LICR/REG REGGIO CALABRIA 3 NOV 06 10-1P .AIRPORT.BRIEFING. PILOT-IN-COMMAND QUALIFICATIONS AND FLIGHT LIMITATIONS A. An operator intending to use REGGIO CALABRIA airport shall qualify the commander assigned on a flight to/from that airport as follows: 1. Aircraft with seating capacity up to 9 passengers: Ground informative session. 2. Aircraft with seating capacity of more than 9 passengers: a. Ground informative session and an actual approach and landing in day as a pilot at flying controls, under the supervision of a T.R.E./C.R.E. (Type Rating Examiner/Class Rating Examiner) in order to acquire qualification for day approach. b. Ground informative session and an actual night approach and night landing as a pilot at flying controls, under the supervision of a T.R.E./C.R.E. (Type Rating Examiner/Class Rating Examiner) in order to acquire qualification for night and day approach. During the ground informative session the commander shall acquire an appropriate knowledge about the airport features, the relevant flight procedures and the orographical features near the airport. At the local D.C.A. (Airport Civil Aviation Authority) a video tape is available as a support for the acquisition of all the information essential for the airport reconnaissance. 3. In addition following conditions shall be met: 3.1 The commander to be qualified shall have go to at least 500 hours flight as commander on the type of aircraft to be used. 3.2 During the qualification flight the commander of the flight shall seat on the left side of the cockpit, while the check-pilot shall seat on the right side. 3.3 The qualification remains valid for 6 months provided that at least one landing and one take-off have been performed at REGGIO CALABRIA in this term. 3.4 The qualification remains valid for 12 months instead of 6 months if at least 10 landings and 10 take-offs have been performed by the commander at REGGIO CALABRIA in the last 12 months after the qualification. 3.5 For the operator's T.R.E./C.R.E. (Type Rating Examiner/Class Rating Examiner) the ground informative session will suffice as qualification. B. Following limitations for IFR and VFR flights are in force. 1. Maximum crosswind components allowed: a. For rwy 15 by DAY and NIGHT, for rwy 33 by DAY only: 20 KT in dry conditions, 10 KT in wet conditions. b. For rwy 33 by NIGHT: Wind sector from 330^ to 060^, 15 KT in dry conditions, 10 KT in wet conditions; wind sector from 240^ to 330^, 10 KT both in dry and wet conditions. 2. Landing for rwy 15: a. Dry rwy: Landing not allowed in case of tailwind component higher than 5 KT unless more restrictive limitations are required by the flight manual for specific aircraft. b. Wet or contaminated rwy: Landing not allowed in case of any tailwind component. 3. Follwing any (visual or instrument) approach, the aircraft shall overfly the first barrette of the curved approach path at 750' AMSL, with stabilized final speed and landing configuration. Remark: CAT A aircraft performing a visual approach to rwy 33 are exempted from overflying the first barrette of the curved approach path at 750' AMSL and can report on final according to their own standard operational circuit. Moreover no training activity is allowed on airline operations on the aerodrome, with the exception of the one provided for the qualification. In any case the commander in charge of the flight shall seat on the left side of the cockpit, while the check-pilot shall seat on the right side of the cockpit. CHANGES: New page. LICR/REG REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY REGGIO CALABRIA 9 FEB 07 10-2 .Eff.15.Feb. .STAR. Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa ^ 0 0 96' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000' 2 8000' 6000' 30 BERMI 1A [BERM1A], GIMEL 1A [GIME1A] 0^ PEROS 1A [PERO1A], PIGER 1A [PIGE1A] PEROS ARRIVALS N38 38.3 MSA ^ E015 49.2 RCA VOR TO RCA VORDME 2 9 1 A 0 1 S 9 10 PIGER L F N38 32.9 E015 24.4 RO E 1 D30 5 P 6 ^ . D26 RCA GIMEL 5 N38 27.7 E016 03.2 r P 17 ^ 400 600 e 8 I h G . 1 5 g 2 i E 0 0 h 11 80 R 1 L f 1 1 F i 1 0 A A 0 1 L 1 T L FL E r o M D13 I G 40 / 1 7 D15 RCA 0 D19 RCA 0 LONDA 9 r 0 e 8 N38 16.6 E015 32.6 D r h FL ig o h 0 15 0 if 1 60 60 TL 3 0 0 D10 RCA 0 1 0 0 0 R3 ^ 6 2 3 1 ^ 6^ 8 0 3 R R0 1 If cleared for approach Rwy 15. (IAF) REGGIO 0^ CALABRIA 0 D 111.0 RCA R2 (T) N38RCA 04.6 E015 38.7 0 10 0 D 60 OLINI N37 55.3 E015 34.0 NOT TO SCALE 0 13 0 60 HOLDINGS OVER PEKOD RCA N37 43.1 E015 27.8 MHA 6500 omnidirectional entry MHA 6000 on track entry A M 188^ 1 A 0 14 1 0 0 I X 5 0 M 2 6 0 60 8 R ^ 0 6 E K B T ^ 0 BERMI 2 008^ 3 N37 30.3 E015 21.3 0 3 6 ^ CHANGES: STARs established and transferred. LICR/REG REGGIO CALABRIA Apt Elev 96' BERMI 1B Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000' N38 32.9 E015 24.4 [BERM1B] PIGER PIGER 1B 1 9 FEB 07 1 5 ARRIVALS 2 8 ^ TO RCA NDB By ATC. 1 Only for direct approach Rwy 33. , PEROS 1B [PIGE1B] 10-2A D30 . 5 3 3 P D 6 I ^ N37 27.9 E015 03.7 G 1 116.25 CTF E R CTF CATANIA 6 0 [PERO1B] 1 0 CHANGES: B 0 1 3 REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY 4 078^ BERMI D26 RCA N37 51.3 E015 34.9 E015 21.3N37 30.3 New chart. D34 CTF 190^ DEDRA 9 PEROS N38 38.3 11 FL100 E015 49.2 4 D L80 OS 1B 1 8 F PER 1 D15 RCA her 8 or TL if hig 21 D14 191^ 6000 AGEKO N37 31.0 E015 26.0017^ 6000 10 30002 BERMI 1B1 6000' (T) D .STAR. N38 04.6 E015 38.7 RCA111.0 RCACALABRIAREGGIO RCA NDB 200^ MSA 8000' N38 00.8 E015 39.0 *109.3 REG RCA325 RCACALABRIAREGGIO 2 8 0 ^ REG LOC DME approach NOT TO SCALE LOC DEDRA HOLDINGS OVER 017^ 017^ 197^ D14/18 RCA MHA 3000 MAX 6000 RCA NDB MAX 210 KT MHA 6000 MAX 280MHA KT 6500 1 5 0 ^ 3 3 0 ^ LICR/REG REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY REGGIO CALABRIA 10-3 .SID. Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000' ^ 0 0 95' Ceiling 1500' - VIS 5000m. 2 8000' BERMI 5A [BERM5A], CDC 6A 6000' 3 RWYS 15, 29, 33 DEPARTURES 00^ MSA RCA VOR REGGIO CALABRIA D (H)RCA111.0 RCA N38 04.6 E015 38.7 CARAFFA DI CATANZARO MAX D 200 KT (H) 117.3 CDC N38CDC 45.4 E016 22.1 ^ 0 1 2 R At 800' 1 1 6 6 6 6 ^ ^ NOT TO SCALE MAX 200 KT 4 ^ 5 0 0 ^ 2 236 D13 RCA D54 CDC N37 52.5 E015 32.6 OLINI At or above N37 55.3 D10 FL100 CDC 6A E015 34.0 Turn at or above 3 5500' 0 1 D64 CDC ^ At or 0 3 above 0 7000' CDC 6A These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of D30 RCA A 5 BERMI 5A At or above I 17 Rwy 15: 565' per NM (9.3%). Aircraft unable to 7000' M follow climb gradient must maintain VMC until R E 2000'. B Rwys 29, 33: 298' per NM (4.9%). MAX CDC 6A 200 KT Rwy 15: 565' per NM (9.3%). Aircraft unable to follow climb gradient must maintain VMC until 2000'. 8 Rwys 29, 33: 352' per NM (5.8%). 6. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 BERMI 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 N37 30.3 E015 21.3 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 298' per NM 372 496 744 992 1241 1489 SID RWY ROUTING BERMI 5A 15 Climb on 166^ track to 800', turn RIGHT, 236^ track, intercept RCA R-200 via OLINI to BERMI. 29, 33 Turn LEFT as soon as possible, 166^ track, intercept RCA R-200 via OLINI to BERMI. CDC 6A 15 Climb on 166^ track to 800', turn RIGHT, 236^ track, intercept RCA R-200 via OLINI to D13 RCA, turn LEFT, intercept CDC R-210 inbound to CDC. 29, 33 Turn LEFT as soon as possible, 166^ track, intercept RCA R-200 via OLINI to D13 RCA, turn LEFT, intercept CDC R-210 inbound to CDC. CHANGES: Rwy 15 initial climb & climb gradient revised. LICR/REG REGGIO CALABRIA, ITALY REGGIO CALABRIA 11 NOV 11 10-3A .Eff.17.Nov. .SID. Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 7000' ^ 0 0 95' Ceiling 1500' - VIS 5000m. 2 8000' PIGER 6A [PIGE6A] 6000' PIGER 300 N38 32.9 E015 24.4 PIGER 6D [PIGE6D] ^ At or above FL100 RWYS 15, 29, 33 D 17 MSA 3 . RCA VOR 0 5 DEPARTURES .5 LONDA N38 16.6 E015 32.6 PIGER 6A D P At or above I REGGIO 4000' G CALABRIA E D R (H)111.0 RCA 6 RCA A N38 04.6 E015 38.7 , 6 PIGER 6D D At 6000' 13 By ATC 3 At or above 3 6 FL110 MAX ^ 200 KT 1 1 6 6 R 6 6 ^ 1 7 ^ ^ 6 1 7 ^ 0 ^ At 800' 0 0 2 MAX 6^ 200 KT 23 NOT TO SCALE OLINI N37 55.3 E015 34.0 D10 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of PIGER 6A D13 RCA D Rwy 15: 565' per NM (9.3%).
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