Gay Resources for Religiou s Study Revised March 1982 BOOKS- -GENERAL BOOKS --RELIGION-ORIENTED (continued) Adair, Nancy & Casey Adair, editors, WORD IS OUT: Kosnik, Anthony et al, HUMAN SEXUALITY: NEW DIREC­ STORIES OF SOME OF OUR LIVES, New Glide/Delta, TIONS IN AMERICAN CATHOLIC THOtx:; HT , A Study Com - 1978, missioned by the Catholic Theological Society of Baetz, Ruth, LESBIAN CROSSROADS: PERSONAL STORIES America, Paulist Press, 1977; Doubleday, OF LESBIAN STRtx:;GLES AND TRIUMPHS , Morrow, 1980, McNeill, John J, THE CHURCH AND THE HOMOSEXUAL, Brown, Howard , FAMILIAR FACES, HIDDEN LIVES: THE Sheed Andrews & McMeel, 1976; Pocketbooks, STORY OF HOMOSEXUAL MEN IN AMERICA TODAY , Moore, Paul, Jr, TAKE A BISHOP LIKE ME , Harper & Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976, Row, 1979, Bullough, Vern L. SEXUAL VARIANCE IN SOCIETY AND Nelson, James B, EMBODIMENT: AN APPROACH TO SEXU­ HISTORY , Wiley-Interscience, 1976, ALITY AND CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY . Augsburg, 1978, Chesebro, James W,, editor, GAYSPEAK: GAY MALE AND Perry, Troy with Chas, Lucas, THE LORD IS MY SHEP­ LESBIAN COMMUNICATION, Pilgrim Press, 1981. HERD AND HE KNOWS I 'M GAY, Nash, 1972; Bantam, Cruikshank, Margaret, editor, THE LESBIAN PATH. Pittenger, Norman, GAY LIFESTYLES: A CHRISTIAN (37 autobiographical sketches) Angel Press, INTERPRETATION OF IDMOSEXUALITY AND THE HOMOSEX­ 1980; 2nd edition, Double Axe Books , 1981 (dis­ UAL, Universal Fellowship Press, 1977, (5300 tributed by Naiad Press, P.O. Box 10,543, Talla­ Santa Monica Blvd,, Los Angeles, CA 90029) hassee, FL 32302). Scanzoni, Letha and Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Fairchild, Betty and Nancy Hayward. NOW THAT YOU IS THE HOMOSEXUAL MY NEIGHBOR? ANOTHER CHRISTIAN KNOW : WHAT EVERY PARENT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HOMO ­ VIEW . Harper & Row , 1978, SEXUALITY. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979, Switzer, D:l.vid K. and Shirley Switzer, PARENTS OF Hanckel, Frances & John Cunningham. A WAY OF LOVE, THE HOMOSEXUAL , Westminster Press, 1980, A WAY OF LIFE : A YOUNG PERSON'S INTRODUCTION TO Twiss , Harold L., editor, IDMOSEXUALITY AND THE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE GAY. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard CHRISTIAN FAITH: A SYMPOSIUM. Judson Press, 1978, (Morrow), 1979, Weltge, Ralph W., editor, THE SAME SEX: AN Jones, 'Clinton R. UNDERSTANDING GAY RELATIVES AND APPRAISAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY. Pilgrim Press, 1969, FRIENDS. Seabury Press, 1978, Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, LESBIAN/WOMAN. Glide , 1972; Bantam. PAMPHLETS McNaught, Brian. A DISTURBED PEACE: SELECTED WRITINGS OF AN IRISH CATHOLIC HOMOSEXUAL . Dig­ Barnett, Walter. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE : AN nity, 1981 (address under Organizations). INTERPRETATION . Pendle Hill, 1979, Pendle Hill Richmond, Len with Gary Noguera, editors. THE NEW Publications, Wallingford, PA 19086, GAY LIBERATION BOOK , Ramparts Press, 1979, Blair, Ralph, AN EVANGELICAL LOOK AT IDMOSEXUALITY Weinberg, George. SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEX­ (1972) and HOMOPHOBIA IN THE CHURCHES (1979) , UAL , St. Martins, 1972 ; Anchor. Ralph Blair, JOE. 60th St., New York , NY 10022. THE CHURCH AND HOMOSEXUALITY. United Presbyterian Church-USA , 190th General Assembly (1978). UPC­ BOOKS - -RELIGION-ORIENTED USA , 475 Riverside Dr. , New York , NY 10027, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ON HOMOSEXUALITY. Committee Bailey, Derrick Sherwin. HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE on Homosexuality, Dept. of Church and Ministry, WESTERN CHRISTIAN TRADITION . Longmans Green , Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ, 1955; Archon/Shoe String Press, 1975, 1977 , Connecticut Conference Office--UCC, 125 Batchelor, Edward, editor. HOMOSEXUALITY AND Sherman St. , Hartford, CT 06105, ETHICS, Pilgrim Press, 1980. HOMOSEXUAL PEOPLE IN SOCIETY : A CONTRIBUTION TO THE Borhek, Mary V, MY SON ERIC, Pilgrim Press, 1979, DIALOGUE WITHIN THE FAITH COMMUNITY, Catholic Boswell , John E, CHRISTIANITY, SOCIAL TOLERANCE Council for Church and Society (The Netherlands) , AND HOMOSEXUALITY: GAY PEOPLE IN EUROPE FROM THE 1979 ; English translation by New Ways Ministry. BEG INNING OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA TO THE FOURTEENTH New Ways Ministry (address under Organizations). CENTURY, University of Chicago Press, 1980, HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE CHURCH: A STUDY PACKET, Boyd, Malcolm. TAKE OFF THE MASKS, Doubleday, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), revised 1978, 1979, Dept, of Christian Education, Box 1986, Crew, Louie, editor, THE GAY ACADEMIC, ETC Publi­ Indianapolis, IN 46206, cations, 1978, Section 8, "Religion & Theology," Nugent, Robert & Jeannine Gramick , editors. A TIME Fortunato, John E, EMBRACING THE EXILE : THE HEALING TO SPEAK. Statements on gay ministry and civil JOURNEY OF A GAY CHRISTIAN . Seabury Pr ess, 1982. rights, from Catholic clergy, media, commissions, Gearhart, Sally and William R, Johnson, LOVING New Ways Ministry (address under Organizations), WOMEN , LOVING MEN: GAY LIBERATION AND THE CHURCH , Nugent, Robert, Jeannine Gramick and Thomas Oddo , Glide , 1974, IDMOSEXUAL CA TIDLICS : A NEW PRIMER FOR DISCUS­ Horner, Tom , HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN SION. Dignity, Inc. , 1980, Dignity (address TRADITION: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY , The Ameri­ under Organizations), can Theological Library Association Bibliography Peron, Jim, THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR AND THE HOMO­ Series #5, Scarecrow Press, 1981, SEXUAL CLIENT (1979) and HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE Horner, Tom , JONATHAN LOVED DAVID: HOMOSEXUALITY MIRACLE MAKERS (1978/1979) , Free Forum Books, IN BIBLICAL TIMES, Westminster Press, 1978, Deer Park# 12 , West Willington, CT 06279, (continued next column) (continued over) PAMPHLETS (continued) ARTICLES (continued) PROI.,CX;UE: AN EXAMINATION OF THE MORMON ATTITUDE U. S. Catholic. June 1980: "My Son Is Gay" by TOWARDS HOMOSEXUALITY. Prometheus Enterprises, Julia Kavanagh and "Is Our Church Big Enough for 1978, Cosmic Aeroplane Bookstore, 258 E. First Gay Catholics?" by Brian McNaught, South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, The Witness. Oct, 1977 issue: "Gays in the Church RELIGION PACKET. Statements on gay rights by Speak for Themselves"; Oct, 1978 issue: "Gays in groups, churches and officials in the religious the Church: Is There a Place?"; June 1979: "Theo­ community. National Gay Task Force, 80 Fifth logical Explorations of Homosexuality" by Carter Ave., New York, NY 10011. Heyward; Oct, 1980: "God's Left-Handers: On the Salvatorian Gay Ministry Task Force. MINISTRY/USA: Ordination of Gays" by Louie Crew, A MODEL FOR MINISTRY TO THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY, The Wittenberg Door, Oct. -Nov, 1977 issue: "Behind 2nd edition, 1976. National Center for Gay Closet Doors: The Door Looks at Homosexuality." Ministry, 3517 W. Burleigh, Milwaukee, WI 53210, THEOLOGICAL-PASTORAL RESOURCES: A COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON HOMOSEXUALITY FROM A PASTORAL PER­ ORGANIZATIONS SPECTIVE, Dignity, Inc., 6th edition, 1981, (Note: Many of these groups publish periodicals) Dignity, Inc. (address under Organizations). Affiimation/Gay and Lesbian Moimons, Box 46022, Los Angeles, CA 90046. ARTICLES Affirmation/United Methodists for Lesbian and Gay (arranged by periodicals listed alphabetically) Concerns, P.O. Box 1021, Evanston, IL 60204. American Baptists Concerned, 198 Santa Clara Ave., A,D, (both UCC and UPC-USA editions), May 1979: Oakland, CA 94610, ~he's Still Our Daughter" by James E. Solheim. Brethren-Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns, Box America. Feb. 28, 1981: "Homosexuality and the 24060, Washington, IXJ 20024. Hurting Family" by Robert Nugent. Dignity, Inc. (gay and concerned Catholics), 1500 Christianity and Crisis. May 30 and June 13, 1977 Massachusetts Ave, N.W., Washington, IXJ 20005, special issue; June 11, 1979 issue: "Coming Out"; Disciples Associated (Christian Church-Disciples of Nov. 12, 1979: "Homophobia: Types, Origins, Reme­ Christ), Box 726, Manchester, MO 63011. dies" by Paul Siegel; Nov. 2, 1981: "Homosexual­ Evangelicals Concerned, Room 803, 30 East 60th St., ity Revisited: Whose Problem?" by William Sloane New York, NY 10022, Coffin, Jr. and "Gays as an Occasion of Grace" by Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, c/o Kaiser/ Louie Crew, Grimes, Box 222, Sumneytown, PA 18084, The Christian Ministry. March 1979: "Pastor, I Gay People in Christian Science, c/o Oscar Wilde Think I'm Gay" by Earl E, Shelp, Bookshop, 15 Christopher St,, New York, NY 10014, Church and Society. May-June 1977 issue: "Homosex­ Integrity Inc. (gay Episcopalians & their friends), uality: Resources for Reflection." c/o John Fortunato,# 605, 4550 Connecticut Ave, Counseling and Values. April 1978: "Moving into N. W. , Washington, IXJ 20008. Uncharted Territory" by Ramon Wagner, Lutherans Concerned, Box 10461, Ft. Dearborn Sta., Currents in Theology and Mission. April 1978: Chicago, IL 60610, "Homosexuality" by Harold I. Haas. Metropolitan Community Churches--Headquarters: engage/social action, March 1980 Forum section: 5300 Santa Monica Blvd,, Los Angeles, CA 90029, "Homosexuality: A Re-Examination," New Ways Ministry, 4012 29th St,, Mt, Rainier, Foundations: A Baptist Journal of History and The­ MD 20822, ~. April-June 1977: "The Bible, the Church Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, c/o J. and Sexual Orientation" (three articles). Anderson, RD 1, Box 356, Hampton, NJ 08827, Hastings Law Journal. March 1979: "Legal Homopho­ Refoimed Church in America Gay Caucus, Box 8174, bia and the Christian Church" by Ellen Barrett, Philadelphia, PA 19101, Judaism, Winter 1978: "Sin, Crime, Sickness or SDA Kinship (Seventh-Day Adventist), P.O. Box 1233, Alternative Life Style? A Jewish Approach to Los Angeles, CA 90028. Homosexuality" by Hershel J, Matt, Unitarian-Universalist Gay Caucus, c/o Kay Wilkins, Ministries,
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