
397 1913. VICTORIA. RESPECTING APPLICATIONS AND PHOCEE DI NUS UNDER THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER ACT 1896 F(>R THE YEA H. 1912. @)} ~nt1t.orit11: ALBRR'l' J. MULLE'l'T, GOVERNMENT PR.I.NTU, MELBOUUJL No. 29.-fls.] -8880. APPROXIMATE COST OF REPORT. £, •• d. Prepar,.tio"-··Not gh·en. Printin~ (500 copieo) •• 16 0 0 399 REP 0 RT. The following Report for the year ended 31st Decem her, 1912, is presented to Parliameut in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Elect1-ic Light find Puwer Act 18~6, No. 1413 :- LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR ORDERS TO AUTHORIZE THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY PLACED BEFORE THE l\1INISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1912. :"nmr of Applicant. Area of Supply. The Council of the Borough of Koroit The municipal district of the Borough of Koroit The Council of the Shire of Kar karooc The Township of Hopetoun The Council of the Shire of Kar karooc The Township ol Bt>ulah The Council of the Citv of Brun,wick The municipal distrid ol' the City of Brunswick The Council of the Shire of LHatfra 'I'he Township of .Maffra, and certain porrious <>lllside its boundaries The Conncil of the Borough of H~rsham The municipal district of the Borough of Horsham The Council of the Shire of Yea ••. The Township of Yea and certain portions outside its bnund11.riPs The Council of the Shire of Nnnawading The mrrnidpal district of tbe Shire of Nunawading The Counl'il of the Shire of Mcl vor The Town~hrp of Heath1·ote The Corncil uf the Borough of WonthRggi ... I' be municipal district nf tl•e Horongh of Wonthaggi The Council of the Town of N0rtlocn1e The municipal di~rrict ()f the Town ol North1•ote The Council of the Town of Port :\l<·lbonrne The mnni .. ipal .iistrict of the rown of Port Melbourne The Council of the Shire of Mansfield The township of Mau~>field and certain portions out~ide its bonndaries The Provincial Electric Development Co. Ltd. The municipal district of the Township of Dandenong The Coleraine aud W e~tern District Butter The Town of Colerallle Factory Co. The Council of the Shire of Wycheproof ... The urhan district of Wycneproof The Council of t h· Shire of Wycheproof ... The urt.un district of ::-:ea Lake The Provincial hlee1ric Development ( o. Ltd. The Township of Sllepparton and certain portions outside its boun<laries The Melbourne Electric Supply Co. Ltd. Port.ion of the Shire of Corio Tbe Council of the Shire of Tuugamah The Township of Cobra.m and certain portions outside its boundaries ORDERS GRANTED DURING THE YEAR 1912. Orders were granted by the Governor in Council in each of the ahu\·e cases, excepting Northcote, Wycheproof, Sea Lake, :--iheppartou, Shire of Corio, and Cobram, aud Tungamah, respectiug which the necessary formalities have not yet been completed. Orders were also granted to the following applicants :- To the Melbourne Electric Supply Co. Ltd., with respect to the Borough of Oakleigh. To the Council of the Shire of Preston, with respect to that CounciPs municipal district. To the Kyabram Butter and Cheese Factory f'o. Ltd., with re8pect to the Township of Kyabn:.m and other parts of the Shire of Rodney. To the Council of the Shire of Bairnsdale, with respect to its municipal district. To the Electric Supply Co. of Victoria Ltd., with respect to portion of the Shire of Ballarat. 4 Since the passing of the Electr·ie Light and Power Act in 1896. 84 OrdPrs in Council have been gnmtt:>d authorising the supply of electricity, a11d of tht'se W were g,·anted to Municipal Councils. ,);) to companie...; or persons, 1 to Detence Department of the Commonwealth, and the remaiuing K l1ave beeu cancelled. Two Municipal Councils have formally trauslerred their powers under their Orders, either wholly or in part, to private companies. Regulations for t!te Safety of the Public with respect to Interference with Overhead \Vires by lhe rellloval of houses, &c. During the year the Amending 1· Jeetl'ic Light and l'ower .\et, No. 236f\ was passed conferring upon the Governor in Council the power to make regulations for public safety with respect to interference with overhead wires by the removal ol houses, &c. Hegulations have been made acconliugly aud are now in operation. They require the house remover to give to authorised distributors of Plectricity due notice of intention to remove anv structure of such height a...; mav be liable to inter­ fere with overhead electr·ical cor;uuetors of such authority, and, f1~rther, they provide for the presence of a representative of the electrical undertakers to ensure as far as possible general safety. Order No. 3.-Melbourne City Council. Area of Supply.-The municipal district of the City of ~lelbonrne. System of Supply.-Witltin the boundaries of the City proper, a continuous l"ui·rent direct supply at a pressure of ::?30 volts between the adjacent conductors of a three-wire systmn, and at 4ti0 volts between the outer conductors tor special purposes. Within the remainder of the City area, an extra high-pre...;sure alteruatiug single­ phase supply, 50 cycles, 4,000 volts, to transformers in sub-stations aud thence to consumers at 200 volts between the adjacent conductors of a three-wi1·e system, and at 4u0 volts for special purpost>s. Miles run of overhead wire, high pressure 2· 75 Miles of ditto, low pressure 130 Miles run of underground wire, high pressure 12·8i Miles of street in which low pressure wires are underground 11·5 Total capacity of generating station, kilowatts 7,006 Storage battery, maximum discharge capacity, amp-hours ... 4,000 Total number of consumers 5,418 "~~·~·"· ·"-· ·Total number of private motors 2,1r>8 Total h.p. of ditto ~,3~8. 5 Private lightiug, kilowatts 6,935 Public lighting, number of are lamps 7U8 Public lighting, metal filament lamps 1,357 8cale of charges-For lighting. (By meter)- ( a) At 3~d. per unit for the first 3,uoo units consumetl per month, anti 3d. per unit for all consumption over that amount. (b) At 6d. per unit for the quantity of ene1·gy equivalent to 45 huurs use per calendar month of the consumer's maximum demand, and at l !d. per nnit for all energy in excess of that quantity. This option to be exercised by the consumer for a period of not less than twelve months. The above chm·ges include cost of renewals of ('arbou filament inenudescent 1a~nfls ~ Scale uf charges for power and heating. (By meter)­ .· (a) At the rate of lid.per unit. (b) At td. per unit tor the quantity of euergy equivalent to 7 5 hours use per calendar mouth of the t:unsnmer's maximum '\ demand, and ~d. per unit tor all energy in exee;;s ot that quantity. 401 Orders Nos. 7, 16, 41, 44, 6~, and 67. Melbourne Electric Supply Company Limited. The area under these Orders consists of the municipal districts of South Melbourne, Collingwood, Fitzroy, Richmond, Kew, Prahran, Malvern, Caulfield, St. Kilda. portion of the Mel hourne Hat· hour Trust area, Brighton, Cam herwell, Hawthorn, the north and west rtdings of the Shit·e of _j;foorahbin, and the Borough of Oakleigh. The system of supply is extra high-pressure alternating current single-phase, 50 cycles, 4,0nO volts, to transformers, and thence to consumers at a pressure of 200 volts between the adjacent conductors of a three-wire system, and at 400 volts between the outer conductors tor special purposes. Miles of street in which electric supply IS available 346 Miles of overhead conductors (high pressure) 11 Miles of overhead conductors (low pressure) 907 Miles of underground wire (high pressure) 136 Miles of underground wire (low pressure) 4 Total capacity of generating station, kilowatts 5,600 Total connexions of all kinds I 1,600 Total number of private motors l,COO Total I I .P. of ditto 8,100 Private lighting, kilowatts ... 9, 900 Puhlic lighting, number of arc lamps 162 Pn hlic lighting, n um her of incandescent lamps ••• 421 Scale of charges-Lighting.- (a) At the uniform rate of 5~d. per unit for all electricity consumed. (b) At the rate of 7d. per unit for the first 450 hours' u"'e per annum of the consumer's maximum demand, and 3d. for each unit eommmed beyoud this amount. · . ( r·) For all consumption up to and including .SOO units, as ascertained betwef'n the usual monthly meter ;eadings. 6d. per unit, and for ail consumption beyond this amount in the same period, 3d. per unit. Scale of charges-Heating and Power.- (d) For all consumption up to and including 1,000 unlts. as HScer~ taiu<'d hetwe<•n the usual monthly meter readings. 2d. p<:>r unit, and for al1 consumption above this aniount in the same period, 1d. per unit. (e) At the rate of 2~d p<•r unit for the first 80 hours' use per month of the consumer's maximum demand, and *d. for each unit consumed beyond this amount in the same period; (/) For aH consumption hetween the hours of 11.30 p.m. and 7.;)0 a.m., 1d. 1wr uuit; for all consumption beyond this, :2d. per unit. The Co111panv is taking eh•ctri~ity in hulk from the llestrnctor Installation ef the Pmhran Couneil. and j,; supplvin~ the whole of the requirements in eleetricity of the Prahran-:Vlah·ern Tramways Tmst. GJ<~ELONG. Order ~o. 10. Jfelhourne Electric Supply Company Limited.
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