Catalog of technical options for Fecal Sludge Management in Bangladesh The authors: Andreas Ulrich - Researcher: Waste/Sanitation Management, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Prawisti Ekasanti - Consultant, IWMI Colombo, Sri Lanka Nilanthi Jayathilake - Senior Research Officer - Septage Management & Reuse, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Avinandan Taron - Researcher - Investment and Institutional Analyst for RRR Business Development, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank TA Hub South Asia and the DevCon team, in particular, for their support during the preparation of this catalog. The authors are grateful to Dr. Pay Drechsel (Senior Fellow/Advisor - Research Quality Assurance, IWMI) for his invaluable guidance. Suggested citation: Ulrich, A.; Ekasan, P.; Jayathilake, N.; Taron, A. 2020. Catalog of technical options for fecal sludge management in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 140 p. Copyright © 2020, CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). Fair use: Unless otherwise noted, you are free to copy, duplicate or reproduce, and distribute, display, or transmit any part of this report or porons thereof without permission, and to make translaons, adaptaons, or other derivave works under the following condions: ATTRIBUTION: The work must be referenced according to internaonal citaon standards, while aribuon in no way suggest endorsement by WLE, IWMI or the author(s). NONCOMMERCIAL: This work may not be used for commercial purposes. SHARE ALIKE: If this work is altered, transformed or built upon, the resulng work must be distributed only under the same or similar license to this one. Disclaimer: This catalog is based on a review of technical options and personal experiences of team members in implementing different projects. The catalog is not a comprehensive compendium and there could be other technical options that are not represented in the catalog. A feasibility assessment must be carried out before they are considered for implementation in different cities in Bangladesh. The information in this catalog was compiled by the authors and IWMI's Publication Unit was not involved in the production of the catalog. Therefore, any errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. Photo credits: The photographs/visualizaons used in the catalog are mostly sourced from different manuals, guidelines and compendiums available in the public domain. All other photographs were taken by Andreas Ulrich and Prawis Ekasan while implemenng projects and from field visits. Technical designs in the annexure were prepared by Prawisi Ekasan. Contents 1. Introducon and overview 1 5. Treatment 41 1.1 The FSM service chain 2 5.1 Trenching 43 1.2 Importance of Citywide Inclusive Sanitaon 3 5.2 Pond systems 45 1.3 Regulatory framework related to FSM in Bangladesh 4 5.3 Unplanted Sand-bed 47 1.4 Current status of FSM in Bangladesh 6 5.4 Mechanical Presses 49 1.5 Exisng FSTPs in Bangladesh 7 5.5 Geobags 51 5.6 Modular sub-surface FSTP 53 1.6 Characterizaon of fecal sludge 8 5.7 UASB 55 2. Containment & on-site treatment 10 5.8 Omni Processor 57 2.1 Pit systems 12 5.9 Thermal treatment 59 2.2 Convenonal sepc tank 14 5.10 Co-treatment in centralized STPs 61 2.3 Prefabricated sepc tanks 16 6. Resource recovery 64 2.4 Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) 18 6.1 Co-composng 66 2.5 Sequenced batch reactor (SBR) 20 6.2 Pellezing 69 2.6 Membrane bio reactor (MBR) 22 Annexure – Selected detailed technical opons for FSM 72 3. Emptying 25 A1 Design, producon and installaon of prefabricated sepc tanks 74 3.1 Human powered tools 27 A2 Design, producon and installaon of prefabricated ABR 84 3.2 Manually powered pumps 28 A3 Design and construcon of convenonal modular 10 m³ sub- 3.3 Wastewater pumps 29 surface FSTP 91 3.4 Vacuum tugs 30 A4 Design, producon and installaon of prefabricated 10 m³ sub- 3.5 Supporve measures 31 surface FSTP (Version 1 – with bio-digester) 114 A5 Design, producon and installaon of prefabricated 10 m³ sub- 4. Transport 34 surface FSTP without bio-digester (Version 2 – with sand-bed as 4.1 Trailers 36 dewatering opon) 125 4.2 Small vehicles 37 A6 Design, producon and installaon of prefabricated 10 m³ sub- 4.3 Large vehicles 38 surface FSTP without bio-digester (Version 3 – with mobile 4.4 Transfer staons 39 filter-press ) 129 Acronyms & Abbreviaons ABF Aerated Baffled Filter Reactor OPEX Operaonal Expenditure ABR Anaerobic Baffled Reactor PE Polyethylene AF Anaerobic Filter PGF Planted Gravel Filter BoQ Bill of Quanes PLC Programmable Logic Controller CAPEX Capital Expenditure PPP Public Private Partnership DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering RFP Reinforced Fiber plascs eqv. Equivalent RRR Resource Recovery and Reuse FRP Fiber Reinforced Plasc SA South Asia FS Fecal Sludge SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor SDB Sludge Drying Bed FSM Fecal Sludge Management SEA South East Asia FSTP Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant SME Small and Medium Enterprises HSF Horizontal Sand Filter SOP Standard Operang Procedure IP Intellectual Property ST Sepc Tank LDPE Low-density Polyethylene STP Sewage Treatment Plant MBR Membrane Bioreactor TA Technical Assistance Mio Millions WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant MSTP Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant O&M Operaon and Maintenance Preface he catalog of technical opons for managing backstopping for the project) and DevCon (the Fecal Sludge Management has been produced by project management team) to provide the Tthe Internaonal Water Management Instute raonale for selecng a parcular technical (IWMI) for the Technical Assistance Hub for South opon, including the advantages and Asia (TA-Hub SA) located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. TA- disadvantages, and its suitability in the context of Hub SA is managed by Development Consultants Bangladesh. As requested by TA-Hub SA, detailed (DevCon) and supported through the Bill & Melinda technical designs used to illustrate specific Gates Foundaon. One of the tasks of TA-Hub SA is to technical opons within the FSM value chains and support the Department of Public Health Engineering discussed during the technical sessions have been (DPHE) on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh in included as annexures in this catalog. These acvies related to the planning and implementaon technical designs can be considered by relevant of Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) projects in over individual praconers, and implementaon 60 cies of the country. In order to support informed agencies in Bangladesh for implementaon in the decision- making among related public stakeholders, future. TA-Hub SA requested the producon of two catalogs of selected technical opons for solid waste This catalog prepared by IWMI team explores both management (SWM) and fecal sludge management convenonal and non-convenonal technical (FSM) value chains currently implemented mainly in opons (especially in containment and treatment) South and Southeast Asia region. along the value chain. IWMI looks forward to providing assistance to TA-Hub SA as required This catalog is a compilaon of technical opons for during on-site assessments and preparaon of FSM value chains, and includes descripons, feasibility studies for the implementaon of urban photographs and illustraons. Technical sessions FSM projects in Bangladesh, once Covid-19-related were held between IWMI (providing technical travel restricons have been lied. Methodology in selecng the Technical opons Overview of the Catalog • Review of FSM projects & programs in Bangladesh • Structured but compact overview of technical opons that are currently implemented within FSM programs in South- and South • Review of different publicaons on FSM technical opons along the East Asia. service chain keeping scalability and inclusiveness as two important parameters • Systemac, short and well visualized presentaons of current technical FSM opons including summarized consideraons about • The review was further narrowed to technical opons that are planning, implementaon, operaon and maintenance. currently implemented within FSM programs in South- and South East Asia • Inclusion of selected, small-scale wastewater treatment opons under the category of containment. • Discussions with TA-Hub and government partners on FSM technical opons in South and South-East Asian context which can be customized • Descripon and rapid assessment of main performance indicators of to Bangladesh technical FSM opons presented. • Interacve and demand-based selecon of technical opons which • Descripon of prefabricated containment and treatment opons. can be implemented for different towns in Bangladesh • Demand-based provision of detailed technical designs of selected • The implementaon of the technical opons at city level is subjected treatment opons. to proper assessment and feasibility studies, availability of funds and decision by the urban local bodies (ULBs). Technical opons reviewed Selected detailed technical opons presented Containment & Emptying Transport Treatment Resource Containment & on-site Treatment on-site treatment Recovery treatment C1 Pit Systems E1 Manual T1 Trailers C3 Design, producon and TM5 Design, producon tools implementaon of and implementaon C2 Convenonal T2 Small prefabricated sepc tanks of modular sub Sepc Tank E2 Manual vehicles surface FSTP pumps C3.1 Sepc tanks out of RFP (treatment T3 Large capacity: C3 Prefabricated C3.2 Sepc tanks out of LLDPE Sepc Tanks E3 Wastewater vehicles 10 cbm/day) pumps T4 Transfer C3.3 Sepc tanks out of
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