T H E WILSON Q UART E R LY ,. hi. AUTUMN 1990 THE ~N ILSON QUART~RLY Published by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars COVER STORY EVERYDAY LII;E IN JAPAN 19 8- What to make of the Japanese? In the Western mind, the samurai of b~·ka yore has been replaced by the efficient "sa2aryman" and the obedient worker. But perhaps the most important figures in Japanese society are d its shop owners, its venerated rice farmers, and its devoted housewives. These people have been in many ways responsible for the nation's re- mcilkable success since World War II. David W PIath, Theodove C, Besfou, William W Kelly, and 1Margavet Lock evoke the worlds of these Japanese and describe the problems that now face them. O ISAMERICA DECLINING? 67 "Declinists" warn that America is going the way of ancient Rome and 19th-century England. "Tritlmphalists" insist that America's role as world leader is not in jeopardy. Richard Rosecrance finds both argtl- ments inadegunte and suggests that it is misleading to compare Ameri- ca's position to those of the great powers of the past. IDEAS IN PRAISE OF THE ESSAY 54 Every age has its favorite literary form. 0, B. Havdison, Jv., explains why the essay is popular in troubled times-such as our own. REFLECTIONS D E P A R T M E N T S LINCOLNAND DOUGLASS 102 Editor's Comment 4 A president and an ex-slave together changed the course of race relations in America. Douo- Periodicals 7 fhy Wickenden recalls a little-known episode Current Books 86 in history. Research Reports 136 AN EXILE'S DILEMMA 114 Commentary 138 Can you go home again if you are one of RLIS- sia's greatest dissident novelists? Vladimiv Index 142 Voinovich describes the Russia of the recent i~over: Diary, ALcgusr22, 1968, by Tetsuya Noda. Lent by Felix past and contrastsit to the countryhe would ..d HelenJuda, the Contemporary Japanese Art Collection, return To. Los Angeles, California. 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