CHINA’S AMBASSADOR ON THE B E I J I N G O LYMPI C S May–June 2008 THE LIFE & TIMES OF WILLIAM BARTON, DEAN OF DIPLOMATS ‘Seek peace. Prepare for war.’ Angelina Jolie: Top marks as a celebrity diplomat Pamela Wallin: How Afghanistan changed her life Ontario wine: Triumph in Prince Edward County ESTABLISHED 1989 CDN $5.95 PM 40957514 NEW YEAR. NEW CAR. NEW DEAL. SAVE THOUSANDS ON ANY NEW VOLVO! Get the new year off to a great start. ExploreThe 2009s the latestare on in theirautomotive way. luxury.Explore Order the latest your in newautomotive custom-built luxury. VolvoOrder of a newyour custom-built choice and Volvo enjoy of your choice and receive a FREE IPOD and.%% Ipod Music Interface*. on all packages and options*. (A cash value of almost $1000). Hurry Hurry to your Volvo agent to take advantageto St. Laurent of Volvothis limited-time and take advantage offer. Afterof this that, limited all timeaboard offer. andLife off is youbetter go. 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Ltd. 488 Bank Street Ottawa ON K2P 1Z4 phone: 613-232-4861 www.europeanglass.ca Monday – Friday 8-5 Saturday – 8-4 MHIO4C !"#$ !%# & #!'(() ** !"#$%& '()#*+ ) ', -, +./0%1+ 2 + )%(%3)) ( 4 5 , $ " 26 7 " 26% 89!"#$%$" 4" : +PIO.BMDPMN ;FM-B[PWJD 1BVM-BWJHOF -JBOH-JV 1BVM8BJUF 4BMFT$POTVMUBOU 4BMFT$POTVMUBOU 4BMFT$POTVMUBOU 4BMFT$POTVMUBOU (FOFSBM.BOBHFS 4UBS.PUPSTPG0UUBXB 8)VOU$MVC3E 45"3 XXXTUBSNPUPSTDB The World in Canada Volume 19, Number 1 PUBLISHER Neil Reynolds ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Donna Jacobs EDITOR Table of Jennifer Campbell ART DIRECTOR Paul Cavanaugh ADVERTISING ADVISOR CONTENTS Cu Van Ha cu@prestoncatalogue com. 1-613-262-4908 or 1-416-600-4908 COPY EDITOR Roger Bird CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Daniel Drolet George Abraham CULTURE EDITOR Margo Roston CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Stephen Beckta Laura Neilson Bonikowsky Don Cayo Margaret Dickenson DIPLOMATICA| Charles Enman Verbatim: Celebrities on a mission . 5 George Fetherling Good Deeds: Irish eyes are smiling . 8 William Fisher Lu Shumin Diplomatic Agenda: China’s Games . 9 CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Questions Asked: Pamela Wallin’s world . 11 Ulle Baum Brigitte Bouvier Larry Dickenson DISPATCHES| Sam Garcia Frank Scheme A living legacy Dyanne Wilson The life and times of William J . Barton . 16 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Jessie Reynolds WEBMASTER A cure for the high cost of drugs . 23 Leslee McCabe DIPLOPORTAL WEB PARTNERS www .diploportal .com DELIGHTS| Alastair Sweeny Richard Evers Al Capone’s Canada . 24 (Northern Blue Publishing) Wine: Prince Edward County’s story . 27 PUBLISHER EMERITUS Books: The quest for peace in the Middle East . 29 Lezlee Cribb ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Homes: Malaysia’s Rockcliffe residence . 32 Contact Neil Reynolds or Donna Jacobs Canadiana: A gentleman bandit . 35 reynolds diplomat@sympatico. ca. Entertaining: Margaret’s meal bookends . 36 jacobs diplomat@sympatico. ca. SUBSCRIPTIONS Envoy’s album . 40 Diplomat & International Canada is published six times a year . Subscription rates: individual, one year $35 .70 . For Canadian orders add 5 per cent DIGNITARIES| GST . U .S . orders please add $15 for postage . All other orders please add $25 . New arrivals in the diplomatic corps . 38 SUBMISSIONS Diplomat & International Canada welcomes submissions . Contact Jennifer Campbell, editor, DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS . 42 at editor@diplomatonline .com or (613) 231-8476 . DIPLOMAT & INTERNATIONAL CANADA P .O Box 1173, Station B DESTINATIONS| Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5R2 Phone: (613) 259-3038 Visiting Oxford through the looking glass . 52 Fax: (613) 259-5481 E-mail: info@diplomatonline .com www.diplomatonline.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material . No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Published by publisher . The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors . © 2007 ISSN 1190-8343 Publication Mail # 40957514 . Return undeliverable Canadian copies to: Diplomat Magazine, Sparrow House P O. Box 1173, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5R2 Enterprises Inc . DIPLOMATICA|EDITOR’S NOTE Barton’s bequest M r . B a r t o n a l s o t a Rideau Club dinner in early shares his views on dis- CONTRIBUTORS March, William Barton was feted armament . And guess Afor his considerable donation what? The creator of Brigitte Bouvier, cover photographer – $3 million – to Carleton University’s a chair that will study Norman Paterson School of International that very topic doesn’t Affairs . At 90, Mr . Barton is frail, but believe in it . It’s not that quite able to get around, and his legend- JENNIFER CAMPBELL he doesn’t find disarma- ary quips punctuated the evening . Out to ment a charming ideal mark their colleague’s generous bequest – it’s just that he doesn’t think it’s achiev- were his contemporaries – Jake Warren, able any time in the near future . former ambassador to the United States This spring issue has plenty of other and high commissioner for London, and good reads, too . There’s a feature on Al Geoffrey Pearson, who was Canada’s am- Capone’s connections to Canada, specifi- Brigitte Bouvier started taking pho- bassador to the Soviet Union during the cally to the city of Moose Jaw . Up front we tos professionally after graduating Cold War . The triumvirate of diplomatic have a selection of quotes from celebrity from the Southern Alberta Institute of heavy-weights represented a lifetime of diplomats, a subject Andrew Cooper, Technology’s photojournalism program achievement, and offered a reminder of associate director of the Centre for Inter- in 2000 . She has shot for the Globe and recent history . And, as was mentioned national Governance Innovation, studied Mail, National Post, The Ottawa Citizen several times during the evening, their and then wrote about in his recent book . and Maclean’s as well as a number of legacies lived on . It turned out to be an Also in our Diplomatica section, there’s an commercial clients . As an official pho- elegiac night . Within two weeks, Mr . interview with former diplomat Pamela tographer for former prime minister Pearson had died . Two more weeks on, Wallin, who talks about her role on the Paul Martin, she made politics look Mr . Warren passed away . Manley Panel on Afghanistan, how she interesting . Born in Saskatchewan and However, Mr . Barton, our cover story divides her time between New York City raised in British Columbia and Alberta, subject, just keeps going . And he doesn’t and Toronto, and what she thinks about she came to Ottawa immediately after mind living longer for one primary rea- another female journalist as the next gov- graduating and her images have lit up son . As the widower who lost his only son ernor general . In our recurring Diplomatic the capital ever since . two years ago told writer Charles Enman, Agenda feature, Chinese Ambassador he wants to keep growing his bequest so Lu Shumin defends his country’s right to he can leave the William and Jeanie Bar- hold the Olympics . ANNOUNCEMENT ton Chair in International Affairs in even In Delights, book reviewer George healthier shape than it is now . Abraham looks at titles from the Middle Our cover story traces this distin- East . Wine columnist Stephen Beckta gets guished diplomat’s life . Mr . Barton tells closer to home with a look at some very our writer about growing up during the drinkable wines from Prince Edward Depression, about how he served in the County . Meanwhile, food columnist Mar- army, about how he eventually joined the garet Dickenson digests the final course of foreign service and went on to become the meal – the mignardise . Culture editor Canada’s ambassador to the United Na- Margo Roston drops in on Malaysian High tions, and about how he continues, to Commissioner Dennis Ignatius and his Cu Van Ha has joined Diplomat this day, to cook every meal himself in his wife, Cherry, and our history feature tells and International Canada as ad- well-appointed retirement residence in the story of Bill Miner, a gentleman bandit . vertising advisor . He started his New Edinburgh . On the policy front, the Finally, in an advertorial feature, Austra- first national art magazine at veteran envoy shares his pragmatic views lian High Commissioner Bill Fisher offers age 20, while earning his under- on everything from Stephen Harper’s at- an insider’s guide to travel in his country . graduate degree in architecture titude toward the Department of Foreign Find out where to get the best wine, where from Carleton University . Mr . Affairs and International Trade, to his take to hit the slopes, and where to surf . Van Ha enjoys promoting cre- on Russia; from Canada’s involvement in ativity by combining his love Afghanistan to the war in Iraq . Jennifer Campbell is Diplomat’s editor . for the arts, advertising and marketing to build success in business . His company, Cuative UP FRONT & Co . Publishing & Media, has Photographer Brigitte Bouvier captured vener- produced and published many able diplomat William Barton at his retirement successful art, fashion, dining residence in New Edinburgh . Ms . Bouvier de- and design publications and scribed him as a gentleman and a pragmatist media entities to date . Email and said he was quite willing to do whatever she cu@prestoncatalogue .com to asked .
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