UGHTING4JP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 7.18 RM. Fine i Smjal (fk&tttt aai- (.Mmttjst Bath} INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 21—NO. 90 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1936 3D PER COPY — 40/- PER ANNUM FRANCE SEES" PROBABLE ISOLATION IN RHINELAND IMPASSE EDEN ANGERS MUSSOLINI BY HOSPITAL ACT CANADIANS ESCAPE THEY SAY That among the many dredging SAGA WINS PRINCE OF BRITISH INDIFFERENCE Temporarily Suppressed Mes­ Three Aboard Pan American schemes being suggested, one is sage Contains New Ideas Clipper When Accident overlooked. * * * WALES CUP That this is dredging the Eastern Occurred end of HamUton Harbour to a Italy May Increase Aloofness and Now that at least 54 copies of Mes­ greater depth. Takes Fourth Race After Ding-Dong sage No. 53 to the Legislative Council PORT OF SPAIN, AprU 13. (CP)— * * * Snub Wednesday's Meeting have been distributed, it may weU be Three Canadians escaped death when That this would get rid of the dis­ found that the most remarkable the Pan American CUpper submerged agreeable smell at low tide. Battle thing about this Message is the de­ drowning three persons Saturday termined effort made to prevent the morning. They were E. M. Flynn, That it would also provide safe PARIS, April 13 (CP).—Apprehension was expressed pubUc from learning its contents 1,005 Federal BuUding, Toronto and moorings for motor boats. in French quarters Monday at the prospect of a new crisis through the Press! Wilfred Tansley, 187 Quebec Avenue, INDIAN SCOUT SECOND IN SERIES in the Mediterranean, leaving France alone opposing Ger­ Unlike the House of Assembly, Toronto. Flynn and Tansley arrived That these could pay rental many's fortification of the Rhineland. Officials indicated the debates of the Legislative Coun­ Friday night by the Prince liner from and so recompense the Govern- that the British efforts to get the League of Nations to use cil are not published, though fuUy Buenos Ayres and were flying to ment for the outlay. By William II. Taylor open to aU who may care to attend; Georgetown. Airway officials now force against Italy might force France either to break with so the public is indebted to reporters beUeve the CUpper is Uttle damaged That many more motor boats are Saga, sailed by Eldon Trimingham and his able crew, Italy or turn cool toward Britain, both of which circumstances for information of the proceedings and hope to refloat her today. expected shortly. finished first again yesterday in the fourth race of the series the Government is anxious to avoid. France's plan of action of this legislative body, which has on Doctor Eric Brough who was * * * for the Prince of Wales Trophy, and took the series itself against Hitler's fortifications of the Rhineland is coupled to several occasions demonstrated its drowned in the crash of the Pan That the enthusiastic are going in with a six-and-a-quarter point lead over the second boat. an effort to win Mussolini. France's defence will be con­ usefulness as a valuable check on American Airways plane at Port of for tuna fishing. Saga outsailed the fleet handily yesterday in a strong south­ sidered at the conference Wednesday. Officials said the hasty legislation by the Lower House. Spain was a distinguished musician * * * Were the debates pubUshed ver­ coming to British Guiana to conduct That the crowds over the week-end west breeze, &nd won the race by twenty seconds from meeting may result in the most important move since Hit­ batim the Executive might be pleased examinations for the Royal School turned many thoughts to the Briggs Cunningham's Lucie, one of the visiting American ler put troops into the Rhineland. France opposed further to change the personnel of the Upper of Music, and was Professor of piano­ limitations of a tourist trade. boats. sanctions against Italy. House a little more often than it forte at the Royal Academy of Music * * * Herman Whiton's Indian Scout, Saga's most dangerous is done by death or the departure of a and acted as one of the Board's ex­ That this starts the quantity vs. rival in the series, did badly yesterday, finishing the race in ROME, April 13. (CP)—Italy to­ LONDON, April 13. (OP)—The re­ Government official, but under ex­ aminers in Canada in 1935. quaUty argument again. day was beUeved determined to port circ;zl?.tRd here Monday that isting circumstances such reporters * * * fifth place, and in the total point score she beat out Achilles, snub the meeting of the French, Foreign Secretary Eden will go to are invariably treated with the ut­ -00- That the next yachting contest is sailed by Bayard Dill, by only a quarter-point for second British and Belgian general staffs Berlin in the near future for a talk most courtesy by the Council, mak­ for the Governor Cubitt trophy. place. next Wednesday in London. Angered with Hitler in an effort to break the ing the temporary suppression of the Widow of Famous Physician * * * The twenty-knot breeze gave them by the British Foreign Secretary Locarno impasse. The key ministers contents of Message No. 53, received That this will be a struggle between ground to Lucie and AchUles, but Concludes Visit a hard race yesterday. The starting even so she rounded the buoy three- Anthony Eden's declaration that Bri­ of the Cabinet will meet tomorrow on April 7th and partiaUy read out teams. * * * line was set just outside Two-Rock quarters of a minute ahead of Lucie, tain was indifferent to Italy's pre­ at Downing Street to examine the as usual, aU the more remarkable, That foUowing craft are urged to Passage, with a beat to the Somerset with AchUles a close second and the sence at the Locarno conference entire international situation. It since it concerns the Hospital BUl, Mrs. Charles Harvey Archibald, keep out of the way. table, Mussolini is reported to have was beUeved here that the Cabinet a matter of great public interest. whose husband, Dr. Charles Harvey shore, a reach to the Dockyard rest of the fleet far astern. mark, a broad reach to tbe starting decided on even greater aloofness has already decided upon a sanctions This Message was the result of a Archibald passed away six weeks ago On the final run home both Lucie That the toU of the horses in the buoy, then a second beat to Somer­ from the League's Rhineland ne­ policy in regard to the Italo-Ethio­ request of the CouncU, initiated by as a result of X Ray burns, incurred and AchUles cut down Saga's lead- Easter rush was heavy. set and a run home. gotiations. pian situation. Hon. F. G. Gosling, for the reasons in his scientific research, left for but not by enough to put them within, * * * As was to be expected, Triming­ for changing the method of control New York yesterday on "The Mon­ striking distance of her, and she That three were reported to have ham and Whiton had their eyes on and administration of the King arch." died on the roads. crossed the Une a winner at 5:02:20. each other as the fleet manoeuvered IS DESSYE OCCUPIED? ROME, April 13. (CP)—Advance Edward VII Memorial Hospital'. This Mrs. Archibald is professionally * * * 20 seconds ahead of Lucie. The for the start, and when the gun detachments of MarshaU BadogUo's was in connection with considera­ knows as Ruth Helen Davis. She is fourth boat, Silroc, was nearly two That it looks as though the proposed barked they were the first two over, northern army have occupied the tion of The King Edward Vp Memor­ the author of six books, pubUshed in minutes behind AchUles, but she Flight of Planes Throws Horse Lovers League was urgently with the blue Scout up on T___o__ing- Ethiopian imperial headquarters at ial Hospital Afet, 1936, already ex­ New York and London, four produced and the four boats behind her staged needed. * * * ham's weather quarter.: Saga started Addis Ababa into Panic Dessye, reports from north Africa haustively reported in the Press and plays, and was for Several years one of a spectacular finish, aU roaring oyer That a recent visitor has sent £5 to puU up under Scout's lee bow, and said Monday night. designed to place the administration three women in the United States the Une within a period of under to pay the initial cost of organizing drew ahead, but the blue boat was of the Hospital under a Board of to manage and direct her own theatre half a minute. ADDIS ABABA, April 13. (CP)— this League. edging out to windward as they Trustees, who, together with the in Hollywood. Last year The French To the Trimingham brothers and Nine Italian planes flew over Ethiop­ * * * stood to the southward. Saga tacked GENEVA, April 13. (CP)—Italy and present Secretary-Manager, would Government honoured Mrs. Archi­ their crew, and to their very fast ia's capital Monday throwing the That local members are needed. after a few minutes. Scout tacked to Ethiopia directed new charges of the be appointed by the Governor and bald with the Decoration of "Les new boat, go credit for an outstand­ populace into panic just as the Gov­ * * * cover her, but Trimingham immed­ violation of the international con­ appoint aU other officials themselves. PALMES ACADEMIQUES for drama ing victory. As usual, it would be ernment spokesman said Selassie was That the opening of so many beauti­ iately put about again to keep nis leading a movement of 300,000 fresh ventions of war against one another These appointees of the Trustees and Uterature and for her transla­ impossible to say how much of the ful gardens has been highly appre wind clear and the fight kept on to warriors to the northern front.
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