l-. No. 18015/l 5/201s/Misc- Grants (iot ern men t of Ind ia Nlinistrt of Tribal AlTairs (S'l'\\'C Dilision ) Shastri Bha*an. Neu Delh i Date d: 26'r' Deccrnber. 201 8 -f (r -l'he Principal Secrctarr r' Secretan,,in-Clrarsc 1-ribal Derelopment l)eparlntent (As pcr lisr atrached ) Su bject: Identification of Land for cstablishing nclr' FlklaYva Model Rcsidential Schools ( !l M RS) a nd Eklavr,a Model l)av Boarding Schools ([i]It)BS) - rcg Sir/Matianr. As rou are auare. lrN'lRSs ltavc bccn one 01'tll. fla*ship intcrr'cntions ol'the \4inistrr to provi6c qualitr rniddlc and hiuh-lc\al cdtication to SchedLrlcd l-ribc (S I )sludcnls ir rcnlolc arcas. I hc l\linisrrr" so ti:r. has sanctioned 2ll'1 trNlRSs out ol u'hich 219 L-.i\lRSs havc bccontc lunctional. I hc llsl ot rhc trMRSs is (iovernntcnt at Anncxure-l. of India have noir. clecitled that br the ).car 1022. cvcrt block rvilh nrorc than 50% ST population and at lcast 20.000 tribal persons. rvill havc an E.klavya \1odel Rcsitlcntial School (liMRS). 1-hese EI\{RSs rrrll be ott par with Navodal,a Vidl,alalas and u.ill have spccial tacilities tbr preserring local art and culture bcsidcs proi'idinr training in sporls and skill devclopmcnt. A bricl'oj'thc proposcd changcs in the Scltcrre is at Annerurc-ll. 2. Across the col ttr]. as pcl censlls 20ll tlgurcs. therc arc 561 sLtb-.listricts i.c. biocks/talLtkaitehsil having morc than 50% S I'popLrlation rnd at lcast 20.000 tribal persons. OLrt o1'thcsc sLrb-clistricts. ar prescnt l0l sLrb-clistricts have l:.MRSs. l. \\'herevcrdcnsitrofSlpopLrlirtionishiglherinidc-ntillcrl SLrb-l)isrrlcrs,lllocks 1909..i, or nrorc). i1 is ploposcd to set Lrp iiklavra Moclcl l)al Boarclins School (lrN1l)BS) on air crpcrinrcnrr,rl basis f'or proridinl add itional scopc fbr S'f Str:dcnts seek ing to ar ail school cdirctrtion ii ithoLrt rcs iclentia I thc il itr,. A ccor{ ingli . l2 such EMDBS irillbcsct Lrp al unit cost ol'Rs. 1.1.00Crorespcrschool basccl on rhe. clenrand ofthe. State Cor elnrncnt.The t'eaturcs o,' t..MD US rr ill rcnrain tllc san'te as I:M It S cxccpt fbr thc lbllori ine: i. No residential iacilit,i,. ii. l.and rcquir.ment 5 acrcs. ili. Provision of mornin.g snacks. lunch ancl evcning snacks iv. lranspofiation 1'acilit,r rn coll\'ergencc rith States. V. Rccurring cost r-a-l Rs. 85000 pcr slLrdent per YCar. 4. Ir is proposed to establish new Schools (450 EMRS and l2 EMDBS) in the remaining 462 sub- districts by the yea r 2022 as per the following order of priority: a. Prioriry Districts (more than 50% ST population and more than 20,000 sT population) but not having an EMRS. Any sub-disficr in these districts may be identified as per the availability of land. List of l9 such districts is at Annexure-III. b. Districts having sub-districts with more than 50% ST population and more than 20,000 sT popularion but not having EMRS. List ofthese districts along with the sub-District is at Annexure-IV. c. Wherever density of ST population is higher in identified Sub-Districts/Blocks (90%o or more), Eklavya Model Day Boarding School (EMDBS) will be setup. The list ofthe Sub-Districts identified are at Annexure-V. d. Thereafter Sub-Districts (i.e. block/taluka,/tehsil) having more than 20,000 ST population and 50% STs subject to essential parameters like availability of land, educational backwardness etc will be taken up. Complete list of462 blocks having more than 20,000 ST population and more than 50% ST population and not having an EMRS is at Annexure-Vl. e. Proposals for setting up of ded icated infrastructure fbr establishing Centre of Excellence for sports with all related infrastructure (buildings, equipment's etc.). These Centre ofExcellences will have specialized state-of'-the-art facilities for one identified individual sport and one group spoft in each State. l5 such centres will be established during 2018-19 to 2019-20. 5. You are hereby requested to identify land (minimum of I 5 acres for EMRS and 5 acres for EMDBS) as per tlte orrJer of priority mentioncd in para 4. The confinnation regarding the identification ofthe land sub-district-wise along with a brief proposal for establishing these Schools may be submitted to be the Ministry latest by 8'r' January, 2019. The proposals ftom the State Governments and wayforward lor implementation of the new approved norms are slated lor discussion tentatively in the meeting being scheduled on l7'r' January, 201 9 at Hyderabad, Telangana under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs, Government of India This is required to be attended to by you and for this a separate communication will follow. It is requested that receipt of this letter be acknowledged and necessary proposals in this regard are expedited. Yours faithfully (P K Sahoo) Under Secretary to the Covt of India Tel: 0l l-23073709 Emai l: [email protected] Encl: As above /\nne\urc-l l,ist of EMRSs in India F-unction:rl Sl. No. Stalc l)istrict BlocU 'l aluka / Non- Frrnctirrnql r\ndhra Placicsh L-ast (lodar ari Y R.rr l\ Jt.ll lunctionrl 1 \ndhra I)radesh SPSR Ncllorc Kodar a lrrr [:unctional J Andhra Pradcsh Prakasanr Dolnala F'Lrnclionrl I ,\ndhra Placlcsh V isa k ha;r:rlana nt ll uclcnr KothaVccdh i ILrncLional ) Antlhra Pradesh hittoor BuchinaJidrr K handrir,a [:unctiona I 6 Andhra Pradcsh East Godavari MaredLrmilli Iuncliona 1 Anclhra Pradcsh SPSR Ncllore Ozili Functiona 8 Andhra I'radcsh Srikakrrlanr \1eliantLtti Irrncliona 9 \ndhra Pradcslr S tlk.rkLrlitnr ll hanr ir i [:Linctiol]a 0 Andhra I'radcsh :akh,tp.I.ltant MLrnchingi Prrttu lju ncl io n a ,\ndhra Pradcsh sakhapalanant I)urrbrieuda l:rrnctionrI Andhra Pradcsh zranagatall1 \,1ak k rr ve I:rrnctiona J \ rttlhra l)r'ittlurh zlanaualiinr K ulu pn nr Irrrncl ionlr ,1 \nrlhra Pradcslr V izianagarilnr P.re h ipent.r I- Lrnctiona \r'unacha l)raclcsh lrast K lrncnr.t Il ana I LrtcliUna ,\ 6 runacha Pladcsh l .tii lt l,l L Lrnr la l:rrncl ionlt ,\runacha I Prad cslr f. rrrtrnl fi rrntcr Nrrpin \on-lrrrncl olt a 8 Arunacha Pradcslr I irap Khonsir \on-Irtrncl oIa 9 Arunachal Pradesh \\ cst \ir nl I'irbin Non-I rrncliona 20 Arunachai Pradcsh .oh it Wakro N on- lru ncl olla 2l Arrrnachal Pradcsh .orr cr [)iban s Vr]1e,, [)anrhr rk N on - l:u nct ollil -)f \ssanr []ak sa llalanra Non-lrllncl 0na 2i {ssanr Ilrrpcta lla ial i \or- l'unc1 ona )4 /l ssqll K ok raj har (i hapar \on-lrrrnct 0fa 25 Assanl Karbi Analong I)iphLr \on-ljLrnct ona l6 Bihar \\'esl (-'ham paran Caunaha \on- I:Lrrc1 0na 21 t] iha r Ianrrri .lhalha Non-l:Lrnr:l 0nA 28 (.'hhattisgarh llastar Ilakau and lrLlncl oral l9 (-irhattisgarh Dantcir adl Ilaklu anrl [:rrrrr:tirrnrI t0 h hattisrarh Iash pLrr' Ilaeicha lLrnctional ,\rltailarh lt hhLrlt irsa rlt Kankcr F u nct ional i2 hhattisearh Kablrdhanr K a ir arcl ha I" Lrncl onrl lrlrrttisu.rrh Il aii:arh Salangarlr (Khxrsir) I:rrtct onal l.l hlratt s(.]lll 5 Llra lp ur Bhairathan ['Lrnct onal t5 hhanisgarh 5 Llt!ILllil V;iinpirt I:rrtrtl onel i6 h h.rttislarlr l] ijapu r ll hrirarrq.trh l:llncl onal 31 hhrttisr:.alh Korha Katshora ['unctional i8 l'hhatt slalh li r in.rrtll1aun D,rnqar{itrlt FtrrclioneI t9 :lhhatt sqalh Korcir Baikunthpur (Khadcau an ) F Llnct onal 10 hhattisllarlr Kontla-qaon ]Konda*aon F ur cl iola l 4l h hattisgarh Ilastar l]aslar I:rrnr:lionnl Functional 42 lChhattisgarh ir Marwahi Functional 4i Chhatt is[arh Narayanpur Narayanpur 44 l hhattissarh Balod Dondi Functional 45 hhattisp,arh Balrampur Balrampur Functional 46 hhattisgarh Baloda Ba;zar Kasdol Functional 47 Chhattisgarh Dharr.rtari Nagri Functional 48 Chhattisgarh Gariyaband C hura Functional 49 Shhanisgarh Janipir Champa Sakti Functional 50 3hhattisgarh Mahasamund Pithora Functional 5l hhattisgarh Mungeli Lormi Functional 52 hhattisgarh Sukma Sukma Functional 5:l G uia rat Narmada Iilakwada Functional Functional 54 C u iarat Arvalli Bhiloda Functional 55 ll u iarat Surat Bardoli 56 3 uiarat Danqs Ahwa Functional 51 C u iarat Valsld Pardi Functional 58 C ujarat Valsad Kaprada Functional 59 I rtl arat \avsari Vansda Functional 60 l.J u arat Iapi N izar Functional 6l Guiarat Banas Kantha Danta Functional 62 G uiarat Dohad Dahod Functional 63 G uiarat Panch Mahals Kalol Functional 64 Guiarat Narmada Garudeshwar Functional 65 Suiarat Arvalli Bhiloda Functional 66 ll uiarat Dangs Ahwa Functional 67 Guiarat Vadodara Vaghodia Functional 68 G u iarat Banas Kantha Palanpur Functional 69 Cuiarat Dohad Dhanpur Functional 70 G uiarat \4ahisaear Kadana Functional 7l Guiarat l-api Songadh Functional 72 G u jarat Iapi Songadh Functional C u iarat Valsad Dharam pur Functional 1,t u ularat Chhotaudepur Chhotaudepur Functional 15 G uiarat Sabarkantha Poshina Functional 16 G uiarat Bharr rcl.r Valiya Functional 17 i uiarat Narmada Sagbara Functional 78 liuiarat Chhotaudcpur Nasvadi Functional l9 Cuiarat Surat Mandvi Functional 80 Himachal Pradesh K innaur Nichar Functional 8l Iammu & Kashmir Anantnag Anantnag Functional 82 lammu & Kashm f Kulganl Damhal I-lanjipora Functional 83 Jammu & Kashm r Raiouri N.A Non-Functional 84 Iammu & Kashmir Kareil Kargil Non-Functional 85 Iammu & Kashmir Poonch N-A Non-Functional 86 Iammu & Kashmir Bandipora Gurei Non-Functional L7 Iammu & Kashrnir Leh Non-Functional 88 Jan.rmu & Kashrrir oteranka Budhal Non-Functional 89 hark hand k r ln u,r ,k,, lrrn,.r in.r', 90 .lharkhand Ilanchi lanrar F Lrnct ional 9l Iharkhand Sahcbuan j Ilarhlit [:rrnclionl ] 9l iharkhancl Wcst Sinqlrbhurr Khuntpan i Frrnr'1 onal sl Iharkhand ll Lrnr lr Bas ir f:rrrc ona l 9.1 Jhalkhand Codda Sundarpahari ['u ncl onal 95 J harkhand Lohardaga [-oharda-ea I- Lrnclional 96 Jharkhand L'.ast Singhburr
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