ANNUAL REPORT 2015 – 2016 CONTENTS CEO’S REPort 1 DECLARATION AND ATTESTATION 3 OUR ORGANISation 4 ORGANISational StrUctURE 6 SPortS VENUES 7 COMMERCIAL AND MEMBERSHIP 11 OBJectiveS AND PerforMANCE AGAINST OBJectiveS 13 CORPorate ServiceS 14 5 Year Performance 14 Human Resources 16 Safety, Risk Management and Compliance 18 Information Technology 19 LEGISlative & GovernMENT POLICY COMPLIANCE 20 FINANCIAL OvervieW AND DIScloSURE 22 DIScloSURE INDEX 23 Protected DIScloSURES 25 CEO’S Report The State Sport Centres Trust (SSCT) manages in excess of 1. Participation to Support Financial Sustainability $345 million worth of sporting and recreational assets on behalf Visitation to the Hub continues to be strong with over of the Victorian Government. This group of facilities have 2.4 million visitors across its four facilities. The aquatic been referred to as the Melbourne Sports Hub and comprises market performed well with a growth of 3.5% from previous Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC), Lakeside year with strong utilisation of the facility by schools and Stadium, State Netball Hockey Centre and the MSAC Institute Victorian swimming clubs. Stadiums also had a strong year of Training (MIT). with improved participation across a number of sports. MSAC is the foundation facility of the State Sport Centres A highlight of the year was MSAC Stadium Events finishing Trust, offering state-of-the-art sport, fitness, and event 33% in front of budget. This was driven through strong usage facilities to millions of visitors every year and plays host to from the State Sporting Associations as well as several notable thousands of sports competitions, events and fitness activities. events (outlined below). This year over 2.4 million people visited a Melbourne Sports 2. Major Events Hub venue, making it one of the busiest multi-purpose sports facilities in the country. The Events Team had an excellent year, finishing the year better than planned. There was strong usage of all facilities On behalf of the Victorian Government, the SSCT delivered from the State Sports Associations, as well as several notable approximately $3.4 million worth of capital works during the events including: 2015/16 financial year, ensuring the ongoing sustainability of physical assets and a continuing ability to meet – and surpass • Table Tennis Australian Open & Oceania Cup – the expectations of users across all of our facilities. • Table Tennis Senior, Closed & Para Championships The asset management operations and maintenance of the • Squash Australian Open facilities has until now been the cornerstone of the SSCT’s • Badminton National Championships ongoing ability to deliver and support the Government’s key • Australian Wheelchair Football National Competition objectives. A new Executive Team has been appointed to start with the next financial year and a new Strategic Plan • Victorian Jiu Jitsu Championships is underway. The team aims to build upon the work done • Australian Schools Volleyball Cup previously whilst ensuring both the physical assets and • AASCF Cheerleading State Championships the services delivered meet the needs and expectations of • Australian Corporate Games sport, the State’s high performance pathways and visitors for the future. • Hockey Junior State Championships • Australian Netball League In line with the Sport & Recreation Victoria objectives, the SSCT achieved the following in the 2015/16 financial year: • Gymnastics Victoria State Championships • Melbourne United – NBL • Athletics Victoria – Zatopek • State Track & Field Athletics Championships. STATE SPORT CENTRES TRUST 2015-2016 ANNUAL REPORT 1 CEO’S Report 3. Support to Sport • Leanne Choo (Badminton) Melbourne Sports Hub supports 34 sports tenants across • Sawan Serasinghe (Badminton) its facilities. During the 2015/16 financial year, our sporting • Matthew Chau (Badminton) tenants and associations were supported by the SSCT with • Rowie Webster (Water Polo) approximately $3.668 million in rent discounts and subsidies • James Stanton-French(Water Polo) on access to facilities, funds that will go toward further • Rachael Lynch (Hockey) promoting and developing sport in Victoria. • Melissa Tapper (Table Tennis) 4. Peak Pathways for Development • Morgan Mitchell (Athletics) • Damien Birkenhead (Athletics) Apart from hosting 300 club, regional, state and national sporting events during the 2015/16 financial year, the Melbourne • Genevieve LaCaze (Athletics) Sports Hub was home to fourteen State Sports Associations, • Brooke Stratton (Athletics) eight National Sporting Associations, and the home of the • Ryan Gregson (Athletics) State’s peak elite athlete training centre, the Victorian Institute • Ahmed Kelly (Swimming) of Sport. The Hub provides an environment where athletes can • Daniela DiToro (Swimming) access the facilities they need to train, learn and grow, all in one world-class location. • Todd Hodgetts (Athletics) • Australian Boomers (Basketball). 5. Representative Teams & Athletes At the end of the 2015/16 year the State Sport Centres Trust During the 2015/16 financial year, a number of representative enters an exciting time with a new Master Plan for all its teams and athletes used the Melbourne Sports Hub as a facilities, a renewed focus on supporting sports and athletes preparation ground for national and international competition. to achieve success, along with a new senior leadership team Notable teams to train at the Hub during the year were: dedicated to enhancing the facilities and experience for all our visitors. With these new changes in place, the years ahead will • Melbourne Vixens provide opportunities to ensure all the Trust facilities deliver • Melbourne United to the highest standards expected for continuing the State • Australian Diamonds sporting success, and for Victorians to be proud of. • AFL Clubs – Hawthorn, Carlton, Richmond, Western Bulldogs I would like to acknowledge the skill and commitment • Melbourne Rebels demonstrated by our Executive Management Group, our • New Caledonian Squash team retired Chair Gaye Hamilton and Acting Chair Jack Diamond • Hurricanes – NZ Rugby Team and the SSCT Trust Members Brett Moore, Danni Roche, Nicole • South Melbourne Football Club Livingston, Kimberley Brown, Patricia Toop, Michael Taylor, Andrew Fried and Leigh Russell. I would also like to thank the • Melbourne Tigers. Minister for Sport, the Hon. John Eren, and the team at Sport & Melbourne Sports Hub was also the training centre for a Recreation Victoria for their support and assistance in enabling number of Australian Olympic and Paralympic athletes and the SSCT to continue to provide outstanding sports facilities teams in preparation for the 2016 Rio Olympic and Paralympic and community services to the people of Victoria. Games. Notable Olympian and Paralympian athletes and teams training at Melbourne Sports Hub were: • Mack Horton (Swimming) • Koti Ngawati (Swimming) Mr. Phil Meggs • Robin Middleton (Badminton) CEO SSCT 2 STATE SPORT CENTRES TRUST 2015-2016 ANNUAL REPORT DECLARATION AND ATTESTATION AccoUntaBLE OFFICER’S declaration StandinG Direction 4.5.5 – In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, I am RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK pleased to present the Report of Operations for the State and ProceSSES Sport Centres Trust for the year ending 30 June 2016. I, Phil Meggs certify that the State Sport Centres Trust has complied with the Ministerial Standing Direction 4.5.5 – Risk Management Framework and Processes. The State Sport Centres Trust Audit & Risk Committee verifies this. Mr. Jack Diamond Interim Chairman 26 September 2016 Mr. Phil Meggs CEO/Accountable Officer 26 September 2016 STATE SPORT CENTRES TRUST 2015-2016 ANNUAL REPORT 3 OUR ORGanisation EStaBLISHMENT FUnctionS The Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre is a statutory The key functions of the State Sport Centres Trust are authority established pursuant to the Melbourne Sports and as follows: Aquatic Centre Act 1994. The Centre opened for business on a. The management, operation and maintenance of the 27 July 1997. Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and the State On 22 December 1999 the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Netball Hockey Centre; Centre Act 1994 was amended by the Melbourne Sports and b. The care, improvement, use and promotion of the Aquatic Centre (Amendment) Act 1999. As outlined in section 1 Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and the State of the Act, the main purpose of this Amendment was to: Netball Hockey Centre; a. Rename the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre Trust as c. The efficient financial management of the Melbourne the State Sport Centres Trust; and Sports and Aquatic Centre and the State Netball b. Extend the powers of the Trust to enable it to manage the Hockey Centre; State Netball Hockey Centre and other sports, recreation d. The care, protection and management of the State Netball and entertainment facilities and services. Hockey Centre land, and Melbourne Sports and Aquatic As outlined in sections 14 and 15 of the Amendment, the Centre land, including maintaining the Melbourne Sports Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and the State Netball and Aquatic Centre land and the facilities on the land to Hockey Centre are to be managed as independent Strategic a standard that complements Albert Park; Business Units, each producing a Business Plan and having e. Subject to the Act, the planning, development, separate and individual Financial Operation and Accounts. management, promotion, operation and use of other It is the Government and Trust’s policy
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