Chapter I—CoostI-Coast Guard, Dept. of Transportation § 6.15 specify in the confirming written loading or unloading explosives at the waiver order. Department of Defense waterfront in- (f) No penalty shall be imposed be- stallations. This waiver shall not re- cause of failure to comply with any lieve a commercial vessel loading or provision of law and/or regulation, the unloading explosives at the Depart- waiver of which has been made effec- ment of Defense waterfront installa- tive pursuant to the requirements of tions from the requirement of securing this section. a permit from the Coast Guard for (g) This waiver order shall remain in such operations with respect to quan- effect until terminated by proper au- titative or other restrictions imposed thority and notice of cancellation is by the Coast Guard on the basis of published in the FEDERALFEDERAL RRFGiST=.EGISTER. each vessel's ability to meet prescribed stowage and handling requirements. ICGFR[CGFR 64-86, 30 FR 89, Jan. 6, 1965. Redes- ignated, CGFR 69-123, 34 FR 19076, Dec. 2, ICGFR(CGFR 55-49, 20 FR 8638, Nov. 23, 1955. Re- 196911969] designated, CGFR 69-123, 34 FR 19076, Dec. 2, 1969]19691 § 6.07 Chronological record of seaman's previous employment. PART 7-BOUNDARY7—BOUNDARY LINES (a) Compliance is hereby waived with regard to the provisions of sub-sub= GENERALGENERAL section (h) of R.S.R.S. 4551, as amended Sec. (46 U.S.C. 643), to the extent neces- 7.1 General purpose of boundary lines. sary to permit the Commandant of the 7.3 General rule for establishing boundary United States Coast Guard to issue a lines. chronological record of a seaman's AATLANTIcTLANTIC CCOASTOAST previous employment on a single docu- ment, in lieu of making individual 7.5 All harbors on the coast of Maine, New entry in a duplicate continuous dis- Hampshire, and Massachusetts between charge book or furnishing individual West Quoddy Head, Maine, and Cape Ann Light, Mass. certificates of discharge. 7.10 Massachusetts Bay. (b) It is hereby found that the waiv- 7.15 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, ing of the provisions of RR.S..S. 4551(h), Buzzards Bay, Narragansett Bay, Block as amended (46 U.S.C. 643), is neces- Island Sound, and easterly entrance to sary in the interest of national de- Long Island Sound. fense. 7.20 New York Harbor. 7.25 Delaware Bay and tributaries. [CGFRICGFR 51-9, 16 FR 1830, Feb. 27, 1951, as 7.30 Cheasapeake Bay and tributaries. amended by CGFR 59-4a, 24 FR 3055, Apr. 7.35 Charleston Harbor. 21, 1959. Redesignated, CGFR 69-123, 34 FR 7.40 Savannah Harbor. 19076, Dec. 2, 196911969] 7.45 St. Simons Sound, St. Andrew Sound, and Cumberland Sound. § 6.15 Permits for commercial vessels han- 7.50 St. Johns River, Fla. dling explosives at military installa- 7.55 Florida Reefs and Keys from Miami to tions.tions. Marquesas Keys. Pursuant to the request of the Sec- GGuLFULF CCOASTOAST retary of Defense in a letter dated Oc- tober 19, 1955, 7.60 Florida Keys from Marquesas to Cape tober 19, 1955, made under the provi- Sable. sions of section 1 of the act of Decem- Sable. sions of section 1 of the act of Decem- 7.65 San Carlos Bay and tributaries. ber 27, 1950 (64 Stat. 1120; 46 U.S.C., 7.70 Charlotte Harbor, Fla., and tributar- note prec. 1), I hereby waive in the in- ies. terest of national defense compliance 7.80 Tampa Bay and tributaries. with the provisions of RR.S..S. 4472, as 7.89 Apalachee Bay, Fla. amended (46 U.S.C. 1970), and the reg- 7.95 Mobile Bay, Ala., to Mississippi ulations promulgated thereunder in Passes, La. 7.100 MississippiMiecicgippi River. Part 146 of this chapter to the extent that no quantitative restrictions, based 7.103 MississippiMi-dssippi Passes, La., to Sabine that no quantitative restrictions, based Pass, Tex. on considerations of isolation and re- 7.106 Sabine Pass, Tex., to Galveston, Tex. moteness, 7.106 Sabine Pass, Tex., to Galveston, Tex. moteness, shall be required by the 7.111 Galveston, Tex., to Brazos River, Coast Guard for commercial vessels Tex. 73 § 7.1 Title 46-Shipping Sec. utes relating to vessel inspection, 7.116 Brazos River, Tex., to Rio Grande, equipment, and manning require- Tex. ments. PACIFIC COAST § 7.3 General rule for establishing bound- PACIFIC COAST §7.3 General rule for establishing bound- 7.120 Strait of Juan de Fuca, Haro Strait, ary lines. and Strait of Georgia. At all buoyed entrances from sea- 7.122 Grays Harbor, Wash. 7.125 Columbia River Entrance. ward to bays, sounds, rivers, or other 7.127 Crescent City Harbor. estuaries for which specific lines are 7.129 Arcata-Humboldt Bay. not described in this part, the waters 7.131 Bodega and Tomales Bays. inshore of a line approximately paral- 7.133 San Francisco Harbor. lel with the general trend of the shore, 7.135 Santa Cruz Harbor. drawn through the outermost buoy or 7.137 Moss Landing Harbor. buoys or other aid to navigation of 7.139 Monterey Harbor. any system of aids, are inland waters. 7.141 Estero-Morro Bay. 7.143 San Luis Obispo Bay. [CGD 77-163, 43 FR 3562, Jan. 26, 1978]19781 7.144 Ventura Marina. 7.145 San Pedro Bay. ATLAwrICATLAIwrIc COAST 7.147 Santa Barbara Harbor. 7.149 Port Hueneme. § 7.5 All harbors on the coast of Maine, 7.151 Marina del Rey. New Hampshire, and MassachusettsMassacbusetts be- 7.153 Redondo Harbor. tween West Quoddy Head, Maine, and 7.155 Newport Bay. Cape Ann Light, Mass. 7.157 San Diego Harbor. 7.159,.159 Isthmus Cove (Santa Catalina A line drawn from Sail Rock Lighted Island). Whistle Buoy I1 to the southeastern- 7.161 Avalon Bay (Santa Catalina Island). most extremity of Long Point, Maine, to the southeasternmost extremity of HHAWAIIAWAII Western Head; thence to the south-South- 7.175 Mamala Bay. easternmost extremity of Old Man; PPUERTOUERTO RRICOICO AND VIRGINVIRGIN IISLANDSSLANDS thence to the southernmost extremity of Double Shot Islands; thence to 7.200 Bahia de San Juan. 7.200 Bahia de San Juan. Libby Island Light; thence to moose 7.205 Puerto Arecibo. Peak Light; thence to the eastern ex- 7.210 Bahia de Mayaguez. tremity of Little Pond Head. A line 7.215 Bahia de Guanica. tremity of Little Pond Head. A line 7.220 Bahia de Guayanilla-BahlaGuayanUla-Bahia de Tal- drawn from the southern extremity of laboa. Pond Point, Great Wass Island, to the 7.225 Bahia de Ponce. southernmost point of Crumple 7.230 Bahia de Jobos. Island; thence to Petit Manan Light; 7.235 St. Thomas Harbor, St. Thomas. thence to Mount Desert Light; thence 7.240 Christiansted Harbor, Island of St. to Matinicus Rock Light; thence to Croix, Virgin Islands. Monhegan Island Light; thence to 7.245 Sonda de Vieques. Seguin Light; thence to Portland ALASKAALASKA Lighted Horn Buoy A; thence to Boon Island Light; thence to Cape Ann 7.275 Bays, sounds, straits and inlets on Lighted Whistle Buoy 2. the coast of southeastern Alaska be- Lighted Whistle Buoy 2. tween Cape Spencer Light and Sitklan Island. § 7.10 Massachusetts Bay. AAUTHORIn:UTHORITY: Sec. 2, 28 Stat. 672 as amend- A line drawn from Cape Ann Lighted ed (33 U.S.C. 151); sec. 6(b)(1), 80 Stat. 937 Whistle Buoy 2 to Boston Lighted (49 U.S.C. 1655(b)(1)) 49 CFR 1.46(b). Horn Buoy B; thence to Cape Cod Light. SSouRcz:OURCE: CGD 77-118b, 42 PRFR 35793, July 11, 1977; unless otherwise noted. §7.15§ 7.15 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, GENERAL Buzzards Bay, Narragansett Bay, Block Island Sound, and easterly en- § 7.1 General purpose of boundary lines. trance to Long Island Sound. The lines in this part delineate the (a) A line drawn from Chatham application of certain domestic stat- Light to Pollock Rip Lighted Horn 74 Chapter 1—CoastI-Coast Guard, Dept. of Transportation § 7.80 Buoy "PR"; thence to Great Round Whistle Buoy STM; thence to Amelia Shoal Channel Entrance Lighted Island Light. Whistle Buoy "GRS"; thence to San- katy Head Light. § 7.50 St. Johns River, FlaFla. (b) A line drawn from the western- A line drawn from the east end of most extremity of Smith Point, Esther the north jettyJetty to the east end of the Island, to No Mans Land Lighted south Jetty.jetty. Whistle Buoy 2; thence to Gay Head Light; thence to Block Island South- § 7.55 Florida Reefs and Keys from Miami east Light; thence to Montauk Point to Marquesas Keys. Light on the easterly -end of Light on the easterly end of Long A line drawn from the east end of Island, N.Y. the north Jettyjetty at the entrance to Miami Harbor, to Miami Lighted § 7.20 New York Harbor. Whistle Buoy M; thence to Fowey A line drawn from East Rockaway Rocks Light; thence to Pacific Reef Inlet Breakwater Light to Ambrose Light; thence to Carysfort Reef Light; Light; thence to Highlands Light thence to Molasses Reef Light; thence (north tower). to Alligator Reef .Light;Light; thence to Ten- nessee Reef Light; thence to Sombrero § 7.25 Delaware Bay and tributaries. §7.25 Delaware Bay and tributaries. Key Light; thence to American Shoal A line drawn from Cape May Inlet Light; thence to Key West Entrance East Jetty Light to Cape May Harbor Lighted Whistle Buoy; thence to Sand Inlet Lighted Bell Buoy 2CM; thence Key Light; thence to Cosgrove Shoal to South Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy 4; Light; thence to the westernmost ex- thence to the northernmost extemity tremity of Marquesas Keys.
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