Rochester-China Business Exchange Rochester, NY June 16 – 18, 2016 罗彻斯特 — 中国 商务交流 纽约州 ·罗彻斯特市 2016年 6⽉ 16-18⽇ Index Contact Informaon…………………………………………….2 Overview…………….………………………………………………3 Opcs, Photonics, and Imaging Companies Clerio Vision………………………………………………..........9 Empire Precision……………………………………………….11 FemtoRoc………..…….…………………………………….……13 Kingsbury……………………………………………………….…14 Molecular Glass………………………………………………...16 OLEDWorks……………………………………………………....18 Orthogonal………………………………………………………..20 QVI…………………………………………………………………….22 Rochester OpAcal…………......................................24 R-Display and LighAng……………………………………….26 Videk…………………………………………………………………27 VisualDX……………………..........................................29 Food and Beverage EB Organic Foods…................................................31 Zweigle………………………………………………………….……33 1 Index Other Industries American Fuel Cell……………………………………………..35 Cerion Advanced Materials………………………………..36 C4V…………………………………………………………………….38 Intrinsiq Materials……….…………………………………….40 Micro Era Power ………………………………………………..41 MoAonSavvy…………………………………………………..….42 New York Instruments………………………………………..43 NOHMs Technologies…….…………………………………..44 NuPro…………………………………………………………………46 Sonoscs…………………………………………………………...48 Sweetwater Energy…………………………………………….49 WavoDyne TherapueAcs…………………………………….51 Financial Services Commercial Mortgage Match…………………………….53 ETF Global………………………………………………………….55 Iron Bay Capital………………………………………………….56 Leviathan……………………………………………………………57 Lifestage InvesAng………………………………………….....58 PerspecAve Partners…………………………………………..59 2 Index Real Estate Acquest Development………………………………………..61 Christenson………………...........................................62 Flaum Management …………………………………………..63 Taylor the Builders…………......................................65 Technologies for Licensing Xerox/PARC Technologies…………………………………..67 Sponsors………………………………………………………….….95 0 Contact Informaon For any further quesAon, please feel free contact : 如有问题 ,请联 系以下人员 : Edward Kowalewski Edward Kowalewski Director, Internaonal Investment Programs 国际 投资项 目主任 Global NY NY全球 222 First Street 第一街 222号 Niagara Falls NY, 14303 纽约 州尼亚 拉加大瀑布, 14303 716.846.8237 电话 :716.846.8237 [email protected] 邮 箱: [email protected] New York State 纽约 州 c/o Tractus Investment ConsulAng (Shanghai) Co., Tractus 投资 咨询 (上海)有限公司 Ltd. 22楼B室 1800 Zhongshan West Rd 中山西路1800号 22nd Floor, Suite B 上海, 200235 200235 Shanghai P.R.C. 电话 : +86.21.6440.0990 Tel: +86.21.6440.0990 传 真:+86.21.6440.3173 Fax:+86.21.6440.3173 Yang Liu 刘扬 Senior Commercial Specialist, Commerce Service 美国驻 沈阳总领 事馆 U.S Consulate General in Shenyang, China 商务处 高级 商务专员 14th Latude Rd, 沈阳市和平区十四纬 路52号110003 110003 Shenyang, China 电话 :+86.24.2322.1198 +86.24.2322.1198 邮 箱: [email protected] [email protected] Jing Wang 王婧 Commercial Specialist, Commerce Service 美国驻 武汉总领 事馆 U.S Consulate General in Wuhan, China 商务处 商务专员 Suite 4701, New World Internaonal Trade Tower 1 武汉 市建设 大道568号 568 Jianshe Ave 新世界国贸 大厦1座4701室, 430022 430022 Wuhan, China 电话 :+86.27.8555.7791 +86.27.8555.7791 邮 箱:[email protected] [email protected] 4 Rochester, NY Rochester is located in Upstate New York on the southern shore of Lake Ontario and on the Northwest corner of the famous Finger Lakes region. The city is located on a major U.S. East- West transportaon corridor and is within 500 miles of 1/3 of the U.S. and Canadian populaon. The Rochester region is also close to the ciAes of Buffalo and Syracuse, creang a super region that is one of the most important industrial areas in the country. Rochester is the third largest metropolitan region in New York with 1.1 million people. When combined with Syracuse and Buffalo, the populaon is 2.8 million. Rochester’s GDP is $45 billion. Together with Buffalo #1 area for patents on op)cal technology and Syracuse the GDP is $118 billion. For the enAre in America 20th century, the region was either number one or #20 The world’s top 20 science and number two in the enAre U.S. for manufacturing technology cies output per capita. Today Rochester is the largest #35- Top 35 innova)ve ci)es in America manufacturing region in upstate New York with an #10- Top 10 ci)es in America for lowest output of $8.6 billion. Together with Buffalo and stress levels Syracuse the manufacturing output is over $20 billion. Rochester living costs are 42% lower than In 2014 the U.S. government designated Rochester as the naonal average one of only 12 Manufacturing Communi/es in the country. Rochester is known as the Imaging Capital of the World and it is the center of the opcs and photonics industries in the U.S. Industry giants Kodak, Xerox, and Bausch+Lomb were all founded in Rochester, and Corning Inc. is located just to the south of the region. Today there are over 120 opAcs, photonics, and imaging companies employing over 15,000 people in the Rochester region. In 2015 Rochester was designated as home to AIM Photonics, the U.S. naonal instute for manufacturing of integrated photonics. Other important industries in Rochester are food and beverage manufacturing, precision manufacturing, life sciences, energy innovaon, and materials. 5 Rochester, NY There are approximately 2500 Chinese naonal students at the University of Rochester and RIT. Rochester also has some of the best high schools in the country. The most important asset of the Rochester region is it’s highly educated and trained workforce. The region has one of the highest patents per capita in the U.S. Rochester is consistently ranked as one of the top places in the U.S. for quality of life and to raise a family. The region has a relavely low cost of living, with the average price of a single- family home well below the naonal average. Rochester is in the Finger Lakes, one of the mot beauAful areas in the country and a top producer of wine. The region is also fortunate to have many museums and parks, including the George Eastman Museum of Photography and the famous Erie Canal pathway. The region has an extremely strong ecosystem to support manufacturing. There is an extensive supply chain of machine shops, tool and die shops, assembly houses, and opAcal component manufacturers. Also in Rochester is Eastman Business Park, one of the largest industrial parks in the U.S. and home to over 60 businesses. The State of New York is invesAng heavily in expanding manufacturing in Rochester and across upstate New York, parAcularly in the areas of photonics, food and beverage manufacturing, and precision manufacturing. Rochester is home to some of the best educaonal insAtuAons in the world. There are 18 universiAes in the Rochester region with approximately 85,000 students. Among these are the University of Rochester and the Rochester InsAtute of Technology. The University of Rochester is home to the famous InsAtute of OpAcs, one of the leading programs of its kind in the world. The University of Rochester also has a major teaching hospital and is the 7th largest private employer in New York State, with over 25,000 employees. RIT is home to the Chester Carlson Center for Imaging Sciences, a unique mulAdisciplinary program that conducts research and educaon on the enAre imaging chain. 6 美国光谷-罗彻斯特 概况罗彻斯特坐落于纽约上州安大略湖南岸和著名的手指湖区的西北角,地处美国一个主要的东西交通 走廊,方圆500英里以内居住着美国和加拿大三分之一的人口。罗彻斯特区域也非常靠近布法罗和雪城。 因而形成了一个美国国内最重要的工业区之一的超级区域。罗彻斯特拥有1 1 0万人口,是纽约州第三大的 城市地区。连同雪城和布法罗,该地区人口达到280万。 产业罗彻斯特的国内生产总值(GDP〕是450亿美元,与 #1全美光学专利最多的城市 布法罗和雪城一起的GDP是1180亿美元。在整个20世纪, #20全球前20名科技城市 罗彻斯特的人均制造业产量在美国数一数二。目前罗彻斯 特以86亿美元的产量成为纽约州北部最大的制造业地区, #35全美35个创新孵化城市之⼀ 与布法罗和雪城一起的制造业产量为200亿美元。在2014, #10全美压⼒最小的10个城市之⼀ 罗彻斯特被美国政府授为全国仅有的12个制造业团体之一。 ⽣活成本低于全美平均⽔平42% 罗彻斯特被誉为世界成像之都,它也是美国光学和光子学 工业的中心。工业巨头柯达、施乐和博士伦都创建于罗彻 斯特,另外康宁公司也坐落于罗彻斯特的南方。目前在罗 彻斯特地区有超过1 2 0家光学、光子学以及成像公司,员 工数超过15000。在2015年罗彻斯特被授予美国国家集成光 子制造所之乡的美称。罗彻斯特其它重要的工业组分包括 食物和饮料制造、精密制造、生命科学、能源创新和材料 科学。罗彻斯特出色的生态环境非合制造业。对机械工厂、 模具厂、装配车间和光学部件制造商来说,罗彻斯特有非 常广阔的供应链。此外伊士曼商业园也在罗彻斯特,它是 美国最大的工业园区并包含了6 0多个企业。 7 教育在罗彻斯特,诞生了数所世界顶尖教育机构。这里 拥有1 8所大学,约8.5万名学生。其中包括罗彻斯特大 学和罗彻斯特理工学院。著名的光学研究所即是诞生于美国光谷-罗彻斯特 罗彻斯特大学。光学研究所是世界顶级的光学研究中心。 罗彻斯特大学还拥有一个集教学与高质量医疗技术和设 备于一体的医院,是纽约州第7大私营雇主,拥有超过 25000名员工。罗彻斯特理工学院是切斯特·卡尔森影像 科学研究中心的发源地。该研究中心是独特的交叉学科 的教学和研究系统,致力于对整个成像链进行研究和教 育.在罗彻斯特大学和罗彻斯特理工学院,总共有约2500 名中国学生。好几所全国顶级的高中也坐落于罗彻斯特地区。罗彻斯特地区最重要的资产 是它拥有一批受过高等教育,训练有素的员工队伍。该地区在美国也是拥有最高的人均专 利率的地区之一。 生活罗彻斯特连续被评为全美生活质量最高的和最适宜居家的地点之一。该地区拥有较低的生 活成本,单户房屋均价远低于全国平均价格。罗彻斯特位于的手指湖是全国最美丽的地区之一, 并且盛产葡萄酒。该地区还有幸拥有众多博物馆和公园,包括乔治·伊士曼摄影博物馆和著名 的伊利运河途径。 8 Clerio Vision is developing the next generaon of femtosecond laser technology that has the potenAal to revoluAonize the vision correcAon market by enabling non-invasive correcAon of the refracAve index in human cornea. Clerio’s technology can reach the paents who are currently ineligible for LASIK or are afraid of eye surgery. COMPANY NAME: Clerio Vision, Inc. Cataract procedures are the world’s most WEB ADDRESS: www.cleriovision.com common surgical procedure with over 20 INDUSTRY: Ophthalmic medical devices and million operaons per year, but about 50% procedures, including vision correcAon lasers, of those paents have residual refracAve intra-ocular lens technologies. error post-cataract surgery. Clerio’s ANNUAL REVENUE: Development stage technology can non-invasively reduce company (Clerio is funded by U.S. based those residual errors by altering the venture capital firms and angel investors). intraocular lens non-invasively. PROFIT INFORMATION: Development stage AMOUNT OF INVESTMENT SAUGHT: company. $8-10 million for product approval in NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Approximately 45 China. team members working on project. INVESTMENT/ENGAGEMENT UNIQUE FEATURES: Clerio’s core technology
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