Checklist of Helminth Parasites of Birds in Pakistan

Checklist of Helminth Parasites of Birds in Pakistan

Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 CHECKLIST OF HELMINTH PARASITES OF BIRDS IN PAKISTAN Siyal Bushra1*, Aly Khan2, Sanjota Nirmal Das1 and Rafia Rehana Ghazi3 1Department of Zoology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 2CDRI, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, University of Karachi campus, Karachi-75270, Pakistan 3Vertebrate Pest Control Laboratory, Southern Zone Agricultural Research Centre, Karachi University Campus, Karachi-75270 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract: This article provides a list of helminths along with their hosts from Pakistan. The four major types of helminths are flukes (trematodes), round worms (nematodes) tapeworms (Cestodes) and thorny worms (acanthoephala). The majority of helminths infect the digestive tract but some may be recorded in other organs such as trachea, eye or brain. In the present checklist helminths along with their bird hosts is being provided. Keywords: Checklist, Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes, Acanthocephala, Birds, Pakistan. INTRODUCTION Birds are most fascinating creatures and amongst one of the valuable gift of Almighty Allah. Studies on avian helminth parasites are important both from economic and zoonotic point of view. Comparatively less research has been conducted on parasites of birds in Pakistan. Information about avian helminth parasites in Pakistan is meager. Several species have been described and published in local and foreign journals. A comprehensive list is presented here of trematodes, nematodes, cestodes and acanthocephalan along with their hosts from different localities of Pakistan. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present information has been collected from published work in local and foreign journals. Classification for the species is presented based on original descriptions. The data was collected from University of Karachi, University of Sindh, Jamshoro and University of Punjab, Lahore. Only helminths and their hosts are being listed in this comprehensive checklist. 1 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 TREMATODES Family: Brachylaimidae (Joyeux et Foley, 1930) Miller, 1936 Subfamily: Brachylaiminae Miller, 1936 Genus: Glaphyrostomum Braun, 1901 Glaphyrostomum corvi Bhutta and Khan,1975 House crow (Corvus splendens) Genus: Postharmostomum Witenberg, 1923 P. gallinum (Witenberg, 1923) Dharejo et al., 2008a Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) Family: Cyclocoelidae (Stossich, 1902) Kossack, 1911 Subfamily: Cyclocolinae Stossich, 1902 Genus: Cyclocoelum Brabdes, 1892 C. mutabile (Zeder, 1800) Ali, 2011 Black coot (Fulica atra) Genus: Uvitellina Witenberg, 1923 U. teesae Dharejo et al., 2007a White-eyed buzzard (Butastur teesa) U. megacaecatum Bushra et al., 2016 Black winged stilt (H. himantopus) Genus: Wardianum Witenberg, 1923 W. triangulare (Witenberg, 1923) Farooq and Qamar, 1996 Little stint (Calidris minuta) Family: Clinostomidae Luhe, 1901 Subfamily: Clinostominea Pratt, 1902 Genus: Clinostomum Leidy, 1856 C. singhi (Jaiswal, 1957) Bilqees, 1981 Pond heron (Ardeola grayii) 2 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 C. awadhi Abro et al., 2016 Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) C. complanatum Abro et al., 2016a Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) Subfamily: Euclinostominae Yamaguti, 1958 Genus: Euclinostomum Travassos, 1928 E. heterostomum (Rud., 1809) Abro et al., 2016d Little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) E. minutus (Bhutta and Khan, 1975) Zaidi and Khan, 1975 Pond heron (Ardeola grayii) Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) Family: Dicrocoeliidae (Looss, 1899) Odhner, 1910 Subfamily: Dicrocoeliinae Looss, 1899 Tribe: Brachylecithini Yamaguti, 1958 Genus: Brachylecithum Shtrom, 1940 B. chapmani (Singh, 1962) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Babbler B. accipiteri Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Shikra (Accipiter badius) B. heckmanni Das and Ghazi, 2012c Great egret (Egretta alba) B. jehangiri Soomro and Soomro, 2018 Pied myna (Gracupica contra) B. bilqeesae Khan et al., 2018a Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Tribe: Eurytrematini Yamaguti, 1958 Genus: Conspicuum (Bhalaerao, 1936) Shtrom, 1940 C. fulicatensis Das and Ghazi, 2012b Black-backed Robin (Saxicoloides fulicata) C. alykhani Das and Ghazi, 2014a Black-backed Robin (Saxicoloides fulicata) 3 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 Genus: Lubens (Travassos, 1920) Shtrom, 1940 L. lubens (Braun, 1901) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Common quail (Coturnix coturnix) L. sindhensis Sanjota and Ghazi, 2010 Leaf warblers (Phylloscopus tytleri) L. roseusi Das and Ghazi, 2013 Rosy Pastor (Sternus roseus) Family: Diplostomidae Poirrer, 1886 Subfamily: Diplostominae Poirrer, 1886 Tribe: Crassiphialini Dubois, 1936 Genus: Cercocotyla Yamaguti, 1939 C. macrorchus Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) Genus: Uvulifer Yamaguti, 1934 U. cerylou (Dollfus, 1950) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) Tribe: Diplostomini (Poirrer, 1886) Dubois, 1936 Genus: Lophosicyadiplostomum Dubois, 1936 L. rizwanae Channa et al., 2011 Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii) Genus: Neodiplostomum Railliet 1919 N. paraspathula (Noble, 1936) Das et al., 2013 Black kite (Milvus migrans) N. spathoides (Dubois, 1937) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Black kite (Milvus migrans) N. bilqeesae Sanjota and Ghazi, 2010b Black kite (Milvus migrans) N. dharmai Sanjota and Ghazi, 2010a Black kite (Milvus migrans) N. karachiensis Sanjota and Ghazi, 2011b Black kite (Milvus migrans) 4 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 Family: Echinostomatidae (Looss, 1902) Poche, 1926 Subfamily: Echinochasminae Odhner, 1910 Genus: Echinochasmus Dietz, 1909 E. bagulai (Verma, 1935) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Pond heron (Ardeola grayii) E. benghalensis Parveen, 1970 Roller (Coracias benghalensis) E. acciptiri Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Shikra (Accipiter badius) E. amphiboles Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) E. mohiuddini Dharejo et al., 2007 Paddy bird (Ardeola grayii) E. jamshorensis Channa et al., 2009 Pond heron (Ardeola grayii) E. passeri Dharejo et al., 2010a House Sparrow (P. domesticus) E. mazharuddini Ujjan et al., 2014 Bank myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) E. oderolalensis Khan et al., 2015 Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Genus: Episthmium Luhe, 1909 Episthmium egrettae Unar et al., 2008 Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) E. bilqeesae Bushra et al., 2016g Little egret (Egretta garzetta) E. jamshorensis Bushra et al., 2016f Little egret (Egretta garzetta) E. sindhensis Daset al., 2016 Little egret (Egretta garzetta) E. daleri Khan et al., 2018b Snipe (Gallinago stenura L.) 5 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 Genus: Patagifer Dietz, 1909 P. bilobus (Dietz, 1909) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) Genus: Stephanoprora Odhner, 1909 S. larkanensis Saeed et al., 2018 Redwattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) Genus: Pseudechinostomum Shchupakov, 1936, nec Odhner, 1911 P. calidrii Farooq and Qamar, 1996 Little stint (Calidris minutus) P. mirpurium Bilqees and Jehan, 1971 Watercock (Gallicrex cinerea) Subfamily: Echinostomatinae (Looss, 1899) Faust, 1929 Genus: Echinoparyphium Dietz, 1909 E. recurvatum (Linstow, 1873) Khan et al., 1983 Wild duck (Anas crecca) E. ellisi (Johnston and Angel, 1949) Khan et al., 1983 Anas crecca Genus: Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809 E. paraulum (Frolich, 1802) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Wild duck (Anas crecca) E. revolutum (Frolich, 1802) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) E. chloropodis philippinense (Tubangui, 1932) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) E. lahorensis Bhutta and Khan, 1974 Day old chicks E. atrae Birmani et al., 2008 Black coot (Fulica atra) E. sindhenses Dharejo et al., 2009 Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) E. valentini Sanjota and Ghazi, 2011 Indian cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscicollis) 6 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 E. rafiae Bushra et al., 2014 Little egret (E. garzetta) E. garzetti Bushra et al., 2016e Little egret (Egretta garzetta) E. cribbi Khan et al., 2017c Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Genus: Nephrostomum Dietz, 1909 N. dubashi Kaikobad and Bilqees, 1972 Unknown bird host N. ramosum (Sons, 1895) Bhutta and Khan, 1975 Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) N. oderolalensis Khan et al., 2011 Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) Genus: Parallelotestis Belopolskaia, 1954 P. latifabadense (Dharejo et al., 2009a) Unaret al., 2013 Little egret (Egretta garzetta) Genus: Parechinostomum Dietz, 1909 P. gallierii Bilqees, 1970 Water cock (Gallicrex cinerea) Genus: Paryphostomum Dietz, 1909 P. sanghari Abro et al., 2016c Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) Genus: Petasiger Dietz, 1909 P. exaeretus (Dietz, 1909) Abro et al., 2016b (Phalacrocorax niger) Subfamily: Himasthlinae Odhner, 1910 Genus: Himasthla Dietz, 1909 H. fatimae Sanjota and Ghazi, 2011a Great egret (Egretta alba) 7 Bushra et al. Pakistan Journal of Parasitology 67; June 2019 Subfamily: Pegosominae Mendheim, 1940 Genus: Pegosomum Ratz, 1903 P. garzettae Unar et al., 2011 Little egret (Egretta garzetta) P. aftabi Birmani et al., 2016a Egretta garzetta Subfamily: Pelmatostominae Yamaguti, 1958 Genus: Pelmatostomum Dietz, 1909 P. mujibi Sanjota and Ghazi, 2010c Great egret (Egretta alba) Family: Eucotylidae Skrjabin, 1924 Subfamily: Eucotylinae (Skrjabin, 1924) Freitas,1951 Genus: Tamerlania Skrjabin, 1924 T. swabiensis Suleman et al., 2016 House crow (Corvus splendens) Genus: Tanaisia Skrjabin, 1924 T. karachiensis Begum et al., 1997 House crow (Corvus splendens) Subgenus: Paratanaisia Freitas, 1959 P. ishaquei Burrioet al., 2016 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Family:

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