Ms CollXErskine Erskine, John, 1879-1951. Papers, [ca. 18901-1951. 30 linear ft. (ca. 20,500 items in 41 boxes, 1 flat box, & 87 volumes). Biography: Professor of English. Erskine was instructor at Amherst College, 1903-1906, Assoc. professor, 1906-1909; Adj. professor of English, Columbia University, 1909-1916; professor of English, 1916-1937, a member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and President of the Juilliard School of Music. Author of The Private Life of Helen of Troy and many other books and articles. Summary: Correspondence relating to Erskine's various educational, musical and literary interests; manuscripts of his writings; lecture notes for college courses; souvenirs of his army service in World War I and his Columbia University professorship, and student papers from his own school and college days. Also, biographical file, scrapbooks, and articles. Finding aids: Contents list, 15p. Available for faculty, students, & researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts. Books from Erskine's library are stored on 15/21/4. See also: Ms Coll/H.W. Erskine. 1. Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902- 2. Barrymore, John, 1882-1942. 3. Beard, Charles Austin, 1874-1948. 4. Benet, William Rose, 1886-1950. 5. Bessie, Alvah Cecil, 1904- 6. Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918. 7. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1848-1895. 8. Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963. 9. Burt, Maxwell Struthers, 1882-1954. 10. Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947. 11. Cardozo, Benjamin N. (Benjamin Nathan), 1870-1938. 12. Carmer, Carl Lamson, 1893- 13. Damrosch, Walter, 1862-1950. 14. Davidson, Jo, 1883- 1952. 15. Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell, 1857-1945. 16. Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969. 17. Dewey, John, 1859-1952. 18. Edman, Irwin, 1896-1954. 19. Engel, Carl, 1883-1944. 20. Finley, John H. (John Huston), 1863-1940. 21. Fowler, Gene, 1890-1960. 22. Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. 23. Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940. 24. Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844- 1909. 25. Guiterman, Arthur. 26. Hurst, Fannie, 1889-1968. 27. Hutcheson, Ernest, 1871- 1951. 28. Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1853-1937. 29. Jusserand, J. J. (Jean Jules), 1855- 1932. 30. Knopf, Alfred A. 1892-1984. 31. La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882- 1947. 32. Legouis, Emile, 1861-1937. 33. Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. 34. Lockhart, Gene, 1891-1957. 35. Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925. 36. MacDowell, Marian, 1857-1956. 37. MacKaye, Percy, 1875-1956. 38. Markham, Edwin, 1852-1940. 39. Mason, Daniel Gregory, 1873-1953. 40. Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929. 41. Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956. 42. Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936. 43. Morley, Christopher, 1890-1957. 44. Mumford, Lewis, 1895- 45. Nin, Anais, 1903-1977. 46. Noguchi, Isamu, 1904- 47. Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853- 1922. 48. Palmer, George Herbert, 1842-1933. 49. Pershing, John J. (John Joseph), 1860- 1948. 50. Pickford, Mary, 1893- 51. Pollock, Charming, 1880-1946. 52. Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. 53. Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935. 54. Robinson, Henry Morton, 1898-1961. 55. Santayana, George, 1863-1952. 56. Schelling, Ernest, 1876-1939. 57. Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968. 58. Speyer, Leonora, 1872-1956. 59. Spingarn, Joel Elias, 1876-1939. 60. Traubel, Horace L. (Horace Logo), 1858-1919. 61. Weaver, Raymond M. (Raymond Melbourne), 1888-1948. 62. Widdemer, Margaret. 63. Columbia University- Faculty. 64. Amherst College—Faculty. 65. Juilliard School of Music—presidents. 66. National Institute of Arts and Letters (U.S.) 67. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 68. World War, 1914-1918—Participation, American. 69. Conservatories of music—New York (N.Y.) 70. Arts—Societies, etc. 71. Literature—Study and teaching. 72. Music. 73. English language—Study and teaching. 74. Advertisements. 75. Articles. Ms Coll\Erskine 76. Addresses. 77. Bibliographies. 78. Diaries. 79. Commonplace books. 80. Diplomas. 81. Drawings. 82. Essays. 83. First drafts. 84. Genealogies. 85. Invitations. 86. Lectures. 87. Minutes. 88. Notes. 89. Obituaries. 90. Photographs. 91. Plays. 92. Poems. 93. Portraits. 94. Powers of attorney. 95. Prefaces. 96. Scores. 97. Scrapbooks. 98. Short stories. 99. Theses. 100. Wills. 101. Authors, American. 102. College teachers. 103. School administrators. ID: NYCR89-A269 Disk 2 1957 1975 HR - 4/97 I-.AilTIAL LIST. -.-• 1975 Addition Only Joha Erskine correspondence Adams, Franklin ?. jTev York, 17 Jan 1<M; To John Erskine; t.l.s., lp. Adler, Mortimer J. Chicago and Heir Tork, 6 March 1950 & [ca.1950]: To John Srskine; 1 a.l.s., 1 t.l.s. Barton, Bruce. New York, 12 Nov 1937; To J.2.; t.l.s., Ip. Bauer, Harold. Miami, 21 Feb 19^5; To J.E.; a. 1.3., 2p. Bellova, George. New York, 8 Jan 192^; To J.3.; t.l.s., lp. Benet, William Ross. New York, 20 - 23 .March 1935;-To J.E.; 2 t.l,s. Bessie, Alvah C. New York, etc., 31 Aug 1926 - 31 July 1935; To J.S.; 5 a.l.a., 17 t.I.e. Binghsxa, Millieent Todd. New York, n.d.; To J.S.; a.l.s., 2p. Eoyesen, HJalmar H. Paris, 22 Nov 1926 - 25 April 1929; To J.S.; 3 t.l.s. Cane, Melville H. New York, 15 Aug 1935 - 30 Nor 19^9; To J.E.; 9 a.l.s., 7 t.l Carmer, Carl. Irvin£ton-cn-2udson, N.Y., 14 ^^rch - 21 July 1$&9; To J.E.; 2 t.l.s. Chctzinoff, Samuel, nsv York, 8 Oct 1931; To J.S.; t.l.s., lp. Clifton, Chalmers. New York, 29 Oct 19^8 - 18"March 19^9; To J,E.; 1 a.l.s., 1 t.l.s. Colun> Mary M. (Mrs. Padraic) Sew York, 2 2'<arch 19^9; To -J.E.j t.l.s., lp. Crouse, Russel, 12 June 19^5; To J.E.; t.l.s., lp. Curie, Marie. Paris, 11 Jan 1919; To [John Erskine]; a.l.s., lp. Bamrosch, Walter. New York, 25 April 1929 - 18 Dec 19^7; To J.E.; 6 t.l.s., 1 a.n.8." DaVila, Carlos. [New York] 17 Bee 19*6 - 29 Jan 19^9; To J.S.; 6 t.l.s. Davidson, Jo. Faris and New York, 1 Aug 193^ - 26 Feb 19^8 arid n.d.} To J.E.; 3 a.l.s., h t.l.s.., 2 a.p.c.s. Edman, Irwin. Hew York, 16 April 19^7; To John Brskine; t.l.s., lp. Engal, Carl. Ifew York, 30 Her 1936 - 15 June l^i-3 and h Aug n.y.; To J.E.; 1 a.l.s., 2 t.l.s. Fsrrer, Jose. Ossining, H.Y., lo Dec 1967; To Helen Worden Erskine (>frs. John); t.l.s., lp. Gilder, Richard Wat3cn. New York, 11 Nov 1908 - 26 Jan 1909; To J.S.; 1 a.l.s., 2 t.l.s.; encl., cancelled check of John Erskine to Mr. Gilder Hanson, Howard. Rochester, 2T.Y.-, 9 June 19^2; To J.E.; t.l.s., "lp. correspondence - 2 Butcheson, Ernest. New York, etc., Ik Aug 1929 - 1 Oct 19^8; To J.E.; 6 a.l.s., 2 t.l.s. Knopf, Alfred A. New York, 5 - 16 March 1931; To J.E.; 2 t.l.s. Kroll, Leon. Hew York, 15 May 19^7; To John Erskine.: a.l.s., lp. MacDowell, Marian Nevins (Mrs. Edward). New York and Peterborough, N.H., 12 Jan 1932 - 25 Feb 19^8; To. J.E.; 10 a.l.s., 2 t.l.s. Moore, Douglas. New York, 3 Nov 19^8; To J.E.; t.l.s., lp. Nin, Ana*s. [Paris] [1927?] - 16 Feb 1932; To J.E.; 3 a.l.s., 2 t.l.s. Noguchi, Isanu. [New York] 30 April - lk May 193k; To J.E.; 2 a.l.s. Oispenskaya, Maria. New York, 31 Jan 1935; To John Erskine; t.l.s., 2p. Hobinson, Henry Morton. New York, 3 April 1957; To Helen Worden Erskine (Mrs. John); t.l.s., Ip.j Woodstock, tf.Y., 9 April 19^7; To John Erskine; a.l.s., lp. Schelling, Ernest. New York, 9 Nov 1932 - 31 Oct 1938; To J.E.; 2 a.l.s., 4 t.l.s. Speyer, Leonora. New York, 10 April [1950]; To J.E.; a.l.s., 2 p. Woodbridge, Frederick J.E. New York, 26 Jan 1916; To J.E.; a.l.s., 2p. 1975 Addition John Erskine Biographical File - Erskine documentary, 1897-1906. Box 1. Thesis on John Erskine John Ersklne Christmas card List of books in library at 5^0 Park Avenue John Erskine, Weehavken, N.J. Episcopal Church 16*93 — John Erskine's activities l John Erskine — Biographical memo Erskine geneology Eliza Hollingsvorth Ersklne (John's mother) Erskine family Margit Bethlen, 1932- Helen Erskine (John's sister) John Erskine' a sister, Anna Graham Erskine Robert Ersklne Robert Ersklne family Box 2. Rhoda Erskine Divorce, 19^5 — Reno friends • John Erskine, student Columbia U., class of 1900 Columbia, class of 1900 Hjalmar H. Boyesen, Columbia U. - 1929 Roelif Brooks, class of 1900, Columbia — Rector, St. Thomas Pauline Ersklne Winifred Ives Clarke . Raymond Ives Halley Ersklne I Graham and Hazel Ersklne Graham, Hazel and Halley Ersklne Erskine biographical file - 2 Anna Erskine Crouse Timothy Crouse ^ Box 3* Mrs. DeForrest Danielson (Pauline's cousin) John's letters to his son, Graham Erskine John* 8 letters to Hazel and Graham France 1918 France — First World War Beaune University - AEF pamphlets - orders — 1917-19 Erskine letters - first World War Frank Spaulding Will and Nina Nitze — Amherst Amhers't Aaherst — 1909 Erskine address Erskine documentary, 19O6-19M3 Box k. Amherst 1906 Bruce Barton Emily Dickinson Martha Dickinson Blanch! Edward MacDowell George Edward Woodberry address by John Erskine, 19^8 Columbia College Gazette Dec 1916 - notations in Erskine's handwriting Students - Columbia U.
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