Mastozoología Neotropical ISSN: 0327-9383 [email protected] Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Argentina Bezerra Ramos, Alexandra Maria Variabilidade morfológica e status taxonômico das amostras populacionais do gênero Clyomys (Rodentia: Echimyidae) Mastozoología Neotropical, vol. 10, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2003, pp. 185-186 Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Tucumán, Argentina Disponível em: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=45710118 Como citar este artigo Número completo Sistema de Informação Científica Mais artigos Rede de Revistas Científicas da América Latina, Caribe , Espanha e Portugal Home da revista no Redalyc Projeto acadêmico sem fins lucrativos desenvolvido no âmbito da iniciativa Acesso Aberto Mastozoología Neotropical / J. Neotrop. Mammal.; 10(1):185-190 ISSN 0327-9383 ©SAREM, 2003 Versión on-line ISSN 1666-0536 RESÚMENES DE TESIS - DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS VARIABILIDADE MORFOLÓGICA E STATUS TAXONÔMICO DAS AMOSTRAS POPULACIONAIS DO GÊNERO CLYOMYS (RODENTIA: ECHIMYIDAE) Alexandra Maria Ramos Bezerra Setor de Mastozoologia, Departamento de Vertebrados, Museu Nacional - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Número de páginas: 88. Tipo de tesis: Mestrado; día da defensa 27 de Junio de 2002; director (y presidente del tribunal) Dr. João Alves de Oliveira; miembros del tribunal: Cibele R. Bonvicino, Helena de Godoy Bergallo y Leandro de Oliveira Salles (supl.). Morphologic variability and taxonomic status of the Paraguayan sample from Clyomys laticeps pro- population samples of the Clyomys genus (Ro- posed by Moojen (1952); 3) the biogeographic his- dentia: Echimyidae). (Resume in English) The tory, associated with ecological restrictions imposed genus Clyomys traditionally has included two living by the semifossorial habit of Clyomys may have species, C. laticeps (Thomas, 1909) and C. bishopi contributed for the variability in bacular morphol- Avila-Pires & Wutke, 1981. The first nominal form ogy and karyotype documented in extant popula- would range from the Paraguayan Chaco to the states tions, how see in others semifossorial small mam- of Minas Gerais and Bahia throughout the Brazilian mals (e.g. Thomomys umbrinus em Hafner et al., Cerrado, while the second is known only for re- 1987; Ctenomys minutus em Freitas, 1997; Spalax gions of Cerrado enclaves of São Paulo state (Avila- spp. em Nevo et al; 1990); 4) the variation in size Pires and Wukte, 1981). Moojen (1952) recognized may be related to climatic factors, one time that the population of the Paraguayan Chaco was as a Clyomys inhabits open and seasonally environments, subspecies of Clyomys laticeps on the basis only typical conditions of Cerrado biome, where tem- two individuals and named C. laticeps whartoni, perature and food availability can be limiting fac- and the diagnostics characters were the presence of tors (Marinho-Filho et al., 1997; Rodrigues, 1996); grayish patches on gular and ventral surface, the 5) the pelage coloration in Clyomys may have re- tympanic bullae larger and the length palatal shorter sulted from positive selection of individuals that than in C. l. laticeps. The samples from São Paulo displayed a more cryptic coloration in relation to were mainly distinguished by their larger body size the environment, how observed in others and gray-yellowish coloration, in contrast to the semifossorial rodents (Krupa and Geluso, 2000; smaller and predominantly rufous specimens of C. Morse, 1980; Patton, 1990). Nevertheless, 6) a laticeps. morphometric structuring of studied samples in two The recent acquisition of larger series (Rodrigues geographic groups was revealed, where the popula- et al., 2002), representative of the two nominal tional samples of Minas Gerais and São Paulo States, forms, as well as the results of cytogenetic analyses and Distrito Federal formed a group to est, while of selected individuals (Cibele R. Bonvicino, com. Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso pers; Pagnozzi et al., 2000) prompted the question States, and Emas National Park (only sample of of the real divergence between the two recognized Goiás State) formed a group to west. Additional species, here examined in a more comprehensive karyological and genetic comparisons among dif- analysis of the morphological variability of genus. ferent populations may provide a better framework Morphometric and qualitative analyses of skull for inferences on the taxonomical status of popula- morphology were confronted with the qualitative tional samples of Clyomys. description of phallic morphology and pelage col- Key words: Clyomys, taxonomy, morphometrics, oration, for a total of 113 specimens from 16 locali- morphology, biogeography. ties. The results indicate that: 1) criteria used to dis- LITERATURE CITED tinguish Clyomys bishopi are contestable, because presumptive diagnostic characters are shared with AVILA-PIRES, F.D. and M.R.C. WUTKE. 1981. other populations from outside of São Paulo State; Taxonomia e evolução de Clyomys Thomas, 1916 2) no surveyed morphological character distinguishes (Rodentia, Echimyidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 4(3):529-534. 186 Mastozoología Neotropical, 2003 FREITAS, T.R.O. 1997. Chromossome polymorphism in PAGNOZZI, J.M.; V. FAGUNDES, F.H.G. RODRIGUES, Ctenomys minutus (Rodentia- Octodontidae). A.A. BUENO, and Y. YONENANGA-YASSUDA. Brazilian Journal of Genetics, 20(1):1-7. 2000. Citogenética comparativa entre Clyomys bishopi HAFNER, M.S.; J.C. HAFNER, J.L. PATTON, and M.F. e C. laticeps. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, SMITH. 1987. Macrogeographic patterns of genetic Cuiabá, MT: 633. differentiation in the Pocket Gopher Thomomys PATTON, J.L. 1990. Geomyid evolution: the historical, umbrinus. Systematic Zoology, 36(1):18-34. selective, and random basis for divergence patterns KRUPA, J.J. and K.N. GELUSO. 2000. Matching the within and among species. Evolution of subterranean color of excavated soil: cryptic coloration in the plains mammals at the organismal and molecular levels. Ed. Pocket Gopher (Geomys bursarius). Journal of Alan R. Liss, Inc. Pp: 49-69. Mammalogy, 81(1):86-96. RODRIGUES, F.H.G., 1996. Influência do fogo e da seca MARINHO-FILHO, J.S.; D.C. COELHO, and F. na disponibilidade de alimento para herbívoros do PINHEIRO, 1997. A comunidade de morcegos do Cerrado. Pp 76-83. In: Impactos de queimadas em Distrito Federal: estrutura de guildas, uso do hábitat áreas de cerrado e restinga (Miranda, H.S.; C.H. Saito e padrões reprodutivos. Pp. 123-126. In: Contribuição and B.F.S. Dias, eds.). Univ. Brasília, Brasília, DF. ao Conhecimento Ecológico do Cerrado (Leite, L.L. RODRIGUES, F.H.G.; L. SILVEIRA, A.T.A. JÁCOMO, and C.H. Saito, eds.). Dept. Ecologia, Universidade A.P. CARMIGNOTTO, A.M.R. BEZERRA, D. de Brasília, Brasília, DF. COELHO, H. GARBOGINI, J. PAGNOZZI, and A. MORSE, D.H. 1980. Behavioral mechanisms in ecology. HASS. 2002. Composição e Caracterização da Fauna Harvard University press. Harvard, USA. 383 pp. de Mamíferos do Parque Nacional das Emas, Goiás. MOOJEN, J.O. 1952. A new Clyomys from Paraguay Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 19(2):589-600. (Rodentia: Echimyidae). Journal of the Washington SVARTMAN, M. 1989. Levantamento cariotípico de Academy of Science, 42(3):102. roedores da região do Distrito Federal. Master thesis, NEVO, E.; M.G. FILIPPUCCI and A. BEILES. 1990. Departamento de Biologia do Instituto de Biociências, Genetic diversity and its ecological correlates in Universidade de São Paulo. nature: comparisons between subterranean, fossorial, THOMAS, O. 1909. Notes on some South American and aboveground small mammals. Evolution of Mammals, with descriptions of new species. Annals subterranean mammals at the organismal and and Magazine of Natural History, (8)4:230-242. molecular levels. Ed. Alan R. Liss, Inc. Pp: 347-366. THOMAS, O. 1916. Some notes on Echimyinae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (8)18:194-303. TESTING PATTERNS AND PROCESSES OF DIVERSIFICATION OF A SOUTH AMERICAN GROUP OF LAND MAMMALS (RODENTIA, CRICETIDAE, SIGMODONTINAE) Guillermo D’Elía Number of pages: xi + 174 pp. Kind of thesis: Ph.D.; The University of Michigan; day of thesis defense August 19, 2002; board members: Philip Myers (Chair), William Fink, Philip Gingerich, Diarmaid Ó Foighil The subfamily Sigmodontinae is a highly diverse sic issues, such as the extent of current and past group that has attracted the attention of biologists diversity, to more complex aspects of their evolu- interested in a broad range of disciplines. In addi- tionary history such as the elucidation of their tem- tion to neontologists and paleontologists interested poral and spatial diversification patterns or the pro- in systematics, paleoenvironmentalists, ecologists, cesses that underlie their tremendous diversity. physiologists, ethologists, epidemiologists, parasi- In this dissertation I tackle some of these issues. tologists, quantitative geneticists, and molecular Each one of the three analytical parts of the study biologists have also studied sigmodontines. As a deals with a different level of organization and result, a sound understanding of sigmodontine sys- provides different insights into sigmodontine sys- tematics directly impacts research in several other tematics. Chapter one sheds new light on the major areas, some of which are of direct interest to human patterns of the radiation of the group. Chapter two health and economy. In spite of sigmodontines clarifies the species boundaries within one genus. having been studied intensively for a century and a Chapter three approaches the question of how half, our understanding of their systematics is far sigmodontine diversity arises, by testing the predic- from complete. Obscure areas range from very ba- tions of one diversification model..
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