Volume 1, Issue 7 ‘Sharpen the Sword’ June 2007 INSIDE:INSIDE: SchinnenSchinnen MPMP winswins SoldierSoldier ofof thethe YearYear BrusselsBrussels receivesreceives firstfirst CSMCSM SoldiersSoldiers shareshare ‘street‘street smarts’smarts’ IronIron ShapianShapian competitorscompetitors gogo forfor thethe goldgold EarthEarth DayDay observedobserved Anti-terrorismAnti-terrorism trainingtraining atat SchinnenSchinnen WarriorWarrior WeekWeek BeneluxBenelux SoldiersSoldiers train,train, refreshrefresh skillsskills June 2007 www.usagbenelux.eur.army.mil 1 Nowowiejski Notes Summer is here, and with it PCS (perma- nent change of station) season. We will focus in this set of Notes on a few reminders, and then some information that will help all of us to welcome the new mem- bers of our communities, as well as make the quality of life better for those who have There are several ways customers may sub- lived here for years. mit to have their voices and concerns heard. First, the reminders for June. June is Na- One is through the U.S. Army Garrison tional Safety Month. Benelux Interactive Customer Evaluation In the Benelux, we have two current safety (I.C.E.) system with responses to your ques- emphases. For all POV (privately-owned tions coming from the service provider. vehicle) drivers, please use the POV risk assessment tool, TRiPS (Travel Risk Plan- ning System), whenever you take a trip in Europe this summer. You’ve Been ICEed! TRiP is designed to be used by service members and civilians of all services. It is a Here’s a sampling of what people are joint tool. The assessment is easy and quick saying on the USAG Benelux commu- to take, includes travel planning information Col. Dean A. Nowowiejski nities Interactive Customer Evaluation such as maps and routes, and can be ac- USAG Benelux Commander (ICE) system: cessed with a link at www.usagbenelux. of the Benelux Newcomer’s Guide from eur.army.mil. You will receive a personal your local Morale, Welfare and Recreation USAG Schinnen (O&M) risk assessment for your own planned trip office. DPW Operations and Maintenance with TRiPS. 2) Next, everyone should check this Our second safety emphasis is for all mo- Benelux Edge thoroughly for news and an- “Excellent service! No problems! torcycle riders to take the basic or advanced, nouncements for the month. Thank you!!” newly revised Motorcycle Safety Foun- 3) Then, check the U.S. Army Garrison dation courses available via your local gar- Benelux webpage for daily, newcomers, or “The delivery of my freezer was rison. Contact your local Military Police desk sponsorship information. prompt and professional. Thanks for or check the web page for details and sched- For local information, you can find links to the great service.” ule. your community web pages on the Benelux For those of you with school age children, main page: Chièvres Garrison (SHAPE “Fast, efficient, Thank you!” particularly kindergarten, please insure you area), USAG BrusselsBrussels, and USAG have visited your local school at SHAPE, Schinnen (JFC Brunssum area). The NATO “Quick, professional work!” Brussels, or AFNORTH and register your headquarters across the Benelux have their children for fall classes. own installation commands, public informa- (USAG BENELUX at SHAPE) Help your school help you: register your tion offices, and websites. USAG Benelux Education Center children early, please. For daily Benelux news, tune in to AFN The number of teachers at each school is Benelux radio on your local frequency. “Thank you, very polite and determined by projected enrollments, and AFN radio and television studios is currently helpful.” this is usually finalized over the summer. If undergoing a comprehensive overhaul of all you wait until school starts, your child may broadcast equipment that is scheduled for “The Ed center here at SHAPE be in a crowded class because you didn’t completion June. 23. has been really helpful in my meeting register for school before coming or on ar- While the upgrades are ongoing, the only my deadline for my exams. With no rival. local programming will be the live morning advance notice I was able to not only show with Airman 1st Class Tommy Moore, obtain my exams but complete them Here’s some from 6 - 10 a.m., Monday through Friday. within 24 hours.” information Once the new equipment is in place, listen to “The Voice of the Benelux” local program- “Staff is very helpful and courte- ming, or better yet, tune in to Channel 21 ous. Everyone was real anxious to to make your on your AFN decoder. AFN Benelux has help.” quality of life its own satellite channel with all your local in- formation. USAG Brussels better: Finally, for upcoming MWR events, if you Outbound Transportation Assistance Empower yourself with information. Be- don’t find the information you are looking for, cause of the distributed nature of our com- call MWR marketing at DSN 361-5167 or “Professional attitude and quick munities, it is hard to get the word out about commercial 32 68 27 5167. They can provide action.” upcoming activities. you the latest event announcement or flyer. There is a system of information. You can For your own best quality of life, stay in- Keep those great comments, kudos, capitalize on it like this: formed and take advantage of the opportuni- concerns, and questions coming by 1) If you are new, get a copy of The Best ties here in the Benelux. going to http://ice.disa.mil or http:// www.usagbenelux.eur.army.mil and clicking the ICE link to tell us what COVER Sgt. Rosemary Huff, USAG Schinnen, slips through a tunnel-type you think! PHOTO: obstacle while completing the conditioning course during Warrior PHOTO: Steven Hoover Week. 2 www.usagbenelux.eur.army.mil June 2007 MCKIERNAN SENDS Well-Being In This Issue Commander’s Notes......................inside front cover Survey 2007 Schinnen MP wins SOY......................................... 4 Brussels welcomes first CSM................................. 6 Schinnen conducts anti-terrorism training............... 9 Motorcycle Safety................................................. 11 Law Day at Schinnen............................................ 12 Chièvres/SHAPE Town Hall................................ 16 Liberation of Bonsecours..................................... 17 Wereth 11 remembered...................................... 18 Make-A-Wish.................................................. 20-21 Community Events & Services........................ 20-27 Classifieds............................................................ 30 Commanders 1. Each year we conduct a survey to measure the well-being Col. Dean A. Nowowiejski ....................... .USAG Benelux of the force and to determine whether or not you are Lt. Col. Eric D. Tilley ......................................USAG Schinnen satisfied with the programs, facilities, services, and other Lt. Col. Patrick J. Kilroy ................................. USAG Brussels aspects of working and living in Europe. Last year more than Lt. Col. John G. Romero ............................... Chièvres Garrison 6,000 Soldiers, civilian employees, retirees, and family Public Affairs officers and personnel members took part in the survey. Thank you for your Marie-Lise Baneton ...................................... USAG Benelux valuable input! Thad Moyseowicz ........................................... USAG Brussels Cis Spook ....................................................... Chièvres Garrison 2. We need your support again. The 2007 Well-Being J.D. Hardesty .................................................. Editor LaDonna Davis ............................................... Writer Survey will be conducted from 14 May though 15 June 2007. Steven Hoover ............................................... Writer This year we want to significantly increase the number of participants. In particular, we would like to have more family Morale, Welfare and Recreation Marketing members take part in the survey. Kim Wayland................................................... USAG Benelux Johanna Krause ............................................. Benelux Marketing William Audretsch ........................................ Benelux Marketing 3. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete. Surveys Isabelle Gillet ................................................ Brussels Marketing and answer sheets are located at convenient places Ellison Meier ................................................. Schinnen Marketing throughout the community, such as Army Community Salvador Espinoza .......................................... Schinnen Marketing Service centers, fitness centers, and libraries. Answer sheets must be returned to these facilities or to the administering The Benelux EDGE is an authorized unofficial newsmagazine published under the provisions of AR 360-1 for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of unit for collection and forwarding. The USAREUR Modular the Benelux EDGE are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by the U.S. Survey System website at http://www.per.hqusareur.army.mil/ Government or the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or the umss/wbs.htm provides more information. USAG Benelux. Editorial content is edited and provided by USAG Benelux, USAG Schinnen and USAG Brussels public affairs and Morale, Welfare and Rec- 4. As with last year’s survey, you will be asked to rate the reation offices. Submissions are welcome, but will be edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity and journalistic style. Submissions are due on the first day of the
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