March 15, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1971 served over 500 people from several Rear Admiral on the basis of citation the Chief of Combined Operations in homeless shelters. Elsa is a fine cit- for actual combat. the Dieppe Raid, and while serving on izen, who embodies the profound im- After graduation from the Naval the Staff of the Allied Naval Com- pact Girl Scouts have on their commu- Academy in June 1923, he had four mander in Chief during the Invasion of nity and society. months’ duty in the Bureau of Ord- Normandy. Embarked as an observer in Today, Girl Scouts of the USA con- nance, Navy Department, Washington, a British destroyer which rendered tinues to flourish, helping millions of DC, then reported to the plant of Wil- close fire support during the Allied raid girls grow strong. Girl Scouts con- liam Cramp and Sons, Philadelphia, to on Dieppe on August 19, 1942, Captain tinues to empower girls to develop assist in fitting out the USS Concord. (then Commander) Strauss obtained in- their full potential; to relate positively He served on board that light cruiser formation of great value to the United to their peers; and to develop values from her commissioning, November 3, States and Great Britain in the plan- that provide the foundation for good 1923, until September 1925, during her ning and execution of subsequent oper- decision-making. It is my great honor shakedown cruise to South Africa. He ations. Ordered to the Normandy to congratulate the Girl Scouts for 90 next served in the USS Hannibal, as- beaches on D plus 2–Day, he applied his years of strengthening America’s signed to survey duty on the southern comprehensive knowledge of the build- youth, and I wish them all the best as coast of Cuba, and from November 1926 up procedure in solving far shore ship- they extend this tradition for 90 years until November 1927, served in the USS ping problems which threatened to and beyond. Arkansas, flagship of Battleship Divi- delay the operation. Serving with dis- f sion Two, Scouting Fleet. tinction, skill and courage despite He remained at sea for 2 years, serv- enemy air and ground attack through- LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT ing successively in the destroyers out these missions to halt German ag- OF 2001 Toucey and Blakeley, then had a tour of gression, Captain Strauss upheld the Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, shore duty at the Naval Torpedo Sta- highest traditions of the United States I rise today to speak about hate crimes tion, Newport, Rhode Island. In June Naval Service.’’ legislation I introduced with Senator 1932, he joined the USS Manley, oper- On October 12, 1944, he assumed com- KENNEDY in March of last year. The ating in the Atlantic, and later in the mand of the USS Charles Carroll, an at- Local Law Enforcement Act of 2001 Pacific, and from May until September tack transport which finished her share would add new categories to current 1934 served as her Executive Officer. He of the follow-up operations in connec- hate crimes legislation sending a sig- returned to Newport for a tour of duty tion with the Southern France cam- nal that violence of any kind is unac- at the Naval Training Station after paign, and sailed on October 25 for Nor- ceptable in our society. which, from November 1935 until Sep- folk, Virginia. Assigned to Transport I would like to describe a terrible tember 1937, he was Assistant U.S. Division Fifty-two, Pacific Fleet, she crime that occurred in August 1991 in Naval Attache at the American Em- left on January 4, 1945, for the South Longview, WA. A gay man was beaten bassy, London, England. While there he Pacific, carrying supplies and per- by two attackers. The assailants, Mark was a Delegate to the Third Assembly, sonnel to Guadalcanal, Manus and Bou- H. Granger, 27, and Michael J. Watts, International Union of Geodesy and gainville. In February, with Transport 39, were charged with first degree as- Geophysics, at Edinburgh, in 1936, and Squadron Eighteen, she became a part sault in connection with the incident. on May 12, 1937, was awarded the Brit- of Amphibious Group Four, Task Force I believe that government’s first duty ish Coronation Medal at the coronation Fifty-one, in preparation for a major is to defend its citizens, to defend them of King George VI of England. operation, and on April 1, 1945, success- against the harms that come out of Upon his return to the United States fully landed her assault troops and hate. The Local Law Enforcement En- in the Fall of 1937, he was designated their equipment on the designated hancement Act of 2001 is now a symbol Aide and Flag Lieutenant on the Staff beaches at Okinawa Jima. She had that can become substance. I believe of Rear Admiral Alfred W. Johnson, aboard the late Ernie Pyle, beloved that by passing this legislation and USN, Commander Training Detach- newspaper man who covered her as- changing current law, we can change ment, U.S. Fleet, and was attached to sault operations in his articles shortly hearts and minds as well. the flagship, USS New York. He later before his death. The Charles Carroll f served in the same capacity when Ad- served as Flagship of Commander miral Johnson was made Commander Transport Division Sixty-three from ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Atlantic Squadron, U.S. Fleet. During May until July 1945. the period October 1939 until December Detached from that command on Au- 1940, he commanded a destroyer, the gust 6, 1945, Rear Admiral, then Cap- THE 99th BIRTHDAY OF REAR AD- USS Brooks, after which he served as tain, Strauss returned to the United MIRAL ELLIOTT BOWMAN Navigator of the USS Nashville, light States for duty in the Office of the STRAUSS, USN (Retired) cruiser, until October 29, 1941, partici- Chief of Naval Operations, Navy De- ∑ Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I rise pating in the expedition which took partment, Washington, DC. From July today to speak on the occasion of the the first Marines to Iceland in July until September 1946, he was attached 99th birthday of a true American pa- 1941. to the Military Staff Committee of the triot Rear Admiral Elliott Bowman He returned to London, England as Security Council of the U.S. in New Strauss, USN (Ret.). His lifetime of ex- U.S. Naval Observer just prior to the York serving as a naval advisor to the traordinary service to this great Na- outbreak of World War II in December First General Assembly of that body in tion has been an inspiration to us all. 1941, and served on the staff of Admiral January 1946, then reported to the Fed- Elliott Bowman Strauss was born in Lord Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Com- eral Shipbuilding and Drydock Com- Washington, DC on March 15, 1903, son bined Operations, during the early war pany, Kearney, New Jersey. There, he of the late Admiral Joseph Strauss, period, taking part in the Allied raid had charge of fitting out the USS Fres- USN, and Mrs. Mary Sweitzer Strauss, on Dieppe, August 19, 1942. In Novem- no, CL–121, and from her commis- and grandson of the late Brigadier Gen- ber 1943, he reported to Commander sioning on November 27, 1946, until De- eral N. B. Sweitzer, USA. He attended U.S. Naval Forces, Europe, and was as- cember 1947, commanded that light Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, CT, and signed duty with Task Force One Hun- cruiser. entered the U.S. Naval Academy, An- dred Twenty-two, later serving on the He returned to London, England, and napolis, Maryland, on appointment at Staff of the Allied Naval Commander from January 6 to December 10, 1948, large in June 1919. He was graduated in Chief, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsey, was a student at the Imperial Defense and commissioned Ensign on June 7, until August 1944. College. In February 1949, he reported 1923, and subsequently progressed in He was awarded the Bronze Star to the Navy Department to serve as rank to that of Captain, to date from Medal, with Combat ‘‘V’’, and the fol- Head of the Strategic Applications and May 1, 1943. On July 1, 1953, he was lowing citation: ‘‘For meritorious Policy Branch of the Strategic Plans transferred to the Retired List of the achievement as the United States Division, under the Deputy Chief of U.S. Navy and advanced to the rank of Naval Representative on the Staff of Naval Operations, Operations. Two.
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