Volume 2 2018 DIPLOMATIC A TRIANNUAL PUBLICATION OF THE INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA VOICE ISSN 2289-1277 Malaysia’s New Minister of Foreign Affairs It is with great pleasure that IDFR wel- Istana Negara on 2 July 2018. and Public Speaking since 2013. The comes the appointment of The Honour- Honourable Dato’ Saifuddin is a regu- able Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah as the The Honourable Dato’ Saifuddin was lar columnist with several newspapers, new Minister of Foreign Affairs. Deputy Minister for the Ministry of High- and has written several books on Ma- er Education from 2009 to 2013, and laysian politics, including New Politics The Honourable Dato’ Saifuddin was Deputy Minister for the Ministry of En- 2.0: Multiracial and Moderate Malaysian sworn in as the Minister of Foreign Af- trepreneurship and Cooperative Devel- Democracy (2017). fairs before Seri Paduka Baginda Yang opment from 2008 to 2009. He was Dipertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad also Chief Executive Officer of the Glob- In his maiden press conference held V, together with twelve new Ministers al Movement of Moderates Foundation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the and 23 Deputy Ministers, at the swear- from 2013 to 2015, and has been Pa- Foreign Minister reiterated the continu- ing-in-ceremony of the new Cabinet at tron to the Malaysian Institute of Debate Continued on page 14 CONTENTS Find us on 1 Malaysia’s New Minister of Foreign Affairs Facebook 2-7 Forum Please like IDFR’s Facebook 8-14 News page and be informed of upcoming programmes 15-16 In and Around IDFR DIPLOMATIC VOICE FORUM New Malaysia’s Foreign Policy – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Roadmap for Political and Economic Diplomacy Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah New Malaysia – a label now popular- This is especially pertinent to new and proficiency, conflict management, ne- ly used to describe the new Pakatan emergent concerns like violent extrem- gotiation skills and peace building. Harapan Government which took over ism, climate change, refugees, human These measures will be amplified administration following the 9 May trafficking, terrorism, international and through the Institute of Diplomacy and elections – has been carrying out wide- financial crimes and cyber security. Foreign Relations (IDFR) and the Insti- spread reforms to clean up corruption These have become global issues that tute of Strategic and International Stud- and restore the people’s trust in govern- need to be addressed in multilateral fo- ies (ISIS), both of which are agencies ment. These reforms have been led by rums at global and regional levels. the seventh and current Prime Minister aimed at development and research in Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who was Malaysia will also strive to regain its stat- diplomacy, international relations and also the country’s fourth Prime Minister, ure as a leading example of an inclusive the exchange of views at both the na- having served from 1981 to 2003. and moderate, progressive Muslim-ma- tional and international levels – which jority nation, predicated on principles will no doubt aid the Ministry in forming Despite the corrective measures being of democracy, good governance, free- the best policies. implemented by New Malaysia, rest as- dom, human rights and sustainable de- sured that there will be no major shift Strengthening Public Participation velopment. in the Ministry’s foreign policy princi- in Foreign Policy Making ples. Some “sacred” and fundamental Strengthening the Ministry principles will be retained (including We will also commit to setting up a among others, Malaysia’s commitment Also at the top of the list of priorities consultative council within the Ministry, to non-alignment and friendly diplo- is the strengthening of the Ministry by which will consist of experts from the matic relations with all nations), while building on and amplifying existing ca- private sector and civil society, former new emphasis and greater rigor will be pacity. The Ministry will reorient itself as diplomats and ambassadors, acade- placed on principles that were imple- a force-multiplier in ensuring effective micians and experienced officers from mented in the past but sidelined under coordination of international policies of within the Ministry itself. There is a the previous administration. These in- all ministries, agencies, business cor- wealth of knowledge, experience and clude rejuvenating Malaysia’s proactive porations and civil society organisations wisdom from non-government players role in ASEAN, continuing its “Look within the nation, towards progressing involved in foreign policy which we must East Policy” (with added emphasis on Malaysia’s international affairs. capitalise on. education and human capital devel- opment), and revisiting the Langkawi Greater Coordination with Other These, together with other strategic mi- International Dialogue and the South- Government Ministries cro-measures in the pipeline will build South Cooperation. Malaysia will also towards the Ministry’s new vision of extend regional-based focus to Africa The Ministry will do this by working fostering a vibrant international studies and other developing regions – while with other ministries to enhance coor- community, enabling the free flow of not losing sight of relations with major dination and cooperation on issues with ideas, dialogue and practices between foreign implications. To this end, I have superpowers. government and non-government sec- proposed the setting up of a Parlia- tors for the good of Malaysia’s interna- New Malaysia will continue to strive for mentary Select Committee to address tional relations. peace and stability through diplomacy broad-ranging and complex foreign pol- with all nations regardless of ideology icy issues involving numerous domestic Foreign policy is increasingly embedded and political system, especially with its and international actors. in domestic affairs, and a robust foreign ASEAN neighbours and other like-mind- policy must stem from a strong domes- Measures will be put in place to ed developing nations. Apart from ASE- tic base with the support and input of all strengthen and reorient public diploma- AN, New Malaysia will also seek to players. These measures will solidify the rejuvenate its role in the Non-Aligned cy. The Ministry will start by improving Ministry's role as a force multiplier, en- Movement, the Organization of Islamic consular services and protection of cit- abling the country to punch well above Cooperation, the United Nations, and izens living abroad through long-term its size and weight. other multilateral organisations – espe- human capital development strategies cially in efforts to end injustice and op- aimed at producing world class dip- This article was first published in the Jakarta pression, and uphold international law. lomats. These will include multilingual Post. 2 [email protected] FORUM Daesh’s Propaganda Online: Challenges and Counter Measures Jasmine Mohamed Jawhar Introduction Challenges in Countering Daesh’s Another concerning issue is matching Presence Online the rate and speed of terrorists’ propa- This article identifies the challenges in ganda. One of the reasons for success- addressing al-Dawla al-Islamiya fil al- Addressing the threat proves to be a ful Daesh’s online propaganda is that Iraq wa al-Sham’s (Daesh’s) use of the challenge. Among these challenges is the disseminators are not the Daesh’s Internet and to propose several mea- Daesh’s ability to adapt to counter mea- core alone, but also include Daesh’s sures to counter the group’s efforts in sures against them in the cyber realm. media operatives. Anyone, including They often advise their supporters and spreading their propaganda. a Daesh supporter, follower or even followers on how to ensure safety while sympathiser, who has no direct links Propaganda materials distributed by promoting their cause, and to avoid be- with the group, could disseminate and Daesh through the intensive use of so- ing targeted by authorities. As an exam- spread Daesh’s propaganda. cial media platforms like Facebook and ple, in an online publication known as Instagram have been far-reaching and "The Media War upon the Islamic State: Recommendations widespread throughout the globe. This the Media Technique of Misleading the has resulted in tens of thousands of in- Masses", Daesh outlined the various Despite challenges, efforts in combat- dividuals from all walks of life, including ways mainstream media was said to ing the threat of Daesh online must per- women and teenagers globally, travel- be delegitimising the "Islamic State".1 sist. Authorities and relevant agencies ling to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside These included claims that Daesh are need to continue to create and innovate Daesh. Additionally, such usage has distorting events, casting doubt upon actions against the threats posed by also expanded the role of women, as the strength of the fighters, exagger- Daesh. In this regard, this article would religious restrictions would limit face-to- ating western strength, and blaming like to propose a few possible measures face interactions during the recruitment the fighters, particularly for the west’s in countering the group’s propaganda process. In light of this, online recruit- ill treatment of women and children, and presence online. ment is more appealing for women re- among others. cruiters. The intensive use of social me- Developing Religious and Non-Re- dia platforms has also allowed Daesh Another challenge is choosing the right ligious Counter Narratives to Pro- to appear bigger than what they are messengers. Anyone can speak out but mote Critical Thinking through the support of their sympathis- the loudest voice would be one that is ers – with no direct links to the group it- credible and could resonate well with The manipulation of religion could self, and also paved the way for tailored the target audience. Messengers with- be seen as a powerful tool for Daesh propaganda to be disseminated to their in the government sector may face to appear legitimate and righteous.
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