315 Vedalak¶aƒa Texts: Search and Analysis Sam∂k¶ikå Series No. 11 General Editor V. VENKATARAMANA REDDY The Sam∂k¶ikå Series is aimed at compiling the papers presented by the various scholars during the seminars organized by the National Mission for Manuscripts. The seminars provide an interactive forum for scholars to present to a large audience, ideas related to the knowledge contained in Indiaís textual heritage. In keeping with the title, the Sam∂k¶ikå (research) Series is concerned with research papers of distinguished scholars and specialists in different intellectual disciplines of India. Vedalak¶aƒa Texts: Search and Analysis Editor Nabanarayan Bandyopadhyay National Mission for Manuscripts Dev Publishers & Distributors Published by: National Mission for Manuscripts 11, Man Singh Road New Delhi-110 001 Phone: 91 11 2307 3387 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.namami.nic.in and Co-published by: Dev Publishers & Distributors 2nd Floor, Prakash Deep, 22, Delhi Medical Association Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 Phone : 011-43572647 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.devbooks.co.in ISBN 81-904029-6-X (Series) ISBN 978-93-80829-40-1 (Vol. XI) First published 2017 © 2017, National Mission for Manuscripts All rights reserved including those of translation into other languages. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Price : ` 600 Contents Foreword ix Introducation xi Key to Transliteration xix 1 Vedalak¶aƒa Texts (Keynote address)ó 1 T.N. Dharmadhikari 2 Importance of Editing Vedic Lak¶aƒaóTexts with 23 special reference to Stobhånusa√håraóB.B. Chaubey 3 Lak¶aƒagranthas in solving exegetical problems 35 of the AtharvavedaóDipak Bhattacharya 4 Emergence of Vedalak¶aƒa Phonetic text of 49 Såmapråti‹åkhyaóPradyot Kumar Datta 5 Vedalak¶aƒa Texts and Tradition of Kerala 65 óC.M. Neelakandhan vi Contents 6 °Rk-Pråti‹åkhya and Panini on ìSa≈hitåîó 79 Radhamadhab Dash 7 M僌μuk∂ ›ik¶åóBhagyalata Pataskar 99 8 ›abdabrahmavilåsa: An Unpublished Commentary 113 on the Taittir∂ya Pråti‹åkhyaóNirmala Ravindra Kulkarni 9 The Importance of Studying Pråti‹åkhya with 121 Special Reference to the Våjasaney∂ Pråti‹åkhyaó Sitanath Dey 10 A Computer-based Manuscript (Palm-leaf) Editor 125 óP. Ramanujan 11 In Search of the Lost M僌ukeya Tradition: 131 A Phonetic Reference at the °Rk Pråti‹åkhya óMau Das Gupta 12 Upasarga in Sanskrit LanguageóSubhendu Manna 139 13 Treatment of Måtrå in the Våjasaney∂ Pråti‹åkhya 161 with Particular Reference to Quantity of Avagraha óAshok Kumar Mahata Contents vii 14 Treatment of the Two Alphabetic Sounds ëæí and 165 ë¸í in Sanskrit PhonologyóSubhra Ghosh 15 Some Observations on the Context of Vedådhyayana, 169 i.e., the Study of the Vedas in the Pråti‹åkhyas óManjula Devi 16 Nature of Vivætti as Revealed in ›ik¶ås and Pråti‹åkhyas 179 óBhabani Prasad Bhattacharya 17 A Revisit to The Spho¢a Theory in Response to 187 Queries on Speech Production and Speech Reception óKarunasindhu Das 18 An Introduction to the Nårad∂ya‹ik¶åóDidhiti Biswas 209 19 Lak¶aƒagranthas of the Atharvaveda and their 219 Importanceó Tarak Nath Adhikari 20 Nature of Anunåsika: Phonetic and Grammatical 231 SpeculationsóParboty Chakraborty 21 ikfjf'k{k;k fo'ys"k.kkRed% ifjp;%´JhÑ".k 'kekZ 243 viii Contents 22 Accent in the °Rk-Pråti‹åkhya: A StudyóIndrani Kar 253 23 Vedalak¶aƒaóHow does it Establish the Magnanimity 263 of the SåmavedaóBhaskarnath Bhattacharyya 24 Euphonic Combination in the °Rk-Pråti‹åkhya: 269 A Brief StudyóSoma Basu 25 Phonetic Studies in Ancient IndiaóSatya Ranjan Banerjee 277 26 Sandhikårikå: An Unpublished Lak¶a°na Textó 301 Nabanarayan Bandyopadhyay Foreword The National Mission for Manuscripts organizes national level seminars in different academic institutions all over India to promote research and interest in Indian knowledge systems with particular emphasis on manuscripts. The present Samikshika series brings forth the research papers on Vedalak¶aƒa texts as were presented by the scholars in the seminar ìVedalak¶aƒa Texts: Search and Analysisî organized at School of Vedic Studies, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. The Lak¶aƒa-granthas of Vedas deal with phonetics, grammar, anukramanis, modes of recitation etc. These are of ancillary nature and come under VedåΔga, ›ik¶å is considered to be the most important among them. ›ik¶å is the science of phonetics under which syllabication of sound (varƒa), accent (svara), sound measurement (måtrå, place of articulation (prayatna), etc. are elaborately explained. In Vedic period, lot of importance was given to the correct pronunciation of the mantras at the time of their utterance. Under ›ik¶å VedåΔga, come two types of compositions, viz. Pråti‹åkhya and ›ik¶å. Pråti‹åkhyas are the first treatises under ›ik¶å VedåΔga dealing with the phonetic pecularities of all the ‹åkhås of a praticular Veda. ›ik¶å-texts, too, are related to particular recentions of the Vedas but these texts are posterior to the Pråti‹åkhyas. These texts are mostly found in Kårikå-form leaving some which are written in the x Foreword Sμutra-form. All Veda-lak¶aƒa texts render their help to understand the Vedas in true perspective. There are a lot of manuscripts related to Vedalak¶aƒas which have not been critically edited till date. Young scholars need to be encouraged to delve into those manuscripts in order to bring fourth the underlying implications of Vedic texts. The Mission acknowledges the contribution of Prof. Nabanarayan Bandyopadhyay, Director, School of Vedic Studies, Rabindra Bharti University, Kolkata. The organi- sation of the seminar and publication of this volume wouldnít have been possible without his sincere cooperation. The Mission also thanks Dev Publishers & Distributors for bringing out this volume. I do hope that the topics dealt with in this volume would help the readers to acquire knowledge of this genre of Vedic literature. V. VENKATARAMANA REDDY New Delhi DIRECTOR, Akshaya Tritya, 2017 NATIONAL MISSION FOR MANUSCRIPTS Introduction It is not generally realized that the texts on Veda-lak¶aƒa (mainly extant in South Indian Vedic tradition) contain an abundance of valuable material of Vedic studies relating to Phonetics. The Lak¶aƒa-granthas or texts which dilate upon the characteristics and the special features of Vedic texts are generally termed Veda-lak¶aƒa. They are of ancillary nature and generally regarded as a component of the VedåΔga. Veda-lak¶aƒa texts can be classified into four categories: (a) works (mainly ›ik¶å and Pråtiåkhya) on Vedic phonetics, phonology, grammar (also designated as ëNomenclative Grammatical Worksí, according to Surya- kanta), etc., (b) works on Anukramaƒis, (c) works containing lists of words having peculiar characteristics in the Vedic texts, and d) works dealing mainly with modes of recitation, There are a large number of important texts, very few of which are available in print. An account of them can be trailed from various descriptive catalogues of manuscripts largely published from many institutes of South India and a voluminous work entitled Vedalak¶aƒa: Vedic Ancillary Literature: A Descriptive Bibliography by K. Parameswara Aithal, (Franz Verlag Stuttgart, 1991, an Indian reprint also published from MLBD, Delhi). It would be appropriate to focus our attention on these works concerning different aspects of Vedic learning. The practice of reciting the Vedas in the traditional manner is becoming fast extinct yet there has been in recent years a growing interest in the study of the oral and exegetic tradition of Vedic recitation amongst a select section of people. xii Introduction The printed editions, with only a few exceptions, are either edited in a very uncritical manner, or contain a great deal of confusion regarding the authorship, titles, extent of the texts, etc. The unsatisfactory state of the printed editions on Lak¶aƒas is more evident from various publications which are full of errors due to mixing together of texts in the basic manuscript etc. or do contain the extraneous portions. As we all know, there are two different aspects of the system of learning of the Vedas traditionally ñ the svådhyaya and the prayoga. Though a study of these aspects relate mainly to the recitation of the Vedas of oneís own ‹åkhå, yet the study of the history of grammatical traditions in India as well as different branches of manuscriptology are bound to come with all their importance, thus adding an interdisciplinary essence to the matter as far as possible. As a growing interest has been found in recent years in the study of the oral tradition of Vedic recitation it seems appropriate to undertake the study and research on these types of texts. The purpose and significance of preparing text-critical edition of the hitherto unpublished Lak¶aƒa texts along with their critical analysis and translation is to attract due attention to this particular branch of Vedic studies which unfortunately appears to have dwindled to the point of extinction despite efforts made by great scholars interested in this particular field more than a century ago. The significance lies mainly in the history of the study of Indian grammatical and linguistic traditions which begins with the ›ik¶å and the Pråti‹åkhya. Though they contain instructions on pronunciation, intonation, euphonic changes of sounds in word combinations, elongation of vowels etc, the holistic manner of recitation of the Sa√hitås is not itself actual works of grammar still they deal with subjects which belong to grammar and linguistics. They bear the testimony of the fact that the texts of the Sa√hitås have been preserved without any change throughout all these centuries since the time of the Introduction xiii Pråti‹åkhya, the °Rgveda Pråti‹åkhya being the oldest text book of Vedic phonetics. And the fact that the practice of different modes of recitation or the method of instruction is emphatically necessary for the proper understanding and transmission of any kind of Vedic text, hence the effort to undertake the proposed study.
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