BE AN ELECTRICIAN 5t,i) eCieliìtY LEARN AT Here's the chance. you've been waiting for ! Here's your opporttinity to get out of the small HOME pay class. Here's your opportunity to earn the money and do the kind of work your ambi- send tion calls for! ' Write me at once -TODAY! Just the coupon or a postal. I will give you 20 complete les- sons in practical electricity FREE! Think of it! My per- sonal and individual instruction for 20 lessons without a cent of cost to you if you act quick. No charge to you for these 20 lessons, more now or later. I make this sensational offer to secure a tew you a live students-to show, too, how quickly I can make Master Electrician, no matter where you live, or what you do. only. But you must act at once! This offer is for a limited time Remember, these free lessons are not merely sample lessons, but are a regular part of my full and complete course in electricity. Send the coupon without eI, 1.ty -- TODAY! EARN $2,500 TO $4,000 A YEAR the doing it. Don't let false fear or doubt say you can't! Give Others are You can now butter man within you a chance on this great opportunity. your spare time, and without giving up your pres- qualify at home during the or occupation. for the most wonderful of all fields open to ent position Yes, no matter man -the great Jod growing field of Electricity! ambitious a of electrical ex- know a thing about electricity or never had bit if you don't so that take you in hand and make you an Expert Electrician, perience, I will do it so easily earn $2,500 to $4.000 a year and more. And I'll A. W. WICKS, E. E. you should wonder how it was quickly and with so little effort on your part, that you'll Formerly with the possible. No books or tools to buy. General Electric Co.; lorotrr General Man- ager of company ola- I TRAIN YOU BY MAIL afaeNtriop Jenney the whole matter so simple for you that you I will instruct you personally -make Expert Electric Motors; also When you have finished my instructions you are an can't help but Rum. I show formerly with Fair- take a big paying job or start in for yourself. Electrician -ready to on jobs banks, Morse & Co.; only how to do practical electrical work, but how to estimate Engi- you not means to be trained noce C'aasallin,g you can take contracts at big profits. That's what it of so that you can't neer and Director of my practical experience. Don't let anyone tell by a man can, NOW, since I have the lI'irks Electrical clectrie ity through home study. You positively institute. learn Remember, too, that my perfected my v.,m,!urful metI od of instruction. instruction is practical, as I am a practical Elect rici tn. Sec what my st udents have to say! Electricians are needed now more than ever! Our marvelous industrial activity Coupon Today Elec- Mail Act wick ! is opening up new jobs every day. life spark of modern industrial activity. The man tricity is the I want to hear knows electricity has the big chance today. E.E.. Director, Wicks Electrical Institute who of 20 personal les- A.W.Wicks, from you immediately. Don't miss my offer Street, Dept. 250 Chicago, Ill. this offer is strictly limited. Write for 81 West Randolph sons free. Remember, No obligation to I at once. Here's your chance. please send me full all particulars Without obligation to me whatever, you. Send coupon or postal. description of your personal instructions in Electricity and your special offer of 20 lessons free. 111 . particulars of A. W. Wicks, E. E., Director I WICKS ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE Nane `250 Chicago, III. 11 81 West Randolph St. Dept. Address 4' (' ly ',a de. EXí'F:<1siF1v'!T,: . _...... NEW - B'I G 300 PAC E ELECTRICx A .:,.. X ÖUCK' 5llO. ' and WIRELESS CATALOG ' d MORE THAN EVER JUSTIFIES YOUR VERr)ICT ~ J IT IS THE ONE CATALOG WORTH WHILE ra,N.o...rc, l50 p yTi a ess ÁTinstruments 150 pp. electrical ,t.,-,ft!cs fp. The WIIäm !. Duell ANNOUNCEMENT WIRELESS AMATEURS We announce effective at once these exceedingly attractive reductions on the following wireless ins, i amen t ; Price Price Prie f re Type T-0 Thordarson Flexible. Step -Up No. 1915 Detector Stand 1 $2. rp St.' e Transformer $15.00 512.25 Model SAA Navy Type Receiving Trans- Type T -1 Thordarson Flexible Step -Up former. 19, .0 3 7.: , Transformer 20.00 16.25 No. 1091 Arlington Receiving Transformer 9.l I. ,e Only 8c in stamps Type T -2 Thordarson Flexible Step -Up No. 1092 Arlington Type R Receiving will bring this Transformer 25.00 19.75 Transformer 7. h,.; unrivalled cata- Note. -A Thordarson Special No. A7721 Receiving Transformer 6. .5 :'S log to your home. Protective Device included No. 44X6 1 inch Spark Coil 4. 3.5.5 free with each transformer. No. 39X0 inch Spark Coil 2. ...h The great cost of Catalog No. 11 these trans- 3 In No. 40X0 3á inch Spark Coil 3. t '5 catalog and the formers are listed at a alight No. A6012 Detector Stand low advance over above prices. if. exceptionally No. A395 Commercial Type Oscillation No. 61X10 Standard Tuning Coil 3, ., s. prices (often- Transformer 15.00 13.50 No. A560 Pancake Helix I. I. u . times fully 25e', . No. A7628 Oscillation Transformer 6.75 5.75 No. 71X0 Electrose Insulator..... ...... el below usual re- No. R41 Receiving Set with Condensers 32.00 29.50 No. 73X0 Electrose Insulator . tí 24.00 22.00 r tail price) pro- No. R41 Receiving Set less Condensers.. No. 17X0 Electrose Insulator . tt hibits its distri- bution otherwise. WHAT OUR BIG CATALOG CONTAINS You may deduct 150 pages wireless instruments, 10 pages raw material; storage batteries: electrolytic rectifiers: high frequency soils el grt l,h mtruments; commercial and battery motors and dynamos; rotary converters: alternators: sewing machine 'mot ..; wet, the 8c on first motors: medical batteries; auto accessories; flashlights: electric lighting plants; Victrolas; books and general electric $1.00 purchase. s, Send Sc for this Catalog today. You need it 230-232 Si The William B. Duck Co, TOLEDUO, OHIIC 3...w.t'4!`t'.tä.. WAAITE FOR OUR FRET ON ELECTIUCITY BOOK- sg) -a profet^+n that is constantly calling for - tdble rw. ;. The rew-e care big for those with t 1 knot rot,Ivtt 4 of practise. .e Yee Y ork book inowledge, or a smattering 11 EV,.tncal School has started over 4,000 men t. -. .ces,f. r ch. : I .ncal careers. "LEARN B' DOING" a principle. 57 L.FL t u I- 6 trial' apparatus.ppa. where youwearn, oit In actual prace t t lectricali t This free book will show you how thoroughly we . mn tSls c'- Write for a copy. Address The New York Electrical School, 29 West 17th 1. et. Kan :o,i , : turi'¿aa ¿O c1 ;^ 786 ELEt,Ti;iC?±_ EXPERIMENTER THAUGriranñ LENZITE CRYSTAL DETECCOR Patented May 2nd, 1916 A first class Wireless Detector is half the battle in tit,: %Wireless game. Have you tried the best and most effective, The "Lenzite" Crystal Detector ? REGISTERED Why Is Our Detector Near Perfection? If you want to have a per- fect receiving detector, try Being a user of an Audion Bulb and having firmly, after due test and consideration of "mfnera' them as unstable and unreliable very inconvenient, 1., ours. not satisfactory, detectors," discarded and being hard to .et. If in adjustment, I was very skeptical as to Lenzite, but glad to make the test and molt than ph a ed return same within thirty that I did so. days and we shall be pleased I found that the reception of signals with Lenzite as a detector quite beyond : +r y hope r}.at to refund you the price. I may have had. .1 Inasmuch as the mineral in question (Lenzite) seems to be "sensitive" nearly re r its sur- face on all sides, which is a very great advantage as it makes it ,st as easy to keep in adjustment as an audion, and brings in the signa , «Icr. yrcper attunement is accomplished, in a very loud and positive mann , and I m ,sr add I was greatly surprised as it, without any question, has viN -u me far greater results than any other sort of mineral detector I have trim, :,nl I hale tried to get all that I have been able to hear of. Its clear, loud, readable demonstrations should make it v i , ' dce.i, able to operators whether or not they use audions, which consume powel hich I cnattc does not, and it is quite as good for long distance work as well. p 'h. l '.e glad to tell others of it. Very truly, HERBERT W. i21S: llì (6 IH U. S. L 'nse.) Send money order, express order or check for $5.00 and we will send you, postage LENZITE CRYSTAL CORPORATION prepaid, one of our Lenzire wireless detectors. 537 Chamber of Commerce Building Pasadena California VACUUM TUBE DETECTOWkh Noticie to Our Customers Have you received our new circulars' containing our guarantees? Is the tube you purchased from us giving you abso- lute satisfaction ? Remember we live up to our guarantees.
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