港珠澳大橋及香港相關工程項目 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Related Hong Kong Projects 2011年12月編印 December 2011 Edition 市民若有意見、查詢或投訴可透過以下方法送交我們: Please send your suggestions, enquiries or complaints, if any, to us by the following means: 電子郵件 Email: [email protected] 電話 Tel:3586 9904 傳真 Fax:3188 6614 市民可瀏覽我們最新網頁,得知更多有關大橋及相關工程的資料:www.hzmb.hk You can obtain more information about HZMB and related projects by browsing: www.hzmb.hk 大橋的策略價值 Strategic Importance of the HZMB 打通香港與珠江西岸高速公路網,提升整體珠三角競爭力 Connect Hong Kong with Strategic Highways in the West Bank of PRD to Enhance Competitiveness • 香港可透過大橋更有效地與國家道路網連 倯ㄞ 往北京市 ZHAOQING 接。本港旅遊、金融和商業等不同範疇均 往廣西梧州市 TO BEIJING SHI TO WUZHOU SHI, 會得益。來自珠三角西部和廣西等地的貨 GUANGXI 廣州市 物更能善用本港的機場和貨櫃碼頭,令香 GUANGZHOU SHI 往汕頭市 港作為貿易和物流樞紐的地位得以提升。 TO SHANTOU SHI 佛山市 東莞市 Hong Kong can be more effectively ⺋䎈大䶂! DONGGUAN SHI FOSHAN SHI Hvboh{iv!Xftu! connected with the road networks of the Ijhixbz! Kjoh{iv!Ijhixbzoh{iv Ijhixbz 渥䓘 Mainland. The connectivity brought about 內地現存道路 深圳市 YANTIAN 屯門西繞道 EXISTING ROAD IN MAINLAND SHENZHEN SHI Tuen Mun by the HZMB will benefit various sectors 㰇攨 香港口岸 Western Bypass 內地計劃中/興建中道路 JJIANGMENIANGMEN ᷕⰙ such as tourism, finance and commerce, ROAD UNDER PLANNING/ ZHONGSHAN Hong Kong Boundary CONSTRUCTION IN MAINLAND S etc. It will enhance Hong Kong’s position Crossing Facilities 楁㷗 與大橋連接的主要高速公路 HONG KONG as a trade and logistics hub since goods MAJOR HIGH SPEED ROADS from the Western PRD and Guangxi, etc. CONNECTING THE MAIN BRIDGE 䎈㴟 ZHUHAI can make better use of the Airport and 㽛攨 港珠澳大橋主橋 container ports in Hong Kong. MACAO Hong Kong -Zhuai-Macao Bridge Main Bridge • 珠三角西部城市亦將落入香港方圓三小時 往湛江市 TO ZHANJIANG SHI 屯門至赤鱲角連 春㰇 香港接線 接路 YANGJIANG 交通圈內,令其更能吸引外來投資。市民 Hong Kong Tuen Mun-Chek 可在一小時內穿梭於香港、澳門及珠江西 Link Road Lap Kok Link 部沿岸,享受珠三角地區的優質生活。 The cities in the Western PRD will thus fall within a reachable three-hour commuting 起點-目的地 現時的路程和 取道大橋的路程 路程和行車時間 radius of Hong Kong. This will enhance the Origin - 行車時間 和行車時間 的減幅 attractiveness of the region to external Destination Current Distance Distance and Reduction in investment. People can shuttle within Hong and Travelling Travelling Time Distance and Kong, Macao and PRD western coast in an Time with HZMB Travelling Time hour, and truly enjoy the high quality of living in the region. 珠海-葵涌貨櫃碼頭 約 200 公里 及 約 65 公里 及 減幅多於百分之 Zhuhai - Kwai Chung 需時約 3.5 小時 需時約 75 分鐘 六十 • 香港亦受惠於這片新的經濟腹地,珠三角 Container Port Approx. 200km and Approx.Approx. 65km and Reduction > 60% 西部人力和土地資源充裕,能為港商提供 Approx. 3.5hrs AApprox.pprox. 75mins 大量拓展內地業務的良機。 珠海-香港國際機場 超過 200 公里 及 約 40 公里 及 減幅多於百分之 Hong Kong will also benefit from this new Zhuhai - Hong Kong 需時約 4 小時 需時約 45 分鐘 八十 economic hinterland. With its huge human International Airport Approx. over 200km Approx.Approx. 40km and Reduction > 80% and land resources, the Western PRD will and approx. 4hrs Approx.Approx. 45mins provide ample opportunities for Hong Kong businessmen to expand their operations in 大橋建成後,珠三角西岸大部份地區和香港的行車距離將縮短,可大幅減省兩地間陸路客 the Mainland. 運和貨運的成本和時間。 Upon its completion, the HZMB will shorten the distance between Hong Kong and most • 大橋可以加速香港和珠三角與鄰近省份的 areas of the Western PRD. It will significantly reduce the cost and time for commuters/ 經濟融合,提高其相對於東南亞地區和長 travellers and for the flow of goods between Hong Kong and the Western PRD. 江三角洲等其他經濟區域的競爭力。 The HZMB will accelerate the economic integration of Hong Kong with the PRD and its neighbouring provinces, and enhance its competitiveness vis-à-vis the other economic zones in the Southeast Asia Region as well as the Yangtze River Delta area. 2 項目資料 Project Information 港珠澳大橋及香港相關工程項目包括大橋主橋、香港接線及 香港口岸。大橋建成後再經屯門至赤鱲角連接路及擬建的屯 門西繞道,連接現有的港深西部公路及深圳灣公路大橋,可 構建成一個連接香港、澳門、珠海及深圳的策略性交通網絡 。 The HZMB and related Hong Kong projects include the Main Bridge, Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) and Hong Kong Bound- ary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF). The HZMB, together with the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) and the proposed 屯門西繞道 Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB) that link up the existing TMWB Kong Sham Western Highway and Shenzhen Bay Bridge, will form a strategic road network, connecting Hong Kong, Macao, Zhuhai and Shenzhen. 香港相關工程項目 Related Hong Kong Projects 高架道路或地面道路 香港接線 Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) VIADUCT OR AT-GRADE ROAD • 連接港珠澳大橋主橋至香港口岸,包括海上橋樑,穿山隧 隧道 TUNNEL 道和沿機場島東岸的地面道路。 The HKLR connects the HZMB Main Bridge and the HKBCF. It includes sea viaduct, tunnel and at-grade road section along the east coast of Airport Island. • 雙程三線行車,全長約十二公里。 Dual three-lane carriageway and length approx. 12km. 香港口岸 Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) • 位於香港國際機場東北水域的人工島,經香港接線及港珠澳大橋主橋往返珠海及澳門;亦連接香港國際機場及經屯門 至赤鱲角連接路往返新界西北及北大嶼山。 The HKBCF is located on an artificial island at the waters off the northeast of the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), connecting Zhuhai and Macao via the HKLR and HZMB Main Bridge. The HKBCF also connects to the HKIA as well as Northwest New Territories and North Lantau via the TM-CLKL. • 約150公頃人工島(包括約20公頃屯門至赤鱲角連接路南面填海)。 Approx. 150ha artificial island (including approx. 20ha southern landfall of the TM-CLKL). 屯門至赤鱲角連接路 屯門西繞道 Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB) • 北段於屯門40區附近連接擬建的屯門西繞道;南段接駁香 • 北接港深西部公路,中接青田路及屯門公路,南接屯 港口岸、香港國際機場及北大嶼山擬建的公路。 門至赤鱲角連接路。 The TM-CLKL connects with the proposed TMWB at Tuen The TMWB connects with Kong Sham Western Highway Mun Area 40 in the north, and with the HKBCF, HKIA and in the north and the TM-CLKL in the south, with a middle North Lantau Highway in the south. connection to Tsing Tin Road and Tuen Mun Road. • 雙程雙線行車,全長約九公里。 • 雙程雙線行車,全長約九公里。 Dual two-lane carriageway and length approx. 9km. Dual 2-lane carriageway and length approx. 9km. 3 香港接線 Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) 從粵港分界線起連接港珠澳大橋主橋至香港口岸 Connect the HZMB Main Bridge at the HKSAR Boundary with the HKBCF 完善交通網絡 Enhancement of Transport Network 小磨刀 在填海區上的2公里地面道路 屯門至赤鱲角連接路 • 為了直接、有效地把香港交通網絡與港珠澳大橋連接 2km At-grade Road TM-CLKL Siu Mo To on Reclamation ,香港境內會進行一系列策略性交通配套工程,香港 1公里隧道穿越觀景山 接線是其中一項。 1km Tunnel 大磨刀 To connect Hong Kong’s existing road network with the Under Scenic Hill Tai Mo To 香港口岸 HZMB, a series of strategic transport infrastructures will HKBCF be implemented within Hong Kong, including the HKLR. HKSAR 粵港分界線 • 香港接線設計時速為每小時一百公里,連接港珠澳大 Boundary 橋主橋和香港口岸,主要為高架道路。 港珠澳大橋 大蠔 主橋 Tai Ho The HKLR is mostly on viaduct with a design speed of HZMB 100 kph, linking the HZMB Main Bridge and the HKBCF. Main Bridge 9公里高架道路 9km Viaduct 12公里 香港接線 12km HKLR 香港接線的特點 Special Features of HKLR • 為減少遮擋沙螺灣的海岸景觀及附近的天然景色,附近的海上橋 樑跨度將達180米,比一般橋樑的50-60米多出三倍。 機場島 Airport Island To minimize sheltering into the coastal and natural scenery of Sha 政府飛行服務隊 Lo Wan, span lengths of the sea viaduct in this area are set to reach GFS 南跑道 180 m which is over three times of the traditional 50-60m bridge South Runway 機場水道 span. Airport 180m spans 沙螺灣 Channel Sha Lo Wan • 香港接線的高架道路將跨越沙螺灣與 石灣之間的岬角,以免影 響大嶼山的天然海岸。 岬角 The HKLR viaduct will straddle over the headland between San Headland Shek Wan and Sha Lo Wan without affecting the natural shorelines of the Lantau Island. 大嶼山 Lantau Island • 為減少對機場水道的影響,香港接線在越過機場跑道及政府飛行 䃟石灣 San Shek Wan 服務隊運作的關鍵範圍後,將盡快跨越機場水道,並沿著機場陸 地建造。 To reduce impact on the Airport Channel, the HKLR viaduct will run along the Airport Channel and the Airport Island after leaving the zone critical to the operations of the airport runway and the Government Flying Service (GFS). • 為減少香港接線對東涌居民在景觀上的影響,香港接線會沿機場島東岸作最少量的填海以建築地面道路。我們將會致力 推行綠化以便與附近環境和諧配合。 To minimize the visual impact caused by the HKLR to Tung Chung residents, minimal reclamation off the east coast of the Airport Island will be carried out for constructing the at-grade road section. Due considerations will be given to provide green- ing to the area to harmonize with the local environment. 4 香港口岸 Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) 提供貨物及旅客過關及檢查的設施 Provide Facilities for Cross-Boundary Cargo and Passenger Clearance 組成策略性交通網絡發揮更大效益 Formation of Strategic Road Network to Maximize Efficiency 香港口岸會與香港接線、屯門至赤鱲角連接路及屯門西繞道組成策略性交通網絡,有效地將港珠澳大橋連接香港國際 機場、以及新界西北和北大嶼山地區,能更有效率地服務市民。 The HKBCF together with the HKLR, the TM-CLKL and the TMWB will be effectively connected to the HZMB and the HKIA, as well as the Northwest New Territories and the North Lantau, to form a strategic transport network, serving the public efficiently. 香港口岸位置交通四通八達 Good Transportation Connectivity at HKBCF • 香港口岸鄰近香港機場及東涌新市鎮,並毗鄰不同公共交通設施,將可成為多式聯運樞紐(包括香港國際機場、海天 碼頭、機場快線及東涌線)。 The HKBCF is next to the HKIA and Tung Chung new town which are at convenient location and with good transporta- tion connectivity. With a variety of transport modes available in the proximity, the HKBCF will become a multi-modal transportation hub (including HKIA, SkyPier, Airport Express Line and Tung Chung Line) in the area. • 經港珠澳大橋來港的旅客可快捷地前往鄰近設施如機場、亞洲國際博覽館及酒店等。 Visitors from the HZMB can conveniently reach the nearby facilities such as the HKIA, AsiaWorld-Expo, hotels, etc. • 連接香港口岸的道路有香港接線、屯 亞洲國際博覽館鐵路站 門至赤鱲角連接路和通往機場島的道 AsiaWorld-Expo Station 路,任何一方出路若發生事故,車輛 仍可改道使用其他道路。 香港口岸 The HKBCF is linked by the HKLR, the HKBCF 新界西北 公共交通服務 NWNT TM-CLKL and the Airport roads. The 機場快線 機場 Public Transport Airport Express Line Airport road traffic of the whole area will be 市區 much improved since vehicles can use Urban alternative routes in case any one of them is not available to the area. 創造就業 Creation of Jobs 香港口岸及香港接線兩項建造工程項目 東涌線 將創造約14,000個職位(包括專業/技術 機場 海天碼頭 Tung Chung Line Airport SkyPier 人員及工人職位)。 Construction of the HKBCF and HKLR 東涌鐵路站 Tung Chung Station projects will create about 14,000 jobs (including professional/technical staff and workers). 5 屯門至赤鱲角連接路和屯門西繞道
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