CONTENTS: 1. BLACK NATION 1 2. THE REVOLUTIONARY BLACK LUMPEN PROLETARIAT 38 3. CRITICISM AND SELF- CRITICISM CONBAT LIBERALISM 55 5. DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM AT A GLANCE 57 6. DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM 79 7. THE CLASS STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY 85 8. DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT 100 9. POLITICAL ECONOMY 122 10, TERRORISM AND BLACK REVOLUTION 137 11. POLITICAL DICTIONARY 1^0 INTRODUCTION: Although the concepts in this study guide have been reduced to simplified terms, we* still anticipate that the new recruit, or other comrades without a background for this tyoe of knowledge, will require a few tutoring sessions. In fact, group and collec• tive discussion on each topic of this guide, as well as the supple• ments to follow, should serve as the basic format for cadre politi• cal education classes. Each area command is encouraged to repro• duce this study guide in the exact fornat set out here, any dele• tions, modifications, or changes must be cleared through the CC. Long Li/e The Black Revolution Worldivide Long Live The B.L ,A. Build To Win! COORDINATING COMMITTAL NYURBA BLACK MAT ION PART I THE NATURE OF BLACK REVOLUTION As Black Revolutionaries we recognize the existence of the Black Nation in diaspora. That is to say we hold that the tens of millions of Black people scattered throughout the amerikkan indus• trial centers constitute an oppressed nation, a colony. We seek the liberation of that colony--as a nation, and not as a mere class : or racial minority. In other words, we reject Proletarian Revolu• tion in the generally accepted sense of the term, and opt for Black ' Revolution. - •:/ivj^'ui*. it 1 •,: f: iPV:: For the Black Nation we boldly seek a land base in which our people can live in peace, brother/sisterhood, and human dignity. Upon this land we would cut ourselves aloose, in so far as it is possible, from all ties with capitalism, and establish a human soci• ety, a system of socialism in which the means of production are owned by the whole people; where there is equitable distribution of ; wealth, and the spiritual and intellectual development of no person suffers because of economic want or deprivation of human rights. We identify the enemies of the Black Nation--not as white peo• ple per se, but as the Monopoly capitalist class and its agents--be they black or white. While we fully acknowledge the uniqueness of the black soul, and are aware of its beauty and latent power, and are convinced that its creativity has only barely been scratched-- and to some extent we concede that manv of us harbor a certain amount of black chauvinism, yet we are not reverse racist. We do not seek to deny the essential humanity of other races, nor seek to ex- 1 ploit or oppress, or necessarily exclude other races. If there are black crime, killer cops, last hired and firs! fired. All this and those among other races, such as John Brown, the S.L.A., the Wea• more can be traced ultimately to the imperatives of the bourgeois ther people, Chicanos or whomsoever, who can grasp our vision of a systems of money-making. These contradictions are irreconcilable human nation with human principles, and who are willing to pay the and insoluble within the context of the systen. We shall break blood sacrifices required, and suffer along with us the agonies and aloose from the system, nor allow bourgeosidon to infest and infil• ecstacies of Nation building--then we hold they should/shall be wel• trate the black ranks; for it is a humanly alien creed, exploita• comed into the Black Nation with open arms; with full citizenship, tive , decei tful , selfish, devisive. We shall persecute the class and equal rights in every respect. The Black Nation to be-- shall enemy ruthlessly, within and without...root and branch. be founded on human principles. We have suffered, and the world We clearly perceive that to tear the Rlack Nation away from has suffered enough inhumanities of man against man and race against bourgeois-racistamerikkka entails a war and blood letting of such the race. We will have none of it. magnitude likes of which these shores have not witnessed for more Not so with our class enemy. The differences between the black than a hundred yeaTS. But such a var is inevitable considering our masses and the bourgeois class has an eccnomic base that is wholly only other alternative is continued oppressior ard slavery. It is irreconcilable. It is the greed and unscrupulous drive for profits as the righteous comrade John Brown once stated: "...This guilty of this class in one or another of its several forms (chattel sla• land shall not repent except by blood." Undoubtedly, much of the very, wage slavery, etc.) which lies behind our three centuries of blood will be black blood. Thousands of us sliall die. Perhaps tens will travail. At their hands we have suffered brutal and harsh oppres• of thousands. Millions of us be inprisoued, incarcerated, in• sion beyond the ken of civilized imagination. Stripped utterly of terned. Families will be dislocated, tern away from loved ones, we muTdered. will human status, we were reduced to the level of animals with no more will be tortured, raped and 1-ut we fight on and we rights than a draft horse. At the whim of our bourgeois masters we will win. J were whipped, raped, maimed, murdered, denied family ties and all We will win because, among other things, we have a unique advan• human development. Similar oppression continues even today in di• tage which no other enemy of the amerikkan ruling class has ever had. rect and indirect forms. Behind the guise of white chauvinism in• Although the amerikkan ruling'; class sent armies and/murder to what• fested in an entire nation of 200 million white workers the dehuman• ever peoples and nations that have opposed their greedy aspirations, izing conditions yet exist--in the form of denial of opportunity none of these nations and peoples have been able to send troops and and democratic rights. The social conditions imposed upon us vet murder back to the amerikkan ruling class. Hence being scattered heap untold misery upon our people. Henocide, spiritually and throughout the belly of the beast, oppressive as it is has this one sically, continues systematically and premeditatedly--black ori 5 frorn his base of support anon,? the white vorHng class. Hopefully, i\ e may cause a nation-vsride division among then on a par with the di• advantage--we have access to his entrails, his vital organs. And vision which occurred during the Vietnam War. We can only do this we shall take full advantage of this access. We shall strike by consistently and clearly avoiding brushes with the white working boldly, ruthlessly, relentlessly. For it is War! War without class, and heighten the contrast by delivering devastating blows to terms! the bourgeoisie. Anything we do to the bourgeoi s i e vill be fair. There will be no honorable terms in this war, no "international Our strategy in winning independence and separation is, simply rules." We will not be honored with the recognition of soldiers of stated, the strategy of Moses. To so plague and afflict the capital• a nation recognized and accepted in the world community of nations. ist pharoah class--that they will be glad to let our people go. We can be assured they will use everything in their considerable Black revolution is a colonial question which seeks not the destruc• power to block such international recognition. They will label us tion of the bourgeoisie as a class, nor to establish socialism in as criminals and terrorists--outside the wall of protection of hu• anerikkka, but has the limited objective of securing liberation of..,, mane rules. Nor shall we ask them for any quarter, though from time the black colony through conviiicing the capitalist oligarchy that, to time we may put on a show of demanding they abide by their own although the loss of the colony is a fundamental set-back, that with lofty proclamations of justice, due process, etc. But such shows the demands foT massive reparations ard all, it would yet be to will be tactics to expose their true beastly nature. We know what their greater advantage to surrender this part of their empire, that to expect before hand. These are the same people who murder our hopefully they may salvage the remainder. babies in church. KKK, CIA, they're all the same. Just like the That bein^ the case we hare the strategic advantage of not ad- CIA went through the mafia to strike at the Premier of Cuba, like• rocating the destruction of anerikkka or the overthroiA^ of the gov• wise they used KKK contacts to hit Dr. Martin Luther Xing, Jr. CIA, ernment thereby incensing the l>lind patriotisn of 200 million apoli• KKK, Cosa Nostra, Fascism, ail these kindred creeds have exploita• tical, apathetic vhite workl^kers. The bourgeois leaders will not tion and oppression of peoples at their core and they're all inter• be able to raise the cry that they are fighting to "save democracy," locked. Hence, if there perchance are those who are yet blinded by restore "libert)-," and "equality," etc. They can only raise the bourgeois propaganda and think the monopoly capitalist oligarchy is tired old cry of "lav 'n order." somehow a nobler breed of pit viper-throw it out of your minds. The question thea is hovi much pain must he inflicted or--will But again we reiterate that the enemy is the bourgeois ruling the ruling oligarchy ever suTremder the black colony: will they class and its agents and 1ackeys-- and not the white workers.
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