THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEWIS & CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 9 NO. 1 MARCH 1983 A Special Cartographic Issue The Maps of the Lewis & Clark Expedition "The Lewis and Clark Expedition was not only memorable for the distances traveled and the extent of the wilderness explored, but was epoch-making by reason of the influential map1 that resulted." Carl I. Wheat, Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861, San Francisco, 1958. Vol. 2, p. 2. "Although the textual materials of the Biddle edition of the Lewis and Clark journals2 did not fulfill expecta­ tions completely, the first official history of the expedition did include an item of superlative craftsmanship and analysis. This was the master map of the American Northwest, drawn in manuscript form by William Clark and copied for engraving and printing by the Philadelphia cartographer Samuel Lewis. :J From the very early stages of the transcontinental trek, Clark had proven himself to be a cartographer of unusual skill, and as he applied his talents to the consolidation of the maps he had drawn during the course of the journey to the Pacific and back, a remarkable cartographic masterpiece began to take form. " John Logan Allen, Passage Through the Garden: Lewis and Clark and the Image of the American North­ west, Illinois Press, Urbana, 1975. p. 375. I. The reference is to Clark's "Manuscript Map'', circa 1809. The original of this map is in the Westem Americana Collection of the Yale University Library. Its cartouche reads: " A Map of Pm·tof the Continen t of North America From Longitude [blank] W. of Washington City to the Pacific O[ceanj and between Lattitude 35 and 52 North ....." 2. Biddle's work was actually a narrative or " History" based on the original manuscript journals. The two volume edition was titled: History of the Expeditio11 Under the Comm.and of Captains Lewis and Clar// ... ., a nd was published by Bradsford and Inskeep, Philadelphia, 1814. There have been many subsequent reprint editions. 3. The reference is to the engraved, folded map that was a part of the 1814 Biddle edition. The cartouche in the lower left hand corner of this map reads: "A Map of Lewis and Clark Track Acrofs the Western Portion of North America from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean by order of the Executive of the United States, in 1804, 5, 6. Copied by Samuel Lewis from the Original drawing of William Clark. Sam. ' H arrison fc.t [engraver]." For a reproduction of this cartouche a nd additional information a bout this map and Sa muel (no relation to Meriwether) Lewis, see We Proceeded On, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 19. In the latter part of April of this the map making aspects of the ered to be a nine year undertaking. year, the first volume, the Atlas, of exploring enterprise. Further, we Information about the project, its a new ten volume edition of The are able to provide readers (see sponsorship and financing, and Journals of the Lewis and Clark page 17) with a resume of the about editor Moulton has appeared Expedition. will be off the press and contents of this important new con­ in previous issues of We Proceeded available to Lewis a nd Clark schol­ tribution to the literature about the On, and readers are referred to: Vol. ars and enthusiasts. Since this famous Expedition. 5, No. 4, p. 17; Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 9-10; initial volume is the Atlas, We Pro­ and Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dr. Moulton's ceeded On considers it fitting that The project, begun in July 1979, at banquet address at the Founda­ this March 1983 issue be specifical­ the Center for Great Plains Studies tion's Twelfth Annual Meeting, ly related to the cartography of the at the University of Nebraska, is Omaha, Nebraska, August 1980) Expedition with several featured under the editorial supervision of pp. 14-16. articles addressed to the subject of Dr. Gary E. Moulton and is consid- (See pages 7-28) THE TENTATIVE PROGRAM, A MAP, AND OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE FOUNDATION'S 15th ANNUAL MEETING, PASCO, WASHINGTON, AUGUST 7-10, 1983, APPEAR ON PAGES 4-7. President Bain' s Message THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL With our Foundation year half over HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. I am happy to state that most of ou; Inc orporated 1969 under Missouri General N ot-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption committee chairmen have reported Certificate No. 501 (C)(3) - Identification No. 51-0187715 activity and progress. OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE It is important for our Foundation President 1 st Vice President 2nd Vice President to develop as much public exposure as possible in promoting our pur­ Hazel Bain. Arlen J . Large William P. Sherman in 1950 - 33rd Ave .• Apt. # 1 120 Y2 Rumsey Court. S. E. 3291 S.W. Fairmount Blvd. pose - to stimulate interest Longview, WA 98632 Washington, D .C. 2 0003 ~ortland . OR 97201 memorializing the Lewis and Clark Expedition. To accomplish this, our Edrie Lee Vinson, Secretary Clarence H. Decker. Treasurer Publicity Committee directed by 258 Hope Road P.O. Box. 128 Helena, MT 59601 East Alton. IL 62024 Roy Craft, Stevenson, WA, a nd the Audio-Visual-Education Committee DIRECTORS ch aired by Cliff Imsla nd, Seattle, WA, h ave been appoin ted. Todd Berens Archie M . G raber Charles C. Patton Cliff is accumulating 35mm slides Santa Ana. CA ~eattle . WA Springfield, IL and developing commentaries s uit­ Harold Billian Helen Hetrick Sheila Robinson Villlanova. PA Glasgow. MT able for programs that will be made Coleharbor. ND available (at the Foundation's cost Viola Forrest Gary E. Moulton James P. Ronda Walla Walla. WA Lincoln. NE Youngstown. OH of production) for classroom appli­ Mildred Goosman Margaret N orris Robert L. Taylor cation in schools, and for use by Omaha. NE Fayetteville, N .Y. Washington, D .C. Foundation members wh o are will­ V. Strode Hinds, Sioux City. IA. Immediate Past President. is a Foundation Director. ing to arrange p1·esentations in schools a nd for service club, church, PAS T PRESIDENTS - DIRECTORS EX OFFICIO and h is torical organizations' meet­ ings. Edwynne P. Murphy, 1970 Robert E. Lange, 1973-1974 Gail M . Stensland. 1977-78 St. Louis, Misso uri Portland. Oregon Fort Benton, Montana It was gratifying to see th at our E.G. Chuinard. M .D., 1971 Gary Leppart, 1 974 -1 975 Mitchell Do um it, 1978-79 membership grew to well over 600 Tigard, Oregon Lewistown, M ontana Cathlamet, W ashington at the end of the 1982 year. Ruth John Greenslit, 1972 Wilbur P. W erner. 1975-1 976 Bob Saindon. 1979- 1980 Lange, Portland, OR, Membership Lansing, Michigan Cut Bank. M o ntana Helena, MT Ly nn Burris, Jr., 1972-1 9 73 Clarence H. Decker. 1976-77 Irving W . A nderson, 1980-81 Chairma n, is doing a commendable Topeka. Kansas East A lton. Illinois Portland, OR job of mailing out new membersh ip cards, acknowledging membership V . St rode Hinds. D .D.S. 1981-1982 Sioux City, Iowa renewals, and welcoming new mem­ bers. I trust that you have lightened " Honorary Past President" - E.E. "Boo " MacGilvra (Deceased) her task by responding to the mem­ bership renewal solicitation mailed ABOUT TH E FOUNDATION to you in November. Second notices h ave been sent to those wh o have The purpose of the l ewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. Inc .• is to stimulate nationally: publ ic interest in matters relating to the Lewis and Clark EJ110 pedition: t he contributions to American history made by the n ot responded, and I hope that an expedition members; and events of time and place concerning and following the expedition w hich are of historical import to our nation . The Foundation recognizes the value o f tourist·oriented programs. and early reply to this will indicate a suooort s activities which enh ance the enjoy m ent and understandina of t he Lewi s and C lark storv. The scope desire to continue to support the of the activities of the Foundation are broad and diverse. and include involvem ent i n pursuits which. in the judgment of the D irectors are, of historical worth o r contemporary social values. and commensurate· w ith Foundation. the heritage o t Lewis and Clark. The activities of the National Fo undation are intended to compliment and supplement those of stat e and local Lewis and Clark interest groups. The Foundation may appropriately Director Hal Billian, Villanova, PA, recognize and hono r individuals or groups for: art works of distinction; ach ievement in the broad f ield of Lewis and Clark historical research; writing; or d eeds which promote t he general purpose and scope of and his New Chapters Committee activities of the Foundation. Membership in t he organization comprises a broad spectrum of Lewis and Clark enthusiasts including Federal. State. and local governm ent officials. histor ians, scho lar s, and _others have some fine ideas for promoting of w ide ranging l ewis and Clark interests. Officers of the foundatio n are elected f rom the memberstup. The new memberships through th e es­ Annual Meeting of the Foundation is traditi onally held during Aug ust, the birth month of both M eriwether Lewis and William Cl ark. The meeting place is rotated among t he States. and tours generally are arranged to tablishment of new chapters and visit s ites in the area of the Annual Meeting which have historic associati on with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. affiliations for our Foundation . WE PROCEEDED ON ISSN 0275-6706 E.G.
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