r'*!.!- iW y -Sffi'Stest.'!! W - j ' TUZSSUIAXX, 'U Hatirbrsinr Sttfuftto Avengs Dally Cirenlatlon The Wcelher X For toe Month of February, 194$ Foreeaat ot O. 8. Weather Bureau Army Takes 2 Months WAACs Paming Through [ To Get Gordon Shoes Tires Iss 8,040 Ration Books Snow and Conttened Cold Tonight. About Town Got a Good Hand Here Member ot toe Audit ! Jack Gordon, who . was in­ Bureau o f OIrcnIatloaa Seventy-four, inductees from In Past oC COmpMqr State Well Handled ducted on December $$ has Maku:h^$et^A City of Village Charm t r, are aaked to leport Tolland county entrained at Just received his Arm y shoes. .X tonight at the armory at the Manchester sUUon of the Mr. Gordon, since his High Certificates Also Given fOf- (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ' ^acloek tO' take out their equlp- New Haven company on the Work So Efficient Here school days, had found it neq- / (COatoilfieR Advorttoteg ea Fag* 1$)- MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1943 regular draft special, bound yOL. LXIL, NO. 130 Bt. 1 essary bo wear two different, For Tubes l>y Local ._______________________________________ ;______________ for camp. The Rockville con­ It Was Coinpleteil Five I sizes o f shoes. It was rather a tingent waa surprised to see ■4 Ckaig Beldier, eon o f JMr. and Days Ahead of Time, ' surprise that he was taken in- | Rationing Board. the Brst car of the train com­ to the Army. In . order to prop­ Ifni- Harold Belcher of IS Walker pletely filled with W AAC * al- Nazis Await W ord to Attack ■ticet la now In training ^t Atlan* erly fit hia feet, it was neces­ During the pa.st week the fol­ ao bound for camp. They gavS A total of 26,065 persons receiv­ sary to have special shoes tie City aa an Arm y A lt Corps a luaty cheer for the young, lowing certificates were issued for Rationing of Meat Allied Units Maintain ed War Ration Book No. 2 during I made. It waa two months aft- ( 4 Cadet. t;. ladies, then entrained. I tires and .tubes: iiy , the' three-day registration period ' er he was Inducted that the •T! New truck tires and tubes: Man­ conducted in the public schools shoes Wfre sent to him. The regular monthly meeting Mr. Gordon’s name is on the ning Fcndel.v, Pine street, seven •C the Manchester Private Duty Members of the Manchester Rod last week, it was announced today May Begin April 1; I town's Honor Roll as he wa* . tires and 'two, tubes; ^LijUiony Mmeea Assodation will be held and Gun Club will meet at East by W ar Price and Rationing Board * a selectman when Inducted. I Gozdz, 287 'Oakland street,^ one Pressure on wtia arenlng at 7:S0 in the Doctor's Center and Holl streets at“ 7:30 to­ 112.16 on completion of its official Room of Manchester Memotlal night to proceed to the Thomas G. stati-stic.s. When W ar Ration Book tire; James Gormaii, 285 Main Jtatoltal. Dougan Funeral home, at i59 Holl No, 1 was isiraed last May, 26,058 street, one tire and ;pne tube. Prices to. Be Set street, to pay respects to John Mc­ persons revived it. a difference of Recap truck tires; Town of Man­ Cormick, of 182 Eldridge atreet, ■ W e Connecticut Agricultural onl.v seven bookA. 77 Residences chester, two tires: Charles L. Van- who died SundayJ Mr. McCormick RKpeilment SUUon, 123 Hunting- Consumer Declarations handled debrook, 26 Lydall street, three T unisia is the father of Harry McCormick, Cheese, Butter, Cooking In Northern at the- eleven registration sites tires. Oil Ration laa atreet. New Haven, has Invited of 130 Pine street, one of the most totaled 8,380 for an average of To Be Erected Grade I tires: Clarence Roach, the fWtorated Garden clubs to at­ active members of the Rod and Fats and Oils Also to tend a one-day session tomorrow slightly better than three persons 104 Bridge street, one tire; Mary Gun club. T h e funeral will be Paluzzi, 46 Bissell street, one Be JPut Under Curb; Heavy Artillery Inflicts to the station's new auditorium. hel^tomorrow afternoon. per declaration. Excess cans, bot­ Greeii Stamps Will Allow The program will open at 10:30 tles, and jars of processed foods Conlraclor Griffin to tire; George Metcalf. 580 Burnham Uniform Prices on Considerable Damage •.as. In the afternoon there will declared amounted to 16.776-,^and street, two tires; Eugene Clark, Knox Expecting ha a tour of the laboratories, when Chaplain Napoleon W. L o v e ly stamps were removed for all but Start Work in North 5 Bank street, one tire; Bennie Pork di|d Beef May More Fuel On Positions North aqierlments and phases of re- son of Mra. Ann Lovely, of BucX- ,292 of the Items. ■ , End This Spring. Beaulieu, 28 West' Center atreet, gearch in connection with the war land, serving with the Arm y TWns- Exeess Coffee Deelarea two tires. Upset Bliit^k Market. O f Beja and East of port Service, has, been prornoted effort wlU be on display. local Exce.ss pounds o f coffee declared Grade II tires: Max Trapanler, Value of No. 5 Coupons Sedjenane; Press on Carden club is a member o f the from first lieutenant to c ^ ta in in amounted to 53,562 pounds but this Contractor George Griffin sqid 91 Autumn street, one tire; John Grim Casualties Washington, Ma,rQh 8.— (/P)' . inederaUon and wUl probably smd the Corps of Chaplains, it has been figure consists almost entirely of this morning that he plans to start G. Stoutnar 351 Tolland turnpike, Given With Cash, e Sales*• Increased as OPA Also South and Southeast — Meats, cheese, butter, cook- M egatea. announced at headquarters of San stamps removed from the books of 77 moty. houses on his tract Just off one tire, Arthur Shorts, 55 Ben­ j Francisco Port of Embarkation, ton street, one tire; George F. Advances Date for O f Sbeitla in Pursuit children under 15 years of age. Hilliard street as soon as the ing fats and oils will 4?e ra- ■ Warning Given Con- Fort Mason Calif. Chaplain Love­ The actual coffee exce.ss declared Mensel, 46 St. John street, two Crippled Jap .Mrs.NArthnr H. Sweeney and ly who reported for duty last July weather permits. AU will be of tioned beginning April it' Use Along Seaboard. O f Rommel Forces. waa very small and only 130 tires; Salvator Lombardo. 181 • gress of 10 Per Cent itoughteri Janet, of Starkweather 28 holds three degrees from Har­ was reported today, under pounds could not be taken from four rooms bn the ground floor and Oak street, one tire; Thomas Hage- are In Minneapolis, Minn-, vard University. now, 104 Cooper street, one tire; current plans of food and ra-. Rate in Disclosing Plan Mrs. Sweeney's son, Ralph Book No. 1 becaiute of lack of two unfinished' rooms upstairs. WashlngtCHi, March 3— MH—The Convoy Sails Allied Headquarters in Michael G. Fogarty, 118 North tioning agencies. The sources _ who is at present station­ stamps. TTiese homes will be . erected on All Day Wednesday dffice of Price Admlnlatratkm to­ To Dominate All Seas. North Africa, March 3.— Elm street, two tires; Charles Mrs. Leslie C. Burnett, of 531 Ly- O f the more than 26,000 books Loomis street, just north of Hil­ for this information, who ed at the University of Minnesota. Dickens, 34 Avondale road, two day ipereased the value at No. 5 Allied forces maintained Phrmerly with the Connecticut dall street, reports seeing a flock of handled by the registrars only 177 liard street and will have one o f the withheld use of their names, Toward Lae about a dozen bluebirds in the yard best views In Manchester. He has tires. householder fuel oil ration cou­ Washington, March 3.— (/P) their pressure on the enemy State Guard, he la now with the were voided and most of these said the red coupons of the No. 2 a t^ e r home this morning. obtained priority rights to com­ pons onS\to two gallons over — A grim warning to expect -------- - \ in northern Tunisia yester­ N avy and la taking a machinist's were dne to the fact that the ration book would be used and mence work at once. ^ / Except Food Departments the 17 eastern SmUo eouiae. books were not property put to­ that meat rations probably would present leVeJii In a 10 per cent casualty rate in Allied Planes Relentless­ day and their heavy artillery The layout has been -approved District at Co- Seven cases of whooping cougfh gether and fell apart when they run about 1 3-4 pounds per person states and to* Navy personnel was laid be­ inflicted considerable damage were reported from Manchester to were being Issvied. The local Board both by the local and Federal au­ lumbla. \ ly on Trail of Ves­ S t Mary's Ladies* Guild ym a week. ■ fore Congress and the nation on Axis positions north of the State Department Health, paid warm tribute to the splendid thorities. Water, sewer and'lights O PA also advanced by one week toast Thursday afternoon of OLD To Set Uniform Meat Fricea according to the bulletin Issued to­ work of the teachers and other will be installed as soon as the the date when No. '5 coupons may today as Secretary of the sels Smashed During Beja and east of the cross­ e^idoefc In the Guild room, , ; In this connection Price Admln- day.
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