DOCUMENT RESUME ED 104 796 95 SO 008 294 AUTHOR Malone, Helen TITLE Socialism. Grade Ten, Unit Two, 10.2. Comprehensive Social Studies Curriculum for the Inner City. INSTITUTION Youngstown Board of Education, Ohio. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 71 NOTE 76p.; For related documents see ED 070 693 and SO 008 22 through SO 008 300; Best copy available EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$4.43 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Case Studies; Economic Education; *Government Role; Grade 10; Learning Activities; Political Science; Politics; Secondary Education; *Socialism; *Social Studies Units; Teaching Techniques; *Urban Education - IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title III; FICSS; Focus on Inner City Social Studies; GreatBritain; Israel; Sweden ABSTRACT The socialism unit of the tenth grade level of the FICSS series (Focus on Inner City Social Studies -- see SO 008 271) explores a selected history of socialist thought and the thecretical model of socialism. Three case studies of socialism are explored: Great Britain, Sweden, and Israel. The case studies are designed to answer questions concerning the what, how, how- much, and for whom of production. The intent of the unit is to allow students to place the socialist concept into its proper perspective, to understand it, and compare it to other forms of government. The content of the document includes an introduction to the unit; essential materials for teaching the unit; suggested teaching procedures and strategies; knowledge, skill, and behavioral objectives; learning activities; and supplementary readings for both students and teachers. (JR) SOCIALISMeoc-eP ED1047 6 GRADE TEN, UNIT T'W 0 OUCEDTHISU DOCUMENT SNATIONALEOUCATION EXACTLYOEPARTMENTEOUCATION INSTITUTEAS HAS & RECEIVEDWELFARE OF BEEN HEALTH. OF REPRO FROM "Comprehensi Social accordingStUdieSas developed10.2 Curriculum to .t[l& by for theInner City" EDUCATIONSENTSTATEDATHE TING PERSON OFFICIAL IT DO POINTS NOTPOSITION OR NATIONAL NECESSARITORGANIZATIONOF VIEW OR POLICYINSTITUTEOR OPINIONSY REPREORIGIN OF (FocusMelvin onKentAssociate Arnoff,Inner ProjectState City Project PrpfessorUniversity FICSSSocial Director Studies) 0 LaurenceHelenUnit EditorAuthorMalonePennell YoungstOwpMansfieldAkronCantonParticipating SchoolDistricts Mr.andDr. RobertConradHenrySuperintendentsRichard Kurdziel E.C. Viering GlassOtt TheHealth, -*lework Education,U.presented S. Office andor of reportedWelfare. Education herein However,and Youngstownwasno official performedthe opinions Diocese endorsement pursuant expressed toby a the hereingrant Msgr.U. S.fromdo Wm. Officenot theA. necessarily HughesU.of S.Education Office reflIct ofsnould Education, the be position inferred. Department or policy of L BEST COPYProjectJune, No.1971 AVA6090 LABLE PROJECT FICSS Project FICSS is a Federally fundedFOCUS ONinvestigation INNER CITY SOCIALsponsored STUDIES by the U.S. Office of Education C4CD0 Purposesunderto concludeAccording Title 111in to Juneof the the1971. project Elementary proposal, and Secondary the purposes Education of this Act. investigationIt began on are: June 12, 1968 and is 3.2.1. toandcurriculum, promotedevelop constructinstruction innew to a selectedK-12materials fieldwhich inner test iscentral and/oriniaccordcitythese socialcity adaptmaterials, withschool studiesavailable the systems andneeds curriculum, revisematerials andchange problemsthem indesigned as social necessary.of an to studiesurban implement scciety. curriculum the new project,thenortheasternOrganization directorshipThe thegrant fiveOhio was ofdistrict schoolawarded Dr. Melvin districts, socialto the Arnoff studiesYoungstown Akron, of Kentcoordinators Canton, Public State Mansfield,SchoolsUniversity, worked in in andconjunction theconcert the original Youngstown to withselect designer four Diocese.a otherfive-man of theUnder incurriculumstudiesduringteam curriculum from the which eachdesignacademic theory helpedschool for year. and preparethedistrict. the innerAs problems thema city.groupThese fdr ofthey theteamsIn the orderchallengingreceived innermet to together city.do the thistask necessary full theyof developing timeneeded input in to theand abecome summerssocialstudies participated kfibwledgeable and part-time in Temporary Products developed for use by werecurriculuminthe the schoolsintendedAt direction the ofduringend asthe of oftemporary participating the theproviding ensuingfirstmaterials. summer someyear. schools modestofThese, Theystudy, tocorrections better werehowever, some designed balance materials arewithin notothe longermeet (units)thetreatment prevailingspecific in wereprintof immediateminoritysocial since studies they groups.needs systemsDevelopingFollowing had thearrived aCurriculum series at a oftentative Designconferences K - 12heldcurriculum during 1968-69 design.theThis unit design writers was from reviewedthe fiverevisedby schoollay OC:CD0 partsacrosanct.curriculumand expandedprofessionaland parcel design Asto theofinclude persons was others,writing finalized more as someof welldetailed individual lackedon as April a outlines60sufficient 14,manunits 1970.Board ofprogressed, thecontentofEven Reactors.specific this to it stand design, unitsbeckheIt on wasof however,theirclear each,subsequently own,thatgradehas andsome level.not othersunits beenThe were Unitthecould productDevelopment be better of investigation,written by revising speculation, the intended review, content. andrevisionThe final in accord design, with therefore,practicalunits intended ispedagogy. sixnoas longerfirst-aidunitsAfterAs was were available.the indicatedto developedmajor the obviouslyportion above, to be of the unbalancedclassroom the first curriculum productS testedcurricula design duringof ofthis the, wasthe project completedparticipating1969-70 were academicduring temporaryschools. theyear. summerTheseSufficientof are 1969, thedatato permitaims Thewere ofmajor collectedjudicious the portioncurriculum. onrevision ofthese unit unitsof writing the as materials theywas achievedaffected toward duringclassroom making thethem achievementsummer morein effective ofaccord 1970. and withattitudinal Duringin therealizing thisAprilchanges time, 14, preparedofall19711970 the of design.school 1970the for previouslyyear. seven-weekutilizationApproximately preparedwriting in 108SO session.unitsclassroomsof the were 69 Thirty-six revisedunitsin the of fiveor the ofmodified participatingtheseK - 12 unitsto.bedesign were districtswere throughlyprepared during editedby the andend1970- EvaluationThe effect. of these materials was evaluatedvia a design developed in accord withguidelines Whilepriorofspecified Education. theto andbycumulative thefollowingThe Division design effects the of called teachingRoser.i,ch of these for of unit the,Pfariningunits the administrationwas firstwas being andbeing semester gained'Developmentevaluated of throughunitsanattitude inatof the oneeachthe administration set andOhiograde ofan State classrooms,level,achievement Department gradesof achiev- test 1-12. 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