Myrmecological News myrmecologicalnews.org Myrmecol. News 30 Digital supplementary material Digital supplementary material to DE LA MORA, A., SANKOVITZ, M. & PURCELL, J. 2020: Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as host and intruder: recent advances and future directions in the study of exploitative strategies. – Myrmecological News 30: 53-71. The content of this digital supplementary material was subject to the same scientific editorial processing as the article it accompanies. However, the authors are responsible for copyediting and layout. Supporting Material for: de la Mora, Sankovitz, & Purcell. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as host and intruder: recent advances and future directions in the study of exploitative strategies Table S1: This table summarizes host/parasite relationships that have been described or discussed in the literature since 2000. Host and parasite nomenclature is up‐to‐date based on AntWeb.org, but note that some of the taxonomy is controversial and/or not fully resolved. Names are likely to change further in coming years. Due to changing nomenclature, it can be challenging to track which species have been well‐studied. We provide recently changed species and genus names parenthetically. In addition, we have split this table to show recent taxonomic revisions, compilations (e.g. tables in empirical papers), reviews, books, or species descriptions supporting relationships between hosts and parasites in one column and articles studying characteristics of host/parasite relationships in a second column. For well‐studied species, we limit the ‘primary research’ column to five citations, which are selected to cover different topics and different research teams when such diverse citations exist. Because of the active work on taxonomy in many groups, some misinformation has been inadvertently propagated in previous articles. We list relationships that need additional field observations and erroneous relationships in sections at the end of the table. Relationships that are likely but unconfirmed are also noted. ** Note that the nomenclature of Teleutomyrmex was recently revised (Ward & al. 2015), but that this classification is still a topic of discussion. Social parasite Host species and Published descriptions or Primary research species and subfamily compilations (since 2000) subfamily Dulosis Formica aserva (=subnuda) Formica podzolica SAVOLAINEN & DESLIPPE (Wheeler, 1911) (Francoeur, 1973) RUANO & al. 2019 2001 Formicinae Formicinae Formica gynocrates Formica sp. cf. (Snelling & Buren, argentea BONO & al. 2006 1985) (Wheeler, 1912) Formicinae Formicinae Formica pergandei Formica glacialis (Emery, 1893) (Wheeler, 1908) APPLE & al. 2014 Formicinae Formicinae Formica puberula Formica occulta (Emery, 1893) (Francoeur, 1973) BONO & al. 2006 Formicinae Formicinae Formica cunicularia RUANO & al. 2019; (Latreille, 1798) SEIFERT 2018 Formica sanguinea Formicinae (Latreille, 1798) Formica fusca Formicinae RUANO & al. 2019; (Linnaeus, 1758) SEIFERT 2018 Formicinae Formica japonica (Motschoulsky, 1866) RUANO & al. 2019 Formicinae Formica lemani (Bondroit, 1917) RUANO & al. 2019 Formicinae Additional Formica sp. (Subgenus SEIFERT 2018 MORI & al. 2001 Serviformica) Formicinae Formica polyctena (Förster, 1850) SEIFERT 2018 Formicinae RUANO & al. 2019; Formica pratensis SEIFERT 2018 (Retzius, 1783) (Probable ephemeral Formicinae host) Formica rufa RUANO & al. 2019; (Linnaeus, 1761) SEIFERT 2018 Formicinae (Probable ephemeral host) Formica glacialis (Wheeler, 1908) APPLE & al. 2014 Formica subintegra Formicinae (Wheeler, 1908) Formica podzolica Formicinae SAVOLAINEN & DESLIPPE (Francoeur, 1973) 2001 Formicinae Myrmecocystus Myrmecocystus depilis mimicus HÖLLDOBLER & al. 2011; (Forel, 1901) (Wheeler, 1908) KRONAUER & al. 2003 Formicinae Formicinae Formica Polyergus bicolor subaenescens (Wasmann, 1901) TRAGER 2013 (Emery, 1893) Formicinae Formicinae Formica altipetens (Wheeler, 1913) TRAGER 2013 TORRES & TSUTSUI 2016 Formicinae Formica canadensis (Santschi, 1914) TRAGER 2013 Polyergus breviceps Formicinae (Emery, 1893) Formica montana Formicinae (Wheeler, 1910) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica neoclara (Emery, 1893) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae BONO & al. 2006; BONO & al. 2007; JOHNSON 2000; Formica occulta JOHNSON & al. 2001; (Francoeur, 1973) TRAGER 2013 JOHNSON & al. 2005 Formicinae Studied before Trager’s revision. May be P. mexicanus or P. topoffi BONO & al. 2006; Formica sp. cf. BONO & al. 2007 argentea Studied before Trager’s (Wheeler, 1912) revision. Likely P. Formicinae mexicanus. Polyergus longicornis Formica dolosa KING & TRAGER 2007; (Smith, 1947) (Buren, 1944) TRAGER 2013 MACGOWN & BROWN Formicinae Formicinae 2006 Formica archboldi (Smith, 1944) KING & TRAGER 2007 Formicinae Formica dolosa Polyergus lucidus (Buren, 1944) TRAGER 2013 KING & TRAGER 2007 (Mayr, 1870) Formicinae Formicinae Formica incerta (Buren, 1944) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica pallidefulva (Latreille, 1802) KING & TRAGER 2007 Formicinae Formica accreta (Francoeur, 1973) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica argentea (Wheeler, 1912) TRAGER 2013 MOFFETT 2010 Formicinae Formica fusca (Linnaeus, 1758) TRAGER 2013 SULGER & AL. 2014 Formicinae Formica hewitti (Wheeler, 1917) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica manni Polyergus mexicanus (Wheeler, 1913) TRAGER 2013 (Forel, 1899) Formicinae Formicinae Formica microphthalma TRAGER 2013 (Francoeur, 1973) Formicinae Formica neoclara (Emery, 1893) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica neogagates (Viereck, 1903) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica neorufibarbis TRAGER 2013 (Emery, 1893) Formicinae Formica cf. occulta (Francoeur, 1973) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica pacifica (Francoeur, 1973) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica podzolica (Francoeur, 1973) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica subsericea (Say, 1836) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica vinculans (Wheeler, 1913) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Polyergus montivagus Formica pallidefulva (Wheeler, 1915) (Latreille, 1802) TRAGER 2013 KING & TRAGER 2007 Formicinae Formicinae Polyergus nigerrimus Formica candida (Marikovsky, 1963) (Smith, 1878) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Polyergus oligergus Formica archboldi (Trager, 2013) (Smith, 1944) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Polyergus ruber Formica biophilica (Trager, 2013) (Trager, 2007) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Formica cinerea (Mayr, 1853) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica clara (Forel, 1886) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 Polyergus rufescens Formicinae (Latreille, 1798) D’ETTORRE & AL. 2000; Formicinae Formica cunicularia MORI & AL. 2000; (Latreille, 1798) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 VISICCIO & AL. 2000; Formicinae VISICCIO & AL. 2001 Formica fusca (Linnaeus, 1758) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica fuscocinerea (Forel, 1874) SEIFERT 2018 Formicinae Formica gagates (Latreille, 1798) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica gerardi (Bondroit, 1917) SEIFERT 2018 Formicinae Formica rufibarbis (Fabricius, 1793) SEIFERT 2018; TRAGER 2013 MORI & AL. 2000 Formicinae Formica tianshanica (Seifert & Schultz, SEIFERT 2018 2009) Formicinae Formica fukaii (Wheeler, 1914) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formica glabridorsis (Santschi, 1925) TRAGER 2013 Polyergus samurai Formicinae (Yano, 1911) Formica hayashi Formicinae (Terayama & TRAGER 2013 Hashimoto, 1996) Formicinae Formica japonica TSUNEOKA 2008; (Motschoulsky, 1866) TRAGER 2013 TSUNEOKA & AKINO 2009; Formicinae TSUNEOKA & AKINO 2012 Polyergus sanwaldi Formica dolosa (Trager, 2013) (Buren, 1944) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Polyergus topoffi Formica gnava (Trager, 2013) (Buckley, 1866) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Polyergus vinosus Formica moki (Trager, 2013) (Wheeler, 1906) TRAGER 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Rossomyrmex Proformica korbi anatolicus (Emery, 1909) RUANO & al. 2013 TINAUT & al. 2010 (Tinaut, 2007) Formicinae Formicinae Rossomyrmex Proformica longiseta minuchae D’ETTORRE & HEINZE 2001; Many, including: (Collingwood, 1978) (Tinaut, 1981) RUANO & al. 2013 ERRARD & al. 2006; Formicinae Formicinae RUANO & al. 2005; RUANO & TINAUT 2005; SANLLORENTE & al. 2012; ZAMORA‐MUÑOZ & al. 2003 Rossomyrmex Proformica epinotalis proformicarum (Kuznetsov‐Ugamsky, D’ETTORRE & HEINZE 2001; (Arnol’di, 1928) 1927) RUANO & al. 2013 Formicinae Formicinae Rossomyrmex quandratinodum Proformica sp. RUANO & al. 2013 TINAUT & al. 2010 (Xia & Zheng, 1995) Formicinae Formicinae Harpagoxenus Leptothorax canadensis canadensis BEIBL & al. 2005 (Smith, 1939) (Provancher, 1887) Myrmicinae Myrmicinae Many, including: BAUER & al. 2009; Leptothorax BRANDT & al. 2007; acervorum BEIBL & al. 2005 FISCHER‐BLASS & al. (Fabricius, 1793) 2006; Myrmicinae FOITZIK & al. 2003; Harpagoxenus GUILLEM & al. 2014 sublaevis Leptothorax gredleri (Nylander, 1849) (Mayr, 1855) FOITZIK & al. 2003 Myrmicinae Myrmicinae BAUER & al. 2009; Leptothorax BRANDT & al. 2007; muscorum LENOIR & al. 2001 FISCHER‐BLASS & al. (Nylander, 1846) 2006; Myrmicinae FOITZIK & al. 2003 Tetramorium alpestre (Steiner & al., 2010) SEIFERT 2018 Strongylognathus Myrmicinae alpinus Tetramorium (Wheeler, 1909) SANETRA & BUSCHINGER impurum Myrmicinae 2000; (Förster, 1850) SEIFERT 2018 Myrmicinae Tetramorium cf. caespitum SANETRA & BUSCHINGER Strongylognathus (Linnaeus, 1758) 2000 christophi Myrmicinae (Emery, 1889) Tetramorium cf. Myrmicinae impurum SANETRA & BUSCHINGER (Förster, 1850) 2000 Myrmicinae Tetramorium cf. impurum SANETRA & BUSCHINGER (Förster, 1850) Strongylognathus 2000 Myrmicinae destefanii (Emery, 1915) Tetramorium cf. Myrmicinae semilaeve SANETRA & BUSCHINGER (André, 1883) 2000 Myrmicinae Tetramorium cf. caespitum SANETRA & BUSCHINGER (Linnaeus,
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