Index In this index Fellow of the Royal Society is abbreviated to FRS and president to PRS. Abbott, E. C. see Gadow, Hans and E. C. Abbott automata 51, 51nn4–5 Abel, Frederick Augustus 177, 177n1, 179 Avebury, Baron see Lubbock, John Aberdeen University, Huxley as rector 35, 36, 36n1, 42–3; his inaugural address 42, 43n1 Abney, William de Wiveleslie 85, 85n2, 115, 148, 149, 187, 220 Babbage, Charles 269, 269n2 ‘The solar spectrum ...’ 143, 144n1, 145 Baer, Karl Ernst von 12 Acade´mie Royale des Sciences, Paris 145 Autobiography 12n3 Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth 240, 240n3, RS Copley Medal awarded to 12n3 241, 242 Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von 118, 119n4 acquired characteristics 23 [Bale], [unidentified] 31 advertising 261, 261n2 Balfour, Arthur James Macmillan’s advertisement for Huxley: Lessons Foundation of belief 307; Huxley’s reply to: in elementary physiology 136–7 ‘Mr Balfour’s attack on agnosticism’ 307n2, Airy, George Biddell 40, 40n3 308 Albert, Prince Consort 269n2 Balfour, Francis Maitland xvi, 40n4, 44, 44n1, Allchin, William Henry 48, 48n1, 61, 70, 81 52–3, 53n1, 65, 67, 231 Alter, Peter Huxley on 79, 142 The reluctant patron ... xiin5, xviin14 lectures by 68 amphioxus 55, 56, 232, 233 ‘On the development of the spinal nerves in anatomy 8, 28, 80, 81, 234 elasmobranch fishes’ 65n6, 66 animals, cruelty to 73, 73n1 death xvi, 79, 79n1; Foster’s obituary notice 88, see also vivisection 89n1 Antarctic expedition, Australian colonies proposal see also Foster, M. and Francis M. Balfour for 193, 193n1 Bancroft, Marie Effie (Mrs Squire Bancroft) 64, Antarctic ice 202, 202n1 64n4 Anthropological Society 28n4 Bancroft, Squire 64, 64n4 anthropology 22, 22n4 Baranowska, Maria von see Dohrn, Maria the Apollo Belvedere 30 St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London 242, 243 Argyll, eighth Duke of see Campbell, George Bathybius xviii, xviiin18, 64, 64n4, 65, 65n8 Douglas Beale, Lionel Smith 271, 272n3, 273 Armstrong, Sir William George 41, 41n6, 46, 63, Beard, John 187, 187n1 150, 150n3 Beckett, William, first Baron Grimthorp 259 Arnold, Julia (Matthew’s niece) see Huxley, Julia ‘Tithes and teetotalism’ 259n1 Arnold, Matthew 133n1 Bedford, Bishop of 191, 191n2 death 221, 221n1 Belfast University 97 Association for Promoting a Professorial Bendyshe, Thomas 6n4 University for London 267, 267n1, 273, 273n2, Beneden, Edouard Van 142, 142n1, 295 274, 274n2, 275n5 Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury controversy over 271, 272n1 232 atheism/agnosticism xviii, 6, 6n4, 86n2, 307n2 Besant, Annie 85, 86n2 the Athenaeum xvi, 34, 80, 99, 122, 133, 153, 154, Bibby, Cyril 167, 281 T. H. Huxley: scientist, humanist, and educator Committee 261 xiiin7 elections to 262–3, 263n2, 264, 264n3 Scientist extraordinary: the life and scientific Australia 76, 182, 234 works of Thomas Henry Huxley xin2 BAAS proposed 1888 meeting in Sydney 169, Bidder, George Parker 199, 199n1 169n3 ‘Bill to make more effectual provision for the Colonies of Australia centenary, 1888 169n3 prevention of cruelty to animals 1876’ (HC) 73, Huxley in xii, 185n1 73n1 Royal Society of Victoria 173n1 Bowler, Peter J. see Lester, Joseph Sydney University 41n2 biology xiv, 36, 81, 84, 154, 177, 231–2, 282n1 311 Index birds, study of 232, 233 Burdon Sanderson, John Scott 62, 62n4, 115, 276 birth control 86, 86n2 see also Klein, E. et al. Blake, Edith (Sir Henry’s wife) 263, 263n1 Burkhardt, Frederick and Sydney Smith (eds) The Blake, Sir Henry 263n1 correspondence of Charles Darwin xin1 Bluett, George Augustus 222, 223n1 Busk, George 138, 138n1 Board of Trade 98, 98n2, 157, 157n3, 158, death 260, 260n1 167, 246 Buxton, Constance (ne´e Lubbock) (Sir John’s bone/bone structure 104, 105 daughter) (Mrs Sydney Buxton) 271, 271n4 Bonnet, Charles 51, 51n5 Buxton, Sydney 271n4 Booth, General William 253, 253n3, 254, Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron 254nn1–2 The vision of judgement 148 Huxley on 253n3, 254n2 In darkest England 255n3 H. M. Stanley on 255, 255n1, 256 botany 35 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company 77n2, Huxley’s interest in 168; work on gentians 170, 144 171–2, 175, 180, 180n2, 188, 189 Cambridge University 43, 52, 53n1, 77nn2–3, Bourne, Alfred Gibbs 118n3 99n4, 162nn1–3 Bower, Frederick Orpen 129n3 Lucasian professorship 58n2 Bradlaugh, Alice (Charles’s daughter) 85, 86n2 Rede Lecture, June 12 1883 88, 89n2 Bradlaugh, Charles 86, 86n2, 238, 239n4 Sadleirian professorship 162n3 Bradley, George Granville, Dean of Westminster Special Board for Biology and Geology 162n2 120, 121n2 Stokes as MP for 194, 194n1, 195–6, 197, 198–9, Brady, George Stewardson (Henry’s brother) 50, 203, 204, 205, 206, 206n1, 259n2 50n2 Cambridge University colleges Brady, Henry Bowman 40, 41, 41n1, 50, 50n2, Christ’s 188, 188nn1–2 214–16, 214n1, 219 Gonville and Caius: Harvey dinner, June 21 1893 British Association for the Advancement of 280, 280n2 Science (BAAS) (BA) 65, 149, 215, 241, 245–6 St John’s 59n1 Aberdeen meeting, September 1859 21, 22n2 Trinity 44n1, 53n1, 233, 233n1; Foster as Fellow Australia, proposed meeting in, 1888 169, 169n2 xiv, 205n1; as praelector in physiology xiv, Bath meeting, August 1888 224 22n3, 23, 23n1 Belfast meeting, [August] 1874 47, 51, 51nn1–2 Cambridge University Medical School 70n1 Birmingham meeting, [August/September] Foster as lecturer xiv–xv 1886, 169, 169n1 Cambridge University Sedgwick Museum 161, Darwin: Origin of species, debate over xii 162n1 Sir John Evans on committee 245 Campbell, George Douglas, eighth Duke of Argyll Foster as president xiv 118, 119n2, 255, 256 Manchester meeting, 1887 191, 191n2 ‘Professor Huxley on the warpath’ 255n1 meetings 8, 10, 23n1, 47n1; see also individual Cardwell, Edward, first Viscount 71, 72, 72n2, 75 meetings Carlisle, Bishop of 191, 191n2 officers 47, 47n1, 83n3 Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, fourth Earl of 71 Marquis of Salisbury as president 295n1, 296, Carpenter, Philip Herbert 92n3 296n1 as assistant master, Eton College 164, 165n1 Tyndall as president 51, 51nn1–2 ‘On a new crinoid from the southern sea’ 92, British Medical Association (BMA) 64, 64n3 92n3, 93 British Museum (BM) 307, 308 Carpenter, William Benjamin 8, 8n4, 58 Huxley as trustee 260, 307 Principles of mental psychology 51, 51n6 Brown Animal Sanatory Institution 100n1 Carter, Robert Brudenell 274, 275n1 Browne, Janet cartilage/connective tissue 104, 105 Charles Darwin ...xiiin6 Carus, Julius Victor 54, 55n1 Brown-Se´quard, Charles Edward 23, 23n1 cascara sagrada 160, 160n1, 162 ‘On apparent transmission of abnormal Cattermole, M. J. G. and A. F. Wolfe conditions due to accidental causes’ 23n1 Horace Darwin’s shop 77nn2–3 Brucke,€ Ernst Wilhelm 10 Cayley, Arthur 161, 162n3, 182 Brugsch, Emile 80, 80n4 Challenger Committee xvi, xvii–xviii, 173, 174–5, Brunton, Thomas Lauder 24, 25n5 187, 197, 199, 221, 307 Buckle, George Earle 277, 278, 278n1 Annual Reports 173–4 Foster and 282 Hooker on 174, 210 312 Index Challenger expedition 55n1, 59n2 Courtenay, (Foster’s demonstrator at Cambridge) funding/estimates 173–6, 196, 209–11 168 oceanic deposits, work on 210, 211 Courtney, L (MP) 98, 100 Reports of the Scientific Results ...150, Crawford, Mrs Virginia 156n1 150nn1–2, 210, 211, 211n4, 212–13; Murray crayfish 167 as editor 211 Creasey, C. H. see Eve, A. S. and C. H. Creasey Chamberlain, Joseph 98, 98n2 Cumberbatch, Lawrence Trent 83, 83n1 Charcot, Jean-Martin 199, 200n1 Cunningham, John Thomas 80, 80n2, 254n2, Charing Cross Hospital, London xii 303n1 cholera 97, 97nn1–2, 113, 114, 114n2, 126, 127n2, letter to The Times on Huxley and William Booth 145 254, 254n2, 302 Christie, Sir William Henry Mahoney 115, 118 Darwinian Society proposed by 302, 303, 305 Church Congress, Reading, 1883 97n2 current affairs 127, 127n3, 128n2, 156, 156n1, 167, circulation system 11 258, 258nn1–2 Clark, Sir Andrew 109–10, 110n1, 111n1, 120, 121, William Booth and the Salvation Army 253, 125, 132, 133, 138 253n3, 254–5, 254nn1–2, 255n1, 256, 302 as FRS 134, 134n1 Queen Victoria’s golden jubilee, 1887 172, as president, College of Physicians 260n1 173n2, 178n1 classical education 209 see also political issues the sciences and xv, 150–52, 151n1, 209 Richard Clay and Sons (printers) 8, 105, 105n1, 107, 129 Cleland, John 52, 52n2 Daily News 12, 12n1 Cleve, Per Theodor 300, 301n1 Dalby, William Bartlett 147, 147n1 William Clowes Ltd (printers) 163, 163n3 Dana, James Dwight 118, 119n3 Cobbe, Frances Power 58, 58n3, 62 Darwin, Annie (Charles’s daughter) xiii College of Physicians 80 Darwin, Charles xi, xii, xviii Baly Medal awarded to Foster 260, 260n1 Christ’s College, Cambridge, commemorative Clark as president 260n1 tree at 188, 188n2 Harveian Oration 260n1 his health xix Collier, Lady Isabella (Baroness Monkswell) Huxley and xi, xiii, 33, 297; see also Darwin: (John’s mother) 156, 156n1 The origin of species Collier, John (husband of I: Marian Huxley; II Ethel Huxley’s obituary notice for 88, 89n2, 212, Huxley) 77n4, 120, 123, 127, 223, 238, 240, 269, 212n1, 217, 220, 221, 244, 245 300 Marine Zoological Station, Naples, his support his health 236 for 40n4, 44 portrait of Hooker 222 statue of, in South Kensington 136n1 portrait of Huxley 222, 222n1 Darwin, Charles: The origin of species xii, 220, second marriage 235, 235n1 221, 297 Collier, Joyce (Marian and John’s daughter) 112, BAAS debate on xiii 113n1, 238, 238n2, 254, 256 Huxley’s defence of (as Darwin’s Bulldog) her health 261, 262, 263, 264 xii–xiii, 27, 244, 244n1 Collier, Lilian (Sir Robert’s niece) 123, 123n1 Huxley on 212 Collier, Sir Robert 123, 123n1 Darwin, Emma (ne´e Wedgwood) (Mrs Charles Collier, Robert Porrett, first Baron Monkswell Darwin) 138, 194 (John’s father) 156n1 Darwin, (Sir) Francis (Frank) (Charles’s son) 77, [Collings], [unidentified] 74, 123 262, 262n1, 263 the colonies The life and letters of Charles Darwin (ed.) 221 Imperial Institute for (proposed) 177, 177n1, Darwin, George Howard (Charles’s son) 115 178, 178n1, 179 Darwin, Horace (Charles’s son) 76, 77, 77n4, 183 science in 172, 173n1 Darwinian Society (proposed) 302, 303, 305 see also Australia Darwinism, Huxley’s coining of xiii committees/committee work xvi–xvii Dawson, Warren R.
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