reinterred on this site. this on reinterred this city, and whose remains are are remains whose and city, this inhabitants who helped to build build to helped who inhabitants people - those 18th and 19th century century 19th and 18th those - people Cape Town’s slaves and marginalised marginalised and slaves Town’s Cape of memory the to Dedicated Heritage places and walks and places Heritage Heritage Trust and the Prestwich Memorial. Prestwich the and Trust Heritage Town Cape the of behalf on appreciation, great With payment. for reference as name your include Please Branch: Adderley Street - Branch Code: 020009 Code: Branch - Street Adderley Branch: 070056838 No: Acc. Trust Heritage Town Cape Name: Acc. Location of today’s Prestwich Memorial Prestwich today’s of Location Bank Standard Banking details for the Prestwich Memorial Trust Fund: Trust Memorial Prestwich the for details Banking engraved palimpsest - that contests the dominant gentrification of this part of the city. city. the of part this of gentrification dominant the contests that - palimpsest engraved Memorial Trust Fund are welcome are Fund Trust Memorial way of combining a variety of elements in an attempt to construct a social landscape - an an - landscape social a construct to attempt an in elements of variety a combining of way Prestwich the to Donations urban design/landscape proposal that seeks to engage with the history of the site by by site the of history the with engage to seeks that proposal design/landscape urban building also bounds the northern edge of St Andrew’s Square and is part of a larger larger a of part is and Square Andrew’s St of edge northern the bounds also building Visit: www.capetown.gov.za/environment Visit: Today, this is the Waterkant Fan Walk to the Cape Town Stadium. Furthermore, the new new the Furthermore, Stadium. Town Cape the to Walk Fan Waterkant the is this Today, E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: where the old horse-drawn trams to Sea Point once ran. ran. once Point Sea to trams horse-drawn old the where Fagmee Jacobs at telephone: 021 487 2755 487 021 telephone: at Jacobs Fagmee stands left of the main door - and adjoins the original alignment of old Somerset Road Road Somerset old of alignment original the adjoins and - door main the of left stands kindly refer your enquiries to: enquiries your refer kindly formerly part of the Dutch Reformed Church cemetery - a piece of original cemetery wall wall cemetery original of piece a - cemetery Church Reformed Dutch the of part formerly To learn more about the Prestwich Memorial and Visitor Centre and its possible use, use, possible its and Centre Visitor and Memorial Prestwich the about more learn To The Interpretive Centre is located on an historically significant site in as much as it was was it as much as in site significant historically an on located is Centre Interpretive The A place where living memories can be recorded. be can memories living where place A • memorial garden and stone walling are placed on the alignment of the historical cemetery. cemetery. historical the of alignment the on placed are walling stone and garden memorial of the area. the of views of St Andrew’s Church and the nearby Lutheran Church complex. The adjacent adjacent The complex. Church Lutheran nearby the and Church Andrew’s St of views history the expressing of means a as performances and theatre outdoor for place A • shaded green memorial garden. The building has been carefully positioned to protect protect to positioned carefully been has building The garden. memorial green shaded A place to host seminars and workshops and for use by heritage organisations. heritage by use for and workshops and seminars host to place A • The concept is one of a dignified reinterment chamber, a well-lit visitor centre, and a a and centre, visitor well-lit a chamber, reinterment dignified a of one is concept The A place to hold public exhibitions and memorials. and exhibitions public hold to place A • removals under the Group Areas Act. Act. Areas Group the under removals A place for learning about our past and present. and past our about learning for place A • CITY OF CAPE TOWN HERITAGE SERIES HERITAGE TOWN CAPE OF CITY of the marginalised people of Cape Town from the 18th century to the period of forced forced of period the to century 18th the from Town Cape of people marginalised the of A place for community activities and education. and activities community for place A • story of the area formerly known as District One, incorporating the discriminatory treatment treatment discriminatory the incorporating One, District as known formerly area the of story to the batteries of Table Bay and the Slave Route to Table Mountain. Table to Route Slave the and Bay Table of batteries the to It was also seen that this ossuary could serve as a place of memory from which to tell the the tell to which from memory of place a as serve could ossuary this that seen also was It grounds burial old the One, District historic the through walking for point starting A • re-interment of these and future remains unearthed through redevelopment in the area. area. the in redevelopment through unearthed remains future and these of re-interment An ossuary and memorial garden for reflection and commemoration. and reflection for garden memorial and ossuary An • assist the South African Heritage Resources Agency to establish a dignified place for the the for place dignified a establish to Agency Resources Heritage African South the assist communities by providing the following: the providing by communities authority, the national minister of Arts and Culture requested the City of Cape Town to to Town Cape of City the requested Culture and Arts of minister national the authority, and groups to interpret and express the voices of past communities to present and future future and present to communities past of voices the express and interpret to groups and insensitive exhumation of these human remains and a long appeal process by the heritage heritage the by process appeal long a and remains human these of exhumation insensitive Ossuary, memorial garden & visitor centre visitor & garden memorial Ossuary, It is envisaged that the centre will provide an environment that encourages individuals individuals encourages that environment an provide will centre the that envisaged is It Following contestation between development pressures, community objection to the the to objection community pressures, development between contestation Following Point area. The centre has been designed to serve local communities in multiple ways. ways. multiple in communities local serve to designed been has centre The area. Point through property redevelopment in the 1990s and 2000s. and 1990s the in redevelopment property through ossuary for the human remains uncovered during the course of developments in the Green Green the in developments of course the during uncovered remains human the for ossuary PRESTWICH MEMORIAL PRESTWICH a piece of the former Dutch cemetery. Thousands of human remains have been uncovered uncovered been have remains human of Thousands cemetery. Dutch former the of piece a The Prestwich Memorial and Visitor Centre serves as a place of memory and provides an an provides and memory of place a as serves Centre Visitor and Memorial Prestwich The indigenous people, the poor, slaves and victims of shipwrecks and has been designed on on designed been has and shipwrecks of victims and slaves poor, the people, indigenous The ossuary contains human remains of the City’s 17th and 18th century underclasses – the the – underclasses century 18th and 17th City’s the of remains human contains ossuary The and Visitor Centre Visitor and Memorial Prestwich about more Learn memorial the of Design (outermost water canal) at the foot of the Leeuwenbijl (Lion’s Rump) and beside the existing Disused Cemeteries Appropriate Act (Act 26 of 1906) Soldaaten Kerkhof (soldier or military graveyard). During these early years of VOC rule the Cape Town’s District One As the century wore on the formal cemeteries filled to capacity until 1887, when the last official only recognised religion at the Cape was the Dutch Reformed Church and hence the only burial took place. After this the cemeteries devolved to an unacceptable state of neglect. To formal burial grounds were those of the DRC. Anyone not of this denomination and especially address this situation the Disused Cemeteries Appropriate Act was passed in 1906 (Act 26 of Most visitors to Cape Town, and Capetonians, will have heard of District Six – but what slaves and those persons classified as ‘heathens,’ were buried outside the confines of these 1906). This Act allowed the exhumation and removal of the human remains from the Green of the other Districts? The Prestwich Memorial is in the part of town which was known as established burial grounds as can be seen in the picture of Cape Town below by Johannes Point burial grounds to the Maitland Cemetery and for the land to be used for ‘worthy causes’. District One – extending from the Castle to Sea Point. The Prestwich Memorial is situated Schumacher c. 1776. Meanwhile many informal burials remained beneath surrounding buildings and roads. between the alignment of the old edge of the city, the Buitengracht, and the 1755 Dutch Reformed Church cemetery. The memorial itself stands on an early 19th century extension Greater Religious Freedom to this cemetery. Although no longer a place of burial and having fallen prey to apartheid- Apart from the Lutheran Church, which was granted permission to establish the Evangelical In 1995, the remains of over 120 individuals were excavated by archaeologists from along era forced removals under the Group Areas Act, much of earlier District One may still be Lutheran Church collection of buildings nearby on the Corner of Strand Street and Buitengracht Cobern Street, one with a broken manacle (iron leg ring and chain links).
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