay, <m,M [1908.] 8. 14154. ee. Mahaxalha. of *HT <ifc>b % ibftt [Proceedings of meetings ADHYATMASANGRAHA. ^ngrww^l [Adhyatma- ^ the Conference in 1898 and 1899.] Hindi on Jain Rajput sangraha. A collection of poems 12, 27. *ma [Agra, 1899.] 8. with the Sanskrit Tattvarthasutra of pp. doctrine ; 14156. d. 19.U.) Umasvati.] pp. iv. 322. gnftt Vt-tS [Lahore, and United Provinces. New Selec- 1907.] 12. 14154. k. 27. AGRA OTTDH, tions. A Hindi text book for junior Officers, ADI GRANTH. See TARA SINGH, of Patiala. prepared under the orders of the Government sfd|-ji H<^o( [Bam A collection of Bhagatan. of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, by of Sikh taken from the Adi sayings Bhagats, Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit Sudhakar Dwivedi Granth, with commentaries.] [1898.] 4. and Radha Krisna Das. pp. 368. Benares, 1903. 14154. 17. g. 8. 14158. dd. 8. ADITYARAMA BHATTACHARYA. WPfTT ^>T- AGRA DASA, W^T tfrrt . Ayoclhi/d. [Dhyana- ^ToFtTff . Rijuvyakarana. A Sanskrit grammar of A Vaishnava in 79 stanzas.] in Hindi. Part i. Allahabad, 1900. 8. mafijarl. poem 14160. a. 41. pp. 16. [Budaun, 1905.] oil. 12. 14154, d. 11.C2.) Parts i. and iii. Sixth edition, pp. 76, 17. Allahabad, 1903. 12. 14160. a. 47. AHALYA BAI HOLKAR, Ednl of Tndore. [Life.] See KARTTIKAPRASADA, Kliatri. 'wf^jT^lf ^K\ T^^- ADVAITANANDA, Svaml. See TATTVAPRABHAKARA. ^fl^ I [Ahalya Bai ka jivanacharitra.] [1897.] ci-J [Tattvaprabhakara. Translated into ,>'.A>^J 8. 14156. g. 53.(5.) modern Hindi by Advaitananda.] [1890, etc.] 4. 14154. g. 11. AHMAD 'All, called RASA. See MALIK MU- HAMMAD, *-ti c:j l-* J [Padmavat. ADYAPRASADA MISRA. See MAHABHARATA. Jdyasl. VV 'j '.J . With an Hindustani translation and Bhagavadgitd. ^ft . The Illustrated Bhagwad interlineary . notes Alitnad Gita . Pandit Adya Prasada Misra, Editor. marginal by 'AH.] [1899.] 8. [1905, etc.] 8. 14049. b. 47. 14156. i. 41. AJITA SIMHA, of Pratabgarh. [PI- AGAMASARA. TSFH ??TTTTrt cir^r. [Mahamarikalpa. U^^T? yusha-pravaha. The treatment of common ATantric ritual to ensure safety from the plague, ailments, from various native medical purporting to be from the Devirahasya in the compiled works.] pp. 32, 485, 17, llth. qbe.1 Agamasara. Sanskrit text, with a Hindi trans- ilirr^TT^ [Pratalgarh. 1891.] 8. 14156'. b. 15. lation, styled Chandrika, by Raghunatha Sarma.] pp. 22. Banlcipore, vw\; [1901.] 8. AJMERE. Daydnanda Andthdlaya. ^ifT'?P^ ^SPJT- 14033. bb. 42.C4.) 'T^'T ^snr^TT; oRT fsTT^T fcft^ [The second : report AGNIVESA. ^fr^?n^fqUTrr W'5t^Tft^R^I [Afija- on the working of the poor-house founded by nanidana. A Sanskrit treatise on medicine, Dayananda Sarasvati at Ajmere, from Jan. 1896 ascribed to Agnivesa, accompanied a Hindi by to May 1897.] pp.16, ssrw; [Ajmere, 1898.] 8. translation, called Ramesvara Prabodhini, by 14154. c. 21.(3.) Bhatta.] pp. iv. 89. oR?nT!l SSMM [Kali/an, Vaidilia-yantrdlaya. II 1898.] 8. 14043. c. 45. [Report of the Vedic Press for the year 1891.] pp. 28, 12. I [Snmayanirupanarama- With 16 tabular statements. <M*u; <tt<*8 [Ajmere, A series of yana. excerpts from the Sanskrit 1894.] 8. 14160. e. 18.(1.) A K A LANKA- AI.IfA-KHANDA Bunera. AKALANKA KAVI, Jain Writer. AKSHAYA SIMHA VARMA, Yuvuraja of SARMA. *THIT3^=RT flf?W [Akalanka-stotra. A Jain poem in See NAOJlRAM ^T5[q^fir^ir^T: [Akshaya- under the direction of 10 Sanskrit stanzas, with a Hindi translation.] nitisudliakara. Compiled 12. Simha Varma.] [1904.] 8'. pp. 14. KT^WJ W$ft [Moradabad, 1900.] Akshaya ccc. 41. 14100. a. 13.(3.) 14072. Son Mlsra. AKBAR 'All KHAN. See MUHAMMAD AKBAR, AKSHAYAVATA MISRA, of Rdjesvara See DAN in. RT [Da?a- called ARZANI. ^^HKlftff f&tf ^T^Tg^JT^ kumara-charita. Translated by Akshayavata Bhikhdrl Ddsa. See 2. AKHAIRAMA, Disciple, of Misra.] [1905.] 8. 14157. b. (2.) TANTKAS. WTh;3riTF TCfaf [Kabir-sataka. With See PURANAS. Markandeyapurdna. *?r^i!3T Hindi metrical paraphrases by Akhairama.] Translated into 8. 14033. bbb. 15.Q.) I [Markanijeyapurana. prose [1901.] 8. by Akshayavata Misra.] [1908, etc.'] 14154. dd. 22. AKHILANANDA SARMA. *n^f?ntfl<^cjrrap^ [Arya- niyamodaya kavya. A Sanskrit poem of 22 stanzas ALARAMASAGARA, Sannydsi. Wir* f^V& ^n- Sara- on the principles laid down by Dayauanda [Sanatana Hindudharraa-vyakhyana. svati for the guidance of the Arya Samaj. With Lectures of the Sanatana Hindudharma on the the Sanskrit and Hindi expositions by author.] Vedas and Vedanta philosophy.] Nos. 2-6. ^*rTT pp. 27. W3 ^09 [Meerut, 1907.] 8. [Etawah, 1907.] 8. 14154. e. 43.C2.) 14028. bbb. 23. - ^ -qW^?ITW!3^ 'Stt I^T^T^^TTT^ [Vedokta - mft^H^Trr cS'pq i [Bhaminlbhushana-kavya. yogavidyamandana, and Isvaranamochcharana. in 11 for the instruction A Sanskrit poem sargas, Two controversial lectures on theVedic conception of forth their moral and religious the name of women, setting of Yoga, and the merit of repeating duties according to the Arya Samaj.
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