Disorders of Acid-Base Balance 6.25 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF METABOLIC ALKALOSIS Central Renal (Associated Nervous System Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Neuromuscular System Metabolic Effects Potassium Depletion) Headache Supraventricular and Hypoventilation with Chvostek’s sign Increased organic acid and Polyuria Lethargy ventricular arrhythmias attendant hypercapnia Trousseau’s sign ammonia production Polydipsia Stupor Potentiation of and hypoxemia Weakness (severity Hypokalemia Urinary concentration defect Delirium digitalis toxicity depends on degree of Hypocalcemia Cortical and medullary Tetany Positive inotropic potassium depletion) Hypomagnesemia renal cysts ventricular effect Seizures Hypophosphatemia Potentiation of hepatic encephalopathy FIGURE 6-38 Signs and symptoms of metabolic alkalosis. Mild to moderate these clinical manifestations. The arrhythmogenic potential of alka- metabolic alkalosis usually is accompanied by few if any symp- lemia is more pronounced in patients with underlying heart disease toms, unless potassium depletion is substantial. In contrast, severe and is heightened by the almost constant presence of hypokalemia, - metabolic alkalosis ([HCO3] > 40 mEq/L) is usually a symptomatic especially in those patients taking digitalis. Even mild alkalemia disorder. Alkalemia, hypokalemia, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and can frustrate efforts to wean patients from mechanical ventilation decreased plasma ionized calcium concentration all contribute to [23,24]. of hypercalcemia after primary hyper- parathyroidism and malignancy. Another Ingestion of Ingestion of large amounts large amounts of common presentation of the syndrome origi- of calcium absorbable alkali nates from the current use of calcium car- bonate in preference to aluminum as a phos- phate binder in patients with chronic renal Augmented body Increased urine calcium Urine Augmented body insufficiency. The critical element in the content of calcium excretion (early phase) alkalinization bicarbonate stores pathogenesis of the syndrome is the devel- opment of hypercalcemia that, in turn, results in renal dysfunction. Generation and maintenance of metabolic alkalosis reflect Nephrocalcinosis the combined effects of the large bicarbon- ate load, renal insufficiency, and hypercal- Reduced renal cemia. Metabolic alkalosis contributes to Renal Renal Metabolic Hypercalcemia bicarbonate the maintenance of hypercalcemia by vasoconstriction insufficiency alkalosis excretion increasing tubular calcium reabsorption. Superimposition of an element of volume Decreased urine Increased renal contraction caused by vomiting, diuretics, or calcium excretion reabsorption of calcium hypercalcemia-induced natriuresis can wors- en each one of the three main components + of the syndrome. Discontinuation of calcium Increased renal H secretion carbonate coupled with a diet high in sodi- um chloride or the use of normal saline and furosemide therapy (depending on the sever- FIGURE 6-39 ity of the syndrome) results in rapid resolu- Pathophysiology of the milk-alkali syndrome. The milk-alkali syndrome comprises the triad tion of hypercalcemia and metabolic alkalo- of hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, and metabolic alkalosis and is caused by the ingestion sis. Although renal function also improves, of large amounts of calcium and absorbable alkali. Although large amounts of milk and in a considerable fraction of patients with absorbable alkali were the culprits in the classic form of the syndrome, its modern version the chronic form of the syndrome serum is usually the result of large doses of calcium carbonate alone. Because of recent emphasis creatinine fails to return to baseline as a on prevention and treatment of osteoporosis with calcium carbonate and the availability of result of irreversible structural changes in this preparation over the counter, milk-alkali syndrome is currently the third leading cause the kidneys [27]. 6.26 Disorders of Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base and hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis Clinical syndrome Affected gene Affected chromosome Localization of tubular defect are present. In contrast, Gitelman’s syn- drome is a milder disease presenting later Bartter's syndrome TAL in life. Patients often are asymptomatic, or they might have intermittent muscle Type 1 NKCC2 15q15-q21 spasms, cramps, or tetany. Urinary con- centrating ability is maintained; hypocal- TAL ciuria, renal magnesium wasting, and CCD hypomagnesemia are almost constant fea- Type 2 ROMK 11q24 tures. On the basis of certain of these clin- ical features, it had been hypothesized Gitelman's syndrome that the primary tubular defects in DCT Bartter’s and Gitelman’s syndromes reflect TSC 16q13 impairment in sodium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of Henle and the distal tubule, respectively. Tubular Peritubular Tubular Peritubular Tubular Peritubular This hypothesis has been validated by lumen Cellspace lumen Cell space lumen Cell space recent genetic studies [28-31]. As illustrat- + + + – ed here, Bartter’s syndrome now has been + 2K 2K Na Cl Na + ATPase + + ATPase + + 3Na Na 3Na + shown to be caused by loss-of-function K ,NH4 + 3Na – K mutations in the loop diuretic–sensitive Cl – ATPase Cl – K+ 2K+ Loop diuretics Cl sodium-potassium-2chloride cotransporter K+ Thiazides K+ (NKCC2) of the TAL (type 1 Bartter’s K+ + – – H 3HCO3 Cl syndrome) [28] or the apical potassium + Na 3Na+ channel ROMK of the TAL (where it recy- Ca2+ Ca2+ cles reabsorbed potassium into the lumen for continued operation of the NKCC2 Ca2+ Mg2+ cotransporter) and the cortical collecting Thick ascending limb (TAL) Distal convoluted tuble (DCT) Cortical collecting duct (CCD) duct (where it mediates secretion of potas- sium by the principal cell) (type 2 Bartter’s syndrome) [29,30]. On the other FIGURE 6-40 hand, Gitelman’s syndrome is caused by Clinical features and molecular basis of tubular defects of Bartter’s and Gitelman’s syn- mutations in the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl dromes. These rare disorders are characterized by chloride-resistant metabolic alkalosis, cotransporter (TSC) of the distal tubule renal potassium wasting and hypokalemia, hyperreninemia and hyperplasia of the jux- [31]. Note that the distal tubule is the taglomerular apparatus, hyperaldosteronism, and normotension. Regarding differentiat- major site of active calcium reabsorption. ing features, Bartter’s syndrome presents early in life, frequently in association with Stimulation of calcium reabsorption at growth and mental retardation. In this syndrome, urinary concentrating ability is usual- this site is responsible for the hypocalci- ly decreased, polyuria and polydipsia are present, the serum magnesium level is normal, uric effect of thiazide diuretics. Disorders of Acid-Base Balance 6.27 FIGURE 6-41 Metabolic alkalosis management. Effective Management of For alkali gain metabolic alkalosis Discontinue administrationof management of metabolic alkalosis requires bicarbonate or its precursors. sound understanding of the underlying via gastric route Administer antiemetics; pathophysiology. Therapeutic efforts should discontinue gastric suction; focus on eliminating or moderating the For H+ loss administer H2 blockers or processes that generate the alkali excess and + + Eliminate source H -K ATPase inhibitors. on interrupting the mechanisms that perpet- via renal route of excess alkali Discontinue or decrease loop uate the hyperbicarbonatemia. Rarely, when and distal diuretics; substitute the pace of correction of metabolic alkalo- with amiloride, triamterene, or sis must be accelerated, acetazolamide or an spironolactone; discontinue or limit drugs with mineralo- infusion of hydrochloric acid can be used. + Treatment of severe metabolic alkalosis can For H shift corticoid activity. Potassium repletion be particularly challenging in patients with For decreased GFR advanced cardiac or renal dysfunction. In ECF volume repletion; such patients, hemodialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy hemofiltration might be required [1]. For Cl– responsive acidification defect Interrupt perpetuating Administer NaCl and KCl mechanisms For Cl– resistant acidification defect Adrenalectomy or other surgery, potassiuim repletion, administration of amiloride, triamterene, or spironolactone. References 1. Adrogué HJ, Madias NE: Management of life-threatening acid-base 12. 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