THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSI THElORCH The End of an Era Harrington Speaks on Redmen Decision By Jason Boland & The sensitivity thai Harrington refers to t Shore local Florida Native Since the Newsday article last month. Kimberly Scheck is one thai has sparked a national debate. American. "If something is really oul of H;irrin;;[(]ii said hi* lias only received 20 Si. John's is noi ihe only university lo face whack, we'll look into il. But we don't ID 25 ncj'alivi' letters. "Almosl all of them a change in name and fear a change of really pay lhat much attention. The tribes' It's been the most talked aboul topic on have Ihe same reaction: Do we really heart. Some of the more popular schools Chief has endorsed the FSU symbol as campus for weeks. From basketball warn to do this?" thai have been forced by local Native well as appear al homecoming festivities games lo studeni rallies lo the When asked what atiempis were made American chapters to eliminate the usage along wiih other members of the tribe. organisational congress, sludents have io get sludeni feedback from ihe decision, of Indian ceremonial symbols from Iheir expressed iheir views on ihe University's The St. John's community Ihoughi Ihey Harringion said, "Wc had no choice. This sporting evenls are the Marquette announcement lo change ihe Redmen had seen the last of this problem two years had io be changed. 1 will not go Ihrough Warriors, Dartmouth Indians and the nickname ago when they dropped the Indian mascol Ihe charade of a commiiiee thai 'would] Stanford Indians. However, for the students and logo in favor of "Johnny, the Beasi of recommehd mc Io do what I know we Sludents are upset with ihe change for on Utopia Parkway, a the Easi." Al the time. Ihe administration have lo do. Thai wouldn't be honest." several- reasons, L - * . ^*£**S* once time-honored Ihe first being the , did nol think il would be necessary lo Harringion did say that he will look for | W0UldIl0Ve tO be able tO tradition is now being change ihe name along wilh ihe mascot siudent invoivemcnl in the fulure, by and logo. As time passed, the media began having an open election so lhal sludents ^^^ keep U? Yeah, As long.as Z^n° ^nl chopping away at the Redmen name and may vote on final choices picked by ihe added iheir own nicknames. appointed commiiiee which is chaired by ^ we could keep U and stUl ^fiS^, former Redmen coach. Lou Carnesseca. the m "You can'! keep a nickname Ihat e musl firsi "I have no problem wilh lhal at all studeni increasingly more and more newspapers .because I would assure 'the studenls] lhal offended because ._,. ,. ,. and radio stations won't allow because it's whaiever 'hree go on ihat ballot would all Iheir opinions were SenSOlVUy. —' consumes something seen as offensive." Harrington said. "In a lol of ways, the decision was made for us. be acceptable." overlooked-the b"n8 **£* We kept delaying because maybe in some Many studenls have been through a silenl majority was Aecorrlmg to College way we could work it out because we did similar divlion process when Johnny was s ons noi heard. In facl. — REV.DONAmJ.HARRlNcTroN.CM. P ; ">e "Iticiai noi wanl io let (ihe name] go." chosen as ihe mascot. However, ihose fc llc e in a recent ROOTI. ST. JOHN'S UNIVERStTT ™^° ° 8 Afler Newsday printed what Harringion students will also remember lhal Ihey TORCH siudent spons. no consensus called "a ludicrous article," [here were a voied for ihe king of ihe jungle, not a poll, 91 percenl of students said they did Native American ranksis. founEachd India within nation ihne lol of phone calls. "I'm glad lhal Ihe Sesame S tree I look-alike. nol feel Ihey had any input in Ihe governs itself. students care enough. I really am. Il Harrington further staled ihat he hopes decision, a decision that will affeci Sl- One would Ihink thai Florida Slate's shows thai [hey are bonded to tbe Ihe new nickname is one lhal will lasl John's students for years io come (for mascol of a Seminole, dressed in full University and Ihis is important to Ihem. forever. "When you are back for your 40lh more details sec siudent poll on page 3). Indian garb, who rides a horse across the "I respecl thai. I really do. I regrel this anniversary reunion and people have never heard of ihe Redmen. you'll say lhal you The Rev. Donald J. Harrington. field and throws his flaming spears into misunderstanding. This communicalion were a part of ihat." he said. "In a sense, il president of St. John's University, is Ihe ground would sel the Native opportunity was not Ihere — I really is a significant time in our history." among the many who would like i American community ablaze. Contrary to regrel lhal because I believe we were able although, il musl ihoughi, Florida St. has full support from 10 communicale betler. Thai's ihe sad Bul before sludents prepare lo fill oul ihe local Native American Chief. pari, but had we been able io iheir ballots, Ihe commiiiee musl first Yeah. As long as we could keep ii and slill Although ihe Native Americans are not communicale il ihe way we had intended develop several ideas for a new to ihe siudenis. alumni and oihcrs. I Ihink nickname. Harringion is hoping ihat a show lhal respect for ihat sensitivity," supportive of FSU's mascot, Ihey have no lhal ihe reaction would have been new name will be chosen before ihe Harringloi objections. "Whaiever they're doing, il's noi the highesi on our priority list." said different," Harringion said. 1994-95 season. • The Redmen Inside • Jesus Christ in a • Express Start Controversy: Did New Light Their Ride this Anyone Really Care? — page 27 Issue — page 10 2THE1OTHE1ORCHI _ DECEMBER 8,1993 Criminal Justice Take the Plunge Association... Community Service Week, Presents it's second sponsored by Campus annual trip to Wash­ Ministry, will be Jan. 3 to ington D.C. and Quan- 9, 1994. If you are tico. This two-day trip will interested in the trips to be held Feb. 24 - 25, 1994. THINGS Harlem and Brooklyn, see The itinerary will include one of the following: planned visits to the Harry Duschene in St. White House, Vietnam Albert's 123, Sr. Joan War Memorial, the To COME Garvey, O.P. in Marillac Capitol building and the 134, FL Jim Maher, CM. in site for the F.B.I, training the U.C or Fr. Joe Daly, academy. The price for CM. and Fr. Michael this trip is $120 and Carroll, CM. in St. John's seating is limited-45 Hall 139 and 116, people. Please contact the respectively. Check with Criminal Justice Assoc­ Queens Opera at St. Corning Soon!!... your college dean to see if iation at the Organ­ John's the fall issue of Sequoya you can use this experience izational Room in the The St. John's University Art and Literary Magazine. to log hours towards your U.C. (Mon-Wed-Fri) 12:15 Modern Foreign Languages internships or externships. - 2:30, or call ext. 6061 or Department will host the Food Fair 1588 for information. Queens Opera performance Le Circle Francaise is Searle Fellowships in First come, first serve! of "La Boheme", the famous having a food fair! Want Pharmacy Puccini opera on Friday, to try? Come to Rat, in Dec. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Searle and Company is Fund Raiser the U.C, on Dec. 10, Marillac Hall Auditorium from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. pleased to announce its Phi Delta Chi is currently on the Queens campus. pharmacy fellowship raising funds for the award program for Fall of Admission is $12; $10 for New Fraternity on Massey Diabetes Inter­ students. Performers will 1993. The Searle Fellow­ national Foundation. They include Milissa Locher, Jie Campus ships in Pharmacy are will be selling raffle tickets Liu and Gabriella Pochinki. The installation of a financial awards made to for $2 each for the rest of The orchestra will be chapter of Sigma Iota students enrolled in ACPE- the semester. Three grand conducted by Maestro Epsilon at St. John's accredited doctor of prizes with be awarded. For Bartolomo Ferrara. Tickets University is being pharmacy programs. The further information, please should be purchased from planned for the spring winner will receive $7,500 talk to any member of Phi the University ticket semester. Sigma Iota as well as a stipend for Delta Chi, located in the window, in the U.C. Epsilon—the student travel to the site of the back of St. Albert's caf­ Lounge, or the Italian division of the Academy of Management—is an award presentation. In eteria. They would ap­ Department (St. John's addition, there will be a Hall, Room 434, from 11 honorary and professional preciate your help in management fraternity. second- and third- place making this fund raiser a.m. to 3 p.m.). Tickets will winner. Candidates for the also be available at the Election to membership, successful. based on enrollment in a Searle Fellowship will be door the evening of th evaluated in four general performance. For more management curriculum Music Lovers and scholastic achieve­ areas, including 1) vision information, please call for the profession of Do you play an in­ ext. 6364. ment, is generally con­ strument? If so, the SJU sidered to be one of the pharmacy, 2) leadership Jazz Ensemble is looking highest academic honors potential, 3) professional for you.
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