flame»; Contents ‘2an ...............................................................5 ‘Wdtdtobedalaluw'ga/dw ..................... 6 gawugjgw ................................................... 6 flange/gain“... ....................................................7 Silk and Silk-like Fabrics Short-pile Fabrics ‘ Stretch Fabrics Matching Stripes and Plaids Fitting Guides Fitting Activity Fitting Problems My ................................................1 8 ‘1an FINISHING TOUCHES! In Projects | and II you Select your clothing projects so you can develop have learned basic skills in sewing. In Project lll, the skills discussed in Manual Ill. you will concentrate on improving those skills and learning more difficult techniques. This is your op- Sources portunity to perfect your skills and make your sew- of Information ing look more professional. Ask your clothing leader or your Extension 4-H agent for leaflets Clothing that will help you complete the Project ”I is designed to help you: projects you select. 0 Improve the skills learned in Projects | and Il. Olearn methods used in double construction (garments with linings). Continue to increase your own reference library olearn new techniques using silk-like and of sewing books and pamphlets developed by napped fabrics. companies that make sewing products. It is im- Opractice matching fabric designs; for ex- portant that the sewing publications have up-to- ample, stripes, plaids and checks. date information. Check the publication date and 0 recognize standards (criteria) for a properly use only the most recently written material. fitted garment. 0 further develop management skills that save your resources of time, money and energy. Look at ready-to-wear garments in department 0 continue to increase your sewing vocabulary. stores. You will pick up many ideas for styling, col- or, fabric and trim. Garments in the higher priced departments will usually give you the most ad- Things You Will Need To Know vanced fashion information. These garments will also serve as a resource of construction techni- ques to be used with The 4-H Clothing Manual I has projects to help you different fabrics and styles. develop skills used in flat construction. In Manual |l you began to learn sewing techniques used in Keeping A Record shaped construction. These two techniques -- flat and shaped construction -- should be understood before beginning Keep a good record of your projects. Your record Manual llI projects. will: Ogive you a list of your achievements. 4-H Clothing Manual ||| expands your sewing ohelp you, your parents and clothing leader knowledge by working with projects that are lin- compare each year’s work. ed (double construction). You are also ready to use ohelp you check your progress in learning fabrics that are more difficult to handle. These in- sewing skills. clude fabrics with (1) a pile (velveteen and cor- Omake writing your cumulative 4-H Clothing duroy), (2) silk-like (crepe-de-chine, charmeuse Record easier. and pongee), and (3) fabricsthat require matching (plaids, stripes and checks). Use the record book forms provided by your 4-H leader. Keep your work neat and accurate. —— mummmw You are reaching a new stage in your life. As you 5. Will I need clothes for different social complete your high school education, you will also occasions that I have not needed before? be making plans for your future. Whether you con- (Examples: parties, dances, open houses, tinue your education in a college or vocational conventions and conferences.) school or get a job, new demands will be made on your wardrobe. Clothing purchases made during your final year Review your present wardrobe after deciding upon of high school need to be made with future ac- your future plans. Use the form from Manual II or tivities in mind. design one to fit your own needs. Ask yourself these questions: What kind of image do you want to show the world 1. Will I be moving to a new location? outside your present environment? New oppor- (Example: rural to urban setting or warm tunities and surroundings often offer the incentive to cold climate.) to improve upon posture, weight and poise as well 2. Will new activities require more formal clothes as looks. Consult with your parents and 4-H leader than casual? (Example: pants to replace about good grooming projects. You may want to jeans.) combine grooming and clothing projects. 3. Will I have appropriate accessories to go with my new activities? (Examples: belts, shirts, Does a younger family member need help with shoes and jewelry.) his/her 4. What type of outerwear will I need for wardrobe? You can share the information that you learned from past wardrobe and inven- warmth? (Example: an all weather coat or a parka.) tory projects. sewaymm Sewing Machine How do the prices vary? What kind of guarantee or warranty do I get? Many young people acquire their own sewing Does machines the machine price include accessories? during the late teens. It may be a gift If so, which or bought from funds ones? you have earned. Will I get a series of lessons on using the machine? This is a good time to study different types of sew- Should I buy a new or second-hand sewing ing machines. Study magazine articles and machine? Agricultural Extension Service booklets on buying What do I check to be sure a second-hand a sewing machine. Talk to friends and relatives ' sewing machine is safe and works properly? about their sewing machines. When possible ask PQWNQS’TP What kinds of sewing tests do I want to try for permission to use their sewing machines. on the machine before I buy one? Ask yourself these questions: Irons 1. What features do I want in a sewing An iron is a piece of equipment that many young machine? people buy when they leave home. It is also a good 2. How much money do I have to spend? suggestion for a gift. 3. What brands of sewing machines offer the features I need? When buying an iron ask yourself: —— MMMMMW You are reaching a new stage in your life. As you 5. Will I need clothes for different social complete your high school education, you will also occasions that l have not needed before? be making plans for your future. Whether you con- (Examples: parties, dances, open houses, tinue your education in a college or vocational conventions and conferences.) school or get a job, new demands will be made on your wardrobe. Clothing purchases made during your final year Review your present wardrobe after deciding upon of high school need to be made with future ac- your future plans. Use the form from Manual ll or tivities in mind. design one to fit your own needs. Ask yourself these questions: What kind of image do you want to show the world 1. Will I be moving to a new location? outside your present environment? New oppor- (Example: rural to urban setting or warm tunities and surroundings often offer the incentive to cold climate.) to improve upon posture, weight and poise as well 2. Will new activities require more formal clothes as looks. Consult with your parents and 4-H leader than casual? (Example: pants to replace about good grooming projects. You may want to jeans.) combine grooming and clothing projects. 3. Will I have appropriate accessories to go with my new activities? (Examples: belts, shirts, Does a younger family member need help with shoes and jewelry.) his/her wardrobe? You can share the information 4. What type of outerwear will I need for that you learned from past wardrobe and inven- warmth? (Example: an all weather coat or a tory projects. parka.) swam-m Sewing Machine How do the prices vary? What kind of guarantee or warranty do I get? Many young people acquire their own sewing machines 93.01.45 Does the machine price include accessories? during the late teens. It may be a gift If so, or bought which ones? from funds you have earned. 7. Will I get a series of lessons on using the machine? This is a good time to study different types of sew- 8. Should I buy a new or second-hand sewing ing machines. Study magazine articles and machine? Agricultural Extension Service booklets on buying 9., What do I check to be sure a second-hand a sewing machine. Talk to friends and relatives sewing machine is safe and works properly? about their sewing machines. When possible ask 10. What kinds of sewing tests do I want to try for permission to use their sewing machines. on the machine before I buy one? Ask yourself these questions: Irons 1. What features do I want in a sewing An iron is a piece of equipment that many young . machine? ' people buy when they leave home. It is also a good 2. How much money do l have to spend? suggestion for a gift. 3. What brands of sewing machines offer the features I need? When buying an iron ask yourself: What features do I want? Other Sewing Equipment How much money can I spend? What brands are available? How do they dif- If you have been sharing sewing shears/scissors fer in features and price? and other sewing equipment with family members, What type of guarantee do | get? you will want to acquire your own. Is the iron easy to clean? Could I use a second-hand iron? NP’P‘P99!“.-L What features do I check to be sure a Pressing Equipment second-hand iron works properly and is safe? Add a tailor’s ham, a sleeve roll, and an edge-point presser board to your equipment. A velvet/needle board or a special cover plate for your iron is good to have when pressing pile fabrics. Mm on the right side as well as the back.
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