17692 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 14, 197.8 H.R. 15 agency desires to enter into a compliance H.R. 12931 By Mr. CORRAO A: agreement, but alleges that full compliance By Mr. MATHIS: -On page 106, revise section 136(a) to read with the requirements of this title is genu­ -Beginning on page 15, line 10, strike every­ inely not feasible until a future date, the a~ follows: thing through line 3 on page 19. Commissioner shall hold a hearing at which "SEC. 136. (a) WITHHOLDING.-Whenever -On page 17, line 18, strike the period and that agency shall have the ourden of demon­ insert m lieu thereof the following: ": Pro­ the Commissioner, after reasonable notice strating that immediate compliance is not and opportunity for ::1. hearing to any State vided further, That no such payment may be feasible. The Commissioner shall provide an made while the Articles of Agreement of the educational agency, finds that there has been opportunity for parents, their represent­ a failure to comply substantiall.y with any Bank contain no provision denying or lim­ atives, and other interested parties to par­ iting membership or assistance to any coun­ assurance set forth in the application of that ticipate in that hearing. If the Commissioner State approved under section 52 or 101, the try in violation of basic individual human determines, on the basis of all the evidence rights, including but not limited to freedom Commissioner shall notify the agency that presented to him, that immediate compli­ of the press, freedom of expression, univer­ further payments will not be made to the ance is genuinely not feasible, he shall make sal adult suffrage, and freedom to own and State under this title (or, in his discretion, written findings to that effect before enter­ exchange private property." that the State educational agency shall re­ ing into such a compliance agreement with that State educational agency." -On page 23, add the following new section: duce or terminate further payments under "SEc. 510. None of the funds appropriated this title to specified local educational agen­ under this Act for the international finan­ cies or State agencies affected by the failure) H.R. 12928 cial institutions shall be used to meet any until he is satisfied that there is no longer By Mr. EDGAR: call, or successive calls, on unpaid capital any such failure to comply. Until he is so sat­ -Page 6, line 22, strike out the period and in excess of the United States pro rata share isfied, (1) no further payments shall be made insert the following: ": Provided further, of such call, notwithstanding the failure or to the State under this title, or (2) payments That none of the funds appropriated or oth­ any other country to respond to a call." by the State educational agency under this erwise made available under this paragraph -On page 23, line 19, add the following new title shall be limited to local educational shall be obligated or expended for land ac­ sentence: agencies and State agencies not affected by quisition, construction, and planning for the "The Secretary shall instruct such execu­ following projects: Bayou Badeau and Trib­ tive directors to oppose and vote against any the failure, or, (3) payments to particular assistance by such institutions, including local educational age~1cles shall be reduced, utaries; Yatesville Lake, Meramec Park Lake; but not limited to loans for the production as the case may be. Where partial payments Lukfata Lake; and LaFarge Lake and Chan­ of palm oil, sugar, citrus, tobacco, grains, to a local educational agency are continued nel Improvements." oilseeds, and steel that would, directly or in­ under this subsection, the expenditure of Page 12, line 9, strike out the period and directly, tend to lessen employment oppor­ those payments shall be subJect to such con­ insert the following: ": Provided further, tunities or potential employment opportu­ ditions as the Commissioner deems appro­ That none of the funds appropriated or oth­ nities in any industry in the United States priate in light of the failure which led to the erwise made available under this paragraph or would tend to lessen s.9.les or potential partial withholding. Pending the outcome of shall be obligated or expended for land ac­ sales, in either the domestic or international any proceedings under this subsection, the quisition or construction of the Narrows markets, of any commodity produced in the Commissioner may suspend payments to Unit." United States." such agency, after such agency has been Page 12, line 24, strike out .the period and H.R. 12936 given reasonable notice and opportunity to insert the following: ": Provided further, By Mr. BROWN of California: show cause why such action should not be That none of the funds appropriated or oth­ taken. -On page 19, line 6, strike "$806,400,000" and erwise made available under this paragraph insert in lieu thereof "815,400,000", and on -On page 108, in section 136(c) of title I, shall be obligated or expended for planning line 8 strike "$48,100,000" and insert in lieu insert the following between lines 5 and 6: the following projects: Savery-Pot Hook and thereat "57,100,000", and on line 11 strike "In any case in which a State educational Fruitland Mesa." "$17,-" and insert in lieu thereof "$26,-". EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LINKAGE WITH SALT able SAM STRATTON, who has 20 distin­ SALT II treaty is anything but a document guished years of service on the House of extreme precision. We all remember the Armed Services Committee, had an ex­ omissions and ambiguities in SALT I. No·t HON. LARRY MrDONALD cellent letter in the Washington Post only were they responsible for an intense OF GEORGIA national debate over whether the Soviets did <June 12). In this letter he succinctly or did not violate its terms, but tl:_1ey enabled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES points out that on the basis of SALT I the Soviets, while adhering to the numerical Tuesday, June 13, 1978 violations, plus recent Soviet behavior, limits of SALT I, to achieve a clear superior­ there is little hope for "trusting the Rus­ ity over us in deliverable nuclear power. C Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, today sians," as some insist we should in SALT So if SALT II is to achieve anything use­ the editorial pages of the Nation are II negotiations. Significantly, the Wall ful, it must provide us with the opportunity filled with a lot of thoughts concerning Street Journal of June 12 echoed the of redressing this imbalance and, at the same our relations with the U.S.S.R. These same sen tim en ts in an excell en t editorial time, to the maximum extent possible, es­ center about the blatant aggressions of entitled: "Linkage Rigmarole" point­ chew similar ambiguities and inexaotitudes. communism in Africa. Some persons However, this has by no means been achieved ing that we can best judge nations by in the current draft. have suggested there is a linkage with their deeds not their words. Thus SALT the SALT II talks and that perhaps we Perhaps perfect precision can never be II should be looked upon with suspicion. achieved in such a document. But that is just ought to break off the SALT II talks as a The items follow: gesture of our displeasure with Soviet the point. There are many things in SALT behavior or until some change is indi­ (From the Washington Post, June 12, 1978] II-and there will be even more in a compre­ AND LINKAGE WITH SALT II hensive test-ban treaty, if that comes cated in Soviet policy toward Africa. ab0ut-that can never be fully verified. This trend of thought, of course, all pre­ In the past couple of weeks Washington "Trust us," the Russian high command told supposes that the U.S.S.R. values the has witnessed an unusual flurry of contra­ our committee last Easter in Moscow, when SALT II talks as highly as we do. This dictory policy pronouncements on what we asked for proof of their claim that the should be our response to continued Soviet Backfire bomber, even refueled, could still is debatable. However, it is predictable and Cuban meddling in Africa. After sev­ that the Department of State and others not reach the continental United States. eral false starts the final official position, it They just quoted Leonid I. Brezhnev to us. in the "establishment" will insist that appears, is that "linkage" is out, concluding But if the success of SALT II must depend SALT talks stand by themselves and we e. SALT II treaty is "in the national interest" to some appreciable extent on trust in our should ignore Soviet aggressions else­ and, as The Post (May 30] and others have Soviet friends, then their recent conduct in where. This, of course, is the same old put it, SALT therefore stands on its own Africa, their actions in Afghanistan and their tired rhetoric we have been hearing for a merits and must not "become a pawn in an bugging of the U.S. embassy in Moscow, are long time that ongoing negotiations take internal argument over Kremlin policy." all highly relevant factors in determining precedence over everything else. Yester­ Such a view, however, is dangerously blind whether such trust is warranted. day, my friend and colleague, the Honor- to one overriding consideration. The proposed Surely, when concluding an agreement on Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • June 14, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17693 strategic arms-no less than in signing a bargain.
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